Duncan research files of |
1830-1840 Knox Co. IL Census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Knox Co. IL Census
Pg.319, #123-129, Jonas DUNCAN 37 VT carpenter $600
Mary 31 PA
Jane 12, Rufus 8, Eliza 5, Susan 3 IL
Martha NEIMBUS 53 PA
Pg.325, #216-223, James DUNCAN 49 VT physician $1500
Nancy 38 KY
Clarissa 15, Jason 14, Mary 7 IL
Robert 5, Geo. 3 IL
(MAD: one Jason Duncan mar. Nancy Benner 12/20/1833 Schuyler Co. IL; ?? Jason G. also in 1860 Vigo Co. IN census; definitely "James" age 49)
Twp.10N Range 2E
Pg.333, #327-340, Nelson BRYUN 32 IN blacksmith $600
Rebecca 23 IN
Thos. 5/12 IN
1860 Knox Co. IL Census
Pg.829, #1808-1746, Mary DUNCAN 40 PA (blank) $800-$500
Rufus 18 IL butcher
Hellen 14, Susan 13, Thaddeus 9 IL
Oscar 6, Harriett 9/12 IL
(MAD: Rufus H. in 1870 Cherokee Co. IA census)
City of Knoxville
Pg.842-3, #1929-1864, Jason DUNCAN 60 VT physician $1500-1000
Nancy (f) 48 TN (blank) $0-$350
Clastiy A. (f) 25 IL (blank) $0-$360
Robt. A. (m) 15 IL
Geo. W. 12, Susan J. 5 IL
"Jasa" G. 23 IL clerk $0-$0
Haris F. DODD (m) 23 PA druggist $600-$2500
Mary A. 18 IL
(MAD: several names written over; Jason G. Duncan mar. Abagail Smith 8/4/1854 Stark Co. IL; Jason age 33 in 1870 Bureau Co. IL census)
City of Galesburg
Pg.892, #2237-2143, Wm. L. MATTOCK (Matlock?) 34 PA druggist $0-$100
Caroline 31 MO
Susan C. 3 MO, Phebe S. 1 IL
Thos. SCOTT 34 KY steam boat captain $1000-$500
P.W. (f) 32 PA
Mary E. 7 MO
S. DUNCAN (f) 18 MO seamstress
R.M. MATTOCK? 60 PA gentleman $0-$5000
Elea HAMICK? (f) 18 SWEDEN domestic
E. STEVENS (m) 20 ENG druggist
1870 Knox Co. IL Census
City of Galesburg
Pg.146, #1001-1008, TREMBLE, Eliza (f) 29 IL keeping house $75-$0
Maria 14 MO domestic servt.
John 10 MO farm hand at school
Maryland (f) 9 MO at school
Charles 6 MO at school
Addie (f) 4 IL
DUNCAN, William 25 IL laborer (white)
Levi 24 IL laborer (white)
Pg.192, #168-1716, SWANSON, Charles 34 SWEeden laborer $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Tilda 27 SWE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Charles 11 SWE at home, parents of foreign birth
Hannah 9, Charlotte 9 SWE at home, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, John 24 KY BLACK laborer
Indian Point Twp.
Pg.252, #133-135, DUNCAN, Andrew J. 28 OH farmer $0-$470
Emma J. 24 OH keeping house
Myrtle V. (f) 1 IL at home
ADAMS, William 17 IL works on farm
Pg.301, #315-311, DUNCAN, Mary E. 51 PA keeping house $350-$150
Thadeus? (m) 19 IL work in hoster? Fact?
Oscar 10 IL (ditto)
Hattie (f) 10 IL at home
Knox Co. IL Deed Indexes (copied by CVD in SLC 5/6/2013)
General index, grantee v.B 1873-1876; General index, grantor v.2-3 1855-1864 (FHL film 1,403,640)
Earliest Duncan grantor was 1870's
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Robert, widow Duncan, Francis W.; A 59 Ill. Inf.; 1866 May 15, Invalid Appl. #108261, Cert. #76175; 1899 Feb. 17, Widow Appl. #692043, Cert. #490902, Ill. (MAD: Knox Co. IL per IL Civil War database)
Duncan, Rufus W., widow Duncan, Mary J.; C 51 Ill. Inf.; 1872 Jan. 5, Invalid Appl. #171532, Cert. #126057; 1909 July 26, Widow Appl. #924418, Cert. #687998, Iowa. (MAD: Rufus H. Duncan, Knox Co. IL; 1880 Cherokee Co. IA; 1900 Marshall Co. IA)
Adams Co. IL Deeds
Z-350/353: 22 Sept. 1845, Robert Lemmon of City and County of Baltimore, MD, and Thomas G. McCulloh at the time of executing these presents in the said City of Baltimore, surviving Devisees in Trust as named in the will of Alexander Macdonald late of same place decd, which will bears date 23 July 1836 has been executed and proved and now of record in Office of the Register of Wills for Baltimore Co. afsd in Liber D.M.P. No.16 folio 80 &c, to Margaret S. Duncan of City of Baltimore; that Alexander MacDonald by his will for purpose of ... settling his estate the trustees may sell any part of his estate ... and they convey the lands and premises described for the valuation of $2,977.50, now this indenture ... for $5 paid, Robert Lemmon and Thomas G. McCulloh as surviving devisees in trust ... convey to said Margaret S. Duncan all that parcel of land containing 160 acres in Adams Co. IL, the NE 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.3S Range 7W granted by US to Thomas Redmond by patent 22 Nov. 1817 and conveyed to said Alexander Macdonald by deed 31 Jan. 1818 recorded at Edwardsville in Book O? page 52; also 160 acres in Schuyler Co. IL, NE 1/4 Sec.18 Twp.2N Range 1W granted William Clayton by patent 8 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to said Alexander Macdonald by deed the same day, recorded at Edwardsville in Book O page 23? &c; also 160 acres in Pike Co. IL, NW 1/4 Sec.21 Twp.5W Range 4W granted to Nicholas Fortune by patent 9 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to said Alexander Macdonald by deed the same day recorded Book 76? (H?) page 390 &c; also 160 acres in McDonough Co. IL, NE 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.6N Range 2W granted to Joseph Stewart by patent 9 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to said Alexander Macdonald by deed 8 Jan. 1818 recorded Book O page 65 &c; also 160 acres in Fulton Co. IL, SE 1/4 Sec.18 Twp.7N R3E granted to George Metsinger by patent 17 Jan. 1818 and conveyed to said Alexander Macdonald by deed 19 Jan. same year and recorded Book O page 60 &c; also 160 acres in Knox Co. IL, SW 1/4 Sec.36 Twp.9N Range 2E granted to Andrew Smith by patent 20 Nov. 1817 and conveyed to said Alexander Macdonald by deed 31 Jan. 1818 and recorded Book O page 4?xxc?; and also 320 acres in Warren Co. IL, the S of Sec.8 Twp.9N Range 1W granted to John Shoame by patent 24 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander Macdonald by deed the same day and recorded Book O page 13 &c; together with appurtenances, to hold the 8 parcels above described ... /s/ Robert Lemmon, T.G. McCulloh. Wit. Wm. Stevenson, N?.H?.K?. Foard. Received from Margaret S. Duncan, $5, /s/ Robert Lemmon, T.G. McCulloh. Wit. Wm. Stevenson. Ack. 22 Sept. 1845 before A.R. Levering, Commissioner of Deeds, Baltimore, MD. No.6948, Filed July 17, 1846. (FHL film 967,546)
McDonough Co. IL Deeds (Western IL University 10/1979)
S-345: 22 Sept. 1853, Jason Duncan and wife Nancy of Knox Co. IL, to Benjiman (sic) R. Hampton of McDonough Co. IL, $5, a lot in the town of Macomb (originally sold by Jason to someone else and then resold several times, all set out in the deed).
Schuyler Co. IL Deed (SLC 12/13/2013)
M-450/453: 22 Sept. 1845, Robert Lemmon of City and County of Baltimore, MD, and Thomas G. McCulloh at the time he executed these presents in the said City of Baltimore, surviving trustees as named in the will of Alexander MacDonald late of the same place, deceased, which will bears date 23 July 1836, proved and of record in office of Register of Wills for Baltimore Co. afsd, Liber L.M.B.? on 16 folio 802?, to Margaret S. Duncan of City of Baltimore afsd, that said Alexander Macdonald by his will ... trustees should act as they or his heirs deem advisable, they convey to party of second part that part that they have consented to take at the valuation of $5,977.50, now Robert Lemmon and Thomas G. McCulloh as surviving trustees convey to Margaret S. Duncan that parcel of land containing 160 acres in Adams Co. IL, being NE 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.3S Range 7W granted by US to Thomas Redmond by patent 22 Nov. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander MacDonald by deed 31 Jan. 1818 recorded at Edwardsville in Book O? page 52&c, also 160 acres in Adams Co. IL, SW 1/4 Sec.9 Twp.2N Range 8W granted to Lazerous Summers by patent 18 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander MacDonald by deed 31 Jan. 1818 recorded Book O pg.53&c, also 160 acres in Schuyler Co. IL, NE 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.2S Range 1W granted to William Clayton by patent 8 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander MacDonald by deed dated same day and recorded Book O page 23&c, also 160 acres in Pike Co. IL, NW 1/4 Sec.21 Twp.5S Range 4W granted to Nicholas Fortune by patent 9 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander MacDonald by deed dated same day and recorded Book H page 390, and 160 acres in McDonough Co. IL, NE 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.6N Range 2W granted to Joseph Stewart by patent 9 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander Macdonald by deed 8 Jan. 1818 recorded Book C page 60, and 160 acres in Fulton Co. IL, SE 1/4 Sec.18 Twp.7N Range 3E granted to George Metzerger by patent 17 Jan. 1818 and conveyed to Alexander Macdonald by deed 19 Jan. same year and recorded Book C pg.60&c, also 160 acres in Knox Co. IL, SW 1/4 Sec.36 Twp.9N Range 2E granted to Andrew Smith by patent dated 20 Nov. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander Macdonald by deed dated 31 Jan. 1818 recorded Book C pg.48&c, and 320 acres in Warren Co. IL, S 1/2 Sec.8 Twp.9?N Range 1W granted to John Shoanee? by patent 24 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander Macdonald by deed dated same day, recorded Book C page 13&c, together with rights and appurtenances. /s/ Robert Lemmon, T.G. McCulloh. Wit. Wm. Stevenson, Geo.? W.K. To??. Received from Margaret S. Duncan, $5 in full, /s/ Robert Lemmon, T.G. McCulloh. Wit. Wm. Stevenson. Ack. before A.R. Loverning?, Commissioner of Deeds, Baltimore City, MD, 22 Sept. 1845. Recorded June 18, 1846. (FHL film 1,311,523)
"History of Knox County, Illinois : its cities, towns and people" by Albert J. Perry; pub. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1912, 2055 pgs. (LH4505, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL book 977.349 D3pe v.1&2 and film 934,994 items 1-2)
Vol.1, pg.273: 51st Infantry, Company C, Privates: Duncan, Rufus H., Knoxville, e. Sept. 20, 1861, pris., m.o. March 15, 1865.
Vol.1, pg.283-284: 59th Missouri Infantry: Recruits: Duncan, Robert, Knox Co., e. July 17, 1861, m.o. Dec.8, 1865, as corpl. Company I, Private: Duncan, Robert, Knoxville, e. March 18, 1864.
Vol.2 pg.647-648: Hon. Edward J. King, born in Springfield, Massachusetts, July 1, 1867, ... John A. King, the father of Edward J. King, was born in Connecticut, Suffield, in early manhood to Springfield, Massachusetts; in that state he wedded Alice L. Houghton, a native of Massachusetts and a daughter of Albert and Louise (Rolph) Houghton ... They were the parents of the following children: Edward, who died at Sacramento, California, about 1906; Alice L., the wife of John A. King; Elizabeth, who married Charles Mead, of Springfield; Mrs. George Duncan, afterwards intermarried with Frank Fisher, a widow; Annie, the wife of Walter Fogg, of Springfield, Massachusetts; Emma, the wife of Frank Leonard; and Martha, the wife of George Wallace, of Suffield, Connecticut. Mr. and Mrs. John A. King began domestic life in Springfield, Masachusetts, and about 1870 removed to Hamburg, Iowa, in 1877 to Galesburg ... for ten years a grain business in Chicago. ... (MAD: Springfield, Hampden Co. MA)
"A Twentieth century history and biographical record of Crawford County, Kansas" by Home Authors; pub. Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1905, 665 pgs. (LH11782, HeritageQuest images 5/2007; FHL book 978.198 H2t and 978.198 H2t 1976 and film 1,000,035 item 1)
Pg.277-278+: ENOCH FREED, who resides on Sec.24, Osage Township, came to Crawford County in 1880, ... born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, in March, 1841, ... parents were William and Mary (Grote) Freed, both native Pennsylvanians and of German descent. Both died in Pennsylvania, the father at age 86, the mother at 85. ... Thirteen children ... Enoch is the only resident of Kansas. ... Age of 22 came to Knox County, Illinois, from which county he went to the war ... at the close of the war returned to Illinois and honorably discharged. After the war Mr. Freed returned to Knox county, and on November 10, 1866, was married there to Eliza Jane Glaze, who has been his wife and partner ... for nearly forty years. She was born in Clinton county, Ohio, February 16, 1848, a daughter of James and Phoebe (Duncan) Glaze, natives, respectively, of Brown county and Adams county, Ohio, whence they moved to near Muncie, Delaware county, Indiana, and later to Knox county, Illinois. The mother died in Monmouth, Kansas, at the age of 86, but the father, who was a soldier, now lives ... Monmouth, this county. Mrs. Freed has a brother, William Perry, who was a soldier of the 9th Indiana Cavalry and now lives at Muncie, Indiana, and four sisters: Sarah A. Northam, Mary E. Johnson, Harriet E. Windsor, and Martha F. Price. Daniel H., a brother, died at the age of 50. ...
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