Selected newspaper articles relating to
Hood River Area
Unless otherwise noted, all articles and stories on the following
pages were submitted by myself.
The following newspaper articles were found while gathering
information for my Klickitat County, WA., Genealogy website.
I realize that these articles hardly comprise
the entire history of this area, but these are all I have typed at this time.
If nothing else, the articles make for interesting reading, and might contain
information useful to someone's family research.
I'm sorry, but I have NO ADDITIONAL
INFORMATION about any of the persons or families mentioned in these
articles. Please use the resources of the
ORGenWeb's Hood River County
website for research assistance.
Do you have similar information
that you would like to have posted here for everyone to
Email me at [email protected]
Photographs, and other
Early Vitals from The Hood River Glacier
Hood River Area History - newspaper articles
from May 1881 - City (posted January 2005)
from Jun. 1889 - Early History of Hood River (posted January 2005)
from Aug. 1889 - Communicated (posted February 2005)
from Dec. 1890 - Indian War Reminiscences (posted November 2005)
from Apr. 1893 - A Few Facts Concerning Our Resources (posted December 2006)
from Sept. 1895 - Our Oaks (posted January 2005)
from Oct. 1895 - Protect Our Water Supply (posted November 2004)
from Nov. 1895 - The New Ditch (posted December 2004)
from Jan. 1896 - Hood River Valley (posted October 2004)
from Mar. 1896 - The Valley Improvement Company (posted October 2004)
from July 1897 - The Ditch Completed (posted December 2004)
from Nov. 1897 - A Midnight Flight - Reminiscence of the Indian War of 1856 (posted November 2005)
from Dec. 1897 - Memaloose Island Forty Years Ago (posted November 2005)
from 1897 - A Midnight Flight, by H.C. Coe (posted October 2004)
from May 1899 - Hood River Valley (posted February 2005)
from Jul. 1899 - City of Hood River (posted September 2004)
from Oct. 1899 - In the Apple Belt (posted November 2005)
from Oct. 1899 - Plant Trees (posted November 2005)
from Jan. 1900 - Our Prosperity (posted January 2005)
from Jan. 1900 - Hood River Valley (posted December 2004)
from Mar. 1900 - Hood River Valley (posted October 2004)
from Dec. 1900 - Hood River as Seen by an Editor (posted January 2005)
from Jun. 1901 - Hood River's Strawberry Crop (posted October 2004)
from Aug. 1901 - Strawberry Crop Brings in $85,000 (posted October 2004)
from Aug. 1901 - Hood River Strawberries (posted October 2004)
from Nov. 1901 - Hood River Fruit Growers Union (posted December 2005)
from Aug. 1902 - To Advertise Hood River (posted February 2005)
from Aug. 1902 - Peregrinations of the Senior Editor (posted February 2005)
from Jan. 1903 - A Trip to Oregon in 1853-4 (posted September 2004)
from Apr. 1903 - Hood River 50 Years Ago (posted September 2004)
from May 1903 - Hood River, Oregon (posted October 2004)
from May 1903 - Hood River, Oregon (posted December 2005)
from Jul. 1903 - Far Famed Hood River (posted October 2004)
from Jul. 1903 - Rural Mail Service (posted July 2006)
from Jul. 1903 - Hood River Valley (posted October 2004)
from Jul. 1903 - Issue Booklet on Hood River Lands (posted October 2004)
from Jul. 1903 - Some Points on Free Rural Delivery (posted July 2006)
from Dec. 1903 - First Mention of Hood River - part 1 (posted October 2004)
from Jan. 1904 - First Mention of Hood River - part 2 (posted October 2004)
from Jan. 1904 - Hood River and Its Fruit (posted December 2005)
from Mar. 1904 - The Famous Hood River Valley (posted October 2004)
from Jun. 1904 - The Famous Hood River Valley (posted December 2005)
from Oct. 1904 - In East Hood River Valley (posted January 2005)
from Oct. 1904 - What the Oregon Editors Saw at Hood River - Part 1 (posted January 2005)
from Nov. 1904 - What the Oregon Editors Saw at Hood River - Part 2 (posted January 2005
from Nov. 1904 - Hood River and Its Fruits (posted December 2005)
from Dec. 1904 - Big Ice Plant and Warehouse (posted November 2004)
from Mar. 1905 - Cram Has A Big Establishment (posted October 2004)
from Aug. 1905 - Beautiful Homes In The Mount Hood Country (posted September 2004)
from Nov. 1905 - Fine Land In Upper Valley (posted September 2004)
fron Nov. 1905 - Power Plant In Operation (posted October 2004)
from Nov. 1905 - Colony Landed 30 Years Ago (posted September 2004)
from Jan. 1906 - A Fine Tribute For Hood River (posted October 2004)
from Feb. 1906 - Year 1905 Was Prosperous One (posted February 2005)
from Feb. 1906 - Our Apples Finest Ever (posted February 2005)
from Feb. 1906 - Hood River's Fame Spreads (posted October 2004)
from Mar. 1906 - Anniversary of Hood River's First Citizen's (posted Febraury 2005)
from Mar. 1906 - Thirty Years in Hood River (posted February 2005)
from Aug. 1906 - Hood River Apples (posted December 2005)
from Aug. 1906 - New Telephone Line Completed (posted April 2007)
from Sept. 1906 - Glimpse of Hood River As Viewed By Roswell Shelley (posted February 2005)
from Sept. 1906 - Pioneer Days In Picturesque Hood River Valley (posted February 2005)
from Sept. 1906 - Stanley-Smith Mills (posted February 2005)
from Sept. 1906 - Writeup Of City In 1887 By A Portland Magazine (posted February 2005)
from Mar. 1907 - Landed in Hood River Thirty-One Years Ago (posted February 2005)
from Mar. 1907 - Life At Hood River In The Early Days (posted October 2004)
from Apr. 1907 - Hood River's Prosperity Undisputable (posted February 2005)
from Apr. 1908 - Cold Storage Plant is Discussed (posted July 2006)
from Sept. 1908 - Writes of Hood River (posted October 2004)
from Sep. 1908 - Busy Scenes on Mt. Hood Road (posted October 2004)
from Oct. 1908 - Hood River Prosperous Says The Journal (posted February 2005)
from Apr. 1909 - Development of Homes in the Upper Valley (posted March 2005)
from May 1909 - Along the Stage Road to Mt. Hood Country (posted March 2005)
from 1911 - Portland, Oregon - Its History and Builders (posted October 2006)
from Dec. 1912 - Big Power Plant To Be Built (posted February 2005)
from Mar. 1903 - Hood River Smith's History (posted February 2005)
from Jan. 1913 - City Was Written Up 25 Years Ago (posted February 2005)
from Jan. 1913 - Montgomery Tells of Hood River (posted January 2005)
from Mar. 1913 - Thinks Hood River Will Be Mecca For Tourists (posted January 2005)
from Apr. 1913 - Hinrichs, Pioneer, Tells of Early Days (posted January 2005)
from May 1913 - Progress Noted In Upper Valley (posted January 2005)
from Jun. 1913 - Apple Orchards Gradually Draw Nearer Snow Line of Mount Hood (posted October 2004)
from Jul. 1913 - Valley Shows Rapid Growth (posted January 2005)
from Aug. 1913 - In Earlier Days (posted October 2004)
from Sept. 1913 - West Fork Region Appeals (posted January 2005)
from Oct. 1913 - Sings The Praises of Hood River (posted January 2005)
from Aug. 1913 - Hood River and Apples are Formidable Combination (posted October 2004)
from Oct. 1913 - Portland Men Visit Valley (posted January 2005)
from Apr. 1915 - S.F. Blythe Tells of Pioneer Days (posted December 2006)
from Apr. 1915 - W.J. Baker Recalls Early Railway Days (posted December 2006)
from 1915 - Hood River, Oregon travel brochure (posted January 2006)
from Sept/Oct 1915 - Story of Nathaniel and Mary Coe (posted September 2004)
from Nov. 1915 - Hans Lage Recalls Hood River Arrival (posted January 2005)
from Dec. 1915 - Women Credited With Hood River Progress (posted October 2004)
from Dec. 1915 - H.L. Howe was Pioneer Teacher (posted January 2005)
from Jan. 1916 - Local Officer Serves Long (posted January 2005)
from Apr. 1916 - Dee Orchard District Grows (posted January 2005)
from Apr. 1916 - Newton Clark Local Pioneer (posted January 2005)
from Apr. 1916 - John Wilson, Early Pioneer (posted January 2005)
from May 1921 - $1,500,000 Power Plant is Assured (posted October 2004)
from 1922 - The History of Oregon (posted October 2006)
from May 1923 - Dedication is Set for Hydro-Electric Plant (posted October 2004)
from Aug. 1923 - Some Early Pine Grove History (posted March 2005)
from Jan. 1924 - C. Dethman Tells of Early Orchards (posted January 2005)
from Feb. 1924 - Upper Valley Is Known For Progress (posted January 2005)
from May 1924 - Dee Logging Road Has Scenic Beauty (posted January 2005)
from June 1924 - History Of Odell District (posted January 2005)
from Jun. 1924 - History of Early Odell Church Life (posted January 2005)
from Jun. 1924 - Story of Pioneer Struggle Is Told (posted January 2005)
fron Nov. 1924 - The Story of Hood River's Founding (posted January 2005)
from June 1925 - Historic Spots in Mid-Columbia (posted December 2004)
from Sep. 1926 - Early Days of Hood River Recalled (posted August 2006)
from 1928 - History of the Columbia River Valley From The Dalles to the Sea (posted (September 2006)
from Mar. 1928 - Celebrates 50 Years in Mid-Columbia (posted April 2005)
from Mar. 1928 - Mrs. Dethman 50 Years in District (posted April 2005)
from Jan. 1929 - When They Townsited Scenic Hood River Years Ago... (posted October 2004)
from Mar. 1930 - History of Cascade Locks Is Retold (posted March 2005)
from Mar. 1930 - The Cascade Locks (posted October 2005)
from Apr. 1930 - Chris Dethman Here 51 Years Ago (posted April 2005)
from Jan. 1932 - Early Story Told About Irrigation (posted February 2005)
from Jan 1933 - Will Attempt To Clear Cemetery Records (posted July 2005)
from May 1933 - A Pioneer River Town Comes Back (posted January 2005)
from May 1933 - Cheers, Tears of Pioneers - a History of the Lage Family (posted November 2004)
from May 1933 - Correct History of Hood River... (posted January 2005)
from May 1933 - Cemetery History Tells of Pioneers (posted November 2004)
from June thru Nov. 1937 - Pioneers of the Hood River Valley... (posted December 2004)
from Jan. 1939 - Serves as City Recorder for 26 Years ... (posted April 2005)
from Jan. 1939 - Early History Recalled (posted April 2005)
from Feb. 1939 - Ice Crop Factor In Pioneer Days (posted April 2005)
from Mar. 1939 - Illustrated Book of 1878 Recalls Days Before Hood River Was Settled (posted 2005)
from Mar. 1939 - Spaulding Family Assembles For Reunion (posted April 2005)
from Mar. 1939 - Will Isenberg Here 47 Years (posted April 2005)
from Apr. 1939 - County Grange History to be Featured (posted November 2004)
from Apr. 1939 - History of Middle Fork Irrigation Company Recalled (posted December 2004)
from Apr. 1939 - Plaque Honors Memory of Veterans (posted April 2005)
from Feb. 1940 - Pine Grove Cemetery Is Real God's Acre (posted July 2005)
from May 1939 - History of Valley to Be Recalled (posted April 2005)
from Jan. 1940 - Hood River Valley "Birthplace" of Rural Power (posted April 2005)
from Mar. 1940 - Historical Background of Parkdale Community (posted April 2005)
from Aug. 1940 - McIsaac History (posted April 2005)
from Jul. 1943 - The Absten Family (posted November 2005)
from Apr. - Jul. 1943 - a series of articles by Arline Winchell Moore (posted November 2005)
from Jan. 1948 - Hood River Valley Pioneers (posted November 2005)
from Jan. 1948 - Eph Winans Dean Among Old Timers (posted November 2005)
from Feb. 1948 - Recalls "Dog River" Days in Valley (posted November 2005)
from Jul. 1948 - Early Pioneers (posted November 2005)
from Aug. 1948 - Early Pioneers (posted November 2005)
from Oct. 1948 - Hans Lage was Pioneer Among East Side Growers of Valley (posted November 2005)
from 1950 - Hood River - One Hundred Years Ago (posted July 2006)
from Mar. 1951 - John Baker Tells History of Pioneer Lawyers (posted November 2005)
from Dec. 1955 - Grange Notes 50-Yr. History at Pine Grove (posted April 2005)
from Sept. 1957 - Pine Grove Landmark Gone (posted April 2005)
from Jul. 1969 - Early Hood River Felt Independence Strongly (posted October 2004)
History of Early Pioneer Families of Hood River, Oregon, by Mrs. D.M. Coon, (posted March 2006)
Hood I have Known It by Eph. told to Doug Baker (posted April 2005)
This is a series of articles by Mr. Winans which appeared in The Hood River News in 1949-50
Hood River Biographical, Historical Information, and Portraits
Information from the 1905 publication An Illustrated History of Central Oregon
Hood River Churches' Histories - newspaper articles
Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church (added to in November 2005)
Baptist Church (posted January 2005)
Catholic Church (posted April 2005)
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (posted November 2005)
First Church of Christ, Scientist (added to in November 2005)
Grace U.B. Church (posted February 2005)
Lutheran Church (posted March 2005)
St. Mark's Episcopal Church (posted January 2005)
Seventh Day Adventist (posted March 2005)
Riverside Community Church (added to in November 2005)
United Church of the Upper Hood River Valley (posted November 2005)
from Sept. 1906 - Some Of The Churches Which Adorn Our City (posted February 2005)
from Jan. 1910 - "Too Many Churches" (posted February 2005)
from Feb. 1913 - Federation of Churches Cemented (posted February 2005)
from Mar. 1915 - The History of the Underwood Chapel Assn. (posted November 2005)
from Dec. 1918 - Church Merger Proposed (posted April 2005)
from Jun. 1921 - Boddy Defends Community Church (posted November 2005)
from Apr. 1940 - Early Years Recalled in Fiftieth Anniversary of Riverside Church (posted April 2005)
from Jun. 1940 - Methodists of Hood River County Will Honor..... (posted April 2005)
from Dec. 1955 - Our Courageous Valley Churches (posted November 2005)
Hood River County's formation - newspaper articles
from Dec. 1904 - Will There Be A New County? (posted February 2005)
from Jan. 1905 - May Get New County (posted October 2004)
from Jan. 1905 - Report in Favor Cascade County (posted October 2004)
from Feb. 1905 - Hope For Cascade County (posted February 2005)
from Feb. 1905 - Favorable for Cascade County (posted February 2005)
from Feb. 1905 - Give Cascade County His Gall (posted February 2005)
from Feb. 1905 - Editorial (posted October 2004)
from Feb. 1905 - Kill Bill For Cascade County (posted October 2004)
from Feb. 1905 - No News From Legislature (posted October 2004)
from Jan. 1906 - People Want County Divided (posted September 2004)
from Feb. 1906 - Unanimous For County Division (posted September 2004)
from Mar. 1906 - Mosier Votes to Stay in Wasco (posted January 2005)
from Mar. 1906 - Many Reasons For County Division (posted September 2004)
from Sept. 1906 - Organizing For County Division (posted January 2005)
from Oct. 1906 - Still Dream of Cascade County (posted January 2005)
from Nov. 1906 - Cascade County Seeks Individuality (posted January 2004)
from Nov. 1906 - Mass Meeting To Create New County (posted February 2005)
from Nov. 1906 - County Division Question Again (posted February 2005)
from Nov. 1906 - Our Active People Present Petition (posted February 2005)
from Nov. 1906 - Appeal To The Legislature (posted February 2005)
from Nov. 1906 - New County Idea Popular (posted October 2004)
from Dec. 1906 - It Is Almost Unanimous (posted October 2004)
from Dec. 1906 - Out For Slicing (posted January 2005)
from Dec. 1906 - County Division (posted January 2005)
from Dec. 1906 - County Division As Viewed By Commercial Club (posted February 2005)
from Jan. 1908 - County Division By Initiative (posted October 2004)
from April 1908 - Vote "Yes" For Hood River County (posted October 2004)
from July 1908 - First Session County Court (posted December 2004)
from July 1908 - Get $12,000 From Wasco County (posted February 2005)
from June 1913 - County Was Five Years Old Monday (posted January 2005)
from Aug. 1932 - Merger of Three Counties is Urged (posted February 2005)
from Jun. 1958 - State's Tiniest County Observes Golden Year (posted October 2004)
Hood River County Library's History - newspaper articles
from 1912 - various newspaper articles (added to in February 2005)
from 1913 - various newspaper articles (added to in March 2005)
from 1914 - various newspaper articles (added to in January 2005)
from 1913 & 1916 - History of Woman's Club Is Given (posted December 2004)
from Feb. 1916 - New Library Contract Is Adopted (posted January 2005)
from Dec. 1916 - Pride Taken In Library (posted December 2004)
from Jan. 1921 - County Court and the Library (posted March 2005)
from Jan. 1921 - Budget Versus the Library Fund (posted March 2005)
from Feb. 1921 - Library Increase Provokes Storm (posted March 2005)
from Mar. 1939 - Library Is Now 25 Years Old (posted December 2004)
Hood River - Columbia Gorge Hotel - old post card, and photographs
from Dec. 1919 - Big Tourist Hotel May Be Built Here (posted April 2005)
from Dec. 1919 - Hood River's Opportunity (posted April 2005)
from Dec. 1919 - Hotel is Making Progress (posted April 2005)
from Feb. 1920 - Now at Work on Tourist Hotel (posted April 2005)
from Nov. 1920 - Excavation For Hotel Progressing (posted April 2005)
from May 1921 - Benson Buys More Land For Hotel (posted April 2005)
from May 1921 - Hotel Surprises O.W.R. & N. Manager (posted April 2005)
from Jun. 1921 - New Hotel to Open Next Wednesday (posted April 2005)
from Jun. 1921 - New Hotel to be Opened Tomorrow (posted April 2005)
from Jun. 1921 - Hotel Opening on Saturday (posted April 2005)
from Jun. 1921 - The Columbia Gorge Hotel (posted April 2005)
from Jun. 1921 - Columbia Gorge Hotel Attracts Big Crowd Opening Day (posted April 2005)
from Jul. 1921 - Gorge Hotel is to be Enlarged (posted April 2005)
from Jul. 1921 - Columbia Gorge Day Celebrated (posted April 2005)
from Apr. 1923 - Portland Company Buys Gorge Hotel (posted April 2005)
Hood River hospital's early history - newspaper articles
from Nov. 1905 - Hood River Will Have New Hospital (posted November 2005)
from Oct. 1921 - Lunch Club Out For New Hospital (posted March 2005)
from Jan. 1930 - A New Hospital For 1930 (posted March 2005)
from Mar. 1930 - Gorge Hospital Rumor Is Wild One (posted March 2005)
from May 1930 - Call Out For Final Plans For Hospital (posted March 2005)
from Aug. 1930 - Hospital May Be Built In Hill Park (posted March 2005)
from Aug. 1930 - Public Demands Better Hospital (posted March 2005)
from Aug. 1930 - A Real Hospital Plan (posted March 2005)
from Sept. 1930 - Hospital On Hill Is Now Assured (posted February 2005)
from Jun. 1932 - Open House This Week at Hospital (posted April 2005)
from June 1932 - Hospital Opening Draws Thousands (posted February 2005)
from June 1932 - A Dream Realized (posted February 2005)
from Jan. 1939 - H.R. Hospital Is In Good Condition (posted April 2005)
from Jan. 1939 - Hood River Hospital Declared Free of Debt (posted April 2005)
from May 1940 - H.R. Hospital Will Observe National Event (posted April 2005)
from Feb. 1950 - Hood River Hospital Greatly Improved... (posted August 2006)
from Feb. 1950 - An Improved Hospital (posted August 2006)
from May 1950 - Open House at Hospital is Set for Friday (posted August 2006)
from May 1954 - Community Hospital's 30th Anniversary ... (posted November 2005)
Hood River's newspapers' histories -- newspaper articles
from Jul. 1901 - The Glacier Still Moves (posted October 2004)
from Jun. 1913 - Mr. Blythe Tells of Early Glacier Days (posted January 2005
from Jun. 1913 - The Glacier's Birthday (posted January 2005
from Nov. 1915 - S.F. Blythe was Pioneer Printer (posted January 2005)
from Sep. 1919 - Pioneers Celebrate Birth of First Hood River Newspaper (posted October 2004)
from Jun. 1921 - Glacier Wins First Award (posted February 2005)
from Jun. 1921 - A Happy Birthday (posted February 2005)
from Jun. 1933 - Glacier Has A Birthday (posted January 2005)
from Sept. 1936 - Hood River County Sun Makes Bow To Public (posted April 2005)
from Sept. 1937 - Original Sun is Source of Great Interest (posted January 2005)
Hood River area Schools' Histories - newspaper articles
from Dec. 1905 - High School For The Valley (posted October 2004)
from Feb. 1906 - Want A Valley High School (posted October 2004)
from Mar. 1906 - High School Mass Meeting (posted January 2005)
from Sept. 1908 - Hood River Schools (posted October 2004)
from Nov. 1908 - New High School About Completed (posted October 2004)
from Nov. 1908 - Dedication Of New Building (posted October 2004)
from Feb. 1910 - High School Improvement Discussed By Prof. Coad (posted January 2005)
from Mar. 1925 - Salient Points On Union High School (posted January 2005)
from Apr. 1905 - Proposed Union High Is Defeated (posted January 2005)
from Dec. 1928 - City Has Fine School (posted October 2004)
from Oct. 1933 - Early School Days Recalled By Relic (posted January 2005)
from Nov. 1937 - Memories of Hood River's First School (posted January 2005)
from Nov. 1937 - Barrett School has Dedication Following Extensive Remodeling (posted January 2005)
from Dec. 1937 - Early History of Schools of Odell Are Recalled (posted January 2005)
Hood River's weather history - newspaper articles
from ___ 1909 - Hood River Storm Recalls Most Severe Winter to Pioneer of '54 (posted April 2005)
from Dec. 1909 - A Hood River Winter In Pioneer Days of '62 (posted January 2005)
from Jan. 1939 - Mrs. Alma L. Howe Recalls Good Old Winter Of 1884-85 (posted December 2004)
from Jan. 1949 - Mrs. Howe Wrote of Winter When Hood River ... (posted March 2005)
from Feb. 1949 - History of Winters That Were "Really" Severe part 1 (posted March 2005)
from Mar. 1949 - History of Winters That Were "Really" Severe part 2 (posted March 2005)
from Mar. 1949 - History of Winters That Were "Really" Severe part 3 (posted March 2005)
from Dec. 1949 - Capt. Coe Told Of Winter In '61-62... (posted March 2005)
Cascade Locks area - newspaper articles
Hood River - White Salmon Interstate Bridge - newspaper articles
© Jeffrey L. Elmer All Rights Reserved