Jeremiah was born at East Hampton, Long Island, New York in 1687 and was about 9 years old when his father, Christopher died. His brother, Thomas was already settled in New Jersey, and when Aaron reached an appropriate age to apprentice out, he was placed with a shoemaker and leather man to learn the trade, and so it can be assumed that when Jeremiah became of an appropriate age he, too, was probably apprenticed to some man to learn a trade. Jeremiah, who is called "farmer" in the records, moved to Killingworth, Middlesex County, Connecticut where on July 4, 1716, he married Abigail Turner, daughter of Edward Turner and Sarah Hall. Abigail was born on October 11, 1694 at Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut. Jeremiah and Abigail first settled at the town of Guilford, then Durham and later moved to Middletown. A court record indicates "Jeremiah Leaming who married Abigail Turner, and John Turner heirs of Edward Turner informing this court that the said Edward Turner made a will which was proved January 4, 1717 and disposed of part of his estate and died partly intestate, particularly of one piece of land (about 137 acres) lying in Middletown, Connecticut. This Court do therefore grant Letters of Administration unto Jeremiah Leaming cum Testimento Annexo. Also, he exhibits inventory of intestate estate." It is possible Jeremiah and Abigail moved to this land after the Court settlement, as their daughter Abigail was born December 4, 1726 at Middletown. Jeremiah and his family were no doubt devout church members as his eldest son, Jeremiah, Jr. was an ordained minister. Jeremiah and Abigail had a total of nine children. Jeremiah died at age 72 on August 29, 1759 at Middletown and was buried in the Middlefield North Cemetery located on the Jackson Hill Road. His will, which was presented to the court at Middletown on September 1, 1759, lists a substantial amount of property. His will shows he owned a farm at Middletown and the farm is described as having an orchard, garden and a wooded area to provide firewood as well as the livestock such as cows and sheep, so it appears that he was a hard working man to accumulate such an estate at that time. Since Jeremiah & Abigail's eldest son, Rev. Jeremiah Leaming attended Yale College (1745) and also received the honorary degree of Master of Arts being conferred upon him by King's College, now Columbia University, during in 1765, one is led to believe Jeremiah and Abigail also encouraged and helped their children attain an education. By reading Jeremiah's will, one gets the idea that he was a kind, loving husband and father, as he remembers all the children in equal portions and a fair share to his "beloved Abigail." Perhaps he was thinking back to his father, Christopher's estates which the eldest son Thomas, inherited upon the death of the widow and mother, Hester Leaming, leaving the younger children to make their own way in the world. Jeremiah's will reads as follows: I, Jeremiah Leaming, of Middletown, in ye county of Hartford and colony of Connecticut in New England considering my age and infirmity of body and thinking it my duty to dispose of the estate wherewith it hath pleased [God] to bless me in this life do make and ordain this my last will and testament. Imprimis - I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Abigail Leaming the improvement of the whole of my dwelling house and of my barn and pastureland of my home farm to run from the highway east of my home westward to a crop fence near the west side of my young orchard fence being about 70 rods west from highway and also the improvements of my lot of land lying east of the highway near my house running from said highway eastward, near to the dwelling house of Lt John Bartlet, deceased. The improvements of buildings and land I give unto my above named wife during the time that she shall remain my widow only, regarding the priviledges therein as hereafter given unto my daughters Lucy and Jane and also I give unto her during the time she shall remain my widow the one half of my household goods and the use of two cows. She shall have her choice of all household goods for her half and liberty of getting firewood upon my farm where the most convenient for her and also five pounds if she need for it to cut and cart the wood to be paid her as is needed. I have already given unto my beloved sons, Jeremiah and Matthias their full share and portion of my estate. And I have already given unto my beloved daughters Abigail Coe, deceased, Elizabeth Whetmore and Esther Marks part of their portions at their marriage, and therefore I give unto my beloved daughters Lucy and Jane as much of my estate as to make them equal in this aforementioned gesture. I give unto my beloved son Aaron, my flintlock gun and sword and the remainder of my estate; the whole half I give and bequeath unto my son Aaron and my above named daughters Lucy, Elizabeth and Jane. My above named daughter Abigail being deceased, to her children I give one sixth part thereof of my personal and real estate to be equally divided among them. Unto my son Aaron and my above named daughters I give the whole of my real and personal estate that shall be equally divided to and among them to share forever except that was allowed Aaron to only a sixth part of the rest estate and my daughter Abigail, being deceased a sixth part of the whole of this my will and pleasure is that if any of my above mentioned children should die not leaving any children that their part of my estate shall return to my last name son and daughters and their heirs. And also my will is that Aaron and my above named daughters pay unto their mother if she requires the same, five pounds per annum to get her firewood. Each one of them to pay an equal share, and to my daughters, Lucy and Jane, liberty to use my dwelling house during the time they shall remains single, and liberty of a garden and fruit of the orchard for their own use. And also I do hereby appoint my above named son Jeremiah Leaming and my wife Abigail Leaming executors of this, my last will and testament and I therefore set my hand and seal this sixteenth day of May, A.D. 1758. Witnessed by: Ebenezer Hale; Mary Hale; and Abraham Bradley [brother-in-law, husband of Jane Leaming]. In the court of Probate Court of Middletown, Connecticut on this 1st day of September, A.D. 1759, Will and Testament of Jeremiah Leaming, late of Middletown, came Mrs. Abigail Leaming and Jeremiah Leaming. Abigail died November 5, 1764 at Middletown. Her burial place is unknown. The records of the cemetery where Jeremiah is buried do not have a record for Abigail and no tombstone is there for her.
Please send e-mail to Sam Behling. ![]() See lineage of Leaming Family Read about Jeremiah's father, Christopher Leaming Read about Jeremiah's son, Matthias Leaming Read about Jeremiah's grandson, Judah Leaming Read about Jeremiah's great grandson, Judah Leaming Read Aaron Leaming's Diary Read the Autobiography of Lydia Leaming Miller Read the Autobiography of Martha (Mattie) Caroline Rogers Leaming Read the Biography of Dessie Elizabeth Hayter Leaming