Duncan research files of |
1820 Belmont Co. OH Census Richland Twp. Pg.203 Robt. Duncan 200101 - 32301 Union Twp. Pg.286 John Duncan 000110 - 21010 1830 Belmont Co. OH Census Kirkwood Twp. Pg.192 James Duncan 0110,01 - 110 (MAD: one James Duncan mar. Mary McKever of Kirkwood 5/26/1831; 1840-1850 Shelby Co. IL census) Richland Twp. Pg.241 John Duncan 1011,0001 - 1121,01 244 Jane Duncan 0001,1 - 0001,3000,1 Meade Twp. Pg.287 James Wilson 0010,001 - 1100,001 (MAD: ?? one Patty Duncan mar. James Wilson 8/4/1827 Meigs Co. OH; no James Wilson in Belmont Co. OH 1840) Farmington Twp. Pg.315 James Wilson 0000,001 - 001 (MAD: no older female in James Wilson's household) Coleran Twp. Pg.317 Benjamin E. Duncan 0000,02 - 0001,0001 Smith Twp. Pg.369 Joseph Wilson 1001,2 - 0011 1840 Belmont Co. OH Census Bellview? Town, Puttney Twp. Pg.103 Joseph Wilson 2102,3 - 2001,1 Richland Twp. Pg.116 John Duncan 0000,01 - 0 121 James Duncan 1000,01 - 2000,1 Jane Duncan 0100,1 - 0000,2000,1 Goshen Twp. Pg.148A Joseph N. Wilson 0200,01 - 3000,0100,01 John B. Duncan 0000,001 - 0000,011 (MAD: next to each other; John B. Duncan had wife Rachel; Ruth Duncan 83 VA w/Joseph Wilson in 1850 Goshen Twp. next to John Duncan) Flushing Twp. Pg.203 Joseph Wilson 0000,11 - 1000,1
1850 Belmont Co. OH Census
Goshen Twp.
Pg.437, #1084, John DUNCAN 57 VA miller $2000
Rachel 35 VA
James 10 OH
Emaline FOX 18 OH
Pg.438, #1099, Joseph WILSON 46 VA farmer $2420
Lydia 45 VA
John W. 18, Mosses (sic) 16 OH
Lucinda 13, Virginia 12 OH
Angelina 10, Joseph 8 OH
James 5, Stephen 3 OH
Mary 2/12 OH
(Louis Boone note: ? Ruth Burson, widow of John Duncan, from Loudoun Co. VA; MAD: ? or widow of Joshua Duncan Jr. from Clark Co. KY; 1860 Warren Co. IA census)
Pg.138, #447, James DUNKIN 45 SCT farmer $1600
Margarett 35 OH
Jane 14, Archibald 12 OH
Mary 10, Elizabeth 8 OH
John 6, Robert G. 4 OH
Pg.140, #486, Robert DUNKIN 37 OH farmer $4000
Jennit 77 SCT
Euphenis (f) 40 PA
Elizabeth 38, Mary 33 OH
Martha J. KELLEY 8 OH
Robert MILLS 5, Oliver 4 OH
(MAD: Euphenis 40 is Helen; ?? Mary 33 had married Isaac Kelley in 1840; Jennit 77 was the widow of Robert Duncan who died 1826)
1860 Belmont Co. OH Census
Richland Twp.
Pg.41, #570-578, Robert DUNCAN 40 OH farmer $5000-$900
Euphenas (f) 48 PA
Elizabeth 46 OH
Mary 38 OH
Robert G. MILLS 17, Oliver 15 OH
Pg.45, #621-629, James DUNCAN 64 SCT farmer $2500-$530
Margaret 51 SCT
Jane 25 SCT
Archibald 23, Mary 21 OH
Elizabeth 18, John W. 16 OH
Robert G. 13 OH
Pease Twp., Bridgeport
Pg.250, #939-901, John C. DUNCAN 24 OH teamster $300-$75
Matilda 24 OH
Hattie 6, Joseph 4 OH
Ida 1 OH
Pease Twp.
Pg.262, #1107-1062, John DUNCAN 64 PA farmer $0-$200
Margaret 29 PA housekeeper
Ann E. WEAVER 26 PA widow
Harriet DUNCAN 20 OH
James 17 OH farmer
Hance S. WEAVER (m) 6 OH
(MAD: ? 1850 Guernsey Co. OH census)
1870 Belmont Co. OH Census
Bridgeport, Pease Twp.
Pg.145, #567-569, McNEELY, Hugh 74? (79?) PA Postmaster $1000-$500
Phebe 55 NJ keeping house
Virginia 25 OH assisting in keeping house
Victoria 23 OH serving in family
Vandalia (f) 21 OH serving in family
Willianna (f) 19 OH serving in family
Emma 17 OH at school
MITCHELL, Rodney 44 PA druggist $2200-$8000
DUNCAN, James 28 OH grocer whsl. $200-$4000
KELLEY, Carolus (m) 28 OH ticket agent RR
NEWELL, Otis 19 PA telegraph operator
GRAHAM, William 19 OH clerk in grocery
Pg.149, #629-631, DUNCAN, John 40 OH laborer $2000-$100
Sarah 30 OH keeping house
Harriet E. 15 OH at school
Joseph D. 14, Ida May 12 OH at school
David F. 5, Margaret 2 OH at home
Pease Twp.
Pg.164, #852-854, BATES, John S. 35 OH grocer whsl. $35,000-$12,000
Hattie 30 OH keeping house
Jessie (f) 6, John 4, Charles 2 OH at home
Mary 6/12 OH at home, b. Dec.
DUNCAN, Margaret 35 OH serving in family
HARPER?, Sarah 19 OH domestic servant
Richland Twp
Pg.267, #145-141, DUNCAN, Robert 55 SCT farmer $6520-$2000, parents of foreign birth
Elisabeth 57 NJ keeps house, parents of foreign birth
KELLY, Mary 52 OH asst. house keeper, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, John 78 NY carpenter $0-$2000, parents of foreign birth
Pg.269, #177-173, DUNCAN, James 74 SCT farmer $4620-$1000, parents of foreign birth
Margaret 50 OH keeps house, parents of foreign birth
Jane 28 OH works at home, father of foreign birth
Archibald 26 OH works on farm $0-$150, father of foreign birth
John W. 24 OH jour. carpenter $0-$125, father of foreign birth
Mary 20 OH works at home, father of foreign birth
Elisabeth 18 OH at home, father of foreign birth
Robert 21 OH jour. carpenter $0-$125, father of foreign birth
Belmont Co. OH Marriages (no cross-index; following from scan of groom indexes)
Vol.A & B, 1803-1825 (FHL film 902,142; typed)
B-211: James Duncan to Mary McFadden, #591, 18 Oct. 1821, mar. by Abner Moore JP
B-27: Samuel Moore to Phoebe Duncan, mar. 20 Dec. 1809 by Isaac Moore, JP
Samuel Moore to Ward, Ruth, Dec. 4, 1814 (from "Belmont Co. OH Marriage Records, 1801-1821" by R.P. Selby, 1983, from Denzil Mauldin 5/1984; FHL book 977.193 V28s)
David Dukren to Adams, Ann, July 6, 1815 (from "Belmont Co. OH Marriage Records, 1801-1821" by R.P. Selby, 1983, from Denzil Mauldin 5/1984; FHL book 977.193 V28s)
Settlement Record B, 1817- (FHL film 902,142)
B-53: James Duncan to Mary McFadden, affidavit of Jacob Miller of Kirkwood, Oct. 15, 1821.
Vol.1, 1822-1825 (FHL film 902,142)
1-110: Thomas Sinclair to Margaret Duncan of Richland, lic. 18 March, mar. 21 March 1823 by Wm. McNeely JP who knew both parties to be of age.
Vol.2, 1825-1830 (FHL film 902,142)
2-320: Christopher Ault to Miss Eleanor Duncan of Richland, license 17 March 1830, mar. 18 March 1830 by George Meek, JP; "satisfied no legal objection"
Vol.3, 1830-1833 (FHL film 902,143)
3-64: James Duncan to Mary McKever of Kirkwood; James appears of lawful age; Mary McKever's father gave consent; license 25 May 1831, mar. 26 May 1831 by A. Moore, JP
Vol.4, 1833-1835 - no groom; no cross-index; no Wilson to Duncan (FHL film 902,143)
4-309: William Crawford to Jane Duncan, lic. 14 June 1837 (no return)
Vol.5, 1836-1844 (FHL film 902,143)
5-182: Isaac Kelley to Mary Duncan, lic. 10 Nov. 1840, mar. 11 Nov. 1840 by James Alexander VDM
Vol.7, 1844-1849 (apparently no Vol.6) (FHL film 902,143)
No Duncan groom; no Joseph Wilson to Lydia ---; did not check brides; not typed.
Original Marriage records V.1-3 1821-32 (FHL film 317,291)
No Patty Duncan to James Wilson, Aug. 4, 1827
Marriage records typed v.A-B 1803-30 & 1-2 1822-30 (FHL film 902,142)
No Patty Duncan to James Wilson, Aug. 4, 1827 (said to be in "Belmont Co. OH Marriage Records, 1801-1821" by R.P. Selby, 1983, from Denzil Mauldin 5/1984; FHL book 977.193 V28s, but not found in this source)
Belmont Co. OH Will Records (FHL film 886,934)
Record B, 1817-1824 - no Duncan
Record C, 1824-1827:
C-153: 20 Feb. 1826 court; James Grimes and Arther Grimes produced will of Robert Duncan; letters testamentary issued to John Duncan and Jennet Duncan. Will of Robert Duncan (August ?? 1825): wife Jenet the plantation whereon I now live during her natural life or widowhood, also personal property except the part willed to some of my children, and if any or all of my daughters, to wit, Jane Lindsey, Helen Eiphens, Elizabeth and Mary, should marry in the lifetime of my widow, she shall give each of them a bed and cow. To my son John my 3 volumes of Halls Contemplations and horn for snuff box; to my sons James and Robert George after decease of my wife, all my real estate and personal property, providing if any daughter should be unmarried and remain single, they shall furnish them with home, or they marry, they shall furnish them a bed and cow. If my sons James and Robert die without legal issue, the estate be equally divided between all my children or their legal heirs. To my son Robert George my 8-day clock which I brought from Europe with me. If my son Robert George should die without legal issue, then my 8-day clock should descend to my grandson Robert Duncan son of my son John. To my son Archibald my London Magazine and Gold weights and scales and ?? ???. My executor to pay to my daughter Margaret the sum of $1. To my daughter Agness whom I suppose to be now in Europe $1, and if she comes to America a single woman within 10 years after my decease, I give to her one bed and bedding to be furnished her by my widow or my executor. Those of my daughters who become widows having been married shall receive the same provisions as my daughters who remain single, by my sons James & Robert. When my son Robert is 21 and he and James should wish to divide the estate, my executors shall divide the estate to them as equally as possible. No division should take place until after the death of my widow Jenet. Should my son James marry prior to her death, he shall furnish himself with a house at his own expense. Appoint son John and wife Jenet executors. Wit. (cannot read)
Belmont Co. OH Will Books
Book D, 1828-1830 - no Duncan except final settlement for Robert Duncan page 8, not copied. (FHL film 886,935)
Book E, 1830-1832 - no Duncan
Book F, 1833-1839 - no Duncan (FHL film 886,936)
Book G, 1839-1845 - no Duncan
Book H, 1845-1856 - no Duncan (FHL film 886,937)
Inventory Book A, 1832-1841 - no Duncan (FHL film 886,941)
Inventory Book B, 1841-1844 - no Duncan
General Index to Estates to 1906 (FHL film 902,155)
Duncan, Archibald, adm. Margaret Duncan; #9389; 22 Feb. 1886
Duncan, John, exr. William Alexander; #5207; 21 May 1864
Others later, none earlier
Belmont Co. OH Index to Estates, Early to 1906 (FHL film 902,155)
Duncan, Archibald; admx. Margaret Duncan; File #9389, appointed Feb. 22, 1886; appointment journal 16-25; Bond 7-377; Inventory Z-106; Sale Bills Z-230; First account 5-555; Private sale ordered 16-47.
Duncan, John; exec. William Alexander; File #5207, appointed May 21, 1864; appointment journal 3-104; Will K-33; Bond 2-229; Inventory J-457; First account R-400.
Duncan James; (blank); File #6467; Will K-527; Election of widows 5-430 (no dates given).
Duncan, James Sr.; admin. Louis B. Ackerman; File #10790, appointed March 23, 1892; appointment journal 20-21; Bond 8-335; Inventory 30-424; First account 11-264.
Duncan, Robt. G.; exec. Wm. H. McBride; File #9546, appointed Dec. 11, 1886; appointment journal 16-282; Will O-444; Bond 9-47; Inv. Z-465; First account 7-78; Second account 9-111; Executor Resigns 19-283.
Belmont Co. OH Deeds (all deeds from index)
Index A, 1811-1830 (FHL film 875,931)
Index Vol. 1, 1831-1845 (FHL film 875,932)
Index Vol. 2, 1845-1856 (FHL film 875,933)
N-281: 1 March 1830, James (X) Duncan and wife Mary (X), heirs of James McFadden decd, to John Brown, all Belmont Co. OH, $200, 50 acres, part of NE 1/4 Sec. 10, T. 9, R. 6, dist. of Steubenville. Wit. Abner Moore, James Waddell. (FHL film 875,926)
Q-456: 7 Jan. 1830, James Waddell and wife Sarah to James Duncan, William Shane, James Murphy, James Waddell and Richard Palmer, trustees of Belmont Co. Methodist Church, 25 cents, 1 acre in Sec. 17, T9, R6. (FHL film 875,928)
W-539: 26 Nov. 1838, Joseph N. Wilson and wife Lydia E. to John B. Dunkin, all Belmont Co. OH, $48.33, 8 acres 3 rods, part of E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec. 116, T7, R5. Wit. Thomas A. Way, Isaac Smith. (FHL film 875,942)
33-404: 14 April 1849, James Duncan and wife Margaret (X) to Robert G. Duncan, both Belmont Co. OH, $800, 1/2 undivided tract, NW 1/4 Sec. 1, T7, R4, the same land Robert Duncan died seized and possessed, which since that time was held jointly by said James Duncan and Robert G. Duncan under will of Robert. Wit. Wilson S. Kennon, William J. Coymble. (FHL film 875,948)
34-529: 21 March 1848, William Marshall and wife Hannah to James Duncan, $1600, 80 acres, S 1/2, NW 1/4, Sec. 7, T7, R4, land conveyed by Patrick Gregory and wife Elizabeth to said Alexander Reed by deed 10 Sept. 1832, by Reed to William Marshall and wife by deed 6 May 1848. Wit. Robert Stilt/Stift, Robert G. Duncan. (FHL film 875,948)
35-212: 20 March 1851, Jonathan Ady and wife Cherry to John B. Dunkin, all Belmont Co. OH, $300, 18 acres 12-1/2 poles, part of E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 11, T7, R5. Wit. B.G. Wright, Wm. Day. (FHL film 875,949)
39-483: 7 April 1855, John B. Dunkin and wife Rachael (X) to John H. Nichols, all Belmont Co. OH, $1500, 24 acres 15 poles, part of NE 1/4 Sec. 16, T7, R5. Wit. Joseph N. Wilson, Wm. McFarling. (FHL film 875,951)
39-488: 7 April 1855, Joseph N. Wilson and wife Lydia E. to John B. Dunkin, all Belmont Co. OH, $5, 1 rod 2-1/2 poles, part of E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 16, T7, R5. Wit. John H. Nichols, Wm. McFarling. (FHL film 875,951)
Belmont Co. OH Deed Index for Joseph Wilson
(MAD: Looking for Joseph (N.) Wilson, wife Lydia (E.) b. 1805 VA, with whom Ruth Duncan was living in 1850 per census; also 1838 deed W-539. Wanted date the family appeared in Belmont Co. OH; have not yet identified this Ruth Duncan.)
Index Vol. A, 1811-1830 (FHL film 875,931)
N-361: 22 March 1828, Jacob Calvert to Joseph Wilson, $36, Jacobsburg lot 85
O-322: 1 Nov. 1830, John Wilson et al to Ephraim Wilson, $500, 83a, Sec.36 T6R4
O-361: 28 Dec. 1830, Joseph Wilson to Saml. McGuire, $60, Jacobsburg lot 85
O-518: 5 Jan. 1831, Saml. McGuire to Joseph Wilson, $340, 80+a, Sec.20 T6 R4
Q-321: 8 April 1833, Wm. Hamilton to Joseph N. Wilson, $35, 2+a Sec.16 T7 R5
Q-321: 3 April 1833, Edwin Booth to Joseph N. Wilson, $245, 40a Sec.16 T7 R5
Index vol.1 1831-45 (FHL film 875,932)
No Joseph N. Wilson.
Belmont Co. OH Deeds for Joseph Wilson
Q-321: 8 April 1833, William (X) Hamilton of Belmont Co. OH to Joseph N. Wilson (no locality), $35, 2-1/2 acres, part of S 1/2 E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.16 T7 R5, adj. State Road. Wit. Amore? Hurst, Stephen B. Wilson. (FHL film 875,928)
Q-321 (2nd): 3 April 1833, Edwin Booth and wife Sarah of Belmont Co. OH to Joseph N. Wilson of same, $245, S 1/2 E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.16 R5 T7 except 2 small lots sold William Hamilton and Jacob Lamb by William Hefsen; to take possession subject to covenants in a lease executed by trustees of the original Twp. 7 to David Nevell on 19 April 1822 and to lease by William Hefsen (Hepsen?) to William Hamilton and Jacob Lamb for the two lots above mentioned. Wit. Eleazer Evans, Stephen B. Wilson. (FHL film 875,928)
Guernsey Co. OH Deeds (SLC 2/2009)
D-158: 10 Sept. 1821, Charles Scurr and wife Sarah of Guernsey Co. OH to John Duncan of Belmont Co. OH, $30, tract deeded to Charles Scurr by James Hall, adj. South side of the road from Fairview to Winchester, being part of SW 1/4 Sec.2 R7 T10, 6 acres more or less. Wit. Jas. Gilliland JP, J.E. Newell (FHL film 893,752)
D-159: 10 Sept. 1821, Charles Scurr and wife Sarah of Guernsey Co. OH to John Duncan of Belmont Co. OH, $300, lot #28 in village of Fairview, 1/4 acre. Wit: Jas. Gilliland JP, J.E. Newell. (FHL film 893,752)
Hardin Co. OH Deed Records v.K-L, 1850-1852 (FHL film 913,868; SLC 9/12/2012)
L-449: Certificate No.8956. US to James Duncan of Belmont Co. OH who deposited in General Land Office at Bucyrus a certificate ... payment has been made, for NE 1/4 Sec.5 Fract. Twp.5S Range 9, containing 160 acres according to survey, this a grant to said James Duncan, 21 April 1835. Recorded Vol.18 Page 202? Certification by General Land Office June 16, 1852. Recorded Aug. 14, 1852. (FHL film 913,868)
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, James, widow Duncan, Lura E.; H 142 Ohio Inf.; 1891 Sept. 15, Invalid Appl. #1057496, Cert. #763167, Ohio; 1907 Aug. 5, Widow Appl. #874193, Cert. #674081, Ohio; remarks XC2680619. (MAD: ?? 1900 Belmont Co. OH, he b.1846 PA)
Duncan, James E., widow Duncan, Lillie A.; I 166 Ohio Inf., C 184 Ohio Inf.; 1884 Sept. 11, Invalid Appl. #522089, Cert. #343065, OH; 1912 Oct. 17, Widow Appl. #995085, Cert. #750976, Ohio; remarks XC2685904; not iden. with Min. Cef. #542794 James E. Duncans I 166 Ohio Inf. (MAD: ?? James & Lillie in 1880 Belmont Co. OH)
1890 "History of the upper Ohio Valley : with family history and biographical sketches; a statement of its resources, industrial growth and commercial advantages" (Belmont & Jefferson Co.) Vol.II, pub. by Brant & Fuller (Los Angeles Public Library book R977 H637; FHL book 973 H2hu and films 496,598 item 3 and 496,599 item 1)
Includes. Hist. Upper OH Valley, Ohio Co. WV; "Pan-Handle"; Medical Hist. Pan-Handle: Biog. Sketches Brooke, Hancock & Marshall Cos. WV; History of Logan the Mingo chief; Bench & Bar of Jefferson Co.; Biog. Sketches, Education & Religion; Medical Hist. Jefferson Co.; Hist. Belmont Co.; Agricultural Resources.
Vol.II - Belmont and Jefferson Co. OH
Pg.529-530, Belmont County. George Duncan, of Martin's Ferry, a prominent attorney, was born in Allegheny Co. PA, May 11, 1841. He is the son of Thomas Duncan, a native of Pennsylvania, who was reared in Allegheny county, and learned the trade of wool-carding. He became the owner of a carding mill about ten miles north of Pittsburgh, on the Allegheny road, which he operated about forty years. Disposing of this in 1862, he purchased a farm on which he resided until his death, November 19, 1864. He was married in 1838, to Nancy Herdman, by whom he had six children, of whom three besides the subject of this sketch, are living. The mother also survives. George Duncan received his early education in the common schools of Allegheny county, and in the Valley academy, and when about nineteen years old began the study of law with Thomas Howard and John D. Mahon, of Pittsburgh. Removing subsequently to Columbiana Co. OH, he completed his studies with J.D. King, and in November, 1865, he was admitted to the bar of Mahoning county. While pursuing these professional studies he had followed teaching in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Beginning the practice in Columbiana county, in 1867, he remained there seven years, and then went to Norwalk, Ohio, which was his residence until he removed to Martin's Ferry, in the spring of 1878. ... Mr. Duncan was married in 1863, to Maggie Hall, of Allegheny county, by whom he has three children: Thomas M., Nannie V., and Lottie.
1879 "The History of Warren County, Iowa : containing a history of the county, its cities, towns, etc., a biographical directory of its citizens, war record of its volunteers in the late rebellion, general and local statistics, portraits of early settlers and prominent men, history of the northwest, history of Iowa, map of Warren County, constitution of the United States, constitution of the State of Iowa, miscellaneous matters, &c." pub. by Union Historical (FHL book 977.782 E7m and films 989,437 item 2 and 874,361 item 2)
Pg.643: Biographical Township Directory: Belmont Township. WILSON, J.N., farmer, Sec.24; P.O. Felix, born October 6, "1823" in Loudon County, Virginia; here he grew to manhood; came to Ohio in 1830, where he lived till 1854, when he came to this county and settled where he now lives; helped to organize the township; and voted at the first election; he and John Duncan gave the township its name; has held several township offices and been largely identified with the school interests of the town; when he came here there was but one house in sight, and only the one lone tree, which many of the old settlers will remember was cut down by one Hilton for firewood during a storm in which he was unable to get to the timber; Mr. Wilson gathered up in early times about 1,000 acres of land, which he has given to members of his family as they have grown up, only reserving for himself a competency during his old age; owns a fine farm of 200 acres; was married Oct. 9, 1830, to Miss Lydia E. Dunkin, a native of Virginia; have had nine children: John W., Moses H., Tamer L., Lydia V., Angelia, James M., Stephen, Mary E. and Joseph L.; Tamer L. and John W. are deceased. (MAD: from Belmont Co. OH)
1896 "A Memorial and biographical record of Iowa" by Charles Frush; pub. Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co. (LH11536, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL film 934,926 item 6; book 977.7 D3m v.1&2 and film 1,033,791 items 2-3 and fiche 6,051,365)
Pg.424-425: M.H. WILSON, [one of the] pioneer settlers of Warren Co. IA, from 1855. Born August 27, 1833, in Belmont Co. OH, and was the second of nine children of J.N. and Lydia (Duncan) Wilson. The father was born in Loudoun county, Virginia, and died in Belmont Township, Warren County, Iowa, his remains being interred in the Quaker cemetery, ... His wife, who was also a native of Virginia, now sleeps by his side in the quiet cemetery. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. They became residents of Belmont County, Ohio, in 1832, and in 1855 started Westward with a "prairie schooner" making the journey to Fairfield, Iowa, in four weeks. For a year they remained in Jefferson county, and then came to Warren county. They were accompanied by the maternal grandmother, Mrs. Duncan, who was then past the age of ninety years. She was long a member of the Society of Friends, but in her later years joined the Methodist Church, and was ever a consistent Christian woman. M.H. Wilson was a young man of 22 years when with the family he came to Iowa ... On the 2d of March, 1858, he married Miss Cecelia Gregg, a native of Belmont county, Ohio, and a daughter of Abner Gregg, who died in that county. Two children ...
1910 "Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois : and History of Shelby County" ed. by Newton Bateman, Paul Selby; Shelby Co. history edited by George D. Chafee; pub. by Munsell Pub. (FHL film 825,605; from Sue Monaghan 4/1986)
Pg.856-7: DUNCAN, JAMES ALEXANDER ... now living retired at Windsor, Shelby Co. IL, born in Belmont Co. OH, August 27, 1834, son of James and Mary (McKever) Duncan, he a native of Delaware Co. PA, she of VA although reared in OH. The Duncan family comes of Scotch ancestry, and the McKever family from Irish stock. James Duncan's father served under Washington in the Rev. War, and died when James was two years old.
James Duncan settled in OH right after the War of 1812, in which he had served, and in 1838 he came to Shelby Co. with others, and settled among those who had come before him. James Duncan secured land in Sec. 22 of Richland twp, owning eventually 590 acres, ... Some of the land was entered from the Government, but his home place had been originally secured by Ben Douthit. He lived there from 1838 until 1858, when he moved 1/2 mile north. Some of the early pioneers of Richland Twp were: George Rouse and family, Tobias Shay and family, John McFadden, John Brown, Michael Brown, James Griffin and family, and Tobias Renner, all from OH; the Kinzie Robinson family from KY, who settled there in 1830, the McCoy family, and several Parks families. ... McCoy Spring was named after Pioneer McCoy, who was one of the early settlers of this locality, but he left here before James Alexander Duncan was old enough to remember him.
... Later James Duncan ... dying April 15, 1864, when he was 72 years old. His wife died two years before him, and was ten years his junior, being his second wife. His first wife was a McFadden, sister of John McFadden and of Mrs. John Brown. By his first wife James Duncan had the following children: John, who died at the age of 28, came to IL with his family; Margaret, who married John Pfieffer, died at the age of 30; and Ruth, who married John Leathers, died in Prairie Twp, at the age of 45. By his second wife James Duncan had these children: James Alexander; Mary Jane, who married Caleb Shaw, died at the age of 69, near Wichita, KS; Sarah who married William Nichols, died near Wichita, KS, aged 35; William, killed at Chickamauga when 23; Samuel who lives on the old homestead; and Thomas, who is on the old homestead. James Duncan was a shoemaker and worked at his trade in conjunction with his farming. James Alexander Duncan ... remained on his father's farm until his marriage to Jane Evans ... Mrs. Duncan died in 1866, ... (see Shelby Co. IL for more)
Pg.858: DUNCAN, THOMAS ... of Sec. 15, Richland Twp. ... belongs to the Duncan family which has been intimately associated with the pioneer history of the county, being born on his present farm, August 26, 1844, a son of James and Mary (McKever) Duncan, who settled on this place 75 years ago (about 1834) and there spent the rest of their lives. ...
1891 "Portrait & Biographical Record Shelby & Moultrie Cos. IL" by Biographical Publ. Co. (FHL book 977.3 D3ps; see Shelby Co. IL for more)
Pg.430-1: Samuel Duncan, resides on Sec. 22 of Richland Twp, Shelby Co.; native of this State, of American parentage although his ancestors were probably Scotch. His father was James Duncan, who was born in Delaware Co. PA. His mother, who was before her marriage a Miss Mary McKeever, lived to see her son take an honorable position in life. They died in Richland Twp. Six children grew up, four sons and two daughters, the subject being 5th child in order of birth. Samuel Duncan born Richland Twp, May 8, 1842; ...
Pg.535-6: James A. Duncan ... Doubtless of Scotch descent, our subject's father was born in Delaware Co. PA in 1788; his mother who in her maidenhood was Mary E. McKeever was a native of VA. After marriage, they first settled in Belmont Co. OH, then to Shelby Co. this state, to Richland Twp. in 1838 where both parents passed away. The mother died April 30, 1862; the father survivied her two years, dying April 10, 1864. Mrs. Duncan, our subject's mother, was of Irish ancestry. James Duncan Sr. was the father of six children, including four sons and two daughters. Our subject was eldest, born in Belmont Co. OH on Aug. 27, 1834. When the subject was four, his parents to Shelby Co. ...
1883 "History of the State of Kansas : containing a full account of its growth from an uninhabited territory to a wealthy and important state; of its early settlements; a supplementary history and description of its counties, cities, towns and villages, their advantages, industries and commerce, to which are added biographical sketches and portraits of prominent men and early settlers" ed. by William G. Cutler, A.T. Andreas; pub. Chicago : A.T. Andreas (FHL book 978.1 H2hi 1976 & v.2; FHL film 982,248 items 1-2)
Pg.1142: Crawford Co., Washington Twp. ROBERT W. DUNCAN, farmer and stock-raiser, Section 3, P.O. Girard, was born in the county of Donegal, Ireland, May 15, 1842, and came to America with his people, in 1850, who settled in Belmont County, Ohio, in 1852, where he was reared and educated; he engaged at cooperage business there, and carried it on till the breaking-out of the war, when he enlisted his services in April, 1861, in Company B, Fifteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, for three months, at which time he was honorably discharged; he then re-enlisted in Company A, Forty-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and did active service as volunteer for two-and-a-half years; he then veteranized in the same company and regiment, and remained actively in the service till the end of the war, when he was honorably discharged as veteran of Company A, Forty-third Ohio Veteran Infantry; after the war, he returned home and carried on cooperage business for several years; latterly, doing constructing business extensively till 1877, when he came here, and has been successfully connected with the present industry since. In November, 1866, he married Miss Clara B. Bishop, who was born in Germany in 1845, and came to America, with her people, about 1854, who settled at Pittsburgh, Penn., and who died there shortly after. She was reared in Belmont County, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan have a family of two sons and four daughters -- Annie L., John W., James A., Nellie M., Alice B. and Emma V. Since locating here, he has worked actively in the development of the social life of his locality. The family are members of the Methodist Church. His farm contains 160 acres of improved land, good buildings, and an orchard of well assorted variety of fruits.
Some early Duncans in Belmont Co. OH:
John Duncan, 1804, in election returns from Belmont Co., from 7 Nov. 1804 issue of "The Western Spy and Hamilton Gazette" (Cincinnati, OH) and 29 Oct. 1804 issue of "Scioto Gazette & Chillicothe Advertiser" (Chillicothe, OH) (pgs.109 and 225, "Pioneer OH Newspapers 1793-1810" by Karen Mauer Green, FHL book 977.1 B38g)
James Duncan, 1825, on tax list ("Index of the OH 1825 Tax Duplicate" by Gerald M. Petty, 1981, FHL book 977.1 R42p; from Deone Penquite 10/1991)
Robert Duncan, 1825, on tax list ("Index of the OH 1825 Tax Duplicate" by Gerald M. Petty, 1981, FHL book 977.1 R42p; from Deone Penquite 10/1991)
Robert Duncan, 2 June 1827, Notice of Settlement of his estate by John and Jennet, published in "Historian & Advertiser" at St.Clairsville, Belmont Co. OH (from pg.86, "Ohio Source Records, from OH Genealogical Quarterly, 1937-1944" 1986 reprint, no author given, FHL book 977.1 D28o)
Ira B. Duncan, 1853, in Belmont Co. OH Business Directory, Armstrong's Mills, flouring & grist mill (pg.116, Vol.XIX, 1978, "OH the Cross Road of our Nation, Records and Pioneer Families" from Evelyn Sigler 12/1983)
John B. Duncan, 1853, in Belmont Co. OH Business Directory, Belmont Mills, saw mill (pg.116, Vol.XIX, 1978, "OH the Cross Road of our Nation, Records and Pioneer Families" from Evelyn Sigler 12/1983)
Elizabeth Duncan, 1864, age 91, bur. St.Clairsville Union Cem. (pg.130, Vol.8, 1967, "OH the Cross Road of our Nation, Records and Pioneer Families" from Evelyn Sigler 1/1984)
James Duncan, 1871, age 75, bur. St.Clairsville Union Cem. (pg.130, Vol.8, 1967, "OH the Cross Road of our Nation, Records and Pioneer Families" from Evelyn Sigler 1/1984)
John Duncan, 1879, age 89, bur. St.Clairsville Union Cem. (pg.130, Vol.8, 1967, "OH the Cross Road of our Nation, Records and Pioneer Families" from Evelyn Sigler 1/1984)
Archibald Duncan, 1885, bur. St.Clairsville Union Cem., b.1838, d.1885 (pg.130, Vol.8, 1967, "OH the Cross Road of our Nation, Records and Pioneer Families" from Evelyn Sigler 1/1984)
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