James City, Virginia
Land Granted by Gov. Francis Wyatt - 1624
William Claybourne, of James City, Gent., (for
his first dividend) 150 acres on the West side of Southampton
river, in the Corporation of Elizabeth City; divided into two
parcels (vizt.) 50 acres adjoining the lands of John Gunnery and
William Lansden; and 100 acres adjoining the other side of said
Lansden's land, and that of Wm. Capps.
Due for the transportation from England of three servants (vizt.)
William Harris, who came in the Georg, 1621, and William Morris
and Jon. Pipps who came in the Tyger 1621.
Granted by Wyatt, June 3d, 1624.
(Source: Virginia Land Records, From The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler's Quarterly, published in 1982.)
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