[Ancestry Unknown] m. Cunegonde ch: *Pepin V or II [Next Generation]
Count of Senlis, Peronne, and St. Quentin. Prince of Italy, Lord of Peronne and St. Quentin in the Vermandois b. 817/18, of Peronne, France d. 892 ch: *Pepin de Senlis de Valois [Next Generation]
ch: *_____ de_Rennes [Next Generation], *Pepin II (876-922) [See 754-44 below], Geva of Senlis
b. ABT 845 m. Berenger de_Bayeux Count of Bayeux Count of Senlis [3-43, 147-43] b. ABT 847 d. BEF 930 ch: *Poppa de_Valois [Next Generation]
b. ABT 872, Bayeux, France b. ABT 872, Evreux, Normandy, France r. Bayeaux, France m(1) Rollo the Dane 1st Duke of Normandy [3-43, 31-42, 74-45, 361-42, 583-42] 891 b. 846, Maer, Norway d. 927/933, Notre Dame, Rouen, France son of Rognvald Eysteinsson "the Wise" Earl of More [3-44, 4-46, 30-43] and Rognhild (Hildir) Hrolfsdotter [3-44] [daughter of Hrolf "Nefja" [3-44]] ch(1) *William_I "Longsword" [See 3-42 above], *Adela of Normandy [See 31-42 above], Robert m(2) Balsa d' ESPAGNE Viscount of Bayeux son of Ralph I de Tony ch(2) Ancitel (970-)