The Hood River Glacier, Hood River, OR., December 27, 1928, page 1
High School One Of State's Best
Training in Citizenship is Part of the Cirriculum in New Hood River High
By F.S. Knight
Commanding a marvelous view of the Columbia river and
the majestic picks of Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams, Hood River high school with
its new building, equipment and grounds valued at nearly $200,000.00, is
an open door of opportunity for the youth of Hood River and nearby surrounding
community. About 50 percent of the students come from school districts outside
the Hood River city district.
Modern in its equipment, it affords pleasant surroundings
for its students in their work and their play.
Future development of the Hood River community has been
anticipated, for the present building when fully equipped, will provide for
double the present enrollment.
Hood River high school is one of 275 standard accredited
schools of Oregon. Since Oregon is a state in which the smaller high school
predominates, the Hood River school ranks among the large schools of the
state, only 23 schools having a greater enrollment and 252 schools having
fewer students than has Hood River.
In per pupil cost to the taxpayers, Hood River high school
ranks among the schools with the lowest cost. Only 82 schools of the state
have a lower per pupil cost while 193 schools have a higher per pupil cost,
according to figures recently published in the official directory of the
high schools of Oregon. The per pupil cost for Hood River for the school
year 1927-28 was $133.93.
The curriculum of Hood River high school is almost
exclusively academic. Commercial branches are the only subjects taught outside
of the regular academic subjects. The pupils, however, have the opportunity
of taking manual training and home economics in the junior high school before
coming to high school. The following subjects are offered:
Algebra, biology, bookkeeping, business arithmetic, business
geography, business law, chemistry, civic, economics, English, French, geometry,
world history, United States history, hygiene, journalism, Latin, occupations,
physics, social problems, stenography, trigonometry, typewriting.
Valuable as is the study of the subjects of the regular
curriculum, training in citizenship is considered of even greater value.
Training in citizenship is secured in the activities of the classroom and
the assembly period and in the so called extra-curriculum activities.
Because of the greater freedom from faculty control in
the extra-curriculum activities, qualities of leadership are developed there
in a high degree. There is faculty direction in these activities, but student
initiative is given a greater opportunity of expressing itself.
These activities include athletics -- basketball, football,
tennis and track; dramatic club; glee club; gymnasium; the Guide, a weekly
newspaper; the Mascot, the year book; and social affairs under the management
of the class organizations. The social affairs included three parties a year,
one under the management of each class but the whole school invited; the
junior prom for the juniors and seniors; and class picnics in the spring.
The finances of the various activities are handled by
the students through the sale of student body tickets and by the cooperation
of the public in the sale of tickets to the various contests and entertainment
at which admission is charged. No part of the support of these activities
comes from public taxation except that which is provided in the salaries
of coaches and instructors, and permanent equipment such as stage, auditorium,
gymnasium, athletic field and bleachers. Some of the stage equipment has
been provided by club funds.
The efficient handling of the finances of these organizations
requires bookkeeping and record keeping. The funds of each organization are
handled through the office, the money deposited in the bank, and the organization
concerned credited with the money received. All bills must be approved after
which they are paid by check and charged to the organization in question.
The amount of money handled in the course of a year's
activities runs into several thousands of dollars. The following amounts
were handled in the accounts of student activities during the school year
Basketball, $526.00; senior class, $220.00; junior class,
$427.00; dramatic club, $142.00; football, $1054.00; girls' league, $85.00;
glee club, $900.00; the Guide, $800.00; the Mascot, $932.00; student body
tickets, $988.00; track, $66.00.
© Jeffrey L. Elmer