Twelfth Generation15916. Charles Richard HART455 was born on 13 March 1915 in Moose Lake, Carlton, Minnesota.455 He appeared in the census on 31 January 1920 in Moose Lake, Carlton, Minnesota. Age 4, born Minnesota, father born Iowa, mother Minnesota, living with parents. Name on census: Richard C. Hart. He appeared in the census on 10 April 1930 in Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio. Age 15, born Minnesota, father born Iowa, mother Minnesota, living with parents. Name on census: Charles R. Hart. Charles appeared in the census on 8 April 1940 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. Age 25, born Minnesota. He was the assistant manager of a freight trucking company and his household included his wife Corinne M., 23, and son Charles R. Jr., 11 months. Name on census: Charles R. Hart. He died on 23 February 1991 at the age of 75 in Santa Clara County, California.455 Charles Richard HART and Corinne M. were married.455 Corinne M.455 was born on 5 March 1917 in Illinois.455 She appeared in the census on 8 April 1940 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. Age 23, born Illinois, living with husband Charles and son Charles Jr. Name on census: Corinne M. Hart. She died on 9 May 2000 at the age of 83 in Westminster, Orange, California.455 Charles Richard HART-68821 and Corinne M. -68823 had the following children: