Black Book
Jay Johns Journal
on Families:
of John Jay Johns
Families of MO
Charles, MO
Friedrich Gauss Page
Ahrens Speech
of Letter from Gauss
Waldo Dunnington Article
Sanderson, Simmons
Henrietta Gauss born Fawcett -
Her Father was Joseph Fawcett - He
the son of Benjamin Fawcett - & Delilah Rigna
The Father of Benj Fawcett - was born in France, and moved to England
- after a short residence there (see notes given by Aunt Lucretia)
he came to America - (How old he was is not known) x when Benj F.
Was born not known - His wife D. Rigna - was born in England &
came over when young (probably not grown) & was adopted &
raised by a Quaker Minister & wife who brought her over -
Joseph F- was born in Berkely Co Va Sept 15th
1779 - died - Sept 11th 1844 - Benjamin F. was engaged in manufactur
of iron - at Jordans Forge - either in Rockbridge or Rockingham
Co. Va - after this he was engaged in raising cattle in Bath Co.
He died in Lexington Va. while away from home to buy Cattle - see
obituary note in Lexington paper - His wife died in Bath Co - where
2nd page
who lived a widow a long time - children of Benj & D. F. were
Joseph Charles & Benjamin - also Annie - who married a Mr Bright
- Mollie who married a Mr Harrison - Kitty & Drusilla - who
married twice - Her 2nd husband named Odell - another was Betsy
Kinkaid - who came to Mo about 1841 - & moved to Soline Co -
she had lived in Ky - Hanah(?) also married a Kinkaid - in Va
The youngest daughter was named Abby - married & moved away
Chas F lived in Bath Co. as a farmer His wife died rather early
& he lived there with his children - one of whom was named Benj
- another was Albert
Mother says that Nat Reid's brother who came from Va. - told about
- Benj. F. (son of Chas) being troubled for fear that his son or
nephew (she cant say which) would loose his money on a race horse
- Mother says that since they have come to the farm - she saw
3rd page
a note in the Country Gentleman of the sale of a horse - she thinks
Flora Temple - owned by a Mr Fawcett -
Benjamin F. lived in Hardy Co Va & afterwards he moved [Fohiv
?] and at that time had two little girls - one named Henrietta -
Mother says she has been told that there are a great many Fawcetts
living near Bellefontain Ohio -
Joseph Fawcett - Mothers Father - was employed by his father at
the iron works for a while - Superintended making charcoal.
He afterwards was sheriff of Rockingham Co. - later had a store
- Harrisonburg - where he made a good deal of money but went security
for the sheriff & lost his property paying for the shortage
of the sherif - He then went to Staunton & kept tavern 3 years
then went to Callaghans - Allegheny Co Va where he kept tavern
2 - years & came to Mo in 1834 - and went
4th page
Mothers father Joseph F. married Lucretia Keyes - who was the daughter
of Humphry Keyes & Phoebe Stryder (or Strider) Phoebe S. was
a Presbyterian -
Mother says - that the father of Humphrey Keyes was English - she
thinks possibly he was born in England
The Striders came from Saxony Originally - How far back Mother can't
say - They lived on the Potomac River where they had a flour mill.
Grandmother Fawcett - told Mother that she visited her Grandmother
Strider at the place where the Mill was - Mother thinks it was in
Frederick Co.
Phoebe Keyes - a sister of Lucretia Keyes married a Bywater in Va
After his death she went to Tex with several children - One of them
was a Methodist preacher who died - another Son was probly the father
of a Man living below San Antonio on the J & G N RR[?].
He was a J.P. in 91
5th page
Brown Miller went off to California - in 1849 - and was never heard
from again. Mother says that some time after the war - a young
man Tom Miller came to the Lumber Yard - He had been drinking &
Father refused to bring him to the house. Offered to pay his
bill at Hotel but he went off. After this - When Aunt Gee
was in Sedalia she saw an account of the suicide of a man named
Tom Millier who killed himself in a RR Car - His sister a Miss Aurelia
Miller came down & had his body cared for - she did
not Aunt Gee did not tell me this at the time but told
Mother afterward -
6th page
see Century for a account of the "Ill fated Donner Expedition"
The Keyes family went with the Donners to California
Notes: This is obviously fragmentary. Perhaps
I will be able to fill in the gaps later. It is also obviously
a preliminary interview and should be used as a source of clues
and not as authoritative. By the handwriting it may have been written
by Charles Henry Gauss. Aunt Gee was Virginia Fawcett, sister
of Henrietta. -- SDC
Source: Handwritten original in the private collection
of the Chambless family. Transcribed to softcopy by Susan
D. Chambless, May 22, 1999.