Duncan research files of |
1840 Jefferson Co. IA Census (from Alice Duncan) (no Duncan indexed, looking for McDonough Co. IL families) Pg.263 Eli Marlow 0000,1 - 1000,1 261 James M. Walker 1000,1 - 0001,101 Jesse C. Walker 1000,01 - 3100,1 271 Samuel S. Walker 1000,21 - 1200,1
1850 Jefferson Co. IA Census (no Duncan indexed)
Lockridge Twp.
Pg.24, #22, N.M. HARRIS (m) 27 KY
Lois 20 V/U?
Joseph 5, Sanl? 3 IA
Pg.26, #53, Admiral HARRIS 54 MA
Rachel 56 CT
Pam Twp.
Pg.50, #80, Thomas HAWK 22 TN
Mary 17 TN
Samuel 1/2 IA
Pg.50, #81, Ruth HAWK 65 VA
Pg.50, #82, Wm. HAWK 40 TN
Frances 38 TN
Carlie (m) 9 TN
Ann 4, Harriet 3, Sarah 1/2 IA
Fairfield Twp.
Pg.69, #188, Ruben DILL 34 TN farmer
Melissa 34 SC
Wm. 12, Jno. 10, James 8 IL
Rolin 6, Melissa 4, Jackson 2 IA
Pg.74, #241, Stephen DILL 75 PA farmer
Catharine 56 NC
Eliz. 22, Poll 17 TN
Solomon WALTERS 17 TN
Locust Grove Twp.
Pg.107, #71, Rubin HARRIS 35 TN farmer $3000
Mary 38 NC
Nom? (m) 15, Calvin 12, Miranda 11 IL
C. Columbus 9, Jonethan 5, Asel G? 2 IA
(MAD: Reubin Harris mar. Mary Marlow 11/13/1834 McDonough Co. IL)
1860 Jefferson Co. IA Census
No Duncan indexed
1870 Jefferson Co. IA Census
Bucanan Twp.
Pg.34, #111-111, DUNCAN, James 38 IN farmer $2400-$1100
Elizabeth 37 PA keeping house
Harlin (m) 14 IA farm laborer
Francis (m) 8 IA
Margret 61 TN keeping house
HENRY, Elizabeth 10 IA domestic servant
(MAD: 1850 Clark Co. IN census with Preston & Margaret who were in 1860 Appanoose Co. IA census; Harlan P. Duncan mar. Arabella Culbertson 12/5/1878)
Pg.43, #239-236, GILBERT, John 33 IRE brickmaker $800-$0, parents of foreign birth
Mary 21 IA keeping house
Nancy 31 IRE "without occupation", parents of foreign birth
HUSTEN, William 22 IRE brick molder, parents of foreign birth
MIKESEL, Jacob 33 OH blacksmith
John 16 OH farm laborer
FULTNER, Rheubin (m) 20 OH farm laborer
DUNCAN, Andrew 21 IN farm laborer
ECKLES, George 21 IN farm laborer
POLARD, Frank 16 MO farm laborer
(MAD: one Andrew D. Duncan mar. Josephine Hill 4/14/1871)
Fairfield Twp.
Pg.76, #213-213, DUNKEN, Alex 30 IN farmer $0-$300
Mary 21 IA keeping house
Maggie (f) 2 IA
Olive (f) 3/12 IA b.Feb.
(MAD: Alexander Duncan b. 6/17/1842 Bethlehem, Clark Co. IN, d. 6/22/1926 Topeka, Shawnee Co. KS, mar. Mary Ann Hill 12/7/1867; from info of Dorothy Cedergren 12/1999; brother of James B. Duncan)
City of Fairfield, Ward 4
Pg.110, indexed Mary and A. Duncan? - not Duncan, DEMANCE - not copied
Jefferson Co. IA Original Entry Book, 1838-1854 (FHL film 964,820 item 1; SLC 9/2007)
Date of entry, name of purchasers, description, Section Township Range acres
Pg.101: Round Prairie Twp., Nov. 23, 1838, Rice Duncan, SE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.71 Range 8, 160 acres
Pg.111: Cedar Twp., Nov. 21, 1838, Rice Duncan, SE 1/4 Sec.3 Twp.71 Range 9, 160 acres
Pg.115: Cedar Twp., Nov. 21, 1838, Rice Duncan, NW 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.71 Range 9, 160 acres
Jefferson Co. IA Deed Index 1839-1855 (FHL film 964,812; SLC 9/2007)
A-39: Duncan, Rice & wife to George W. Troy, Nov. 13, 1839, filed Dec. 6, deed, E 1/2 SE 1/4 NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec.3 Twp.71 Range 9
A-42: Duncan, Rice & wife to Joseph Parker, E 1/2 NW 1/4 & W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.71 Range 9
A-102: Duncan, Rice & wife to William Taylor, Oct. 16, 1839, SE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.71 Range 8
No Duncan grantee
Did not look for later records
Jefferson Co. IA Deed Book A, typed (FHL film 964,820 item 2; SLC 9/15/2007 and 12/10/2013)
A-39/40: Dec. 6, 1839. Deed from R. Duncan To G.W. Troy. 30 Nov. 1839, Rice Duncan & Susanah Duncan his wife of Sangamon Co. IL to George W. Troy of Jefferson Co. IA, for $250 paid, sell tract of land in Jefferson Co., Territory of Iowa, the E 1/2 SE 1/4 and NW 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.3 Twp.71 Range 9W containing 160 acres, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Rice Duncan, Susanah (X) Duncan. Wit. William T.H. Duncan. Ack. "this day of November" "one thousand eight hundred and" /s/ William T.H. Duncan, J.P., Sangamon Co. IL. Certification by Noah W. Motheny, Clerk pro tem of County Commissioners Court of Sangamon Co. IL, for William T.H. Duncan, /s/ 14 Nov. 1839.
A-42/43: Deed from R Duncan and wife to J. Parker. Dec. 6th 1839. 13 Nov. 1839, Rice Duncan and Susanah Duncan his wife of Sangamon Co. IL to Joseph Parker of Jefferson Co. Iowa, for $250 paid, sell tract of land in Jefferson Co. IA, the E 1/2 NW 1/4 and W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.71N Range 9W containing 160 acres, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Rice Duncan, Susanah (X) Duncan. Wit. William T.H. Duncan. Ack. 13 Nov. 18 (blank) before William T.H. Duncan, J.P., Sangamon Co. IL. Certification by Noah W. Motheny, Clerk pro tem of County Commissioners of Sangamon Co. IL, for William T.H. Duncan, acting J.P., 14 Nov. 1839, /s/ N.W. Mathony Clerk Pro tem.
A-102/103: Deed Rice Duncan and wife to William Taylor. 16 Oct. 1839, Rice Duncan and Susanah his wife of Sangamon Co. IL to William Taylor of Jefferson Co. IA, for $250 paid, sell tract of land in Jefferson Co. IA, the SE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.71 Range 8W containing 160 acres, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Rice Duncan, Susannah (X) Duncan. Wit. William T.H. Duncan, Tobias (X) Goodman. They ack. deed 16 Oct. 1839 before William T.H. Duncan, J.P. (L.S.), Sangamon Co. IL. Certification by Noah W. Mathews, Clerk Pro Tem of County Commissioners Court of Sangamon Co. for William T.H. Duncan.
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, William H.; Unassd. & E 2 Ia. Inf.; 1883 Jan. 9, Invalid Appl. #468981, Cert. #323187, Iowa. (MAD: enlisted 01 January 1864, Corpl, age 25, Union; Resided in Fairfield, Jefferson Co. IA; ? 1860 Louisa Co. IA)
"IA Cemetery and Grave Records, Jackson-Jones Counties" by WPA (FHL film 1,023,101; from Kathy Zehner 2/1993 with permission to share 7/2001)
Jefferson Co.:
Duncan, Elizabeth Gift 1833-1900; Upper Richwoods, Buchanan Twp. wife of James B. Duncan.
Duncan, James Baldwin 1832-1921; Upper Richwoods, Buchanan Twp.
Duncan, Preston & Margaret; husband Elizabeth Gift Chr: Harlan, Frank, Catherine & Preston [KZ: I'm not sure this makes sense - but that's just the way it was typed]
1912-1914 "History of Jefferson County, Iowa : a record of settlement, organization, progress and achievement" by Charles J. Fulton; pub. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co. (LH8981, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL book 977.794 H2t and film 844,509 item 1 and 934,948 item 1)
Pg.173-174: The act of June 12, 1840, ... "to enter at the minimum price any other quarter section of the public lands lying in the same land district, to which no other person had the right of preemption." ... On November 21st, township number seventy-one north range nine west, as it is technically described, (Cedar) was placed on sale. As has been noted, Isaac L. Whitaker had already secured his claim at private entry. James L. Scott was bidder. The first purchaser was W.G. Coop, who entered a part of section one. The other purchasers at this time were James L. Scott, James Manning, Rice Duncan, Richard F. Barrett, Sylvenus Herrington, Thomas Hardisty, Wm. McIntyre, ... It lacked but a few months of seventeen years before the last piece of land remaining unsold after this sale passed to private ownership. This was purchased on April 7, 1855, by ...
On November 23d, township 71 north range 8 west (Round Prairie) was placed on sale. As previously noted, Rhodam Bonnifield had already secured a claim at private entry. ... The other purchasers at this time were ... Samuel Ritchey, Rice Duncan, ...
Vol.II, Pg.59-62: Greer McKee ... Henry McKee, the father of Greer McKee, was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and spent almost his entire life in the Keystone state. Prior to his demise he removed to Ohio, locating in Harrison County, and there continued to follow the trade of a carpenter until his death. He had been a soldier of the war of 1812, .... He married Elizabeth Duncan, who was born, reared and married in Washington county, Pennsylvania, where her death also occurred. Her father, James Duncan, was a lifelong resident of the Keystone state, where he carried on general farming. He, too, was a soldier of the Revolutionary war, and Greer McKee, of this review, believes that he is the only man in the state of Iowa who is the grandson of two Revolutionary soldiers. By a former marriage to John McCloskey, Mrs. McKee had four children, and unto her second marriage were born two children of whom Greer McKee is the elder. His sister, Mary Jane, who married Andrew Myers, is now a resident of Spokane, Washington, her husband having died shortly after participating in the battle of Perryville, in the Civil war, his death being caused by a wound received in that engagement. Greer McKee was but six years of age when his mother passed away. He continued a resident of Pennsylvania until his sixteenth year, when he went with his father to Harrison county, Ohio ....
1890 "Portrait and biographical album of Jefferson and Van Buren Counties, Iowa : containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county, together with portraits and biographies of all the presidents of the United States, and governors of the state." (anonymous); pub. Chicago: Lake City Pub. Co. (LH10674, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL film 934,948 item 2)
Pg.415-416: JACOB WALMER, deceased, numbered among the honored pioneers of Fairfield Township, Jefferson Co., where from the time of his settlement in 1849, until his death on the 5th of January, 1863, he labored ... Mr. Walmer was born in Dauphin County, Pa., in 1797, and was a son of George Walmer. He was reared to farm life and in his native State in 1820, was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Shoue, a daughter of Henry Shoue. She was born in Dauphin County, in 1807, and after their marriage they removed to Wayne Co., Ohio, settling near Wooster, where they resided from 1823 until their emigration in May, 1849, to Jefferson County, Iowa. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Walmer was blessed with a family of 13 children, six sons and seven daughtrs and of that number seven grew to mature years, namely: Mary, wife of Jacob Pontius of Wayne Co., Ohio; Eliza, who is the widow of Abraham Wolf and a resident of Montana; Martha, wife of Enoch Gable, a resident of Lancaster County, Neb.; Catherine, wife of William Gift who is living in Wapello County, near Ottumwa, Iowa; Daniel, who wedded Mary Duncan and after her death married Susanna C. Whitson, is a representative farmer of Fairfield Township; Joseph married Lizzie Patterson and is living in Cedar Township; Anthony Wayne, who was born in Iowa, married Jennie Camlin and is living in Holridge, Neb. ... Mr. Walmer's wife long survived him and died on Nov. 5, 1886. ...
Pg.508-509: Daniel Walmer, farmer of Jefferson Co., and early settler and resident of Fairfield Township, was born in Wayne County, Ohio, February 13, 1838, and is one of a family of thirteen children. With his parents, Jacob and Sarah (Shoue) Walmer, he came to Jefferson County in 1849, while an infant ... 5 May 1861 enlisted as a member of Company E, Second Iowa Infantry, ... mustered out in June, 1864 ... on the 13th of November of the same year, Mr. Walmer was united in marriage, in Jefferson County, to Miss Mary E. Duncan, daughter of Preston and Margaret Duncan. The lady is a native of Indiana, and by her marriage two children have been born, a son and daughter - Ida is now the wife of Samuel Lathers, who is engaged in farming in Black Hawk Township, Jefferson County, and William, who died at the age of nine months. The death of the mother occurred on the 13th of October, 1868, and on the 13th of March, 1870, Mr. Walmer was again married. His present wife, whose maiden name was Susanna Whitson, is a daughter of Samuel and Caroline Whitson and her birth occurred in Liberty Township, Jefferson County, on the 15th of March 1851. Her parents were among the early settlers ... 1842 ...
Pg.627-628: Greer McKee is the owner of a fine farm of 400 acres, ... Liberty Township, Jefferson Co. ... Born on 8 November 1827 in Washington Co. PA, his parents being Henry and Elizabeth (Duncan) McKee. William McKee, the grandfather of our subject ... of Scotch-Irish birth, to America, in 1813 he removed to Fayette Co. PA where he died. .... Other members of the family were also men of prominence and on the maternal side, in the Greer family were noted Presbyterian ministers and also one of the judges of the Supreme Court. During the War of 1812, Henry McKee, father of our subject, enlisted in the service in Mifflin, PA, and became a recruiting officer. ... Carpenter by trade, consistent member of the Presbyterian Church. His death occurred at Columbus, Ohio, in 1854. Greer McKee has for a quarter century made his home in Jefferson Co. He was born in Washington Co. PA, November 8, 1827, as above stated, and at the age of 17 years removed from the Keystone State to Ohio, where he continued to make his home until his arrival in Iowa. ... On March 1, 1860, he wedded Miss Mary Tedrow, daughter of Goliah and Christina (Miller) Tedrow. .... Twelve children ...
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