The Hood River News, Hood River, OR., June 25, 1913, page 4
Hood River county had a birthday Monday, being five years
old on that date. The state election which divided Wasco county and created
Hood River was held in April, 1908, and the governor signed the proclamation
declaring Hood River a separate county on June 23 of that year.
Hood River's first county officials appointed by Governor
Chamberlain, were as follows: County judge, A.J. Derby; sheriff, L.E. Morse;
county clerk, George D. Culbertson; assessor, J.P. Lucas, superintendent
of schools, E.C. Smith; county treasurer, V.C. Brock; county surveyor, John
Leland Henderson.
Subsequent officers who have served the county included
G.D. Culbertson and George R. Castner, judges; W.E. Hanson clerk; T.F. Johnson,
sheriff; Jasper Wickham, assessor; E.E. Coad and C.D. Thompon, school
superintendent; J.M. Schmeltzer and F.E. Bishop, treasurer; Murray Kay, surveyor.
Hood River still enjoys the distinction of being the
only county in the state created by a vote of the people. The measure carried
by a vote of 43,948 for and 26,778 against.
Hood River is a husky infant, considering the tender
age of five years. Naturally a unit, both geographically and commercially,
the creation of a separate county has had beneficent results. Hood River
has grown in population, prospered in a business way and made many county
improvements which would have been impossible under the old regime. This
has been possible largely because of the competent and public-spirited officials
who have had charge of the county's business during this, the first span
of Hood River's history.
© Jeffrey L. Elmer