Year 8
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Reading List
- KJV Bible, following Calvary Chapel's New
Testament Study
- More than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell
- The Christian's Secret to a Happy Life by Hannah Whitall-Smith
- Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
- The New World (Vol. 2) by Sir Winston Churchill
- Voyage of the Armada by Sir David Howarth
- History of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford
- Life of Sir Thomas More by William Roper
- The Life of Francis Bacon
- The Life of John Donne
- The History of King Charles I by Jacob Abbott
- The History of King Charles II by Jacob Abbott
- The Life of Christopher Columbus by Edward Everett Hale
- The Discovery of Muscovey by Richard Halukyt
- The Discovery of Guiana by Sir Walter Raleigh
- Basic Science for Christian Schools (BJU) Physical Science
- Science of the Physical Creation (A Beka) Earth Science
- Rural Hours by Susan Fennimore Cooper
- William Harvey's Discovery of Blood by Thomas Huxley
- Ourselves by Charlotte Mason
- Essays by Sir Francis Bacon
- Utopia by Sir Thomas More
- History of English Literature for Boys and Girls by H.E.
- A Student's History of American Literature by Edward Simonds
- Westward Ho! by Charles Kingsley
- The Holy War by John Bunyon
- Everyman, A Morality Play
- The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser
- AO Rotation
- No Fear Shakespeare
Language Arts
- Jensen's Format Writing by Frode Jensen (Paragraphs &
- The Roar on the Other Side by Suzanne Clark
- Copy work from Bible verses
Foreign Language
- Rosetta Stone Level 1, French
- Rosetta Stone Level 1, Latin
- Rosetta Stone Level 1, Spanish
- Rosetta Stone Level 1, German
Artist Study
- History of Art for Children by A. Janson
- AO Aritist Study
Music Study
- Great Men of Music by Harriette Brower
- AO Composer Study
Life and Work Skills
- Children's Ministry Volunteer
- Civil Air Patrol
Weekly Schedule
We have continued to use our Basic Schedule for our studies.
This layout works best for us and we seem to be able to get
everything finished on time. I also created an online schedule
with assignments. You can see it here: Virtual
to enlarge
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Copyright 1998-2010. Carol Hepburn.