# 1041078 Kilarrow (Bowmore) b. 1763 -1854 m 1771-1854 d
1817-1831 - FHL film #1041078 holds the parish records for Kilarrow, basically the
years 1763-1854 Marriages start a bit later
# 1041079 Kilchoman births and marriages 1821-1854 and Kildalton births and marriages
1723-1854 - FHL film #1041079 holds the parish records for Kilchoman (#540) and
Kildalton (#541) Kilchoman records commence in 1821 and Kildalton records start in
# 1041080 Portnahaven births 1831-1854 marriages 1833-1854
- Oa births and marriages 1833-1854 and Kilmeny births 1802-1854 - FHL film
#1041080 holds the parish records for Kilmeny (#543) Baptisms from 1802 but no marriages
at all, Oa (#546) Baptisms and Marriages from 1833. Before that time you will find
your ancestors listed under the parish of Kildalton. This film also has the Parish
of Portnahaven (#547) Baptisms from 1832 and Marriages from 1833
# 6036535 Islay People
# 6900475 Parish of Kilarrow (parish #536) Baptisms (1
# 6901108 Parish of Kilarrow Marriages (1 fiche)
# 6900481 Parish of Kilchoman (parish #540) Baptisms
(1 fiche)
# 6900482 Parish of Kilchoman Marriages (1 fiche)
# 6900483 Parish of Kildalton (parish #541) Baptisms ( 2 fiche)
# 6901109 Parish of Kildalton Marriages ( 1 fiche)
---- Parish of Kilmeny (parish #543) not available
# 6901116 Parish of Oa (parish #546) Baptisms ( 1 fiche)
# 6901117 Parish of Oa Marriages (1 fiche)
# 6901115 Parish of Portnahaven (parish #547) Baptisms (1 fiche)
# 6902205 Parish of Portnahaven Marriages ( 1 fiche)