William Allen SEARCY [Parents] was born on 8 Aug 1866 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky. He married Anna Baird MITCHELL on 19 Feb 1890 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky.
Anna Baird MITCHELL was born about 1870. She married William Allen SEARCY on 19 Feb 1890 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky.
Thomas SEARCY [Parents] was born on 3 Dec 1868 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky. He married Emma Green WHITEHEAD on 12 Jan 1898.
Emma Green WHITEHEAD was born about 1870. She married Thomas SEARCY on 12 Jan 1898.
Robert William O'NEAL was born on 5 Oct 1859. He married Mary Alice SEARCY on 8 Apr 1891.
There is another O'Neal in the area about this time whose connection is unk. Beulah O'Neal marries 8 Feb. 1899 to R.C. Wayland per Randolph Co. Marriage Records, Vol. 6, p. 227. Don't know who this R.C. Wayland is either, as the only R.C. Wayland (#1021) I know of was married to Joella Magruder. Mrs. Headbrink (#2541) writes Sep 1932 to this unk. R.C. Wayland in 1932, and he answers, and R.C. #1021 died March 1932, so could not be him.
Mary Alice SEARCY [Parents] was born on 26 Jan 1871 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky. She married Robert William O'NEAL on 8 Apr 1891.
They had the following children:
F i Living M ii Searcy O'NEAL was born on 23 Mar 1893. He died in Nov 1983 in Carrollton, Carroll Co., KY.
Place and dod is from SSDI.
Harry Walter SEARCY [Parents] was born on 12 Feb 1874 in , Pettis Co., Missouri. He died on 3 Jul 1947 and was buried in Campbellsburg, , Kentucky. Harry married Inez WEBB in 1901.
Lived most of his life in Henry Co., Kentucky. Another source gives dob as 1875, same month and day.
Inez WEBB was born about 1880. She married Harry Walter SEARCY in 1901.
Jesse Lee FOTHERGILL was born about 1875. He married Ella Brown SEARCY in 1902.
Ella Brown SEARCY [Parents] was born on 17 Nov 1876. She married Jesse Lee FOTHERGILL in 1902.
Oliver Brown SEARCY [Parents] was born on 11 Jul 1879 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky. He died on 30 May 1949 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky. Oliver married Lorena Pearl SEARCY in 1904.
Another source gives 7 Nov 1879. Source
says that they had 9 children, but did not name them.
Lorena Pearl SEARCY was born on 1 Jul 1885 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky. She died on 26 Mar 1932 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky. Lorena married Oliver Brown SEARCY in 1904.
James Arthur FOTHERGILL was born about 1880. He married Martha Jane SEARCY on 17 May 1905 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky.
Martha Jane SEARCY [Parents] was born on 26 Oct 1881 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky. She died on 29 Aug 1959 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky. Martha married James Arthur FOTHERGILL on 17 May 1905 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky.
Albert Levine SEARCY [Parents] was born on 9 Aug 1885 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky. He died on 12 Mar 1965 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky. Albert married Mary Susan FOTHERGILL on 13 Feb 1907 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky.
Mary Susan FOTHERGILL was born about 1887. She married Albert Levine SEARCY on 13 Feb 1907 in , Carroll Co., Kentucky.
Joshua Franklin WALLACE was born on 15 Jun 1859. He married Lenora WAYLAND on 17 Aug 1892 in , Jefferson Co., Indiana.
Lenora WAYLAND [Parents] was born on 21 Oct 1869. She married Joshua Franklin WALLACE on 17 Aug 1892 in , Jefferson Co., Indiana.
Thomas JACKSON was born about 1860. He married Marion EARHART.
Has about same dob as Thomas Slaton Jackson #8847, who has line back in MO.
Marion EARHART [Parents] was born on 18 Dec 1863. She married Thomas JACKSON.
They had the following children:
i Marion JACKSON was born about 1888.