Please see also new information which supercedes some of the following text.
The principal clue to the UK roots of the Lovelands who settled in Wethersfield (Glastonbury) and New London, CT in the middle of the 17th century can be found in the Will of John Loveland of Norwich, Co.Norfolk (proved Norwich, 10 April 1649). Taken together with other contemporary records, this shows that Widow Loveland (who lived in Wethersfield from about 1647) was almost certainly the wife of John Loveland, the testator's son. Family tradition holds that the Widow's husband died on the journey to the New World.
Robert Loveland (Merchant of New London in the 1660s, etc.) was certainly a son of the same testator and therefore probably the Widow's brother-in-law.
The following notes discuss the evidence for these conclusions and as well as setting out what is now known of the Norwich family.
(Click here for a map (200kB) showing the location of the churches of Norwich.)
1) John Loveland, Citizen, Alderman and sometime Hosier
Although not actually a Norfolk family, the Loveland name has been associated with Norwich since 1571 when the birth of Elizabeth Loveland is recorded at Norwich, St Mary Coslany (IGI).
However, the 'patriarch' of the Norwich Loveland family is John Loveland who married Alyce Tryme at Norwich, St.Michael Coslany (26 June 1582). According to City of Norwich records he was 86 years of age in 1642, (Norwich Genealogy 1453-1835, Vol 21) placing his birth at about 1556. Alyce Tryme may possibly not have been his first wife since the burial of a daughter Annis (Agnes) is recorded at Norwich, St.Margaret (the family's parish at the time) on 24-Dec-1583. A matching baptism for this child has not so far been located unless it is the 21-Sep-1579 Worplesdon, Co.Surrey baptism of Agnes Loveland, daughter of John Loveland. Apart from this very slim piece of circumstantial evidence, we have no way of knowing at present where John may have come from. The same St.Margaret burial record refers to the family as being 'strangers for the past three years' - suggesting that they arrived in Norwich (or at least that particular parish) in 1580.
John Loveland went on to have a long and interesting life in Norwich, holding numerous parochial civic and posts right up until his death in 1648 at the age of 92. Even more remarkable perhaps was the fact that he married at least three times and fathered no fewer than twenty-two children. He was a hosier by trade, no doubt benefiting from the opportunities afforded by the newly invented 'knitting frame' which had brought great prosperity to the East Midlands in general and to Norwich in particular.
Four of his five sons surviving to adulthood (William, John, Jeremy and Robert) became merchants, trading with Spain and the New World while the fifth (Joseph) became a Canon at the Cathedrals of both Norwich and York, as well as a parish priest.
It is almost certain that his eldest son John was the husband of 'Widow Loveland' of Wethersfield/Glastonbury, Connecticut while son Robert was certainly the man who witnessed a document in Boston, MA in 1645 and later became a citizen of New London, CT. It is possible that Jeremy also emigrated to the New World with his brothers and was the man whom family tradition holds was drowned in the Connecticut River soon after arriving.
John Loveland lived in three Norwich parishes at different times of his life:
The parishes are grouped in the same small area of the old city and the churches remain to this day in very much the form that he would have known them. The reference in the Loveland Genealogy to a funeral monument to John Loveland existing at St.Michael's, Cook's Lane is confusing. It is probable that the church in question is really St.Michael's Coslany (the parish immediately to the north of St. Gregory's and where he was married in 1582) but the parish register of St.Gregory's church clearly states that both he and his wife were buried there (she in 1643 and he in 1648, in accordance with his wishes).
The official memorial records of St.Gregory's indicate that there is no monument to him there. John's previous wife (also Mary) was buried 12-May-1593 Norwich St.Lawrence. The burial of his wife Alice (née Tryme) has not so far been located.
John Loveland, Citizen and Alderman of Norwich, made his Will on the 23-June-1647. It was proved in the Norwich Consistory Court on 10-Apr-1649.
Assuming that his son John was indeed the husband of Widow Loveland, the date the Will was made provides a valuable clue as to the latest date at which the Loveland family could have emigrated to the New World. The Will records the fact that his son John was already dead and since family tradition states that he died on the voyage, this event must have occurred earlier than June 1647. We know from records in Connecticut that the Widow had a daughter Mary Loveland who was born about 1644; so the timeframe for the voyage can be narrowed still further to 1644-6.
A rough transcript of the whole Will can be found by clicking here. The following is a summary of the important points:
He mentions the poor of the Norwich parishes of:
to who he bequeaths various moneys.
After which he mentions the various members of his family:
The testator appoints:
The witnesses to the Will were:
Notes concerning people mentioned in the Will:
John Loveland, hosier was admitted as a Freeman of the City on 3 May 1593 (Freeman's Rolls, f85d).
The font (of St.Gregory's Church) was repaired and made in the manner we now see it in, in 1624 at near 40 shillings expense, to which Edmund Reve, Esq. afterwards a judge, Mr Francis Bacon, who was a judge also, Mr Stoneham, Minister and Mr John Loveland, Sheriff this year, were benefactors. (Norwich, Blomefield, Vol.4, p274) (Note: The Rev Francis Blomefield was writing around the beginning of the 19th century.)
He held the following civic offices:
From(Norwich Genealogy 1453-1833, Vol 21)
It is also recorded that in 1642, he was 'given dispensation from being mayor, being aged (86) (ibid).
Note: West Wymer was the Ward which comprised the parishes of St.Benedict, St.Margaret, St.Lawrence, St.Gregory and St.Swithen.
John Loveland was Churchwarden of St.Gregory's in 1631 and 1632 (Parish Register). This was no sinecure since it is evident that the City was in the grip of a great plague during this period:
The Minutes of the Norwich Court of Mayoralty record:
22 February 1630: The hosyer answers: Mr John Loveland Hosyer saith that he hath yett discharged none of his workfolkes. But saith his Stocke is layd out and he feareth that he must discharge many of them.( Norfolk Record Society, Vol 15.)
14 May 1631. Mr John Loveland is appointed Treasurer of the moneys to be collected and paid for the infected poore. (ibid)
Undecimo die Maii 1631. Mr Atkyn, Ald: And yt is ordered that Mr Atkyn doe for the present disburse from out the Benevolence of the Citizens in his hands, moneys for the relief of the Infected till a Rate maybe made whereby to levy the same of the Inhabitants of the this City. (Mr Atkin disbursed according to this Warrant 2.7.8 {2 pounds, seven shillings and eightpence} which was repayde unto him by Mr Loveland Treasurer of the Infected.) This sentence is written in a different hand, which is also found in the Court's Waste Books & Minutes of the Quarter sessions (Plague). (ibid)
1631. Whereas Mr Loveland hath lately received of Mr John Basham (Chamberlain) the some of iii the said Mr Loveland did this day make knowne to this Court that he hath paid the same to the Churchwardens and Overseers of St.Augustus parish and therefore discharged thereof. The same was paid by one warrant dated 14 May last 20 shillings and by another warrant dated 25 May last 25 pounds. And this day by direction of this court 15 pounds.(ibid)
XVI die Julii 1633. The Great Ward of Wymer being worried to make choice of an Alderman in place of Mr Francis Smalpece deceased late one of the Aldermen of the Ward of Middle Wymer. This day by the greater number of Citizens Assembled for the purpose aforesaid Mr John Loveland is chosen to be Alderman of the Ward aforesaid in stead of Mr Smalpece deceased. (Norfolk Record Society, Minutes of the Norwich Court of Mayoralty, 1632-35.)
Mr John Loveland who was chosen Alderman on Tuesday last was this day sworne to execute the same place. (ibid)
10 July 1633. Yt is thought fitt that Mr Gostlyn and Mr Grene shall heare the Accomps of Mr Barrett and Mr Loveland touchinge monyes by them heretofore Received from the infected poore. And that the moneys may be brought into the Treasury. In the meanetyme Mr Barrett hath paid into the Treasury Twelve Pounds in part of the monyes remayning in his hands.(ibid)
16 April 1634. Yt is Consented unto that Judgement be entered in the Cause heretofore dependinge between Samuel Skoyles against John Wade upon a Bill before Mr Loveland and Mr Powle late Sheriffs of this City yf there be good and sufficient warrant for entringe thereof.(ibid)
Contrary to the statement made in the Loveland Genealogy, p20, no Loveland was ever Mayor of London (or Norwich).
Paintings of contemporary Mayors of Norwich (whom John Loveland would have known) can be seen at the magnificent Blackfriars Hall in Norwich.
Researchers have pondered for many years on the whereabouts of the church of St.Michael's Cook's Lane (ibid). It seems likely now that this is a mis-quotation for 'St.Michael Coslany', Norwich with which the Loveland family was associated briefly in the late 16th century.
Unlikely as it may seem, the records clearly show that the following children are all of John Loveland, Alderman of Norwich. At least three wives (Alice, Mary #1 and Mary #2) are involved, and maybe one more earlier than these three).
2) i Annis (Agnes)
3) ii Thomasine
4) iii Anne
5) iv Unbaptised girl
6) v William
7) vi Mary
8) vii Jone
9) viii Anne
10) ix Elizabeth
11) x Anne
12) xi John
13) xii Anne
14) xiii Mary
15) xiv John
16) xv Sarey (Sarah)
17) xvi Agnes
18) xvii Joseph
19) xviii Jeremy
20) xix Robert
21) xx Daniel
22) xxi Susan
23) xxii Jone
24) xxiii Katheryne
Details of these children can be found in Part II.
1) The foregoing notes summarises what is currently known about the Norwich family and its connections with the Connecticut Lovelands of the 1650s. It would be most helpful to discover details of the movements of John Loveland (the younger) between the end of his apprenticeship in 1606 and his death sometime before 1647. Did this man marry Elizabeth Busfield in 1631? Where are the details of his/their children born between 1631 and 1646? Baptisms for Jane, John, Thomas and Mary, would be welcome confirmation (or otherwise) of our theories.
2) A very tenuous hypothesis has been offered as to how the Norwich family might connect with later generations in London, descendents of which may well be around today. Did Jeremy marry? Are there any details to be found about his family, if any? Where did Miss Farrow discover that a son Edward was his son and heir? Can a connection be made with William Loveland who married Eleanor Bilson 2-Jun-1741 at St Benet Pauls Wharf, London, the ancestor of Richard Loveland Loveland whose letters appear in the Loveland Genealogy? (Further details of this family can be found in The Loveland Coat of Arms, also at this site.)
3) At present we can offer no hypothesis as to where the Norwich family may have lived before coming to that City.
Help on this point would be much appeciated.
4) Some of the material presented at this site is the work of a professional researcher Miss M A Farrow who was working in the early 1930s for an American client called Paddock. The Farrow papers are held in the Library of the DAR in Washington, DC. It appears that Mr Paddock was a decendant of a Captain Paddock who married Mary Loveland, a co-heiress mentioned in the Will of John Loveland, proved 1641. Our guess is that the Mary was the only child of William Loveland who died in 1623.
We would very much like to hear from anyone who has further information on this research.
Doug Murphy
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Last modified: Sunday, 18-Apr-1999 23:59:35 MDT