Christening of Johannes Breÿhel

Christening of Johannes

In this image we see that it is the first entry on the left-hand page of the book. You can see the edges of some other pages on the left. The pastor labeled the columns of information he would be entering on the page.

This is a scanned version of a photocopy of a microfilm image. The microfilm image shows more fine line detail and subtlety than can be shown here.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Dußlingen


Jahr únd Tag Kinder Eltern Gevattern
an Philippi Jacobi
Johanes Cúnrad briel
Hans Werner Shul....
Michel Gulden be__
Anna Maria Hans
bükhes Tochter.


Year and Day Child Parents Sponsors
on Phillip and James Day
(Church holiday celebrated 1 May)
Johannes Cúnrad briel
Hans Werner Shul....,
Michel Gulden, baker,
Anna Maria, daughter
of Hans Bükhes.

Johannes was christened 1 May 1679, so he was born BEFORE that date.

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1 August 2009