Obit. of Elizabeth E. Goodwin Thomson


Photo courtesy of Cousin Jim Thomson


The Slater Rustler, Thursday, Oct. 21, 1915

Mrs. Elizabeth Thomson

Mrs. Elizabeth Elnora Goodwin Thomson, 93 years and seven months old, died at her home two miles and a half southeast of Slater, at 6:30 o'clock last Sunday morning after an illness of nearly a year. The deceased was a pioneer citizen of Saline county, having moved here with her husband from Fayette county, Ky. On October 15, 1843 she was united in marriage to Col. Pike M. Thomson and immediately moved to Howard County, MO.
They resided there only a few months and moved back to Kentucky. After living at their former home for some time they moved back to Saline County, MO. and settled near old Cambridge.
In a short while Mr. Thomson bought what is known as the Pike Thomson farm comprising 1200 acres of land, located southeast of Slater. Col. Pike M. Thomson probably was better known in Saline County than any other early settler, his large land interest and successful career as a farmer and business man brought his name constantly before the public. He preceded his wife to the grave about 13 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Thomson were parents of eight children, four boys and four girls. They are: John W., Loyd G., Lucian M., Mrs. Ruth V. Bush, Pike M., Polly, who died when two years old; Mrs. Lizzie Saltonstall.
Besides her children she leaves one sister, Mrs. Victoria Hildieth, of Fayette County, Ky., twenty-five grandchildren, thirty eight great grandchildren, and many other relatives and friends to grieve over her departure. Mrs. R. H. Richardson was at the bedside of her mother at the time of her death. Mrs. Richardson has faithfully nursed and cared for her mother through her illness and was with her to the end.
Grandma Thomson, as she was familiarly know, was a patient sufferer, always seeing the bright side of life and fully taking the bitter with the sweet. She was a devoted christian, trusting in the Lord to guide her in all her affairs. Her good influence will be greatly missed by those who knew her. She united with the Rehoboth Baptist Church shortly after moving to the county. A short while before the death of Mr. Thomson, he and Mrs. Thomson transferred their membership to the Presbyterian church of Slater and on July 25, 1915, Mrs. Thomson became a member of the Church of God at Linn Grove, and was a member of this church at the time of her death.
The funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Slater at 2 o'clock last Monday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. E. Bradley, of Lexington, Mo. Burial was in the Slater City Cemetery.