- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667" (Exeter, NH: Exeter Gazette Steam Printing House, 1886.). NOTE: Most of the information on the "unsourced" members of Thomas' descendants (at least the first few generations) came from this book. However, corrections have been applied when found in other sources.
- Email from another researcher., Dick Marston via D.E. Schillinger.
- New England Historic Genealogical Register. Volume CXLVII (147) Oct. 1993, pg 327-328.
Article by Clifford L. Stott.
- Email: Justin <[email protected]>, Email of 15 Aug 1997.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 557 "Elizabeth Philbrick ye wyfe of Tho: Philbrick deceased ye 19th: 12th mo: 1663".
- NEHGR (Jul 1984), 108:252;2258 "THE ENGLISH CONNECTIONS OF THOMAS FELBRIGGE OR PHILBRICK OF HAMPTON, NH" by G. Andrew Moriarty, A.M., F.S.A [compiled from the research notes of Mary Philbrook of Lakewood, NJ]., pg 258.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 11.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records", p. 557.
- John Anderson Brayton, "The Ancestry of William KNAPP & Margaret DEANE of Bures Saint Mary, Suffolk & Watertown, Massachusetts", included in John Brooks Threlfall's "Twenty-Six Great Migration Colonists to New England & Their Origins". (Madison, WI, 1993), pg. 182.
- New England Historic Genealogical Register. Volume CXLVII (147) Oct. 1993, pg 323-327.
Article by Clifford L. Stott.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 88 "Abigail: the Daughter of John Philbrook & of Anna his wife was borne ye 8: 9 mo 54"
p. 544 "Abigail ye daughter of Jno Filbrick & Anna his wife was borne ye 8th of ye 9th Mo 1654".
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", p10, #2.
- Ancestral File @
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667".
- International Genealogical Index at FamilySearch.
- Pedigree Resource File at FamilySearch.
- Anson J. Thurston Jr. <[email protected]>, 25 Sep 2002 Report.
- Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby, & Walter Goodwin Davis, "Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire" (Portland, Maine: The Southworth-Anthoensen Press, 1928-1939
Reprinted: Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1972, 1976, 1979, 1983, 1988.), page 532/4 (11).
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 93 "Sarah ye Daughter of James Philbrick & of Ann his wife borne: ye: 14: 12 mo: 1660"
p. 549 "Sarah ye Daughter of James Filbrick & Anne his wyfe was borne ye 14th: 12th Mo: 1660".
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 98 "Elizabeth ye Daughter of James Philbrick & of Ann his wife ye: 24: 5: 66"
p. 552 "Elizabeth ye Daughter of James Philbrick & Anne his wyfe was born ye 24: 5m 1666".
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 99 "Mehetabel ye Daughtr of James Philbrick & of Ann his wife born ye 19: 5 mo 68"
p. 559 "Mehetable ye daughter of James Philbrick and Ane his wyfe was born ye 19: 5 Mo 1668".
- GEDCOM from Robert BIDWELL <[email protected]>.
- GEDCOM from Jan Bunten <[email protected]>, 25 Jan 1998.
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes. (Ellis, Kansas, 1994), pg. 31.
- BradHadley <[email protected]>, Ancestor Report: 22 Mar 2011.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, April 2001. He cited the GDM&NH.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records".
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 558 "Ann ye wife of Tho: Philbrick deceased 17th: 3d Mo: 67".
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 96 "Elizabeth ye Daughter of Thomas Philbrick & of Ann his wife born ye: 1: 9 mo 1663"
p. 552 "Elizabeth ye Daughter of Tho: Philbrick & Ann his wife was borne ye 1st of ye 9th Mo: 1663".
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 559 "Elizabeth ye daughter of Tho Philbrick deceased 21th 3d Mo: 67".
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 555 "Tho: Philbrick & Hannah White were Joyned in mariage ye: 22th: 7th mo: 1669".
- Bill Prokasy <[email protected]>, Hannah Philbrick Report - 16 Jun 2006. See attachment to Hannah for Bill's sources.
- GEDCOM from Brian Smith <[email protected]> imported on 28 Apr 1999.
- Dow, Joseph, "History of the Town of Hampton,
New Hampshire. From It's Settlement in 1638, to the Autumn of 1892." (Edited & Published by His Daughter).
- GEDCOM from Brian Smith imported on 28 Apr 1999., 28 Apr 1999.
- Dow, Joseph, "History of the Town of Hampton,
New Hampshire. From It's Settlement in 1638, to the Autumn of 1892.", [from the Lane Memorial Library online].
- Betty Adams <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report Jan. 2003.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 497 "Jno. ye Sonne of Jno Filbrick & Ann his wyfe was born ye (22d) of ye (7th) Mo 1650".
- Anson J. Thurston Jr. <[email protected]>, 25 Sep 2002 Report (with sources).
- Priscilla Hammond, compiler, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire (Concord, NH:, 1936)
Compiled From The Town's Original Record Books 1714-1820 Earliest and Latest Dates Recorded ... 1710-1851, pg. 95.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 77 "John Philbrick & Prudenc Swaine Joyned in Marriag ye 26: 12 mo 1677".
- Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby, & Walter Goodwin Davis, "Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire". pg. 545. "m. 2d in Greenl. 7 Mar 1716-7 Sabina (Locke) Lewis (1); see Locke (3 1/2).".
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 40.
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 59-64.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", Generation 3, Page 11.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 544 "Hannah & Martha the Daughters of Jno Filbrick & ann his wyfe was born ye (26th) of ye (7th) Mo 1651".
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 90 "Ephraim ye Sonn of John Philbrok & of Anna his wife born ye 24: 2: mo 56"
p. 546 "Ephraim ye Sonne of Jno Filbrick & Annah his wife was borne ye (24th) of ye (2d) Mo: 1656".
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 12.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 544 "James ye Sonne of James Filbrick & Ann his wyfe was born ye (13th) (5th) Mo: 1651".
- Michael Philbrook of Bucyrus, Ohio
Past Historian of the Philbrick-Philbrook Family Association [now defunct], GEDCOM.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 76 "James philbrick & Hannah Perkins were Joyned in Mariag 1: 10 mo 1675".
- Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby, & Walter Goodwin Davis, "Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire", pg. 542.
- NEHGR (Jul 1984), 108:252;2258 "THE ENGLISH CONNECTIONS OF THOMAS FELBRIGGE OR PHILBRICK OF HAMPTON, NH" by G. Andrew Moriarty, A.M., F.S.A [compiled from the research notes of Mary Philbrook of Lakewood, NJ].
- Sanborn, George Freeman and Sanborn, Melinde Lutz, "Vital Records of Hampton New Hampshire to the End of the Year 1900." (NEHGS, Boston, MA, 1992), V. 2, p. 84.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 89 "Apphia: the Daughter of James Philbrok and Ann: his was was born: 19th: 1 mo 55"
p. 546 "Apphia the daughter of James Filbrick & Ann his wyfe was borne ye 19th day of the (1st) Mo: 1655".
- Glen L. Bachelder <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request.
- Jean Hilliard <[email protected]>, Email: 21 April 2001.
- Jean Hilliard <[email protected]>, Email: April 2001.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 90 "Ester the Daughter of James Philbrook & of Ann His wife borne ye: 1 of ye 1 mo 1657"
p. 547 "Hester ye Daughter of James Filbrick & Ann his wyfe was borne ye (1st) of ye (1st) Mo 1657".
- [email protected], 30 Nov 2002.
- David Sylvester <[email protected]>, Posted on BEARD-L 2 Jul 2006.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 92 "Thomas the Son of James Philbrick & of Ann: His wife borne: 14: 1 mo 58/59"
p. 547 "Thomas ye Sonne of James Filbrick & Ann his wyfe was borne ye 14th of ye 1st Mo 1659".
- Sumner, Edith Bartlett, Ancestry of Edward Wales Blake and Clarissa Matilda Glidden : with ninety allied families (Los Angeles, Calif.: unknown, 1948, 326 pgs.), pgs 81-83.
- Langdon B. Parsons, "History of the Town of Rye, New Hampshire: from it's discovery and settlement to December 31, 1903" (Concord, NH: Rumford Printing Company, 1905, 686 pages.), pg. 488.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 11 "Timothy the Son of Tho: philbrook by Mahetabel his wife was borne the 14th of May 1689".
- Langdon B. Parsons, "History of the Town of Rye, New Hampshire: from it's discovery and settlement to December 31, 1903", pg. 457.
- Langdon B. Parsons, "History of the Town of Rye, New Hampshire: from it's discovery and settlement to December 31, 1903", pg. 489.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 96 "Joseph ye sonn of James Philbrick & of Ann his wife born ye: 1: 8 mo 63"
p. 550 "Joseph ye Sonne of James Philbrick & Ann his wyfe was born ye 1st: 8th Mo 1663".
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>.
- Email: Laurelee Walkey <[email protected]>, 5 Jan 1998.
- Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby, & Walter Goodwin Davis, "Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire", p. 462 "10 MARSTON, Capt. William".
- Walter "Rick" Harwood <[email protected]>, 29 May 2000.
- Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby, & Walter Goodwin Davis, "Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire", p. 546 "PHILBRICK, Joseph (1)".
- Dow, Joseph, "History of the Town of Hampton,
New Hampshire. From It's Settlement in 1638, to the Autumn of 1892.", From Lane Memorial Library.
- Jean Hilliard <[email protected]>, Email: 20 April 2001.
- Anson J. Thurston Jr. <[email protected]>. 25 Sep 2002 Report (with sources)
He says 27 Jun 1689.
- GEDCOM from John Worthing BEEDE <[email protected]>. He is a High Priest with the LDS Church and lives in Donnelly, ID. In 1997 he was going to SLC to work in the Family History Dept. of the Church., 13 Oct 1997.
- Betty Adams <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report, 17 Jan 2003.
- Janet Goff Jenkins <[email protected]>, Email to WISE-L, 4 May 2001.
- GEDCOM from Robert BIDWELL <[email protected]>. He cites "New England Marriages Prior to 1700", Torrey, 1992, p. 147.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 39.
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 53.
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 31.
- Kelly Ann Coffey <[email protected]>, Email: 14 Sep 2002.
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 32.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow".
- WFT GEDCOM file from World Family Tree Vol. 14 Tree 1137. Imported on 19 May 2004.
- Melanie Philbrick Thomsen <[email protected]>, Email: 2 Apr 2008.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 544 "Mary ye Daughter of Tho: Filbrick & Ann his wyfe was born ye (11th) of ye 7th Mo: 1651".
- Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby, & Walter Goodwin Davis, "Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire", pgs 542 & 546.
- George Osner <[email protected]>, Email: 12 Apr 2003.
- OneWorldTree @
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 545 "Bethia ye daughter of Thomas Filbrick & Ann his wyfe was borne ye (15th) of ye (10th) Mo 1654".
- Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby, & Walter Goodwin Davis, "Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire", pg. 546.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 77 "Caleb perkins and Bathjah philbrick wear married ye: 24: 2 mo 77".
- Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby, & Walter Goodwin Davis, "Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire", pg. 541.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 90 "Jonathan: the Son of Thomas Philbrook & of An His Wife: ye 4th of 5 m 1657"
p. 547 "Jonathan the sonne of Tho: Philbrick & Ann his wyfe was born ye 4th: 5th: Mo: 1657".
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 93 " Samuell: ye son of Thomas philbrick & of Ann His wife: born: 19: 3 mo 1660".
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 87 "John the Son of Samuel philbrook by Jane his wife ws Borne ye 13 of october 1689".
- Journal of the New England Historical & Genealogical Society., "Nexus" - Journal of the New England Historical & Genealogical Society., "Nexus." V. 13, pp. 167-71. NEHGS.
- Dow, Joseph, "History of the Town of Hampton,
New Hampshire. From It's Settlement in 1638, to the Autumn of 1892.". Dow, "History of Hampton, N.H. 1638-1892." pp. 917, 918. .
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 99 "Elizabeth ye Daughter of Thomas philbrick & Ann his wife 3: 3 mo 67"
p. 554 "Elizabeth ye Daughter of Tho: Philbrick & Ann his wife was borne ye 3d 3d [sic] mo 1667".
-, American Marriages Before 1699.
- GEDCOM from Linda Fahrenbacher <[email protected]>, 26 Jan 1998.
- B. Louise Gibson [[email protected]], Email: 5 Apr 2004.
- Ayers Family web site
- Sarah O'Connor [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 2 Aug 2010.
- Email: Debbie Mangen <[email protected]>, 30 Mar 1998.
- GEDCOM from Wesley PHILBROOK on 20 Oct 1997.
- Robert F. Fuller, Gerald R. Fuller, Hortense M. Fuller, "Adamic Lineages" (no date), pg 6, 82. The book has no sources.
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 54-58.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 39. James lock and hanah Philbrook Decm 3d 1713.
- Brian Smith <[email protected]>, 14 Feb 1999.
- Email: [email protected], 2 Sep 1997.
- Betty Adams <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report, 17 Jan 2003 [She has 1686/87].
- Donna Barnes Clark <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report via emailt: 15 Mar 2003 [She has 1694/95].
- Betty Adams <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report, 17 Jan 2003 [she has 1659].
- John McCarty [[email protected]], PPRG Member Request - 3 Nov 2006.
- Donna Barnes Clark <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report via emailt: 15 Mar 2003.
- Betty Adams <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report, 17 Jan 2003. She says about 1653.
- John McCarty, PPRG Member Request - 3 Nov 2006. He says 23 Aug 1659.
- Donna Barnes Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 15 Mar 2003.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Brad Knowles, [[email protected]]. Created on 9 OCT 2004. Imported on 9 Oct 2004.
- Sanborn, George Freeman and Sanborn, Melinde Lutz, "Vital Records of Hampton New Hampshire to the End of the Year 1900.". Vol. 1, p. 111: "John ye son of John philbrick & of prudenc his wife born 22th:12mo:1678".
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 50.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, (ChR).
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 25.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 10 "Abigale the Daughter of John philbrick by prudence his wife was borne ye 14 day of Aprill: 1687".
- compiled by Orrin Peer Allen, "Descendants of Nicholas Cady of Watertown, Mass. 1645-1910."
- GEDCOM file from former PPFA imported on 25 Jun 2002.
- Jacob Chapman, Philbrick & Philbrook Families (Published 1886), pg. 13.
- Michael Philbrook of Bucyrus, Ohio
Past Historian of the Philbrick-Philbrook Family Association [now defunct].
- Michael Philbrook of Bucyrus, Ohio
Past Historian of the Philbrick-Philbrook Family Association [now defunct], 9 Jul 1999 email.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 13.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, 9 Mar 2001.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Maura Dey, [email protected]. Created on 9 MAR 2009. Imported on 9 Mar 2009.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Maura Dey, [email protected]. Created on 9 MAR 2009. Imported on 9 Mar 2009.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Maura Dey, [email protected]. Created on 9 MAR 2009. Imported on 9 Mar 2009.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 87 "Joseph the Son of James philbrook by Hannah his wife was born the 3rd day of Febuary 1693/4".
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 15.
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 59-64 [says death date is 30 Jul 1718].
- Michael Philbrook of Bucyrus, Ohio
Past Historian of the Philbrick-Philbrook Family Association [now defunct], GEDCOM [He says "about 1696"].
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 153 "Ann ye Daughter of Joseph Philbrick and of Elizabeth his wife was born ye 10th: of may 1724".
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 177.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH. p. 166 "Elizebeth ye daughter of Nathan Philbrick and of Dorcas his wife was born the 13th of May 1730".
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH. p. 166 "Dorcas ye daughter of Nathan Philbrick and by Dorcas his wife was born the 25th day of january 1740/41".
- Email: Donald L. Smith <[email protected]>, 3 Nov 1997.
- Jean Hilliard <[email protected]>, Email: April 2001 She says 19 Jul 1681.
- Anson J. Thurston Jr. <[email protected]>, 25 Sep 2002 Report - He has date as 1670.
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 59-64 This source says 1681.
- Jean Hilliard <[email protected]>, Email: 17 April 2001.
- Fran [[email protected]], Email: 16 Jan 2006.
- Michael J. O'Brien, Marriage Records of Early American McCartys, an Appendix to "The McCarthys in Early American History" (New York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1921).
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 13 "Ann ye Daughter of Thomas Philbrook Juner by Mehetable his wife Was born 12th of March 1690 or 91".
- Dick Sleeper [[email protected]], SLEEPER-L ... 17 Jun 2004.
- Warren Ladd of New Bedford, The Ladd Family: A Genealogical Memoir of the Descendants of Daniel Ladd of Haverhill, Mass (N.p.: Edmund Anthony & Sons, 1890), Page 18.
- Allan Gilbertson's Genealogy Page [email protected].
- Ancestry Family Tree <>,
- Ancestry Family Tree,
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies" (1881), pg. 568.
- Ancestry Family Tree, Boudreau Family Tree.
- Anson J. Thurston Jr. <[email protected]>, 25 Sep 2002 Report. He has 1688/89.
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 45-52. [it says 1689].
- Delmar R. Lowell, "The Historic Genealogy of the Lowells of America From 1639-1899" (1899).
- Dale Warren Hartman [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 13 Mar 2007.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 87 "Ann the Daughter of Joseph philbrook By Trephana his wife Was Borne ye 13 Jenuary [sic] 1693/4".
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 16, #7 V.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", p. 16 [7.vii].
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 42-44.
- Vital Records of Newbury, Massachusetts, NEHGS Online - Church record, Queen Qnne's Chapel (Episcopal).
- New England Historic Genealogical Register, Vol. 26, page 380 (Oct. 1872): Births, Marriages and Deaths in Portsmouth, NH.
- Bill Prokasy <[email protected]>, 13 May 1999.
- Lillian C. Gryszowka <[email protected]> of Palmer, MA, Email: 3 Mar 2001.
- Lillian C. Gryszowka <[email protected]> of Palmer, MA, Email: 3 Mar 2001. She cited Moulton Annuls.
- Brad Hadley, Ancester Report for Herbert A. Philbrick: 30 March 2011.
- Goss, Winifred Lane, Colonial gravestone inscriptions in the State of New Hampshire
compiled by Mrs. Charles Carpenter Goss from collections made between 1913 and 1942 by the Historic Activities Committee of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of New Hampshire, 160 p. ; 22 cm. (Baltimore : Genealogical Pub. Co., 1974 Reprint of the 1942 ed. published in Dover, N.H.).
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- GEDCOM file submitted by Larry McGee, [email protected]. Created on 23 Sep 2008. Imported on 27 Sep 2008.
- Frederick Earl Chase, "Charles Gardner Chase - His Ancestry and His Descendants".
- WFT GEDCOM file from World Family Tree Vol. 14 Tree 1137. Imported on 19 May 2004.
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 32 [says 1749].
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 14-26. [says 1799].
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 14-26.
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 33.
- WFT GEDCOM file from World Family Tree Vol. 14 Tree 1137. Imported on 19 May 2004.
- WFT GEDCOM file from World Family Tree Vol. 14 Tree 1137. Imported on 19 May 2004.
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 45-52.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts." (Published by the Author. Chicago, IL; Press of W. B. Conkey Company, 1898), pg. 121.
- Anson J. Thurston Jr. <[email protected]>. 25 Sep 2002 Report (with sources) [he says 22 May 1691].
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 14-26. [says 8 May 1691].
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 87 "Thomas the Son of Samuel philbrook by Jane his wife was Borne the 31 of March 1688".
- Ancestry Family Tree, Mrs. Chestnut's Tree:
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 87 "Mary the Daughter of Samuel philbrook by Jane his wife was Borne the 1st day of February 1693/4".
- Website,
- Patricia A. Ewing [[email protected]], Cousins Directory Request - 17 Jun 2004.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 29.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 55.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 58.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 34.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 62.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 71.
- Lois Shope <[email protected]>, Email: 18 Oct 2004.
- Rev. Charles N. Sennett, "Thompson Genealogy".
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 27.
- Email: Debbie Mangen <[email protected]>
, 26 Nov 1997.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 64.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 75.
- Karen Bolan Patton [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 15 May 2007.
- Dawn Kimberly Fogg, Email: 2 Apr 2009.
- NEHG, Vol 7, 127.
- GEDCOM from Brian Smith imported on 28 Apr 1999., Imported 28 Apr 1999.
- William T. Ruddock, "," The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record Vol. 131, No. 4 (): pp. 299-303.
- Betty Adams <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report, 17 Jan 2003. She has Hampton.
- Donna Barnes Clark <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report via emailt: 15 Mar 2003. She has Seabrook.
- Kristina Turner <[email protected]>, Email: 31 Aug 2007.
- Davis, Walter Goodwin, Massachusetts and Maine families in the ancestry of Walter Goodwin Davis (1885-1966) (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., c1996), pp 582-587.
- Michael Baker <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request: 7 Apr 2011.
- NEHGS Register Vol 56 pgs 305-7.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Brad Knowles, [[email protected]]. Created on 9 OCT 2004. Imported on 9 Oct 2004.
- NEHGS Register Vol 56 pgs 305-7.
- NEHGS Register Vol 56 pgs 305-7.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Brad Knowles, [[email protected]]. Created on 9 OCT 2004. Imported on 9 Oct 2004.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 41.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 53.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, (NEHGR 65:353) 25 Jun 2000.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 42.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, NEHGR 29:39.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 99.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, (NEHGR 29:34).
- New England Historic Genealogical Register, 38:285.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 83.
- David Rust <[email protected]>.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 31.
- His will.
- Email: Deborah Paige <[email protected]>, 26 Jan 1998.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, (NHGR 4:57).
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 77.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 97.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 96.
- David Rust <[email protected]>. Posted on Philbrick/Philbrook GenConnect Queries, 30 Dec 1999 & 15 Jan 2000. He cited the IGI, Austin's Genealogical Dictionary of RI and Boston Transcript 11 Jul 1921.
- Calculated from age at death.
- Priscilla Blount <[email protected]>. Posted on Philbrick/Philbrook GenConnect Queries, 22 Sep 1999.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, (Church records) 25 Jun 2000.
- Vital Records: Greenland, NH, 974.26/G1 Kr2, p. 57.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 57.
- David Rust <[email protected]>. (Marriages and deaths in Wakefield, NH) 25 Jun 2000.
- Email: Edward L. Fitzgibbon <[email protected]>, 22 Nov 1997.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, CADY-L: Posted 23 Dec 2004 by [email protected].
- Dee Davidson <[email protected]>
Posted on Chautaqua Co., NY Message Board
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist <[email protected]>. 25 Feb 1998 - from Lane Memorial Library at Hampton.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", p. 13 #5.I.4.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", 5. I.4.
- Dana Edgecomb <[email protected]>, MAINE-L: 26 Sep 2003.
- Norman Gaefe <[email protected]>, Email: 18 Apr 2008.
- Sue K. Gurk <[email protected]>. Email: 12 Nov 2000. She cited the following sources: (1) Ancestral File, data as of 2 Jan 1996; (2) "The Old Families of Salisbury and Amesbury MA" by David W. Hoy; (3) Early Vital Record of Essex County, MA to 1850. Amesbury, birth and marriages; (4) "The Colby Family in Early America" by Frederick Lewis Weis, Caledonia, the Colonial Press, pub. 1970.
- GEDCOM file from Alice Volkert imported on 21 Oct 2001.
- Betty Adams <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report, 17 Jan 2003 [Hampton].
- Bill Prokasy <[email protected]>, [New Castle, NH].
- Vital Records of Haverhill Massachusetts to the end of the year 1849.
Volume 1 - Births, Volume 2 - Marriages & Deaths (Topsfield, MA: Topsfield Historical Society, 1910-1911), Vol 2: pg. 256.
- Vital Records of Haverhill Massachusetts to the end of the year 1849.
Volume 1 - Births, Volume 2 - Marriages & Deaths, pg. 251.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, 9 Mar 2001 [she has 1705].
- [email protected] submitted by Rick in Taunton, MA, 23 oct 2002 [he has 1706].
- Sanborn, George Freeman and Sanborn, Melinde Lutz, "Vital Records of Hampton New Hampshire to the End of the Year 1900.", Vol. 1, p. 33.
- [email protected] submitted by Rick in Taunton, MA, 23 oct 2002.
- Sanborn, George Freeman and Sanborn, Melinde Lutz, "Vital Records of Hampton New Hampshire to the End of the Year 1900.", Vol. 2, p. 43.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, 9 Mar 2001 [she has 1691].
- [email protected] submitted by Rick in Taunton, MA, 23 oct 2002 [he has 1690].
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH.
- Church Records.
- Town Records.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Maura Dey, [email protected]. Created on 9 MAR 2009. Imported on 9 Mar 2009.
- Calculated from age at death., [from David Rust].
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source:Maine Families in 1790 (book)Vol.4 pp. 216-217. Submission by Thelma Eye Brooks. Her source:Whitefield VR.(vital records)
Source:Probate records at Wiscasset,ME, Vol.9, p.61, shows death date of Ebenezer Philbrick before 25 Nov 1800. Source:Family records from Congregational church records show his family (except for child 4-Ebenezer). Researched by Louise Tallman of Rye,NH. Source:Linwood Lowden, historian, Whitefield,ME. Occupation:Ebenezer Philbrick was a cordwainer in Rye in 1750. A cordwainer is a shoemaker. Note:Part of Balltown became Jefferson in 1807. Part of Balltown became Whitefield in 1809. Note:"Records of the Lincoln County Clerk, at Wiscasset, ME, Vol.46 , p.106, show that on 29 May 1800 Ebenezer Philbrick and Sarah Philbrick deeded their 500 acres of land and gave 600 dollars to Samuel GILMAN in return for certain lifetime support and use of the house for the rest of their natural lives. Samuel GILMAN was his son-in-law." This is from a work by Dr. R.E. PHILBRICK, filmed by FHL 1985 - concerns the P. families of Sheepscot, ME.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source:Maine Families in 1790 (book)Vol.4 pp. 216-217. Submission by Thelma Eye Brooks. Her source:Whitefield VR.(vital records)
Source:Family records from Congregational church records show her family (except for child 4-Ebenezer). Researched by Louise Tallman of Rye,NH. Source:Linwood Lowden, historian, Whitefield,ME. Note:Part of Balltown became Jefferson in 1807. Part of Balltown became Whitefield in 1809.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 136 "Daniel Philbrick & Margrit Aiers were Joyned in marriage the 12th day of November 1752".
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 136 "Joseph philbrick and Abigail Naye were Joined in Marriage the 24th day of october 1749".
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 188.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 193.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 196.
- Michelle Sheridan <[email protected]>, Philbrick Message Board, 27 Apr 2001.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 166 "Lidia ye daughter of Joseph Philbrick and of Elizabeth his wife was born the 6th day of January 1733/34".
- Virginia Knowles Hufbauer, "Descendants of John Knowles 1660-1978" (Published by the author, 1979), pg. 10.
- Bill Prokasy <[email protected]>. Virginia Knowles Hufbauer, "Descendants of John Knowles, 1660-1978", p. 10.
- Sanborn, George Freeman and Sanborn, Melinde Lutz, "Vital Records of Hampton New Hampshire to the End of the Year 1900.", Vol. 1, p. 154.
- Norma Flude <[email protected]>. 26 Dec 2001
NH Archives, Hazen Dr., Concord, NH.
- Sanborn, George Freeman and Sanborn, Melinde Lutz, "Vital Records of Hampton New Hampshire to the End of the Year 1900.", Vol. 2, p. 82.
- Sanborn, George Freeman and Sanborn, Melinde Lutz, "Vital Records of Hampton New Hampshire to the End of the Year 1900.", Vol. 2, p. 114.
- Norma Flude <[email protected]>. 26 Dec 2001
NH Archives, Hazen Dr., Concord, NH. Rockingham Register of Probate, Docket # 5613 - 21 Dec 1790.
- Sanborn, George Freeman and Sanborn, Melinde Lutz, "Vital Records of Hampton New Hampshire to the End of the Year 1900.", Vol. 2, p. 189.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH. p. 166 "Benjamin ye Son of Nathan Philbrick and of Dorcas his wife was born the 30th of March 1726".
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 555.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 197.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH. p. 166 "Abigail ye daughter of Nathan Philbrick and of Dorcas his wife was born the 16th January 1728/28".
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg. 135 & 148.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg. 135.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg. 148.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH. p. 166 "Aphia ye daughter of Nathan Philbrick and of Dorcas his wife was born the 10th of february 1732/33".
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Church records.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 25 "Abigaile ye Daughter of Tho: Philbrick & of Abia his wife was born ye 28th of Febr: 1720/21".
- Serena Morrison Tilton <[email protected]>, PPRG Member Directory Request: 10 Feb 2007.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.".
- RootsWeb Mailing List, PHILBRICK-L: Entry posted by Derby on 16 Jan 2006.
- Charlie Watson <[email protected]>
Editor, Sanborn Signatures (Sanborn Family Association newsletter), 14 Nov 2003 - He cited the VC Sanborn (1899) "Sanborn Genealogy".
- Reg Jones <[email protected]>, Email Report: 8 Feb 2009.
- Ancestry Family Tree.
- Bedford, The Ladd Family, Pgs. 28-29.
- Eduardo Cruz-Pesantes <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request: 8 Jun 2010.
- Vital Records - Danville, NH.
- Carl B. Philbrick <[email protected]>, PPRG Member Directory Request: 23 May 2008.
- Eastman, John R., "History of the town of Andover, NH 1751-1906" (c) 1910, Reprint 1979, pgs 274-277.
- Sidney Perley, "Plumer Genealogy", page 50.
- Vital Records of Newbury, Massachusetts, page 390.
- Email: Richard M. Wells <[email protected]>, 20 Jan 1998. He got the info from LDS IGI.
- Email: Richard M. Wells <[email protected]>. 24 Sep 2002 - from information in the Newbury, MA VT and the "Plumer Genealogy".
- VITAL RECORDS OF NEWBURY MASSACHUSETTS TO THE END OF THE YEAR 1849, 2 vols. (Salem, MA: The Essex Institute, 1911), Newbury Births, Pages 165 & 166 - The entry was listed under FILBRICK.
- John Francis Sprague, editor, Sprague's Journal of Maine History (Dover-Foxcroft, ME: John Francis Sprague, 1913-1926).
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., William was born 10 Dec 1759.
- Melanie Philbrick Thomsen, Her Family Tree - 2 Apr 2008.
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 59-64. This source supplied the date.
- Dale Warren Hartman, PPRG Directory Request: 13 Mar 2007. This source supplied the place.
- Dale Warren Hartman, PPRG Directory Request: 13 Mar 2007. This source supplied the date.
- Bonnie Weber <[email protected]>, 26 Oct 1998.
- Marcia Horspool [[email protected]], PPRG Member Directory Request: 30 Jan 2007.
- Marcia Horspool, Email: 15 Feb 2007.
- Bill Prokasy <[email protected]>, 13 May 1999 & 24 May 1999.
- Lillian C. Gryszowka <[email protected]> of Palmer, MA, 25 Feb 2001.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 162 "Hannah ye daughter of Joses Philbrick and by Abigail his wife was born November ye 28 day 1727".
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 162 "Triphene ye daughter of Joses Philbrick and by Abigail his wife was born the 24 day of April 1729".
- Bill Prokasy <[email protected]>, Email: 7 Jul 2000.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", No. 18 IV, pg. 25.
- Calculated from age at death., age 83.
- "History of Hampton New Hampshire 1638-1988" (Volume Four: Peter E. Randall, 1988
Published for the Town of Hampton, New Hampshire).
- edited and compiled by James K. Hunt, Jr. with additional chapters by William Teschek and William H. Jones, "Hampton Vital Records and Genealogy 1889-1986".
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH. p. 177 "Ruben ye Son of Joses Philbrick and by Abigail his wife was born the 27the day of September 1737".
- Langdon B. Parsons, "History of the Town of Rye, New Hampshire: from it's discovery and settlement to December 31, 1903", p. 490.
- WorldConnect Project at RootsWeb. prokasy&id=I12815.
- Arthur H. Locke, "History and Genealogy of Captain John Locke (1627-1696)" (Concord, NH: The Rumford Press, 1916; Reprinted 1993 by Heritage Books), pg. 28.
- Langdon B. Parsons, "History of the Town of Rye, New Hampshire: from it's discovery and settlement to December 31, 1903", pg. 490.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH. p. 177 "Daniel ye Son of Joses Philbrick and by Abigail hia wife was born the 2d day of february 1738/39".
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- David Sylvester <[email protected]>, PPRG Cousins Directory Request: 8 Apr 2003.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Judy Anderson, [email protected]. Created on 18 Mar 2003. Imported on 18 Mar 2003. Pitts, Charles O., Jr. The Heritage of Carteret County, Vol. II, pg. 263.
Will of father dated Nov. 9, 1744; proved June 1745. IGI of Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT. Batch #: 442436, Source Call #: Records of Theodore Vance Dickerson, "My Family Lines", pg. 101-102, indicate Thankful was born in 1718 in Plymouth. That is where the records for Isaac, Elizabeth and Jabez were found. Also indicates that she married Thomas Hicks in Plymouth. .
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson.
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson. Work also done in the Ogden Temple: Bap: 6 May 2001 Ogden; END 7 Jul 2001.".
- WFT GEDCOM file from World Family Tree Vol. 14 Tree 1137. Imported on 19 May 2004.
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 34.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Maryellen has 1813.
- WFT GEDCOM file from World Family Tree Vol. 14 Tree 1137. Imported on 19 May 2004.
- WFT GEDCOM file from World Family Tree Vol. 14 Tree 1137. Imported on 19 May 2004.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg. 128.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Birth recorded in Rye Town Records, V. I, p. 240.
- David Sylvester <[email protected]>, Posted on KNAPP-L 20 Jul 2006.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg. 147.
- Sanborn, George Freeman and Sanborn, Melinde Lutz, "Vital Records of Hampton New Hampshire to the End of the Year 1900.", Vol. 1, pg. 160.
- Bill Prokasy <[email protected]>, RootsWeb WorldConnect.
- Charles Hull Batchelder, Batchelder, Bachilder Genealogy (: Privately published, 1985), pg. 41.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg. 133,147.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", p. 133,147.
- Batchelder, Batchelder, Bachilder Genealogy, pgs. 19 and 58-60, #162.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg. 147 - it says East Kingston, NH.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 26, #20.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 41 "Abner [torn] the Son of Thomas [torn]breck by Abia his wife [torn]s born 21 day of Janauary [sic] 1708-9".
- Little, William 1848-1922, "The History of Weare, New Hampshire 1735-1888" (Lowell, MA: S. W. Huse & Co., 1888), pgs. 970-975.
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 44 "John the Son of Thomas Philbrock by Abia his wiff was born the 26 day of May 1712".
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 24 "Jane ye Daughter of Tho: philbrick & of Abia his wife was born May ye 20th: 1715".
- "Hampton NH Vital Records". p. 25 "Jonathan ye Son of Tho: Philbrick & of Abia his wife was born June 13: 1718".
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 52.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 32.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", Nr. 52, page 62.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 47.
- Betty S. Perkins <[email protected]>, Snail mail: 7 Apr 2000.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 91.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", Nr. 52, page 63.
- Lois Shope, Email: 18 Oct 2004. "VR of Georgetown to the Year 1892", 1939, Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder, vol. III, 1886, p. 166.
- Email: Tere McCarthy <[email protected]>, 8 May 1998.
- Website: Philbrook Family Genealogy Created by John Marshall <[email protected]>, page last updated 30 Aug 1997.
- Debbie Kalina [[email protected]]
Some of her sources: Yates, Edgar, "Early Vital Records of Saco and Biddeford, ME.", in _New England Historical and Genealogical Register_, Vol. 71 pp. 123-133 (Boston, MA, April 1917) Haines, Hon. William P., "Greenland, N.H. - Early Ministerial Records", in _The New England Historical and Genealogical Register_, Vol. 28, pp. 415-423 (Boston, MA, Oct. 1874) Robinson, Rev. Lucien Moore, "The Barrows Family", in _Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder_, Vol. 7, pp. 134-145, 198-207, Vol. 8, pp. 27-32 (Originally published 1893-1895. Reprinted, Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD, 1973) Carter, Marion, and WIlmarth, Elizabeth, Baptisms, marriages, deaths, admitted to communion, Old Town Church, Attleboro: First Church, 1740-1856 (Online database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2003), (Orig Pub Attleboro, MA, First Congregational Church. Compiled and transcribed by Marion Carter and Elizabeth Wilmarth, Baptisms, marriages, deaths, admitted to co Barrows, Frank E., Barrows Collection (Privately printed by Frank Barrows, Vestal, NY, 1985. Printed by Bell Offset, Inc.) Arnold, James N., Vital Records of Attleborough, Mass. (Salem, Mass: Essex Institute, 1934), GEDCOM - 19 Dec 2004.
- Charles N. Sinnett, "THOMPSON FAMILY IN MAINE" (1906), 13, 149.
- Everett S. Stackpole, "Old Kittery and Her Families" (Lewiston, Maine: Press of Lewiston Journal Company, 1903), 768.
- "Deaths and Burials from the Early Records of Marshfield, Mass".
- Gravestone.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 72.
- Stephanie Case <[email protected]>, Email: 23 Sep 2004. Her information is from the personal book of records of the Gove Family, currently (2004) located at the Gove Homestead.
- Kristina Turner, Email: 28 Aug 2007.
- Joan Cass Wells [[email protected]], Directory Request: 24 Jan 2008.
- Betty Adams <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report, 17 Jan 2003. She has 1772.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Maryellen has 1771.
- A Genealogical Register of the Early Families of Shoreham, Vermont. 1761-1899.
- David Rust <[email protected]>. (Genealogical records in the town books of Rumney, NH).
- David Rust <[email protected]>. 31 Dec 1998. (Supported by a deed, Rockingham Co., NH 170:245).
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 31 Dec 1998.
- David Rust <[email protected]>. 31 Dec 1998. (From Elmer E. Doe "The Descendants of Nicholas Doe").
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg 129.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 92, #83.
- Raymond, NH Town Records 1763-1802, pg. 362.
- Transcribed by Priscilla Hammond, Baptisms in Epping (NH Historical Society), pp 24-25.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 84.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 87.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 88.
- David Rust <[email protected]>. Email: 17 June 2000. The Gove book; Stackpole's History of Winthrop; Winthrop, ME town records.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 25 Jun 2000.
- David Rust <[email protected]>. Posted on Philbrick/Philbrook GenConnect Queries, 30 Dec 1999 & 15 Jan 2000. He cited the IGI, Austin's Genealogical Dictionary of RI and Boston Transcript 11 Jul 1921. The information can also be found in the Cumberland, RI vital records.
- Todd Holden [[email protected]], FGS: 1 Aug 2007. References: RI VRs; Cranston VRs; US & RI census records; RI Cemetery Database; Barbour Collection (CT. Marr.); The "Burlingame Manuscript", Nelson Burlingame, revised & updated by Ross & Lynn Burlingame, 1971.
- Todd Holden, FGS: 1 Aug 2007.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 54-55, #45.
- Elizabeth K. Folsom, pg. 89 [Submitted by David Rust].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 1 Sep 2001.
- Peg Harris <[email protected]>, Philbrick Message Board Post, 29 Aug 2001.
- Peg Harris <[email protected]>, Email: 4 Sep 2001.
- Peg Harris <[email protected]>, Philbrick Message Board Post, 1 Sep 2001.
- Vital Records: Greenland, NH. 974.26/G1 Kr2, p. 87
- Barbara Eades <[email protected]>
GEDCOM file imported on 22 Jan 2001.
- Vital Records: Greenland, NH, 974.26/G1 Kr2, p. 2.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 2.
- Email: Ruth Kelly <[email protected]>. 30 May 1998
She cited Newrington Church Records.
- Barbara L. Eades <[email protected]>, 21 Jan 2001.
- Based on date of baptism/christening.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 89.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 4.
- Vital Records: Greenland, NH, 974.26/G1 Kr2, p. 91.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg.93-94.
- Lois Branch <[email protected]>, Email: 18 Apr 2003.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, 6 Feb 1999.
- Epsom Early Settlers website.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Karen Brooks, [email protected]. Created on 20 JUN 2005. Imported on 20 Jun 2005.
- Epsom Early Settlers website.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Karen Brooks, [email protected]. Created on 20 JUN 2005. Imported on 20 Jun 2005.
- Hampton, New Hampshire Area Related Families.
- John Winthrop Philbrick Sr. <[email protected]>, Email 11 Jan 206.
- "Reading (Windsor County) Vermont -- A Guide to Early Families", pg. 80.
- Stearns, "History of Rindge, NH (1736-1874)", pp 634-635.
- Website,
- Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1870, Film #20.
- Asburnham, Massachusetts History, Page 760.
- Marsha Russell <[email protected]>
Littleton, MA, Email: 7 Sep 2002.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, GenForum 23 Jan 2000.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 29 Jan 2006.
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>. They have 1840 as the year of death.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 29 Jan 2006. Age 83 in the cemetery records.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Email: 24 Feb 2003.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Sources: Rye Town Records; History of Hampton; Vital Records of Hampton.
- Bill Prokasy <[email protected]>, Ancestry World Tree, updated 19 Nov 2004. His sources were
"History of the Town of Rye New Hampshire" by Parsons and New Hampshire Genealogical Record.
- "History of Salisbury, New Hampshire", pg. 706.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Aug 2000 [Association Test].
- David Rust <[email protected]>. Email: 10 Aug 2000 [Rockingham Co. probate of Jonathan Allen #4546].
- David Rust <[email protected]>. Email: 10 Aug 2000 [Rockingham Co. land deed 121:169].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Aug 2000.
- David Rust <[email protected]>. Email: 10 Aug 2000 [Williams family records; Robert Philbrook].
- Bob Forrest <[email protected]>, Email: 9 Nov 2001.
- Vital Records: Mt. Vernon, ME.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Maura Dey, [email protected]. Created on 9 MAR 2009. Imported on 9 Mar 2009.
- Vital Records: Mt. Vernon, ME, [from David Rust, 22 Jul 2000].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, (Association Test) Email: 22 Jul 2000.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, (from census) Email: 22 Jul 2000.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, (from census) Email: 22 Jul 2000.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, 6 Jan 1999.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, VR.
- David Rust <[email protected]>. Stackpole's History of Winthrop, ME
As Mary Carson, she was at her death "one of the first females in that town [Mount Vernon] nearly 50 years ago" see Young's ed of Hist. of Winthrop, p726 quoting from newspaper.
- Bible Record from Cindy Holden <[email protected]>, Posted on Philbrick Message Board 24 Nov 2001.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 25 Nov 2001.
- Calculated from age at death., From bible record: age 76.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 4 Dec 2001. From gravestone.
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, "Genealogy of the Folsom Family
A Revised and Extended Edition Including English Records. 1638-1938" (Rutland, Vermont: The Tuttle Publishing Company, Inc., 1938), pg. 129.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source:Family records from Congregational church records show his father Ebenezer PHILBRICK's family.
Researched by Louise Tallman of Rye,NH. Source:Linwood Lowden, historian, Whitefield,ME. .
- Dr. Robert E. Philbrick, "Philbrick-Philbrook Families, Sheepscot, Maine to California" (Privately published
Note: LDS Family Center Book Call Number: 929.273 P534P).
- Vital Records: Newcastle, ME, 1754-1807, page 438.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source:Family records from Congregational church records show her father-in- law Ebenezer PHILBRICK's family.
Researched by Louise Tallman of Rye, NH. Source:Linwood Lowden, historian, Whitefield,ME. Source:Descendents of Robert Fylbrigg from Sandy MacNair.BD.
- Dr. Robert E. Philbrick, "Philbrick-Philbrook Families, Sheepscot, Maine to California". pg. 5
- Gray, Ruth, Maine Families in 1790 (Camden, Maine: Picton Press, 1992), pages 216-217.
- Abstracted by Virgil D. White, "Genealogical Abstract of Revolutionary War Pension Files Volume III: N-Z" (National Historical Publishing Company, 1992), p. 2881.
- Records of Ring Swamp Cemetery, Hampton, NH (
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 12.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg. 144.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 189.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 192.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 194.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, [Hampton VR].
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pgs. 156-157.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, [Hampton VR and ChR].
- New Hampshire Families website - Laird Towle.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Karen Brooks, [email protected]. Created on 20 JUN 2005. Imported on 20 Jun 2005.
- Hampton, New Hampshire Area Related Families.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, [Dow's History].
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>. Death recorded in Hamption Vital Records.
- David Sylvester <[email protected]>, Email msg on GORDON-L, 13 Aug 2001.
- Ann Theopold Chaplin, CG, "Gilmanton, NH Births, Deaths, Marriages", continued from Vol. 17, No. 2, p. 20.
- Census Image.
- Census Index.
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 558.
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 559.
- Email: Max Brenninkmeyer <[email protected]>, 14 Feb 1999.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, From Rev War Pens App W22395.
- Calculated from census., 1850 Alfred, Maine.
- Calculated from census., 1850 Alfred ME.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, History of Buckfield. Record at Turner, ME.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, The Ricker Genealogy.
- Dorothy Muirhead <[email protected]>, Email: 31 Dec 2007.
- "History of Buckfield, ME".
- "History of Buckfield, ME", via Barry Merrill <[email protected]>.
- Percy Leroy Ricker and Elwin R. Holland, "A Genealogy of the Ricker Family" (Bowie, MD: 1996).
- RootsWeb Mailing List, 25 Jul 2003 - SHAW-L. Posted by
Mariana Bean Ruggles Associate Genealogist Clan MacBean .
- Ancestry Public Tree <>,
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- GEDCOM file submitted by FamilySearch Ancestral File v4.19. Created on 30 SEP 2003. Imported on 30 Sep 2003.
- GEDCOM file submitted by FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19. Created on 1 OCT 2003. Imported on 30 Sep 2003.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg 131.
- Vital Records - Danville, NH, Taken from Rev. John Page Death Records.
- Email: Richard M. Wells <[email protected]>, 25 Jan 1998.
- VITAL RECORDS OF NEWBURY MASSACHUSETTS TO THE END OF THE YEAR 1849, 2 vols., Newbury Births, Pages 165 & 166.
- Email: Richard M. Wells <[email protected]>, 20 Jan 1998. He got this info from the LDS IGI.
- Email: Richard M. Wells <[email protected]>, 20 Jan 1998.
- Jacob Chapman, "Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families"
CALN: CS71.P545/1886 (Exeter Gazette Steam Printing House, 1886), p. 24.
- Tina M. Harris GEDCOM file imported on 7 Apr 2001.
<[email protected]>.
- Email: Carolyn Philbrick Brown <[email protected]>, 8 Nov 1997.
- Angelina Bittues <[email protected]>, Email: 8 Feb 2005.
- RootsWeb Message Board, PHILBRICK BOARD - Submitted by Karl Burby on 6 Oct 2004.
- Website,
- Karl King <[email protected]>, Cousins Directory Request, 22 Feb 2002.
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 53-55.
- Langdon B. Parsons, "History of the Town of Rye, New Hampshire: from it's discovery and settlement to December 31, 1903".
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, 5 Oct 2001.
- GEDCOM file from FamilySearch imported on 3 Nov 2002.
- Website: Descendants of Charlemagne
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 13 Aug 2001.
- New Hampshire Genealogical Register, 1:133.
- Langdon B. Parsons, "History of the Town of Rye, New Hampshire: from it's discovery and settlement to December 31, 1903", p. 491.
- Locke, Arthur H., "Genealogy of Captain John Locke of New Hampshire" (The Rumford Press, Concord, New Hampshire, 1916), p. 56.
- Email: Terry Bartlett <[email protected]>. 13 Dec 1998
She cited History of Rye, NH, 1623-1903 by Langdon B. Parsons.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 52.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 5 Oct 2001.
- Langdon B. Parsons, "History of the Town of Rye, New Hampshire: from it's discovery and settlement to December 31, 1903", pg. 583.
- Langdon B. Parsons, "History of the Town of Rye, New Hampshire: from it's discovery and settlement to December 31, 1903", pg. 492.
- Deborah Cross <[email protected]>, Email: 21 Aug 2007.
- WorldConnect Project at RootsWeb. prokasy&id=I03966.
- RootsWeb Message Board, PHILBRICK: submitted by Deborah Cross - 9 Nov 2006. She obtained her information from the Lane Memorial Library and LDS websites.
- Arthur H. Locke, "History and Genealogy of Captain John Locke (1627-1696)", pg. 54.
- Internet, [email protected], 24 Mar 2001.
- Calculated from age at death., age 70.
- Locke, Arthur H., "Genealogy of Captain John Locke of New Hampshire", pg 250.
- Commonwhealth of Massachusetts, Vital Records of Middlesex Co. Massachusetts to the end of 1850 (Search & ReSearch Publsihing Corp).
- William G. Hartley, Stand by my Servant Joseph (Deseret Book, copyright 2003).
- Eleanor Crouch, THE CROUCH'S 1627-1998.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (TM) (July 1996 (c), data as of 2 January 1996).
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson. Will of Thomas Hicks found in abstracts of wills by McEacher, pt. 3, pg. 2 -- Rebecca is listed as only daughter; no other children listed.
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson. Will of Thomas Hicks found in abstracts of wills by McEacher, pt. 3, pg. 2 -- James Mills is listed as Rebecca's husband in the will.
The will for James Mills was found in FHL Film 0019361, Bk. C., pg. 283 -- Will of New Hanover Co., NC. Ordinance dates from the IGI of the LDS Church, Family History Library, Ogden, UT May 2001. Work also done Ogden Temple: Bap. 23 June 2001; End. 13 Oct. 2001. .
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson. 1992 I.G.I, Family History Library and from the will of Thomas Hicks.
Ordinance date from IGI, Family History Library, Ogden, UT. .
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson. Will of Thomas Hicks written in 1775 - she is listed as a child of Rebecca, their only daughter and an heir.
Ordinance date from IGI at Family History Library, Ogden, UT.
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson. Will of Thomas Hicks written in 1775 - she is listed as a child of Rebecca, their only daughter and an heir.
Ordinance date from IGI at Family History Library, Ogden, UT. Listed as Betty Mills; so name most likely was Elizabeth. .
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson. 1992 I.G.I, Family History Library and from the will of Thomas Hicks.
Ordinance date from IGI at Family History Library, Ogden, UT. .
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson. 1992 I.G.I, Family History Library and from the will of Thomas Hicks.
Ordinance data from IGI, Family History Library, Ogden, UT, May 2001. Work also done Ogden Temple: Bap 20 July 2001; End. 21 Aug. 2001; SP 5 Sept. 2001. .
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson. Original work: Bap: 7 Feb 1905 Slake; End: 9 Feb 1905, SLAKE; SS: 10 Feb. 1905; also Bap: 13 June 1951, End: 25 Jan. 1952, SS 1 Nov. 1954.
Work also done in the Arizona Temple: Bap. 3 July 1943; End. aft. 1970; SP Bef. 1970. .
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson., Film # 007064, p. 1841.
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson. I.G.I, LDS Family History Library, Ogden, UT May 2001.
Work also done Ogden Temple: Bap. 8 Sept. 2001; End. 5 Oct. 2001; SP 9 Oct. 2001. .
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson. Listed as an heir in the will of Thankful Hicks but not Thomas Hicks, so born between 1775 and 1784.
Believe this is the James Mills who married Nancy Chastain in Duplin Co., NC. I.G.I, LDS Family History Library, Ogden, UT May 2001. .
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson. Listed as an heir in the will of Thankful Hicks but not Thomas Hicks, so born between 1775 and 1784.
I.G.I, LDS Family History Library, Ogden, UT May 2001. Work also done in the Idaho Falls Temple: BAP 4 Aug. 1995, END 4 Nov. 1995, SP 4 Jan. 1996. .
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson. Listed as an heir in the will of Thankful Hicks but not Thomas Hicks, so born between 1775 and 1784.
I.G.I, LDS Family History Library, Ogden, UT May 2001. .
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 34-35.
- WFT GEDCOM file from World Family Tree Vol. 14 Tree 1137. Imported on 19 May 2004.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Sources: Rye Town Records; DAR membership application for Ruth Virginia Jenness REddick, 1985 (#551964).
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Sources: Rye Town Records; History of Hampton; Vital Records of Hampton; DAR membership application of Ruth Virginia Jenness Reddick (#551964), 1985.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Sources: Rye Town Records; Newmarket, NH Town Records.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Recorded in Rye Town Records V. I, p. 242 as Sarah "Jennes".
- David Rust <[email protected]>. 20 May 2001. He cited the genealogy of the Batchelder family by Frederick C. Peirce.
- A History and Genealogy of Captain John Locke (1627 - 1696) of Portsmouth and Rye, N. H. and His Descendants, also of Nathaniel Locke of Portsmouth, and a Short Account of the History of the Lockes in England. Locke, Arthur Horton. Concord, NH. (1916), Page 71.
- A History and Genealogy of Captain John Locke (1627 - 1696) of Portsmouth and Rye, N. H. and His Descendants, also of Nathaniel Locke of Portsmouth, and a Short Account of the History of the Lockes in England. Locke, Arthur Horton. Concord, NH. (1916) , Page 90.
- Phyllis Davis Moore <[email protected]>, Email: 20 Jun 2008.
- International Genealogical Index at FamilySearch, This source says she was born in Gronland, Denmark. Film Number: 452111
Page Number: 146 Reference: 32618Also: Film Number 471084.
- Phyllis Davis Moore <[email protected]>, Email: 26 Jun 2008.
- Batchelder, Batchelder, Bachilder Genealogy, pgs. 41 and 143-145, #1121.
- Warren Forsythe
Box 1299 Ellensburg, WA 98926 <[email protected]>, WorldConnect Entry.
- Batchelder, Batchelder, Bachilder Genealogy, pgs. 41 and 154-145, #1121.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg. 179.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg. 147 & 179.
- Batchelder, Batchelder, Bachilder Genealogy, pgs. 59 and 182-183, #1621.
- Dave Ross <[email protected]>, Ancestry World Tree.
- VITAL RECORDS OF NEWBURY MASSACHUSETTS TO THE END OF THE YEAR 1849, 1 (Salem, MA: Essex Institute, 1911), C. R. 9.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 81.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, PHILBRICK-L: Posted by Winnifred Ahlquist 19 Jul 2000. She cited a couple of genealogy books on the Berry Family.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, PHILBRICK-L: Posted by Winnifred Ahlquist 19 Jul 2000. She cited "Early Families of Limington" by Robert E. Taylor.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, PHILBRICK-L: Posted by Winnifred Ahlquist 19 Jul 2000. She cited "Gertrude Hall's Roster of Male Berrys".
- Betty S. Perkins <[email protected]>, 23 Mar 2000.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 93.
- Betty S. Perkins <[email protected]>, Snail mail: 7 Apr 2000 - Bible pages.
- Marilyn Ponchak <[email protected]>.
- Marilyn Ponchak <[email protected]>. Email: 26 July 2001. She cited DAR Vol. 124, Pg. 109.
-, Turner Family Tree.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 11.
- Craig Hoffmeyer <[email protected]>, Email: 11 Feb 2009.
- Gray, Ruth, Maine Families in 1790, Vol 2., p. 219.
- Abstracted by Virgil D. White, "Genealogical Abstract of Revolutionary War Pension Files Volume III: N-Z", pp. 2881,2882.
- Abstracted by Virgil D. White, "Genealogical Abstract of Revolutionary War Pension Files Volume III: N-Z", pp. 2881,2882 [This source says his birth date is 27 Apr 1740].
- Maine Pensioners, 1835 [database online]. Orem, Utah:, Inc., 1998. Original data: United States Senate. Report from the Secretary of War, in Obedience to Resolutions of the Senate of the 5th and 30th of June, 1834, and the 3d of March, 1835, In Relation to the Pension Establishment of the United States. [Maine Section], Washington, D.C.: Duff Green, 1835, It say he died 1831.
- Abstracted by Virgil D. White, "Genealogical Abstract of Revolutionary War Pension Files Volume III: N-Z", pp. 2881,2882 [It has 1821].
- Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp. Maine Marriages to 1875. [database online] Provo, UT:, 2000. Original data: Pittston, Kennebec County, Maine Marriages, 1771-1875. Town records located in Pittston, Maine or Family History Library #0011733-0011734.
- Kimberly Martinez [[email protected]], Email: 17 May 2006.
- Kimberly Martinez, GEDCOM File Imported May 2006.
- Charles Nelson Sinnett (1847-1928), Our Perry family in Maine: its ancestors and descendants (Lewiston, Maine: Journal Printshop, 1911), p. 92-100 "The Records of Margaret Perry (6) and David Philbrook".
- New England Historic Genealogical Register, Vol. 111, pg. 116, April 1957.
- Jeanne Wright <[email protected]>, 29 Jan 2002.
- VITAL RECORDS OF NEWBURY MASSACHUSETTS TO THE END OF THE YEAR 1849, 2 vols., Newbury Births, Pages 165 & 166 - The entry was listed under FILBROOK.
- Website: Philbrook Family Genealogy Created by John Marshall <[email protected]> . page last updated 30 Aug 1997 [another source says she died 21 Feb 1850 at age 90].
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 66 no. 54 VII.
- RootsWeb Message Board, BARROWS: Posted by Deborah Kalina, 14 Dec 2004.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, VTRUTLAN-L: 10 July 2006 - submitted by Patty Pickett.
- Soldiers of the American Revolution Buried in the State of Ohio by DAR.
- Everett S. Stackpole, "Old Kittery and Her Families", 769.
- Charles N. Sinnett, "THOMPSON FAMILY IN MAINE", 156.
- "Thompson Genealogy" by Rev. Charles N. Sennett.
"Soldiers of the American Revolution Buried in the State of Ohio" by DAR.
- "Thompson Genealogy" by Rev. Charles N. Sennett.
"Soldiers of the American Revolution Buried in the State of Ohio" by DAR.
- Madelyn L. Hahn, Los Angeles, Calif.
Thompson Genealogy, by Rev. Charles N. Sennett.
- Rev. Charles N. Sennett, "Thompson Genealogy", 186.
- Everett S. Stackpole, History of Durham, Maine with Genealogical Notes (Lewiston, Maine: Press of Lewiston Journal Company, 1899), pgs 167-168.
- David E. Cummins <[email protected]>
4936 Windflower Cr Sarasota, FL 34241-6260, PHILBRICK-L 12 Nov 2002.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, MAINE-L: 17 Jan 2004. Posted by David Railton, Cheshire, UK <[email protected]>.
- Georgetown, Maine Vital Records, Vol. II, Marriages C-Z.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, MAINE-L: 17 Jan 2004. Posted by C. Marsh <[email protected]>.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 84.
- Marion Whitney Martin [[email protected]], Sept 1998.
- J. E. Ames, Leadbetter Records (unknown: unknown, 1917).
- Mary Pelham Hill - Editor, Vital Records of Georgetown Maine (1939; Maine Historical Society), pg. 119.
- Mary Pelham Hill - Editor, Vital Records of Georgetown Maine, pg. 120.
- GEDCOM from Mickey Baldwin <[email protected]>
Unless otherwise noted, all data regarding Cyrus and his descendants came from this GEDCOM., 19 Jan 1998.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 110.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg.112-113.
- Website. Janvrin Genealogy <>.
- Stephanie Case, Philbrick/Philbrook Cousins Directory Request: 27 Mar 2004.
- Jeff Griswold <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request: 3 Mar 2009.
- Richard D. Land <[email protected]>, Philbrick/Philbrook Cousins Directory Request: 5 Feb 2005.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Rye Town Records, Vol. I, p. 252.
- Marguerite Willette Brown, The Genealogy of John Brown of Hampton, NH (Amesbury, MA: Hillside Publishing Company, 1977.
- Notes on the Joseph Hoag and David Knowles families, 1850s-1910s. A small notebook holding genealogies of the families of Joseph Hoag and David Knowles. It includes an account, by Elizabeth Robinson of Charlotte, of the ministry of the Hoag women in the early 1800s, as well as notes on several members of the family. The bulk of the book, however, holds long sentimental poems, several by Nathan H. Knowles, on sorrow, religion, death, slavery, and family ties. The book is in the Special Collections Bailey/Howe Library University of Vermont Burlington, Vt. 05405.
- Ann Marie Hausler Harrington [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 7 Nov 2011.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 31 Dec 1998. (Chapman. See also MF1790 3:157).
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 31 Dec 1998. (Chapman. See also MF1790 6:371).
- Andrews, N. and E., Claremont Hill Cemetery, Shipton Township, Richmond County, Quebec.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, [NH VT].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, email: 31 Dec 2002.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, NH VR.
- Calculated from age at death., age 75.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, [IGI].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 10 Jan 2001.
- Gilmanton Marriage records, NHGR Vol. 16 pg. 178.
- Edited by William Haslett Jones, Chichester Church records.
- Email: Deborah Paige <[email protected]>, 25 Jan 1998.
- Gilmanton Marriage records, NHGR Vol. 16 pg. 172.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 3 Jan 2001.
- Probate Records, Strafford Co., NH, Vol. 10, p. 156.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 20 May 2001. He cited NH VR.
- J. A. Vinton, The Richardson Memorial (Portland, Maine: Brown Thurston, 1876), p. 834-5 [This pension application in this source implies 1758].
- Vinton, The Richardson Memorial, p. 834-5 - Rev War Pens App.
- Gilmanton Marriage records, NHGR Vol. 17 pg. 56.
- Calculated from age at death., 81y 7m 7d.
- Census Image, 1850.
- Todd Holden, FGS: 12 Aug 2007. References: RI VRs; Family Bible Records; Monument & stone inscriptions; US & RI census; Mass. VRs; Cemetery Records, Pocasset Cemetery; “Family Record or Journal of Facts of The Holden Family in America…,” by Frederic Augustus Holden; “Representative Men and Old Families of Rhode Island,” publ. by J.H. Beers, 1908; “Legislative History and Souvenir of Rhode Island 1899 and 1900...,” by William Harrison Taylor, E. L. Freeman & Sons, 1900; The “Burlingame Manuscript,” Nelson Burlingame, revised & updated by Ross & Lynn Burlingame, 1971; Rhode Island City Directories
- Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1870. Film #202
The entry says PHILLBROOK.
- Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1870, Film #202.
- Fisher, Major General Carleton Edward and Fisher, Sue Gray, Soldiers, Sailors, and Patriots of the Revolutionary War - Vermont (Picton Press, Camden, Maine), pg. 407.
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>, [they say about 1760].
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 149, #136.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 149, No. 136.
- Ancestral File @, AFN: JXT3-W4.
- Nancy W. Smart <[email protected]>, Email: 26 Feb 2001.
- David Rust <[email protected]>. (Canney's Early Marriages of Strafford Co., NH) 25 Jun 2000.
- Tom Smart <[email protected]>, 17 Feb 2001.
- Tom Smart <[email protected]>, 26 Feb 2001.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Esther was born in May 1801.
- Shirley Ann Rummel Vandemark <[email protected]>, Email 15 Feb 2007.
- Internet.
- Peg Harris <[email protected]>, She cited his gravestone, which she photographed.
- Peg Harris <[email protected]>, Oct. 2001.
- David Rust <[email protected]>. 25 Jun 2000 ("Marriages and Deaths in Wakefield", Typescript NH State library, listed in Canney's "Early Marriages of Strafford County NH").
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg.94-95.
- Mark K. Davis <[email protected]>, Information posted on the Cady Message Board: 26 Dec 2004.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, 25 Feb 1998.
- Helen Dotts <[email protected]>, 17 Jan 1998.
- Epsom Early Settlers website.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Karen Brooks, [email protected]. Created on 20 JUN 2005. Imported on 20 Jun 2005.
- Ronald Colby <[email protected]>, Email: 22 Nov 2001.
- Ronald Colby <[email protected]>. Email: 22 Nov 2001. SOURCE: FHL 12011: Civil Records for Portland, Cumberland County, Maine.
- Calculated from census., Age 75 in 1850.
- Cemetery records., Submitted by Jeffrey Philbrick, 26 Nov 2005.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 21.
- Merle G. Ladd <[email protected]>, Post to LADD-L 16 Jul 2000.
- Website,
- Merle G. Ladd <[email protected]>, Email: 18 Jul 2000.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", page 155, No. 142.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", #141, pgs 154- 155.
- Vital Records: Reading, VT, [info supplied by Gladys Fay Jenks].
- Gladys Fay Jenks. from a query in the Apr 1999 issue of Vermont Genealogy.
- Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1870.
- "Branches and Twigs", the old quarterly of the Genealogical Society of Vermont. Vol. 21:2 pg 73 Spring 1992, submitted to GSV in 1985 by Warren Fowler, 618 Bay Drive South, Venice, FL, 34292. He cites the Davis Family Bible; Abigail Davis' name on the fly leaf. Bible published 1813, Philadelphia, PA.
- Barbara Jane Lasell Rose Combs <[email protected]>, Email: 19 Apr 2008.
- Marsha Russell <[email protected]>
Littleton, MA, Email: 7 Sep 2002 - NH Vital records.
- GenForum.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, SANBORN-L: 22 Sep 2003 - posted by Cyndy.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, SANBORN-L 24 Sep 2003. Submitted by Dawnee Phay McCulley <[email protected]>.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Sources: Rye Town Records. Vol. I.
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 570.
- William Prescott, M. D., "The Prescott Memorial, 1500 to 1870" (Reprinted 1983 by Ward Publishing Company, 42 Larchmont Rd., Asheville, NC 28804).
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 18 Dec 2001 (1850 census).
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 18 Dec 2001 (Epping town records).
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 18 Dec 2001 (church records).
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 18 Dec 2001 (town records).
- Chet Welch <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 4 Jan 2005.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 22 Dec 2001.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 22 Dec 2001 (town records).
- Courtney Lucas of Lowell, MA [[email protected]], Email: 24 April 2010.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 10 Dec 2001.
- 1850 census, Roll 926, pg. 150.
- Family Tree Maker's World Family Tree, v131t0272.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 10 Dec 201.
- Judith Schwan <[email protected]>, Email: 12 Nov 2001.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child.
- 1850 census, Roll 926, pg. 149.
- Calculated from age at death., age 73.
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, "Genealogy of the Folsom Family
A Revised and Extended Edition Including English Records. 1638-1938", pg. 222.
- Internet,
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, "Genealogy of the Folsom Family
A Revised and Extended Edition Including English Records. 1638-1938", pg. 351.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Ancestry World Tree - Raymond E. Scribner, [email protected]. Created on 1 OCT 2003. Imported on 1 Dec 2003.
- Diane Lorenzen <[email protected]>, Cousins Directory, 26 March 2001.
- Calculated from age at death., age 44.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Aug 2000 [Williams family records].
- Calculated from age at death., age 86.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Aug 2000 [Rangeley records].
- GEDCOM file submitted by Maura Dey, [email protected]. Created on 9 MAR 2009. Imported on 9 Mar 2009.
- Census Image,
- GEDCOM file submitted by Maura Dey, [email protected]. Created on 9 MAR 2009. Imported on 9 Mar 2009.
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, Genealogy of the Folsom Family- Vol. I
A Revised and Extended Edition Including English Records 1638-1938 (Folsom Family Association of America, Inc.-1938 Gateway Press, Inc, Baltimore, 1975), pg. 416 (Philbrick);.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV (Folsom Family Association of America, Inc., 1989
Peter E. Randall, Publisher Portsmouth, NH 03801), pg. 465.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman of Exeter 1886, A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, descended from the emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667 (Rev. Jacob Chapman
Exeter Gazette Steam Printing House 1886), pp. 33, 14, 19, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Harry Folsom, [email protected]. Created on 15 Nov 2007. Imported on 16 Nov 2007.
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, Genealogy of the Folsom Family- Vol. I
A Revised and Extended Edition Including English Records 1638-1938, pg. 416;.
- Bangor Historical Magazine, Vol. 1, p. 83.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, p. 465.
- Barry Folsom <[email protected]>, 3 May 1998.
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, "Genealogy of the Folsom Family
A Revised and Extended Edition Including English Records. 1638-1938", pgs 416-417.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, [email protected]. Posted 30 Oct 2007 by judyw0113.
She cited Genealogy of the Folsom family: a revised and extended edition, including English records 1638-1938; Sixth Generation, pgs 416-417.
- Frank Hopkins, Frank Hopkins Notebooks
ME State Archives (Frank Hopkins Notebooks ME State Archives).
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, Genealogy of the Folsom Family- Vol. I
A Revised and Extended Edition Including English Records 1638-1938, pg. 416.
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, Genealogy of the Folsom Family- Vol. I
A Revised and Extended Edition Including English Records 1638-1938, pg. 417; res. St. Johns, NB.
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, Genealogy of the Folsom Family- Vol. I
A Revised and Extended Edition Including English Records 1638-1938, pg. 417; d. inf.
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, Genealogy of the Folsom Family- Vol. I
A Revised and Extended Edition Including English Records 1638-1938.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 70.
- Moore, J. Bailey, "History of the Town of Candia, Rockingham County, N. H." (Manchester, NH: George W. Browne, Publisher, 1893).
- Dean Dudley, "History of the Dudley Family" (Wakefield, MA, Dean Dudley, 1886), pg. 268.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 71.
- Dean Dudley, "History of the Dudley Family".
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, 29 Sep 1998.
- Cheryl Creeger <[email protected]>, 10 Nov 1997.
- Richard A. Baker <[email protected]>. 21 Apr 1999 - He cited Kingsbury, ME Town Records that he found at the Maine State Archives.
- Calculated from census., Under 10 on 1820 census.
- Calculated from census., Under 10 in 1820.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 30 Nov 2001.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, 30 nov 2001 [she doesn't know her source].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 18 Dec 2001 (Will of Benjamin Philbrick).
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 18 Dec 2001.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 18 Dec 2001 (VR).
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 72.
- 1850 Census - Kennebec Co., Maine.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 8 Dec 2004. Rome ME VR.
- Alfred G. Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 25 jan 2006.
- Pedigree Resource File at FamilySearch. Submitter: William F. Prokasy
390 Duncan Springs Road, Athens, GA 30606.
- Dr. Robert E. Philbrick, "Philbrick-Philbrook Families, Sheepscot, Maine to California", pg. 5.
- Vital Records: Whitefield, Maine.
- Email: Val Barneson <[email protected]>, 25 Jul 1998.
- Email: Val Barneson <[email protected]>, 14 Nov 2004.
- Gravestone photos, Taken by Alfred G. Philbrick, June 2003.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Joseph was born in Dec 1824.
- Calculated from age at death., 65 y 5 m.
- Calculated from age at death., 22 y 3 mo.
- Calculated from age at death., 31 yr 5 mo.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source: Charlotte Nisen KIBBIE via M. Candace Philbrick, his granddaughter, who had made a family tree.
!Source: 6/95 Came across a copy of a family history with this man being named Samuel PHILBRICK with a son George W.F. (now Frank) PHILBRICK, b. 20 Jan.1828 !Source:1850 Census Grant Co. Wisconsin, lists Samuel, his second wife and their family. !Source:Maine Families in 1790(book)Vol.4 pp.216-217.Submission by Thelma Eye Brooks. Her source:Whitefield VR.(vital records) .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source: Evelyn Biebl of New Ulm, MN, in a letter to Charlotte Kibbi e dated 26 Feb 1993. The surname is also spelled Feltsch. She died at age 39 years and is buried in the Brewer Cemetery. Birth year calculated from death year and age at that time.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:letter from Evelyn Biebl to Charlotte Kibbie dated 4 March 1997. No birth date given.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source: Charlotte Nisen KIBBIE via M. Candace Philbrick, her granddaughter, who made a family tree.
Source: Susan Smith of Milwaukee, WI via a letter sent by Evelyn MacDonald BIEBL to Char Nisen KIBBIE 28 Aug. 1991.Also in this same letter there is reference to a Susan Smith whose husband is a descendant of Candace's first marriage to Jeremiah WATERMAN.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Rev. Chapman's book Genealogies of the Philbrick or Philbrook Families.
!Source:1850 Census of Grant Co.Wisconsin.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Rev. Chapman's book Genealogies of the Philbrick or Philbrook Families.
!Source:1850 Census of Grant Co.Wisconsin. !Source:Evelyn MacDonald BIEBL.
- Census, 1850 Waldo Co., ME.
- Gray, Ruth, Maine Families in 1790. Source:Maine Families in 1790 (book)Vol.4 p.217. Submission by Thelma Eye Brooks.Birth:VR Archives,Phil. Buried at Highland Cemetery/Boynton Hill? in Jefferson,G.S. In Whitefield,ME, 1811 Census.
Marriage:VR Jefferson - 5 Apr 1823. Marriage:Phil - 24 May 1822!Source:Death date from Paul Noyes data base,
- Gray, Ruth, Maine Families in 1790. Source:Maine Families in 1790 (book)Vol.4 p.217. Submission by Thelma Eye Brooks. Aka Fanny. Birth:VR Whitefield, ME. Death: G.S. Buried at Highland
Cemetery?/Boynton Hill in Jefferson.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 242.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Leonard was born in 1813 in NH.
- Based on census records, 1850 NH.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email Report: 30 Jul 2003.
- Email: Peggy Sullivan <[email protected]>. 22 Sep 1997
"I found these records in my FamilyTree program online. They're from marriage records of IL and IN 1790-1850.".
- Illinois Marriage Records Index [Online] <>, Lic. # 410, vol. 6, pg. 11.
- Tom Putnam <[email protected]>, From an untitled manuscript sent via snail mail.
- Census Image, 1880 census of daughter Elizabeth Frost.
- Tom Putnam, Email: 11 June 2007. From information he received from his cousin Robert Boaz.
- H. L. Robinson, "History of Pittsfield, NH in the Great Rebellion" (Pittsfield, NH, 1893), pg. 126.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg.116.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg.116-117.
- GEDCOM file from William Philbrick, imported on 21 Oct 2001.
- David Rust <[email protected]>. [Simon Philbrick's daybook in Sanborn and Sanborn Vital Records of Hampton NH. "Cosin Simeon Philbrook Died Dropsy Swelled Bad march 29th aged 57 & 4 months 1843].
- Calculated from census., Age 59 in 1850.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email Report: 24 Sep 2008.
- David Rust <[email protected]>. [Simon Philbrook's daybook, "My Cosyn Dolly Hill wife of John Hill Died June 10 year 1812 Lived in Wakefield Funeral At uncle Simons house"].
- David Rust <[email protected]>. [Marriages in Wakefield, Canney Strafford Co Marriages].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, [Hampton NH VR].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, [calculated from age at death].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, [NH VR].
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 158.
- Katherine Cullen King <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request: 6 June 2010.
- DAR Lineage Books. Vol. 14, pg. 141.
DAR ID Nbr: 13374.
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 556.
- Calculated from age at death., 79 - 3.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg 185.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg 186.
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 560.
-, Census Records.
-, New Hampshire Marriage Records Index.
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 557.
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 561.
- Calculated from census., 1880.
- 1880 census, Belknap Co., NH, ED 12, reel 760, pg 172, date 06/10.
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 562.
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 564.
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 565.
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 566.
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 567.
- Calculated from age at death., 31-2.
- Calculated from census., Age 29 in 1850.
- Calculated from census., Age 27 in 1850.
- Calculated from census.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, DRAKE - Posted by Alfred Drake on 19 Jun 2007.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, History of Buckfield.
- Ronald Allen Philbrick <[email protected]>. 25 Oct 1999 [from information he had received from Barry Merrill <[email protected]>].
- Obituary.
- Ronald Allen Philbrick <[email protected]>, 25 Oct 1999.
- Teresa Turner Pinter <[email protected]>, Email: 31 Dec 2002.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 1860 census.
- Serena Morrison Tilton, Email: 1 Mar 2007.
- GEDCOM from John Worthing BEEDE <[email protected]>. He is a High Priest with the LDS Church and lives in Donnelly, ID. In 1997 he was going to SLC to work in the Family History Dept. of the Church. 13 Oct 1997 - He says "I got the name of Moley out of a old bible, Theophilus bought from Elder Batchelder for 10 dollars on 28, 1807.".
- Eduardo Cruz-Pesantes, GEDCOM File: July 2010.
- Census Image, 1850 New Hampshire.
-, Goeller Family Tree.
- Eloise Knapp <[email protected]>, Email: 11 Oct 2000.
- Ginny Ginn <[email protected]>, Email: 13 Jun 2001.
- Ginny Ginn, Posted on BEAN Mailing List on RootsWeb 16 Oct 2006.
- Calculated from census., 1860.
- (taken 26 Jun 1860.), pg 491.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg 172.
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 569.
- Website,
- Sharon Desrosiers <[email protected]>, Email: 19 Nov 2001.
- 1850 census.
- Marriage Record.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Samuel N. born abt 1827.
- Jean Philbrick <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 3 Feb 2007.
- Calculated from census., Age 7 in 1860.
- Todd Gianottie <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Mar 2008.
- Roger Clayton Philbrook <[email protected]>, Email: 21 Mar 2008.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Melanie Thomsen, [email protected]. Imported on 14 Mar 2008.
- Otis Philbrick [[email protected]], Email: 29 Oct 2004.
- Sonnie Nelson <[email protected]>, Rootsweb Message Board - 11 Aug 2001.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", Page 84: No. 73 ii.
- Bess LaVerdi [[email protected]], Email: 5 Feb 2008.
-, Public Family Tree.
- Bess LaVerdi, Email: 8 Feb 2008.
- Source Information:
Eggen, Cheryl, comp. Essex County, Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850: Newburyport [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2000. Original data: Vital Records of Newburyport MA to the End of the year 1849. Salem, MA, USA: The Essex Institute, 1911.
An extraction of Newburyport (Essex County), Massachusetts birth records to 1850. .
- Email: Cindy Spaulding <[email protected]>, 6 Jun 1998.
- John Whitney Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 1 Nov 2005.
- Email: Cindy Spaulding <[email protected]>. 6 Jun 1998
She cited bible records.
- Email: Cindy Spaulding <[email protected]>. 6 Jun 1998
- Email: Cindy Spaulding <[email protected]>. 6 Jun 1998
She cited "Genealogical and Family History of the State of Maine" by George Thomas Little p. 1065).
- Shane & Cathy Gray <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request: 24 Feb 2008.
- Wayne C. Temple, "Illinois College Alumni Magazine",
an eight page supplement titled "Charles Henry Philbrick, Private Secretary To President Lincoln" (Illinois: Illinois College Alumni Association, Summer 1997).
- Lyman Coleman, "Genealogy of the Lyman Family" (Albany: J. Munsell, 1872), pg. 185.
- "Huntington Genealogical Memoir" (Hartford, Connecticut: Huntington Family Association, 1915), pg. 427.
- Bonnie Weber <[email protected]>, 8 Jan 2001.
- Lillian C. Gryszowka <[email protected]> of Palmer, MA. 25 Feb 2001. She cited Stebbins Family Assoc., Marriage certificate for Daniel & Louise, as well as family history and bible records.
- Ancestry Family Tree, Scamman Family Tree.
- Everett S. Stackpole, "Old Kittery and Her Families", pg.657.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 15.
- William "Bill" Philbrick <[email protected]>, 1 Nov 2002.
- Website: Descendants of Peter Akerman/Ackerman
- David Rust <[email protected]>. Posted on Philbrick/Philbrook GenConnect Board 23 Oct 1999.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 12 Aug 2001 (Microfilm Marriage Certificate from NEHGS).
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 12 Aug 2001.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 16 Aug 2001.
- Alfred G. Philbrick.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 24 Aug 2001. From the Philbrick Family Graveyard, Haines Rd., Wolfeboro, NH.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 7 Oct 2001.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 24 Aug 2008.
- Alfred G. Philbrick. GenConnect Post - Penobscot Co., ME Query Forum 7 Jan 2000.
- Alfred G. Philbrick. GenConnect Post - Penobscot Co., ME Query Forum 19 Aug 2000.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 15 May 2008.
- Calculated from age at death., AE. 41 yrs. 11 m. 27 d. [from gravestone].
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 24 Aug 2001.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 13 Aug 2001 (from History of the town of Wolfeborough, NH, by Benjamin Parker, p. 388).
- Everett S. Stackpole, "Old Kittery and Her Families", pg. 655.
- Everett S. Stackpole, "Old Kittery and Her Families", pg. 656.
- Everett S. Stackpole, "Old Kittery and Her Families", pg.655- 656.
- Cemetery stone. Transcribed by Alfred Philbrick <[email protected]>.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg.87.
- Edward Finigan <[email protected]>. 16 Jul 2001. He cited C. C. Lord, "History of Nathan Lord of Kittery, MA", Rumford Press, Concord, NH, 1912, pg. 132.
- Edward Finigan <[email protected]>, Sept. 2001.
- International Genealogical Index at FamilySearch. Batch 5014523, sheet 21, has middle name of Harris.
- Website.
- Locke, Arthur H., "Genealogy of Captain John Locke of New Hampshire", pg. 398.
- Website.
- Website,
- Census Image, 1900.
- Email: Ruth Anderson <[email protected]>, 13 Dec 1998.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 5 Oct 2001
Sources: "Marden Family Genealogy" by Sylvia Fitts Getchell Publication: New Market, NH, 1974. p. 119, 199 Repository: New England Historic Genealogical Society Call Number: CS71.M325/1974.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg. 260.
- Langdon B. Parsons, "History of the Town of Rye, New Hampshire: from it's discovery and settlement to December 31, 1903", pg. 495.
- Calculated from census., Age 9 in 1860.
- Langdon B. Parsons, "History of the Town of Rye, New Hampshire: from it's discovery and settlement to December 31, 1903", pg. 487.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 478.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (TM) (June 1998 (c), data as of 5 JAN 1998).
- Genealogical History of Oakham Families.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- GEDCOM file, Judy Anderson. She listed as an heir in the will of Thankful Hicks but not Thomas Hicks, so born between 1775 and 1784.
Ordinance data from the IGI, Family History Library, Ogden, UT. Birth date is estimated and may be later than listed here. Temple work also done at Boise Temple: Bap. 28 Nov 1997, End. 3 Mar 1998, SP 3 Mar 1998.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Newmarkek Town Records, Vol. II, p. 500.
- New England Historic Genealogical Register, Vol. 135 pg.129 published 1981. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register . (Online database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2001-2007), (Orig. Pub. New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, MA. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 158 vols., 1847-2004.
- A History and Genealogy of Captain John Locke (1627 - 1696) of Portsmouth and Rye, N. H. and His Descendants, also of Nathaniel Locke of Portsmouth, and a Short Account of the History of the Lockes in England. Locke, Arthur Horton. Concord, NH. (1916) , Page 147.
- SCRIBNER FAMILIES [note 1], 33.
- NEW HAMPSHIRE RECORD OF DEATHS PRIOR TO 1901. Alphabetized. N.H. Bureau of Vital Records.
- Little, William 1848-1922, "The History of Weare, New Hampshire 1735-1888", pg. 972.
- Barbara Fairfield <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Mar 2001.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 96.
- Gravestone, Elmwood Cemetery.
- Old Documents, Published at
- Church Records, 1st Church of Standish.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 102, #92a.
- Speculation based on circumstantial evidence.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Her presumed oldest child was born in 1809.
- Calculated from census., Age 60 in 1790.
- Census Image, Age 31 in 1850.
- Census Image, Age 29 in 1850.
- Based on census records, Age 22 in 1850.
- Based on census records, Age 44 in 1850.
- Email: Hope C. Pees <[email protected]>, 19 Oct 1999.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 20.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 14.
- Hammond, Vital Records of Greenland, New Hampshire, pg. 17.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", Gen #7, #23-v.
- Marilyn Ponchak <[email protected]>, [Gilead Town Records].
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", Gen. 8, #23-v.
- Email: Tere McCarthy <[email protected]>, 16 Dec 1997.
- Census Image, 1850 Bengor, ME. Age 53.
- Ora Oak,Cucamonga, California, Family Register: Nathaniel Oak of Marlborough, Mass. and Three Generations of His Descendants in Both Male and Female Lines. (Los Angeles, CA: Out West Co. Print, 1906), pg. 37.
- Lois Shope, PPFA Membership Application: 16 Sep 2003. Info from Vital Records.
- Census Image, 1850 Bengor, ME. Age 28.
- Vital Records of Exeter, Maine, transcribed for Agnes Carr by Mrs. Rita E. O'Day; Brewer, Maine, in June 1982 from the original in V974, 13, E9, 2, Vols. 1,6 "Records of the Town of Exeter".
- Census Image, 1850 Bengor, ME. Age 12.
- Census Image, 1850 Bengor, ME. Age 8.
- Census Image, 1850 Bengor, ME. Age 5.
- Ancestry World Tree, Submitted by Cynthia McCausland.
- Henry Sewall Webster A. M., Vital Records of Pittston, Maine to the year 1892 (Gardiner, Maine: The Reporter-Journal Press, 1911), Pg. 192.
- Ancestry World Tree, Submitted by Bruce E. Andrews.
- RootsWeb Message Board, PHILBRICK: Posted 19 Sep 2000.
- Calculated from census., Age 76 in 1860.
- George Byron Merrick, Genealogy of the Merrick-Mirick-Myrick family of Massachusetts, 1636-1902 (Madison, Wisconsin: Tracy, Gibbs & Co., 1902), pg. 159.
- Ancestry World Tree.
- Kimberly Martinez, Philbrook Message Board - 15 May 2006.
- Marion Whitney Martin, Email: 24 Apr 2011.
- Carrie Holbrook <[email protected]>, PPFA Application 17 Aug 2002.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 105.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 111.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, DYER-L posted by Frank Dyer on 9 Feb 2006.
- Kit Carsno <KConsrac>, Email: 23 May 2002.
- Linda Tully <[email protected]>, Posted on RIGENWEB-L - 27 Apr 2005.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 10 Nov 2004.
- Email: John Schmalzbauere <[email protected]>, 17 Dec 1997.
- Email: Lorelie Gustafson <[email protected]>. 6 Dec and 12 Dec 1998.
She cites Brown, Christine R. & Donald B. Ed. D., P. E., The Kendalls of the Kennebec. Campbell, Inc. Knoxville, TN 1977.
- Email: Lorelie Gustafson <[email protected]>. 6 Dec and 12 Dec 1998.
She cites "Vital Records of Fairfield, Maine", Fairfield, Somerset Co., ME, compiled by Christine R. Brown, 1980.".
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>. They have place as Clinton, Kennebec, ME.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 25 Aug 2003.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 106.
- Calculated from census., Age 20 in 1860.
- Calculated from census., Age 10 in 1860.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", Pg 106. Chapman has his year of birth as 1847 with a question mark.
- Madelyn L. Hahn, Los Angeles, Calif.
- "Thompson Genealogy" by Rev. Charles N. Sennett.
- Virginia Raef [[email protected]], Philbrook Message Board: 11 Oct 2006.
- "Thompson Genealogy" by Rev. Charles N. Sennett
1850 Clermont Co., Ohio Census Family Records DAR Cemetery Records, Clermont Co., Ohio, Vol. 8, Pg. 51.
- "Thompson Genealogy" by Rev. Charles N. Sennett
Madelyn Hahn, Los Angeles, Calif.
- Rev. Charles N. Sennett, "Thompson Genealogy", 180.
- Mary Pelham Hill - Editor, Vital Records of Georgetown Maine, Vol. I, page 119.
- Stackpole, History of Durham, Maine with Genealogical Notes, pg 205.
- Based on census records.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 133 #119.
- Ames, Leadbetter Records, p. 216.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 136.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", No. 121, pg. 136.
- Marion Whitney Martin. Sept 1998
She has his DOB as 13 Feb 1831.
- Bob Fernald <[email protected]>, Email: 12 Jul 2002.
- Commander (Ret) Albert J. Smalley, U. S. Coast Guard, "History of St. George, Maine" (1976 [Reprinted 1981 Jackson Memorial Library League]), [cited by Dick Watts <[email protected]>].
- Bob Fernald <[email protected]>, Email: 19 Jan 2004.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 137-138.
- Ames, Leadbetter Records, p. 218.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 138-139.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 139.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 140.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg.110-112.
- Church of the Latter Day Saints IGI for ME.
- Church of the Latter Day Saints IGI for ME
Later New England Pendletons by Everett Hall Pendleton 1830, 1840, 1850 & 1860 Licking Co., OH Census.
- Later New England Pendletons by Everett Hall Pendleton.
- Church of the Latter Day Saints IGI for OH.
- Bruce P. Shields <[email protected]>, Email: 19 Oct 2004.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Son John was born in 1810.
- Joan Hamlin Alford <[email protected]>, Cousins Directory Request, 15 Jan 2002.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 110-111.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, BYARD-L - 12 Feb 2003 by [email protected].
- Jacob Chapman, Philbrick & Philbrook Families, pg. 111.
- National Archives - Military Pension Records for Joel Philbrook (Revolutionary War).
- Gravestone of Cyrus Philbrook (1791-1872).
- Daughters of the American Colonists, Lineage book Vol. XVIII 17001-18000, pg. 107.
- Michael Philbrook (Photographer), Gravestone of Ann Christina Martin-Philbrook (1800-1884).
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 141.
- Jacob Chapman, Philbrick & Philbrook Families, pg. 141.
- Robert W. Philbrook (Photographer), Gravestone of Phineas Philbrook (1823-1841).
- National Archives, Military Records.
- J.C. 1886.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", #98 ix, pg. 111. See note.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 142-143.
- Cemetery records., Courtesy of June Sipos <[email protected]>, June 2002.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 112.
- Jacob Chapman, Philbrick & Philbrook Families, pg. 112.
- Photo of tombstone.
- Michael Philbrook of Bucyrus, Ohio
Past Historian of the Philbrick-Philbrook Family Association [now defunct], [he says 3 Oct 1807].
- Gravestone of Lydia Peters-Philbrook (1807 - 1873).
- Robert W. Philbrook, Gravestone of Orlena Philbrook (1839-1869).
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg.112-114.
- Website, GenForum page for PHILBRICK.
- Email: Peggy Kelly <[email protected]>, July 29 & Aug 31, 1998.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 143-144.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 144.
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>, They have 1890.
- Sinnett (1847-1928), Our Perry family in Maine: its ancestors and descendants, p. 92-100 "The Records of Margaret Perry (6) and David Philbrook". This source says 1900.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 105.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Rye Town Records, Vol. I, p. 261.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Rye Town Records, Vol. I, p. 262.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Sources: Rye Town Records.
- Vital Records of Ferrisburg, VT as recorded in the Friends Monthly Meetings. See LDS FHL microfilm 0027607.
- From a Bible once owned by David Knowls and kept in the family down to his great granddaughter Sara H. Sterns. The records contained in it were copied and published in the NEHG Register, Vol 89, January 1935.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R) (Copyright (c) 1980, 2000, data as of January 2000).
- Henry Knowles of Rhode Island and some of his descendants by Stanwood Knowles Bolton, A.B. published in the NEHG Rigister, Vol 87, Oct 1933.
- Source #26.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 3 Jan 1999.
- Census Image, 1850 Maine.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, (VR) 25 jun 2000.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 3 Jan 1999. Date calculated from age at death.
- David Rust <[email protected]>. (g. s. Barbar cemetery, Readfield, ME) 25 Jun 2000.
- Michagan Early Census Index.
- Based on census records, He was age 59 on 11 Jul 1860.
- Duncan Morrow <[email protected]>, Email: 22 Feb 2007.
- , Progressive Men of the State of Montana (Chicago, IL: A. W. Bowden & Co., 1901), Page 1203.
- Census Image, 1860 Kansas.
- Based on census records, Age 18 in 1860.
- Duncan Morrow, Email: 22 Feb 2007.
PHILBRICK. In this city, April 2, Samuel C. Philbrick, aged 65 years. Remains at the chapel of Robert Sharp & Son Co. Interment, Waterville, Minn. --Los Angeles (CA) Daily Times, Wednesday, April 5, 1911.
- Obituary, Robert C. Philbrick.
- Calculated from census., Age 39 in 1850.
- "Old Dutch Burying Ground of Sleepy Hollow in North Tarrytown, New York" (1953).
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", Pg. 127.
- Alice Paladini, 17 Sep 1997.
- A. J. Aldrich, "George Aldrich Genealogy", Vol. 1, pg 110.
- Cemetry transcriptions,
- Calculated from age at death., 24 yrs 6 mos.
- Calculated from age at death., 3 yrs 10 mos 14 ds.
- 1901 census, Shipton Twp, Quebec, L23,24-R7.
- Calculated from age at death., 1 yr. 10 mos.
- Gravestone, [see burial fact].
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 128.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, (IGI) 25 Jun 2000.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, (Probate records) 25 Jun 2000.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, [estate papers].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, [Batchelder Genealogy pg. 151].
- David Rust <[email protected]>. [Batchelder Genealogy and her father's estate division.].
- Calculated from census., Age 48 in 1920.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, [widow on 1870 census - Elias is not].
- Carl F. Philbrick [[email protected]], Email: 27 Dec 2007.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 16 Feb 2003.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 16 Feb 2003 [VR from Laconia NH Twps; NH VR].
- Calculated from age at death., 84y 3m.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 29 May 2004.
- Gene Pool Individual Records at
- Diana H. Bailey <[email protected]>, 9 Sep 1998 email.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 31 Jan 2001.
- Rollins, Alden M., "Vermont Warnings Out, Vol. 1: Northern Vermont" (Picton Press, Camden, Maine). pg. 279. Irasburg, Town and Vital Records, Vol. 1, 1803-1840.
- Census, 1820 Vermont, Page 329.
- Census, 1830 Vermont, Page 228.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 17 Sep 1999.
- Probate File, Dated 27 Dec 1841.
- Probate File.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 24 Sep 1999 email.
- Census, 1850 Vermont, pg. 126.
- Census, 1860 Vermont, pg. 36.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 18 Jun 2001 - from published VR of Woburn MA.
- Diana H. Bailey <[email protected]>, email: 9 Sep 1998.
- Calculated from census., Age 39 on 1850 census.
- Census Image, 1870.
- Based on census records, Age 43 in 1850.
- Calculated from census., She was age 48 on the 1860 census.
- Census Image, 1860.
- Calculated from census., Age 13 in 1860.
- Todd Holden, Email: 29 Jul 2007.
- Todd Holden, FGS: 12 Aug 2007.
- Todd Holden, FGS: 1 Aug 2007 - Based on age at death [77-9-11]. References: RI VRs; Cranston VRs; US & RI census records; RI Cemetery Database; Barbour Collection (CT. Marr.); The "Burlingame Manuscript", Nelson Burlingame, revised & updated by Ross & Lynn Burlingame, 1971.
- Calculated from age at death., 77 yr 9 mo 11 dy.
- Census Image, 1870 Cranston, RI.
- Todd Holden, FGS: 1 Aug 2007. References: RI VRs; Cranston VRs; US & RI census records; RI Cemetery Database; Barbour Collection (CT. Marr.); The "Burlingame Manuscript", Nelson Burlingame, revised & updated by Ross & Lynn Burlingame, 1971; "Stafford - Arnold - Williams Bible Record," Rhode Island Roots, vol. 11 (1985), no. 4, pps. 65-68.
- Based on census records, Age 34 in 1860.
- Todd Holden, FGS: 6 Aug 2007. Refs: RI VRs; US Census; Rhode Island Cemeteries Database;
The “Burlingame Manuscript,” Nelson Burlingame, revised & updated by Ross & Lynn Burlingame, 1971; Staffords of New England website <> .
- Census Image, 1870 Cranston.
- Calculated from age at marriage.
- Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1870. Film #202
"Cynthia b. Dec. 23, 1791 at Reading, Marcy Barron & James".
- Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1870. Film #202
"Mrs. Philbrook, wife of Joseph d. Jan. 15, 1850 at Hardwick" [this may or may not be the same person as Cynthia].
- Town Records, Death record found at Craftsbury, VT town clerk's office.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 133.
- Betty S. Perkins <[email protected]>, April 2001. She cited the gravestone inscription.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 129.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 130.
- GEDCOM file imported on 23 Jun 1999 from CHERYL CLARKIN <[email protected]>
Her "home" address is <[email protected]>.
- Alice Souza Dow letter dated 2/21/98.
- Http://
- Rix, Guy S., "Eastman Family in America" (Concord, NH: Press of Ira C. Evans).
- Email: Susan Raimy <[email protected]>, 24 July 1999.
- Shirley Ann Rummel Vandemark, PPRG Members Directory Request ... 9 Feb 2007.
- Shirley Ann Rummel Vandemark, PPRG Member Directory Request: 9 Feb 2007.
- Theo A. Philbrick <[email protected]>, Cousins Directory Request - 5 Jan 2003.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Genealogy Report: 3 Jan 2008.
- Internet.
- Census Image, Original data: Sixth Census of the United States, 1840. (NARA microfilm publication M704, 580 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.
- Census Image, Original data: Seventh Census of the United States, 1850; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, 1009 rolls); Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29; National Archives, Washington, D.C.
- Census Image, Original data: 1860 U.S. census, population schedule. NARA microfilm publication M653, 1,438 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.
- Census Image, •1870 U.S. census, population schedules. NARA microfilm publication M593, 1,761 rolls. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.
- Census Image, Original data: Tenth Census of the United States, 1880. (NARA microfilm publication T9, 1,454 rolls). Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.
- Census Image, Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1900. T623, 1854 rolls.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Charles was born in 1831.
- Peg Harris <[email protected]>, Nov.. 2001.
- Peg Harris <[email protected]>, Sept. 2001.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., William was born in 1838.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Lois Branch, [email protected]. Created on 19 APR 2003. Imported on 20 Apr 2003.
- Epsom Early Settlers website.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Karen Brooks, [email protected]. Created on 20 JUN 2005. Imported on 20 Jun 2005.
- Family History/Personal Research.
- Lisa Blair (Towle) via Towle Family Forum.
- Census Image, 1850 census record.
-, "New Hampshire Marriage Records 1637–1947." Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2011. “New Hampshire Statewide Marriage Records 1637–1947,” database, FamilySearch, 2009. New Hampshire Bureau of Vital Records. “Marriage Records.” New Hampshire Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics, Concord.
-, "New Hampshire Death Records, 1654–1947." Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2010. New Hampshire Bureau of Vital Records. "Death Records, 1654–1947." Bureau of Vital Records, Concord, New Hampshire.
-, New Hampshire, Death and Burial Records Index, 1654-1949 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
- Pat Taylor <[email protected]>, Email: 11 Mar 2001.
- Pat Taylor <[email protected]>, Email: 26 Nov 1997.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", p. 152.
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>, 11 Mar 2001.
- Based on census records, Lucretia was living with her brothers in 1850.
- Calculated from census., Age 43 in 1850.
- Paul Delisle and Robert Charpentier, "Marriage Records in the Town of Blackstone, MA" (1994), pg 87.
- Stan Shepart <[email protected]>, Email: 1 Oct 2002.
- Calculated from census., Age 47 in 1860.
- Based on census records, They were on the 1850 census together.
- Calculated from census., Age 40 in 1850.
- Asburnham, Massachusetts History, Page 404.
- Pam Prine <[email protected]>, PPFA Application - 4 Jan 2003.
- Calculated from age at death., 77 years, 4 months, 3 days.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", #141, pg 155.
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>, PHILBRICK-L 10 Jun 2003.
- Mrs. Augusta Harvey Worthen, compiler, The history of Sutton New Hampshire consisting of the historical collections of Erastus Wadleigh, esq., and A. H. Worthen (Concord, New Hampshire: Republican Press Association, 1890), p. 868.
- 1850 census, Hillsborough Co., NH.
- Calculated from age at death., 79y 3m.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 14 Dec 2004. History of Sutton.
- Census Image, 1870 Dublin, NH.
- Census Image, 1880.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 14 Dec 2004. NH VR.
- Daniel Longley Philbrick [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 8 Jan 2010.
- 1850 Census - Merrimack Co., New Hampshire.
- RootsWeb Message Board, Hillsborough County, NH - 16 Dec 1999.
- 1880 census, Sullivan Co, NH, ED 279, reel 768, pg 417, date 6/11.
- Christine Mae "Tina" (Philbrick) Lassek <[email protected]>, PPFA Application, 5 Oct 2001.
- Christine Mae "Tina" (Philbrick) Lassek <[email protected]>. PPFA Application, 5 Oct 2001 [family bible says Saratoga Co., NY].
- Mary Jean Malik <[email protected]>, PPFA Application 27 Jul 2002.
- Susan Hopfensperger [[email protected]], Email: 14 Mar 2011.
- Obituary, Hiram Philbrick.
- Christine Mae "Tina" (Philbrick) Lassek <[email protected]>, PPFA Application, 5 Oct 2001 [family bible] - She has a birth date of 1 Aug 1832 in Sheboygan, WI.
- Obituary, Mrs. Mary Philbrick.
- Obituary, Mary A. Philbrick.
- Obituary, Mary Philbrick.
- Linda Lee Babcock [[email protected]], PPRG Member Request: 17 Sep 2006.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Sources: Rye Town Records. Vol. I History of Newfields.
- Maryellen Calder Canfora <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 17 Mar 2003. "Descendants of Henry Dow"
Sources: Rye Town Records. Vol. I History of Newfields National Archives of Quebec, Sherbrook Land Registry Office, Shrerbrook.
- Pedigree Resource File at FamilySearch, CD #12, Pin #9205.
- Pedigree Resource File at FamilySearch, CD #12, Pin #9206.
- Linda Philbrick Campbell <[email protected]>, Cousins Directory, 25 March 2001.
- Calculated from census., Age 70 in 1880.
- Calculated from census., Age 2/12 in 1850.
- Census, 1850 Vermont, pg. 194?.
- Irene Marks Rupp [[email protected]], Email: 16 Sep 2008. Death cert, gs.
- Irene Marks Rupp, Email: 16 Sep 2008.
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>, GEDCOM from past Historian, Michael D. Philbrook. His data says that he was born in Salisbury, NH.
- Gravestone photos.
- Census, 1850 Vermont.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 23 Oct 1999 [he told me her maiden name].
- Susan Irene Lucas [[email protected]], Email: 3 Jan 2008.
- Susan Irene Lucas, The Stephen Family Tree on
- Susan Irene Lucas, PPRG Directory Request: 2 Jan 2008.
- Virginia Felch Peckham <[email protected]>, Email: 7 Feb 2004.
- Based on census records, 1850.
- W. Farrand Felch, The Memorial History of the Felch Family in America and Wales (Columbus, Ohio: Press of J. F. Earhart & Co., 1881), Ancestry World Tree.
- 1850 census, pg. 37.
- 1850 census, pg. 38.
- Census Image, pg. 36.
- Calculated from census., 1870 Ionia Co., MI.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Dec 2001.
- Calculated from census., Age 53 in 1870.
- Census Image, 1850-1880.
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, "Genealogy of the Folsom Family
A Revised and Extended Edition Including English Records. 1638-1938", pg. 223.
- Internet,
- Internet,
-, Gilman was a widower on the 1880 census.
- MAINE VITAL RECORDS. State's Copy of Town Records of Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1892-1907. Alphabetized. Maine State Archives.
- "Josiah Scribner," FAMILYSEARCH INTERNATIONAL GENEALOGICAL INDEX, v5.0 (Intellectual Reserve, Inc., 1999-2002), "Electronic." Reference: Rome (ME) Town and Vital Records, 1815-1891.
- Ellen M. Greery, EARLY TOWN RECORDS OF ROME, MAINE (1948).
- Maine State Archives, [says 1833].
- Kelly Kennedy <[email protected]>, Email: 14 Nov 2002.
- Maine State Archives.
- Census Image, 1860 Maine.
- Census Image, Age 24 in 1860.
- Calculated from census., Age 6 in 1860.
- Calculated from census., Age 4 in 1860.
- Calculated from census., Age 1 in 1860.
- Calculated from census., Age 13 in 1880.
- Based on census records, 1870 census.
- Based on census records, Age 11 in 1880.
- Based on census records, 1870.
- Calculated from census., Age 8 in 1880.
- Based on census records, Ate 5 on 1880 census.
- Heather Nagel <[email protected]> & <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Mar 2003.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Maura Dey, [email protected]. Created on 9 MAR 2009. Imported on 9 Mar 2009.
- Census Image, Age 35 on 1850 census.
- Census Image, Age 29 on 1850 census.
- Robert W. Philbrook (Palm Springs, CA), Heritage Report - 1 Sep 2006.
- Census Image, Age 13 on 1850 census.
- Census Image, Age 3 in 1850.
- Census Image, Age 8 on 1860 census.
- Census Image, Age 2 on 1860 census.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, pg. 89.
- James P. Brewton, Brewton, James P. to Harry Folsom 24 Aug 1997.
- Susanville Cemetery, Lassen Co., CA.
- James P. Brewton, Susanville Cemetery, Lassen Co., CA (Letter dated 24 August 1997 from James P. Brewton based on visit to Susanville Cemetery, Lassen Co., CA).
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, Genealogy of the Folsom Family- Vol. I
A Revised and Extended Edition Including English Records 1638-1938, pg. 417;.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III (Folsom Family Association of America, Inc.-1980
Peter E. Randall, Publisher, Portsmouth, NH 03832), p. 1390.
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, Genealogy of the Folsom Family- Vol. I
A Revised and Extended Edition Including English Records 1638-1938, p. 417.
- US Government, Washington State and Territorial Censuses 1827-1892 ( Washington State and Territorial Censuses, 1857-1892 [database on-line].
Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data: Washington. Washington Territorial Census Rolls, 1857-1892. Olympia, Washington: Washington State Archives. M1, 20 rolls.), Line: 21.
- Bud Engelhardt ([email protected]), Gresham Cemetery
Whitman Co., WA.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1390.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1391.
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. II (Folsom Family Association of America, Inc.-1938
Gateway Press, Inc, Baltimore, 1975), pg. 614;.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1392.
- Republican League Register of Oregon (: The Register Publishing Company, 1896), page 207.
- Feighny, Rachel Rolfe, William and Susannah Frame of Pennsylvania, Virginia and Kentucky and some of their descendants (unpublished genealogical material), Topeka, Kansas, 1966, p. 63.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1393.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1395; d. inf.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, [email protected]. Posted 30 Oct 2007 by Harry Folsom, Family Genealogist, Folsom Family Association.
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. II, pg. 616;.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, p. 89-90.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, pg. 90; died young (measles).
- Calculated from age at death., Age 47 according to death notice.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 145.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 17 Dec 2006.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, 23 Sep 1997.
- Obituary, Samuel Beede.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, 24 Sep 1997.
- Census Image, 1850 Vienna.
- 1870 census, Allamakee Co., IA, enumerated July 22, Email from Cheryl Creeger, 11 Apr 2000.
- 1880 census, Osceola Co, Iowa, via email from Cheryl Creeger.
- 1885 census, Nobles Co., MN, enumerated April 25., Email from Cheryl Creeger, 11 Apr 2000.
- Cheryl Creeger <[email protected]>. 10 Nov 1997
- Obituary. From a transcription received from Cheryl Creeger. It indicates the year may have been 1899 but it is likely in error.
- Index to Death Records, Nobles Co., MN, Book B, page 113, line 84.
- Richard A. Baker <[email protected]>, 1 May 1999.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, 6 May 2000.
- Obituary, His father's.
- William Prescott, M. D., "The Prescott Memorial, 1500 to 1870". p. 549. [info posted on [email protected] by Janice Farnsworth, 19 Feb 2000].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 24 Nov 2001.
- Cemetry transcriptions. <>.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 30 Nov 2001. (ME VR).
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 18 Dec 2001 (ME VR).
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 30 Nov 2001 (ME VR).
- Calculated from census., Age 50 in 1880.
- Webster, Vital Records of Pittston, Maine to the year 1892, Pg. 255.
- Calculated from census., She was 6 months old in Aug 1850.
- "Vital Records of Lowell, MA", Vol. 2, Marriages (Salem, MA: The Essex Institute, 1930).
- Based on age at marriage., Age 28.
- 1850 Census - Lincoln Co., Maine.
- Ronald Gilliam <[email protected]>, PPFA Membership Application - 22 Jun 2002.
- Calculated from census., Age 3 in 1860.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 8 Dec 2004. ME VR.
- Census Image, Age 3 on 1850 census.
- Census Image, Age 28 on 1870 census.
- Census Image, Age 6 on 1870 census.
- Census Image, Age 4 on 1870 census.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Daughter Ella was 9 years old on the 1880 census.
- Calculated from age at death., 69y 1m 3d.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 8 Dec 2004.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 4 dec 2004.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 43.
- 1880 Census Index - Maine.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 30 Nov 2004.
- Gravestone, Cited by David Rust.
- Calculated from census., Age 2 in 1850.
- Calculated from census., Age 1 in 1850.
- Calculated from census., AGe 21 in 1880.
- Calculated from census., Age 16 in 1880.
- Calculated from age at death., 38y 4m 25d. Stackpole's History of Winthrop ME p. 676.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 8 Dec 2004. Stackpole's History of Winthrop ME p. 676.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 8 Dec 2004. Stackpole.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 26 Jan 2006. From the marriage record and death record.
- Obituary, Her own.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Marriage record of the 2nd Thomas B.
- Calculated from census., Age 32 on 1870 census.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source:Thelma Eye Brooks.MARRIAGE:VR Parkman, ME. Death:G.S. Burial at
Small-Philbrick Cemetery.In Parkman, ME 1850 Census. .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source:Thelma Eye Brooks.Birth:VR Parkman, ME.
In Parkman, ME 1850 Census also 1860.
- Ancestry Public Tree <>,
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source:Thelma Eye Brooks.Burial at Village Cemetery.
- Gravestone photos, Died at age 21 yrs 2 mos 20 dys.
- Calculated from age at death., 39 y 11 mo.
- Calculated from age at death., 36 y 4 m.
- Website, "Our Family Stories"
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source: Helen MacNair PARKER, her niece. Helen has Birthdate as 21 J ul 1868.
!Source: Gladys Philbrick NISEN, her niece. .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Descendants of Franklin (George W.F.) Philbrick from Sandy Mac Nair, great-grandson of Franklin and 1st wife Sarah Jane Luse.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Frances Andrus of Kinder, LA, a niece via Evelyn Biebl of New Ulm, MN, a grandniece.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Frances Andrus of Kinder,LA, a niece, via Evelyn Biebl of Ne w Ulm,
MN, a grandniece.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Rev. Chapman's book Genealogies of the Philbrick or Philbrook Families.
!Source:1850 Census of Grant Co.Wisconsin. !Source:Evelyn MacDonald BIEBL, great grandniece.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Rev. Chapman's book Genealogies of the Philbrick or Philbrook Families.
!Source:1850 Census of Grant Co.Wisconsin. !Source:Evelyn MacDonald BIEBL,.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source: FGR from Sharon Miller AREHART. See wife's parents' notes.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Rev. Chapman's book Genealogies of the Philbrick or Philbrook Families.
!Source:1850 Census of Grant Co. Wisconsin. !Source:Evelyn MacDonald BIEBL. .
- Iowa Cemetery Records, Page 73. Grave Records of Allamakee, Johnson, Howard and Lucas Counties, Adair, Gothrie, Madison, Marion, Johnson County, Iowa.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:"The Medford Enquirer"- Medford, Oregon No. 52 Sat on Film Roll 1 Issues 9 Feb 1900 to 3 July 1903, P. 49.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source: Reprint from the "Democratic Times", Jacksonville, OR, Reel 12, Pt. I Issues Jan 10, 1901 - Dec. 31, 1902, p. 122.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Jackson County, Oregon Wills - Probates - Estate Files - Guardianships Book II Ruby Lacy & Lida Childers 1988. P. 32. #949,
- WiSCONSIN MARRIAGES PRE-1907, ( Inc., 1998-2003).
- Iowa Cemetery Records, Page 73. Johnson County, Iowa WPA Grave Registration.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Evelyn MacDonald BIEBL.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 2 Dec 2007.
- Social Security Death Index Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: Social Security Administration. Social Security Death Index, Master File. Social Security Administration.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Evelyn MacDonald BIEBL.
!Source:Descendants of Robert Fylbrigg from Sandy MacNair.
- Iowa Cemetery Records, Pg. 152. Johnson County, Iowa WPA Grave Registrations.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Thelma Eye Brookes.Birth:VR Whitefield,ME. Death:G.S. Burial at Highland Cemetery.
- Calculated from census., Age 42 in 1880.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Thelma Eye Brookes.Birth:VR Whitefield,ME. Death:G.S. Burial at Highland Cemetery.
!Source:Marriage date from Paul Noyes data base, aulnoyes/.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Thelma Eye Brookes.Her source:Marriages of Jefferson by Priscilla Bond. Thelma gave names and information of the 4 sons who died young but no mention of son George Allen.
!Source:Col. Henry E. Noyes,USA and Miss Hariette E. Noyes. Genealogical Record of Some of the Noyes Descendants of James, Nicholas and Peter Noyes.Vol. 1 Descendants of Nicholas Noyes. Boston, Massachusetts 1904. p.169. via Paul M. Noyes, 4528 Robie Road, Lilburn,GA 30047 e-mail: [email protected] 7-2-99.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Thelma Eye Brookes.Death:G.S. Burial at Boynton Hill Cemetery.
- David Moore <[email protected]>, Email: 26 Oct 2004.
- David Moore, Email: 17 Oct 2004 - From "The Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers".
- David Moore, Email: 2 Nov 2004.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., son George F. was age 6 in 1860.
- Calculated from census., Age 29 in 1860.
- Dr. Robert E. Philbrick, Philbrick-Philbrook Families - Sheepscot, Maine to California (1985).
- H. E. Noyes, "Noyes Family, Vol. 1" (1904), pg. 169-170.
- Delores Williams, Sacramento, CA, Snail mail - 8 Sep 2005.
- Census Image, 1870 Bangor, ME.
- Census Image, Age 3 in 1870.
- Census Image, 1900 census.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Thelma Eye Brookes.Death:G.S. Burial at Boynton Hill Cemetery.
Marriage:her G.S. Jefferson.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Thelma Eye Brookes.
- Census Image, T9-0481 / 27B.
- Calculated from census. 1880 census - age 11.
- Calculated from census. age 7.
- Jean Percival-Chipley ( (March 16, 2000).
- Calculated from census. age 1.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 7 Oct 2002.
- Website,
- Calculated from age at death., Age 69 yr 4 mo 3 days.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 465.
- Susan Lustig [[email protected]], Philbrick Message Board - 4 Sep 2006.
- Susan Lustig, Email: 6 Sep 2006.
- Based on census records, 1860 MA.
- Based on census records, Age 27 in 1850.
- Calculated from census., Age 4 in 1850.
- Census Image, 1860 MA.
- Susan Lustig, GEDCOM imported 10 Apr 2007.
- Calculated from census., Age 25 in 1860.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email Report: 30 Jul 2003. [Moulton, Porter as a Portion of Maine, p. 96].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email Report: 30 Jul 2003. [Moulton, Porter as a Portion of Maine, p. 94].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email Report: 30 Jul 2003. From census information.
- Beverly Fernandes <[email protected]>, Philbrick Message Board: 30 May 2005.
-, Iowa Marriages to 1850.
- Ancestry World Tree, Submitted by Betty Jane Carl. She cited Peggy Frost <[email protected]>.
- Fred Putman <[email protected]>, Email: 28 Nov 2000.
- Tom Putnam.
- Calculated from census., Age 1 on 1870 census.
- Based on census records, Age 48 in 1880.
- Census Image, Age 12 in 1850.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Susan was 10 on the 1870 census.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 145-146.
- William B. Philbrick <[email protected]>, 14 Oct 2001; Philbrick Message Board.
- 1850 census, Carroll Co., NH age 25, b. NH.
- Gravestone, 1825-1873 Died AE 48 yr 5 mo 15 days.
- Calculated from age at death., 72y 10m 25d.
- Gravestone Inscripton Transcription.
- Michael Heuser <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request: 13 Apr 2008.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 29 Dec 2004. ME Collected records before 1892.
- F. Phelps Leach, Lawrence Leach of Salem, Massachusetts; and some of his descendants (East Highgate, VT: F. Phelps Leach, 1924-1926 357 pgs.).
- Based on spouse's place of death.
- Calculated from census., Age 56 on 1880 census.
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 556 [says 18 Aug].
- Eileen E. Langley, "Genealogies of Sebastian J. Trefethen and Elizabeth Locke
and James Isaac Dalrymple and Elizabeth Hazen" Six volumes., Vol 5, pg. 14-26. [says 20 Aug].
-, New Jersey Death Index.
-, New Jersey Death and Burial Index.
- Carolyn Stanley <[email protected]>, Email: 16 Apr 2012.
- Linda Fahrenbacher <[email protected]>, Email Report: 11 Feb 2005.
- Illinois Marriage Records Index [Online] <>, Lic. # 2597.
- Runnels, Rev. M. T., "History of Sanbornton, NH Vol. II, Genealogies", pg. 563.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Report of 10 Aug 2009 - his sources were mostly census records.
- Lucy Cross, "History of Northfield, NH" (1905), pg. 244.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 74.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg.74- 75.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 75.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 75-76.
- Hazlett, Charles A., "History of Rockingham County, New Hampshire and Representative Citizens" (Chicago, IL: Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., 1915), pp 948-949.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg.76.
- Pierce, Frederick Clifton, "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.
Descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, of England, A leading non-conformist, who settled the Town of New Hampton, N. H. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batcheller of Essex Co., Massachusetts.", pg 231.
- Janet B. Hewet (Editor), "Roster of Union Soldiers - 1861-1865" (Massachusetts: 1999), pg. 224.
- Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1870, Film #202 [She is listed as Mehitable Densmore].
- Maureen Philbrook <[email protected]>, 12 Mar 2000. Application for PPFA Membership.
- Hazlett, Charles A., "History of Rockingham County, New Hampshire and Representative Citizens", pg. 1094.
- Hazlett, Charles A., "History of Rockingham County, New Hampshire and Representative Citizens", pg. 1093.
- Based on census records, Wife Mary was listed as widow on 1930 census.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg.79.
- Based on census records, 1900 Concord Twp, IL.
- Census Image, 1930 Concord, IL.
- Margaret Winters <[email protected]>, 23 Jul 1998.
- Calculated from census., 8 months old in 1850.
- Census Image, 1900 census says Nov 1849.
- Calculated from census., Age 26 in 1880.
- Census Image, 1900 census says Feb 1852.
- Website,
- RootsWeb WorldConnect,
-, Massachusetts, Town Vital Collections, 1620-1988.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg.114-115.
- Census Image, 1880 Woodland, ME.
- Carol is the great granddaughter of Sarah Viola Philbrick, Email: Carol Carter <[email protected]>, 22 Feb 1999.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, ME VR.
- Based on census records, 1900 census, age 66.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Children's marriage records.
- Calculated from age at death., ae 60y 1m 25d.
- Ancestral File @, v4.19.
- Calculated from age at death., 33y 2m 4d.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, He only had "Lester".
- World Family Tree @, Vol. 2, Tree 1897.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Alonzo II was born in 1842.
- 1880 census, Rockingham Co, NH, ED 201, reel 767, pg 61, date 6/8.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, COLBY-L.
- 1880 census, Rockingham Co, NH, ED 204, reel 767, pg 108, date 6/5.
- Ginny Ginn, Email: 26 Jun 2001.
- Ginny Ginn, Email: 27 Oct 2010.
- Ginny Ginn. Email: 13 Jun 2001. Information from Richard Bean of Dallas, TX.
- Eloise Knapp <[email protected]>, Email: 12 Oct 2000.
- Ginny Ginn, 24 May 2001.
- Ginny Ginn, 24 May 2001. From a Masonic record.
- Ginny Ginn, 24 May 2001. From census records.
- William G. Cutler, History of the State of Kansas (Chicago, IL: A. T. Andreas, 1883).
- H. E. Noyes, "Noyes Family, Vol. 1", pg. 352.
- Charles R. Marston <[email protected]>, Email: 23 Feb 2009.
- OBIT: Luther Martin Keneston
Brattleboro Reformer, 16 Dec 1942.
- Ronald K. Philbrick <[email protected]>, Oct 2001 GEDCOM.
- Ronald K. Philbrick <[email protected]>, Oct 2001.
- Ronald K. Philbrick <[email protected]>, April 2001.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg.83.
- Ronald K. Philbrick GEDCOM file imported on 4 Oct 2001.
- Email: Karen in San Diego <[email protected]>, 11 Nov 1997.
- Obituary. of Orlando K. Philbrick posted on GenConnect Philbrick/Philbrook Obituary Board 4 Mar 2000 by Connie Philbrick <[email protected]>.
- Randy Benjamin <[email protected]>, GenConnect Query, 27 March 2001.
- Tombstone Inscription.
- Rick B. Page <[email protected]>, PPFA Application - 14 Apr 2003.
- Ancestry World Tree, Family Tree of Mallorie Kathryn Gordon <[email protected]>.
- Ancestry Public Tree <>,
- RootsWeb Message Board, Posted 28 Nov 2009.
- Calculated from census., Age 23 in 1850.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Henry born 1853.
- Montana History and Biography, pg. 1264.
- Calculated from census., Age 5 in 1860.
- Calculated from census., Age 40 in 1870.
- Calculated from census., Age 14 in 1870.
- Calculated from census., Age 12 in 1870.
- Calculated from census., Age 9 in 1870.
- Calculated from census., Age 7 in 1870.
- Calculated from census., Age 3 in 1870.
- Calculated from census., Age 11 months in 1870.
- Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War with Mexico 1846-1848 (Apollo, PA: Closson Press, 1897) Reprinted 1991 and 2003 by the Ohio Genealogical Society, Mansfield, OH, Pages 555-556.
- Eileen Derr, GONE HOME: Directory of the Deceased and Items of History of Holt Co. Missouri 1837 to 1981 (Holt Co., Missouri: Holt Co. Historical Society,).
- International Genealogical Index at FamilySearch. Her name is listed as Sebrina Cornell.
- Book: Marriage Index - Selected Counties of Ohio, 1789-1850, FHL Film #s 0391394-0391395. Her name is listed as Sebrina Carnell.
- Calculated from census., Age 42 in 1870 and 52 in 1880.
- Calculated from census., Age 13 in 1870.
- , Holt County Missouri - Death Notices from Area Newspapers (St. Joseph, Missouri: Northwest Missouri Genealogical Society,), Pg. 40.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Son Thomas was born abt 1856.
- Census Image, 1900 Stocton Springs, ME.
- Calculated from census., Age 37 on 1860 census.
- Calculated from census., Age 6 months on June 25th census of 1860.
- Carroll H. Bessey <[email protected]>, PPFA Membership Application.
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>, 5 Mar 2003.
- Carroll H. Bessey <[email protected]>, GEDCOM file: 10 Mar 2003.
- Calculated from census., Age 30 in 1850.
- Rev. Edwin Carey Whittemore, editor, The Centennial History of Waterville, Kennebec, County, Maine (Waterville, Maine: Executive Committee of the Centennial Celebration, 1902).
- Email: Cindy <[email protected]>. 27 Feb 1999
She quotes from Gen. of the Desc. of John White by Almira Larkin White, Vol. II 1900 p. 533.
- Noel V. Bourasaw, Editor, Skagit River Journal of History & Folklore
810 Central Ave., Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284 <[email protected]>, Email: 29 Aug 2005.
- Noel V. Bourasaw, Editor, Skagit River Journal of History & Folklore
810 Central Ave., Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284 <[email protected]>, Email: 18 Nov 2004.
- Shane & Cathy Gray, Email: 27 Feb 2008.
- Calculated from census., 1860 Hooksett, NH.
- Bonnie Hussey [[email protected]], Email: 18 Nov 2006.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 28 Dec 2004. NH VR.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 28 Dec 2004.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 28 Dec 2004. Freedom ME record.
- Census Image, They were on the 1870 census together.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Report via email: 3 Apr 2007.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 28 Dec 2004. NH VR and the Town Report Collections of Richard P. Roberts.
- William "Bill" Philbrick, 25 Nov 2002 - genealogy report.
- William "Bill" Philbrick, 27 Sep 2001 GenForum post.
- Census Image, FHL Film # 1254376, NA Film # T9-0376, page 154A.
- Pamela Reitz [[email protected]], Email: 14 Feb 2006.
- William "Bill" Philbrick, 22 Jan 2003.
-, Family Data Collection.
- International Genealogical Index at FamilySearch, Batch: F515691 Source Call No. 1553756.
- GEDCOM from Carl Cardey imported on 13 Apr 2001. !Sources:
1. Carl Cardey-1 family notes and pictures. 2. Boone Co. Grant records: A. 1 Ap.1885. Sold undivided 1/2 interest in 480 Acres. Grantor & Grantee records. Bk.J pg.50 (1) B. 17 June 1885. Sold another undivided 1/2 interest in the 480 acres. Grantor records.Bk.O pg.154 (1) C. 30 Nov 1886. Swapped (Traded) 13 acres. Grantor & Grantee records. Bk.J pg.385 (1) D. 4 Mar 1896. Awarded property as a result of Court judgement where Sarah Philbrick was the defendant. E. Several of these records list the Philbricks as being from Hardin Co., Ohio (Co. seat is Kenton) F. 7 Dec 1889. Sold 13 acres. Sallie A. Philbrick (Who is unmarried) of Hardin County, Ohio. Sal was the wife of Chas. R. Philbrick. (Bk.M, pg.26. (Sal is a nickname that Sarah was called by her family. (Helene Martin) (1) G. (l) All the above. H. 15 Mar. 1900. Sarah P. sold to C. A. Croft. Other (vs. Husb or Wife) a widow. Bk.
- GEDCOM from Carl Cardey imported on 13 Apr 2001. 1. -1 notes. Have Photos. Always referred to as Mrs S.A. Philbrick or
Mother P. .
- GEDCOM from Carl Cardey imported on 13 Apr 2001. 2. See Husband notes for Grant records in Boone Co, W. Va.
- GEDCOM from Carl Cardey imported on 13 Apr 2001. 3. Los Angeles Death Cert. 13839, 9 Dec 1942, Sarah Ann Philbrick. 554 S.
Caswell St. Chronic Myocardial degeneration. Old age, Arteriosclerosis. Father, John M. Smith (bp.Ohio); Mother, Julia A. Hemphill (bp. Bellfontain, Oh.) (No headstone) Name of husband, Charles R. Philbrick. Informant Mrs. May Martin. (1) .
- GEDCOM from Carl Cardey imported on 13 Apr 2001. 4. Family Group Sheet, Donna Murphy-3161 . (1)
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 14 Aug 2001. Citation: Death Record from Maine State Library microfilm.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 13 Aug 2001. Citation: Marriage Record from NEHGS Library microfilm.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 19 Sep 2003.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 13 Aug 2001. Citation: Birth Record from NEHGS Library microfilm.
- Arlene Brooks <[email protected]>, Philbrick Message Board: 15 Feb 2004.
- Arlene Brooks <[email protected]>, Her Pedigree Chart of 21 Feb 2004.
- World Family Tree @, Vol. 73 Tree 1202.
- Alfred G. Philbrick. Email: 28 Aug 2001. Citation: MA vital statistics, BMD records, year 1932, vol. 86, pg. 370.
- Alfred G. Philbrick. Email: 28 Aug 2001. Citation: MA vital statistics, BMD records, year 1942, vol. 86, pg. 466.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email Report: 9 Feb 2006.
- Leigh Ann Allen [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 17 Mar 2007.
- Julie Mills <[email protected]>, 25 Jul 1999 email (+26 Sep 1999).
- Julie Mills <[email protected]>, 25 Jul 1999 email.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 26.
- Edward Finigan <[email protected]>. 13 Jul 2001. He cited "History of Nathan Lord of Kittery, MA", pg. 132.
- Edward Finigan <[email protected]>, 16 Jul 2001. He cited certificate of death.
- Website.
- Locke, Arthur H., "Genealogy of Captain John Locke of New Hampshire", pg. 521.
- Email: Judy Gabardina <[email protected]>, 24 Jul 1998.
- Census Image, 1930.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Genealogy Report: 10 Feb 2008.
- Deborah Cross, Email: 21 Aug 2007. She cited Sarah's death certificate.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 479.
- Town Records, Lee, New Hampshire.
- Calculated from age at death., 46 years 9 mos.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 457.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 46 yr 3 mo 3 days.
- Hazlett, Charles A., "History of Rockingham County, New Hampshire and Representative Citizens", pgs. 804-807.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- Gail Veve [[email protected]], Email: 26 Feb 2006. She cited One World Tree.
- Compiled by Louise H. Brooks, "The Ancestry & Descendants of Dr. Jay Tuttle
and also of Five Abbott Sisters, Louisa, Sarah, Fannie, Abby, and Emilie" (Starkville, Mississippi: Louise H. Brooks, 1980), pages 64-88.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 95.
- Virginia Ewing <[email protected]>, Email: 17 Jan 2004.
- Will, His mothers.
- Barbara Fairfield <[email protected]>, Email: 14 Mar 2001.
- Edward L. Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Dec 2001.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 59.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 100.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 100. - he says 25 July.
- Newspaper: "The Puritan Recorder", Boston, MA, 29 Jun 1854.
- Census Image, Age 38 in 1850.
- Calculated from census., Age 10 in 1850.
- Susan Canney [[email protected]], Email: 23 Apr 2010.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 29 Nov 2005 - Info from NH VR.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 101.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 102.
- Based on census records, 1880 Ohio.
- Hampton Library Website, Hampton, New Hampshire.
- The Drake Family of New Hampshire (Published 1962), pg. 127.
- Jacob Chapman, Philbrick & Philbrook Families, pg. 62.
- International Genealogical Index at FamilySearch, Film #170477.
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>, From data compiled by Michael Philbrook of Ohio, former Historian of the PPFA.
- 1880 census, Suffolk Co., MA, ED 717, reel 558, pg 101, Date 06/04.
- Diana Annis <[email protected]>, Email: 3 Feb 2001.
- Email: Mary Matheson <[email protected]>
Sent to me by Todd Graves <[email protected]>, 18 Dec 1997.
- John Bailey <[email protected]>, Email Report: 13 Sep 2004.
- John Bailey, Email Report: 13 Sep 2004 [Family Bible].
- Michael P. Melvin <[email protected]>, Report sent via email: 22 Aug 2007.
- Email: Wesley W. Philbrook <[email protected]>, 11 May 1998.
- John Bailey, Email Report: 13 Sep 2004 [Cemetery Records].
- Carol Philbrook Richwine <[email protected]>, Email: 12 Oct 2005.
- Carol Philbrook Richwine, PPRG Member Directory Request - 7 Oct 2005.
- Rebecca Walch <[email protected]>, Email: 30 June 2001.
- Rebecca Walch <[email protected]>, Email: 19 Sep 2001. From Record of Death.
- Census Image, 1850 Bengor, ME. Age 19.
- Lois Shope, Email: 20 Oct 2004.
- Lois Shope, Email: 18 Oct 2004. From NEHGR 588:366, letter from Mt. Hope Cemetery, Bangor, ME, where Eliphaz is buried in city lot grave 5, and VR Exeter, ME.
- Ancestry World Tree, Submitted by Jo-Anne Mansfield.
- Lois Shope, PPFA Membership Application: 16 Sep 2003.
- Lois Shope, Email: 20 Oct 2004. Elizabeth was in the Bangor directory in 1884.
- Lois Shope, Email: 20 Oct 2004. Melissa was 2 months old on the 1860 census.
- Census Image, 1870 Holden, ME, age 5.
- Census Image, 1850 Bengor, ME. Age 17.
- Census Image, 1860 Eddington.
- Census Image, 1860 Eddington, age 17.
- Census Image, 1860 Eddington, age 4.
- Census Image, 1860 Eddington, age 2.
- Census Image, 1850 Bengor, ME. Age 14.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Elmer was age 9 in 1870.
- Census Image, 1870 Holden, ME, age 30.
- Census Image, Age 9 in 1870.
- Census Image, Age 5 in 1870.
- Census Image, Age 10 months in 1870.
- Find a Grave (
- GEDCOM file submitted by Sherida Childers, [email protected]. Created on 19 Sep 2003. Imported on 19 Sep 2003.
- 1880 Census - Weber Co., Utah, Page 525B. Hooper. Enumerated with Curtis Stoddard family.
- Hooper Cemetery Records.
- Frank L. Rose <[email protected]>, 28 Feb 2001.
- Frank L. Rose <[email protected]>, FGS 20 Oct 2004.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, CRAWFORD-L. Submitted by Jan Weymouth - 9 Oct 2005.
- Illinois Marriage Records Index [Online] <>, Lic. # 47548.5.
- Internet,
- Internet,
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Emma was born in 1844.
- Family Records
"Thompson Genealogy" by Rev. Charles N. Sennett.
- Walter Wood <[email protected]>
<>, 14 Jan 2002.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 30 yrs 4 mos.
- Irene Clough Hahn [[email protected]], Email: 2 Sep 2006.
- Stackpole, History of Durham, Maine with Genealogical Notes, pgs 167-168 [Stackpole has Nathan].
- Irene Clough Hahn, Email: 2 Sep 2006. Windham Friends VR.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 132.
- David E. Cummins <[email protected]>
4936 Windflower Cr Sarasota, FL 34241-6260, 1 Nov 1999.
- David E. Cummins <[email protected]>
4936 Windflower Cr Sarasota, FL 34241-6260, 13 Jun 2001.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 25 Dec 2004. Record from Bradley, ME.
- Michael Philbrook of Bucyrus, Ohio
Past Historian of the Philbrick-Philbrook Family Association [now defunct], GEDCOM File.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 20 Apr 2006.
- Gravestone, AE 38 yrs & 22 days.
- Bill Principe, CG <[email protected]>, Letter of 23 Aug 2002.
- Bill Principe, CG <[email protected]>. p. 172, 1.25-29
Letter of 23 Aug 2002.
- Maine State Archives. Roll 5, vol 1, p. 171. Both Albina and Greenlief are "of Sangerville." Marriage date given is Aug. 28, 1860.
- Helen Dotts, Email: 12 Jun 2001.
- Census Image, p. 184, line 197.
- Gravestone, ae 6 yrs 22 days.
- Calculated from age at death., 5 yrs 3 mos 9 days.
- Calculated from age at death., 33 yrs 7 mos 5 ds.
- Census Image, Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Wakefield, Middlesex, Massachusetts; Roll T9_542; Family History Film: 1254542; Page: 367.1000; Enumeration District: 414; Image: 0088.
- Census Image, Source Citation: Year: 1920;Census Place: Wakefield, Middlesex, Massachusetts; Roll T625_716; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 480; Image: 520.
- Calculated from census., Age 37 on 1880 census.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 134.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 134-135.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 135.
- SPRATT Message Board by [email protected], 18 May 2002.
- Sheila Hunter <[email protected]>, Email: 27 Jan 2008.
- Sheila Hunter <[email protected]>, Philbrick Message Board, 4 Jun 2002.
- Calculated from census., Age 11, born ME.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", No. 121, pg. 136. [He says 27 Mar 1849].
- Ames, Leadbetter Records, [They have 29 May 1849].
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg.110-112 and pg 136.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg.110-112 and pg. 136.
- Email: Leah Pendleton Raney <[email protected]>, 18 Dec 1998.
- Peggy Mitchell Gay [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 23 May 2007.
- Robert Fernald Jr. <[email protected]>. Email: 28 Apr 2002 - his source was Charles' grandson Mark Philbrook.
- Ethel Stanwood Bolton, "A History of the Stanwood Family in America" (1899), pg 215-216.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 140-141.
- Elizabeth P.Bentley, indexer, Ohio Cemetery Records (Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1984), Pg. 186.
- Later New England Pendletons by Everett Hall Pendleton
Church of the Latter Day Saints IGI for OH.
- Calculated from census., Age 35 in 1880.
- Census Index, Provided by Al Philbrick.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, From his database, Dec 2008.
- Joan Hamlin Alford <[email protected]>, Email: 18 Jan 2002.
- California Death Records 1940-1997, Death record for James B. Philbrook.
- Michael Philbroook (Photographer), Gravestone of Barnabas Philbrook (1821-1890).
- International Genealogical Index 1994 Edition (North America.). IGI 1994 Edition, Ver 3.06
"Event: Birth, 24 Dec 1821, Marietta, Licking, Ohio" Father: Cyrus Philbrook Mother: Ann C. Martin.
- War Dept., Adjutant General's Office 8/13/1923
letter to Mrs. Hattie Booher, Pleasanton, NE. (via Michael Philbrook).
- Robert W. Philbrook, Gravestone of Albert Oscar Philbrook (1855-1856).
- Connie Loftus <[email protected]>, Email: 27 Nov 2000.
- Connie R. Loftus ( (Oct. 9, 2000 & Dec. 1, 2000).
- Connie Loftus <[email protected]>, Email: 3 Nov 2000.
- Ruth Cole.
- Email: Robert Philbrook <[email protected]>, 22 May 1998.
- J.C. 1886
& Gravestone.
- RootsWeb Message Board,
- Illinois Marriage Records Index [Online] <>, Vol. A, pg. 27.
- Paul Thomas Gentle [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 20 Jan 2010.
-, Census Record.
- Evelyn Morgan <[email protected]>, Email: 2 Mar 2002.
- Illinois Marriage Records Index [Online] <>, Vol. C, pg. 153.
- June Sipos <[email protected]>, April 2001. She cited "McLean County Burials".
- Illinois Marriage Records Index [Online] <>, Vol. A, pg. 64.
- Illinois Marriage Records Index [Online] <>.
- Jacob Chapman, Philbrick & Philbrook Families, pg. 143 [says St. Albans, Licking, Ohio].
- Obituary, [says Granville, IA].
- Evelyn Morgan <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Nov 2002 - Genealogy Report.
- "Portrait & Biographical Album of Washington,
Clay, and Riley Counties, Kansas"- 1890..
- Illinois Marriage Records Index [Online] <>, Vol. C, pg. 154.
- Evelyn Morgan <[email protected]>, Email: 7 Mar 2002.
- Evelyn Morgan <[email protected]>, Email: 9 Mar 2002.
- Obituary, Alta M. Philbrook.
- J.R. Bob Shannon III (Baton Rouge, LA) (Nov. 1, 2000).
- Robert W. Philbrook, Gravestone of Elizabeth Snyder-Philbrook (1838-1877).
- Robert W. Philbrook, Gravestone of Omie Philbrook (1860-1919).
- Roster of Union Soldiers 1861-1865 (Ohio).
- Jim Faulkner <[email protected]>, Family Group Sheet - 26 Nov 2005.
- Jim Faulkner, Info posted on [email protected] on 22 Nov 2005.
- Roger James Pimlott [[email protected]] of Coventry, England, PPRG Directory Request: 2 Feb 2010 and followup email on 3 Feb 2020. He is not certain of his information.
- Roger James Pimlott, His Ancestry Family Tree.
- South Hampton VR.
- Internet, www. u.
- Jason Shaver <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request: 17 Dec 2008.
- 1880 US Census for Monkton, Addison, VT.
- Carlisle, Lilian Baker, Vermont Clock and Watchmakers, Silversmiths, and Jewelers.
- From an family tree on Joseph Hoag's family.
- Ferrisburg Vermont Friend's Church Records, women's monthly meetings. LDS film # 0017321.
- The Story of the Farnham Meeting, 1820-1902 by S. A. Zielinski Publish 1961 by Fulford, Pendle Hill, Province Quebec, Canada.
- Ferrisbury Monthly Meeting Minutes, Vol 1463, 1819 - 1846. Found in LDS microfilm No. 0017272 (Vermont Church Records Men's Monthly Meetings).
- From the Vital Records of New Bedford, Massachusetts to the Year 1850 - Volume II--Marriages. Published by the New England Historic Genealogical Society at the Robert Henry Eddy Memorial Rooms at the Charge of the Eddy Town-Record Fund. Boston, Mass. 1932. Page captioned New Bedford Marriages. KNOWLES (Knowls) Daniel (Knowls) of N.B.
- Excerpts from book entitled "The Descendants of Richard Sares (Sears) of Yarmouth, Mass. 1638-1888. B Samuel P. May, Mem, N.E. Hist. Gen. Society. Albany, N.Y.: Joel Munsell's Sons, Publishers. 1890. Nathaniel Sears [Nath'l, Paul, Paul, Paul, Rich.] b. Rochester Mass. 1766; d. Mar 30, 1816, age 51; m. New Bedford, Mass. 1786, Hannah Keene of Freetown, Mass, she b. Feb. 18, 1768, d. Roch. Sept. 25, 1846, age 78. List of children, 10 of them, Susanna, b. Roch., Feb. 21, 1809; m. Dan'l Knowles, who d.; she lives in Prov., R.I. Susanna was the 9th child, 5 were girls of whom 4 were mentioned in the father's will, Betsy having died as a young child. Four sons survived, and children of deceased son Stephen, also mentioned.
- Rochester, MA vital records.
- Death Certificate from Providence, RI.
- Quebec Society of Friends Church Records 1841 to 1884 LDS Film # 0017268.
- Jeff Alexander <[email protected]> E-mail dated Mon, 4 Nov 2002.
- From Bonnie Tice <[email protected]>, a descendent of Lois Knowles and who got her information from family records.
- Census Image, Age 8 in 1870.
- Census Image, Age 8 months on 1870 census.
-, His wife was head of household on the 1860 and 1870 census and a widow when she died in 1893.
-, Maine Death Records.
-, His wife was a widow on the 1900 census.
- Michigan Vital Records, Oakland Co. 1800-1917 (
- Duncan Morrow, Email: 22 Feb 2007. Morrow, Louise T. Mrs. prin. Steran school 4110 Drexel boul.
--Donnelly, Reuben H. Lakeside Directory of Chicago 1891. Chicago Directory Co: Chicago, 1891, p. 1633.
- Duncan Morrow, Email: 22 Feb 2007. --Mrs. L.T. Morrow, sister of R.C. Philbrick died in Chicago on the first day of May.
--Waterville (MN) Advance, Wednesday, May 11, 1892.Her Illinois death certificate says she died at 4106 Drexel Boulevard of mitral stenosis; it also lists "Detroit Michigan" as place of burial. She was described as a widow; occupation, teacher. I've made inquiry and cannot find record of her burial in Detroit -- or a reason why she would have been buried there. She actually died before her husband. His obituaries describe a promising life, tragically ruined. They also suggest she contributed to his problems.
- Obituary, John Cromwell Morrow.
- 1901 census, Shipton Twp, Quebec, L25,26,27-R6; L25-R7.
- 1901 census, Shipton Twp, Quebec, L25,26,27-R6; L25-R7. The census spells her surname as TERRIER.
- Cemetry transcriptions, The gravestone says 11 Jul 1882.
- Danville 1867-1992 (Sherbrook Quebec: Editions Louis Bilodeau & Fils Ltee), pg. 429.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 127.
- Biographical Record of Amherst College Grads and Non-Grads 1871 - 1896, Page 289.
- Census Image, 1910 New Jersey.
- Based on census records, 1920.
- Calculated from census., Age 46 in 1920.
- Calculated from census., Age 17 in 1920.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 16 Feb 2003 [death record].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 16 Feb 2003 [NH VR].
- Calculated from age at death., 38y 7m 1d.
- Beverly Philbrick <[email protected]>, 1 May 2000 request to join the PPFA.
- Calculated from census., 1850 Vermont.
- Census, 1850 Vermont, pg 126.
- "Hudson's History of Lexington, MA". Vol2, p783, per David Rust, 19 Dec 2000. The book says "Searsburg".
- "Hudson's History of Lexington, MA", Vol2, p783, per David Rust, 19 Dec 2000.
- Calculated from age at death., 68 yrs 9 mo 19 days.
- Cemetery records.
- Enumerated on 1 Aug 1860., House 2398, Family 2302.
- "Roster & Record of Iowa Soldiers in the War of Rebellion" (English, 1910).
- , Page 421.
- 1880 census, Linn Co, Iowa, ED270, sheet 20, line 33.
- Death Certificate, # 2228.
- Death Certificate.
- Iowa Cemetery Records, Pg. 255. Tombstone Records of Linn County, Iowa.
- , Pg. 421.
- Calculated from age at death., 68 yrs 5 mo 0 days.
- Enumerated on 1 Aug 1860.
- Probate File. Daniel A. Beedy's probate file, dated 20 June 1881.
-, Find A Grave.
- Shawn Salo <[email protected]>, PPFA Application - 4 Jan 2003.
- Mrs. Avis Stearns Van Wagenen, "Genealogy and Memoirs of Charles and Nathaniel Stearns, and Their Descendants" (New York; Courier Printing Co., 1901), pg. 88, # 6386.
- Diana H. Bailey <[email protected]>, Email: 9 Sep 1997.
- Mrs. Avis Stearns Van Wagenen, "Genealogy and Memoirs of Charles and Nathaniel Stearns, and Their Descendants", pg. 87-88, # 6386.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 19 Nov 2002: NH VR - Death record.
- , The Caledonian Record of St. Johnsbury, VT - 17 Sep 1842.
- Calculated from age at death., 11m 15d.
- Todd Holden, FGS: 23 Sep 2007. References: RI VRs; Cranston VRs; US & RI census records; City Directories.
- Todd Holden, FGS: 27 Oct 2007. refs: RI VRs; US & RI Census; RI Directories; Taylor, William Harrison “Legislative History and Souvenir of
Rhode Island 1899 and 1900...,” E. L. Freeman & Sons, Providence, 1900; “Representative Men & Families of Rhode Island,” Beers, 1906; NY Times death notices; Records of Riverside Cemetery, Pawtucket, RI. .
- Todd Holden, FGS: 4 Apr 2008. refs: RI VRs; US & RI Census; RI Directories; Taylor, William Harrison “Legislative History and Souvenir of
Rhode Island 1899 and 1900...,” E. L. Freeman & Sons, Providence, 1900; “Representative Men & Families of Rhode Island,” Beers, 1906; NY Times death notices; Records of Riverside Cemetery, Pawtucket, RI. .
- Ted Bremer [[email protected]], Email: 18 Jun 2007.
- Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1870. Film #202
One entry says Walden, others say Woodbury.
- James Alan McGinnis <[email protected]>, PPFA Directory Request: 15 July 2012.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Genealogy Report - 26 Apr 2007.
- Conway, NH Town Records as taken by Shirley Pierce 2/98.
- Letter from Linda Labroke Desrochers dated 12/27/96.
- Email from David Emerson 4/20/99, taken from LDS records.
- Internet.
- RootsWeb WorldConnect, Database: califia1 Contact: Daryl Taramasso.
-, “Massachusetts Birth Records, 1841 - 1915,” index and images, FamilySearch (; from Massachusetts State Archives. “Massachusetts Vital Records.” Massachusetts State Archives, Boston. FHL microfilm. Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah. .
- Census Image, 1910 MA.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Alfred was born in 1855.
- Census Image, 1900 MA.
- Census Image, 1900 census record.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Emma was born March 1864.
- Calculated from age at death., 28 y 11 m 27 d.
- Karen Philbrook <[email protected]>, Email: 20 Aug 2010.
- William A. Rivers Jr. [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 27 Dec 2008.
-, New Hampshire Marriage Records.
- Cemetry transcriptions,
- William Hazlet Jones, Vital Statistics of Chichester, Merrimack County, New Hampshire 1727-1927.
- Cindy Walcott via internet message board. Re: David Towle/Rebekah Green, Bow, NH.
- Cindy Walcott via internet message board.
- WFT GEDCOM file from World Family Tree Vol. 14 Tree 1137. Imported on 19 May 2004.
- Marston, Nathan W., The Marston Genealogy (1888), pgs. 422 and 427.
- Marston Manor, Web site.
-, Indiana Marriage Collection.
-, New Hampshire Death Records.
- Calculated from census., Age 2 in 1960.
- Calculated from census., 3 months in june 1860.
- Calculated from age at marriage. Age 43. This was her second marriage, to Irving Grant.
- Lanny Davis <[email protected]>, Email: 28 Jan 2001.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", p 152.
- Obituary, [of Edna].
- Cemetery records., CRAM-L message - 6 Apr 2003 - This source says she was born in 1843.
- Cemetery records., CRAM-L message - 6 Apr 2003.
- Pam Prine <[email protected]>, 3 Jan 2003, PHILBRICK-L.
- Gravestone, Age 27 yr 8mo 6da.
- Vital Records, Rockland, ME, p. 398. "James G. Philbrick and Amelia Seavey, both of Rocklane, Pub Feby 1, 1861, cert Feby 7, 1861, m Feby 8, 1861 by Rev. J. Mariner.".
- Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1870, Film #202.
- Census Image, Age 30 on 1860 census.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 22 Dec 2004. NHVR Brides Index.
- Military Pension Records, Reuben C. Philbrook.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 22 dec 2004. ME VR.
- Calculated from age at death., 58y 7m 6d.
- Calculated from age at death., 23y 8m.
- Clifford Warren Beattie [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 1 Jan 2008.
- RootsWeb Message Board, EASTMAN: Posted 12 Dec 2007 by prezteastman.
- RootsWeb Message Board, EASTMAN: Posted 12 Dec 2007 by prezteastman. Source: [email protected]
Subject: [EASTMAN] Thomas Jefferson Eastman 1900 US Census This is a Message Board Post that is gatewayed to this mailing list.
Author: prezteastman Surnames: Eastman, Philbrick Classification: queries Message Board URL:
Message Board Post: Because of the loss of the 1890 US census, and not finding this family in the 1900 US census, the only info on his children has been estimates of his children's birth years. Because of a tired or sloppy transcriber, no one has found his family in the 1900 US census...until now. My pure chance (in searching for the Casey family in Portage county, WI) I came across the Castman family. I have never heard of the family name Castman and decided to look at the photocopy of the page. Sure enough, I recognized the name as Eastman. The head was listed as an M Castman. When I looked at the family members, they seemed very familiar. Because of the idiot frequency of census people writing numbers and other such over the names, it is difficult to make out, but magnification shows it is a T and possibly and H and a period - for Thomas. The wife Emma (Philbrick) b. Aug 1860 and children prove this is Thomas Jefferson Eastman b. May 1851 - son of Thomas J and Elmira (Harris) Eastman. Also, this census year provides the actual month and year the individual was born, thus further proving this is the elusive Thomas Jefferson. The poor spelling of the census taker has the children as: Loren (Loran) b. Jul 1877; Lilly (Lillie) b. Feb 1880; Leonard b. Nov 1881; Lavina b. Nov 1883; Elzadie (Alzada) b. Jul 1887; Lydia b. Jun 1889; and Elnora b. May 1898. The transcriber for messed some of the childrens names, like Lerana for Lavina, etc. Anyone looking for this family should type in the Castman name search for Carson, Portage, WI page 23 of 31 in that set. I sent corrections to Ancestry for their names and, hopefully they should correct it soon. .
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 1 Sep 2005.
-, Wisconsin Marriages.
- Christine Mae "Tina" (Philbrick) Lassek <[email protected]>, Email: 25 Apr 2002.
- Yvonne Willis
Racine, WI, 21 March 2001.
-, Wisconsin Birth Index.
- Linda Lee Babcock, Facebook Message: 23 Jan 2011.
- Chet Welch, Email: 28 Dec 2004.
- Obituary, Arthur A. Philbrick.
- Calculated from census., 1850 VT.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 5 Jan 2005. VT VR.
- Vermont Vital Records, 1760-1870. Film #20 has her name as Rosana E. and Film #202 has her name as Rose A.
- Diane LaValley Darville <[email protected]>. Her report "Descendants of William Beede" [in my file].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 5 Jan 2005. NH VR.
- Irene Marks Rupp, Email: 16 Sep 2008. Pickering genealogy.
- Irene Marks Rupp, Email: 16 Sep 2008. Death cert, probate record.
- Irene Marks Rupp, Email: 16 Sep 2008. Wingate genealogy.
- Irene Marks Rupp, Email: 16 Sep 2008. calculated from age at death.
- Irene Marks Rupp, Email: 16 Sep 2008. NH Deaths to 1900, gs.
- Irene Marks Rupp, Email: 16 Sep 2008. Manchester dir, obit of dau Nettie.
- Courtney Lucas of Lowell, MA, PPRG Directory Request: 22 Apr 2010.
- David Russ Linke [[email protected]], PPRG Member Directory Request - 5 Sep 2006.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Edith was born Mar 1868.
- Sandra Carter Fienhold [[email protected]], Email: 31 Jul 2008.
- Sandra Carter Fienhold, Email: 3 Aug 2008.
- Judith Schwan. Email: 12 Nov 2001. Based on letters from Reuben Brown to his sister Amanda in Elton, NY.
- 1850 census, Freedom, NY.
- Ancestry World Tree, Luvela Barnes <[email protected]>.
- Calculated from census., 1850.
- Rev. Elam E. Branch, History of Ionia County, Michigan: Her People, Industries and Institutions, Volume II (: Published by B.F. Bowen & Co., , 1916), Pages 124-125.
- Jeffrey Carmean [[email protected]], Emailed Reports: 24 Dec 2008.
- Virginia Felch Peckham <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Feb 2004.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, [marriage record].
-, Husband Samuel was a widower on the 1910 census.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Son Jesse was 9 in 1850.
- Internet,
- Internet.
- Internet,
- Internet,
- Internet,
-, His parents had another son they named Charles abt 1863.
- Internet,
- Bob Forrest <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Jan 2005.
- Internet,
- Internet,
- Internet,
-, Lawrence Family Tree.
- 1860 Census of Rome, ME (NARA Microcopy M653, Roll 439, Page 334).
- "Josiah Scribner," FAMILYSEARCH INTERNATIONAL GENEALOGICAL INDEX, 5.0 (Intellectual Reserve, Inc., 1999-2002), "Electronic." Reference: Marriage Records of Kenebec County, Maine.
-, Vermont Death Records.
- Website,
-, Based on age of oldest child.
-, Maine Birth Records.
- Ancestry Public Tree <>,
- Calculated from census., Married 20 years on 1910 census.
- Ancestry Family Tree, Ivers Family Tree:
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Genealogy Report: 28 Oct 2005.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, 2005. He cited census records, an obituary, and the SSDI.
- Kelly Kennedy <[email protected]>, Email: 19 Nov 2002.
- GenForum, 20 Apr 2002 - submitted by Bob Tucker.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, NYCATTAR-L: posted 9 Apr 2006 by [email protected].
- GEDCOM file submitted by Maura Dey, [email protected]. Created on 9 MAR 2009. Imported on 9 Mar 2009.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1536.
- US Government, Washington State and Territorial Censuses 1827-1892.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1537.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1538.
- Dorothy Folsom Kopacz, Folsom-Kopacz, Dorothy (Dorothy Kopacz
1085 SE 10th Street Hermiston, OR 97838 Aug 2000).
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1539.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1540; unm.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1540.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1541.
- Ray Banks, WWI Civilian Draft Registrations (Roy Banks
World War I Civilian Draft Registrations Salt Lake City, UT 1995
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, p. 1541.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1393; res. Astoria, OR.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1393; res. Portland, OR.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1394.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1542.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1394;.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, pg. 495.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1395.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, pg. 160.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, p. 160.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, pg. 90.
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. II, pg. 616.
- Civil War Pension Records, via email from Cheryl Creeger, 5 Oct 2000.
- 1885 census, Osceola Co, Iowa, via email from Cheryl Creeger.
-, Find A Grave.
- Calculated from census., 1880 Osceola Co., IA.
- Calculated from census., age 22, 1880 Iowa census.
- Cheryl Creeger <[email protected]>, 3 May 2000.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, 1 May 2000.
- Cheryl Creeger <[email protected]>, 4 May 2000.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, 14 June 2001.
- Richard A. Baker <[email protected]>, 24 Jan 2002.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, Post to [email protected] on 26 Feb 2000.
- Cheryl Creeger <[email protected]>, 23 Nov 1997.
- Cheryl Creeger <[email protected]>, 10 May 2000.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 30 Nov 2001. From ME VR.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 1 Dec 2001.
- Census Image, 1900 Maine.
- Census Image, She had been married 19 years on the 1900 census.
- RootsWeb Message Board,
- Calculated from age at death., [age 65].
- The Illustrated Historical Souvenir of Randolph, Vermont (Compiled and arranged by Nickerson & Cox, Randolph, Vermont. 1895.), pp 69-71.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, Posted by [email protected] on 7 Apr 2007 .
- Asburnham, Massachusetts History, Page 772.
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>, They have his middle name as "Simpson" but this is unlikely since he appeared on the 1850-1870 census with the middle initial "G".
- Census Image, 1910 Kansas.
- Asburnham, Massachusetts History, Page 772 It says 21 Aug 1857.
- International Genealogical Index at FamilySearch, It says 24 Aug 1857.
- Census Image, 1900 Kansas.
- Census Image, They were married 19 years on the 1900 census.
- Census Image, Age 2 in 1880.
- Census Image, Age 19 in 1880.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 4 Apr 2006: from Maine VR.
- Census Image, Age 1 on 1850 census.
- Census Image, Age 23 in 1880.
- Census Image, Age 9 in 1880.
- Maine Online Marriage Index.
- Based on census records, They appeared on the 1870 census together.
- Calculated from census., Age 22 on 1870 census.
- Census Image, Married 16 years on the 1900 census.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Alice was born Nov 1888.
- Calculated from census., Married 18 years in 1910.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 8 Dec 2004. Gardiner VR.
- Michael Philbrook of Bucyrus, Ohio
Past Historian of the Philbrick-Philbrook Family Association [now defunct], He has her name as "I. Zeelette".
- Census Image, Age 6 months on 1880 census.
- Calculated from census., Age 2 on 1870 census.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Marriage record.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 26 Aug 2003. Marriage record.
- Calculated from census., Age 5 months on 1870 census.
- Based on census records, 1880 Maine.
- Gravestone photos, Died at 21 yrs 4 mos 26 days.
- Richard Burton Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 23 Jun 2008.
- Calculated from census., Age 8 in 1930.
- Calculated from census., Age 1 in 1930.
- Based on census records, They were married on the 1880 census.
- Calculated from census., Age 44 on 1 jun 1880.
- Based on census records, Hannah was a Hardy on the 1900 census, a widow.
- Based on census records, 1900 Maine.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source: Helen MacNair PARKER, her daughter.Nickname:Berta.
!Source: Sharon Miller AREHART,1c2r.Birth town. .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source: Helen MacNair PARKER, his daughter.
!Source:Gladys Philbrick NISEN, his niece.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Descendants of Robert Fylbrigg from Sandy MacNair,grandson.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>, !Source:Helen MacNair PARKER, her sister.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source: Helen MacNair PARKER, her niece.
!Source: Gladys Philbrick NISEN, her niece. !Source of Birthplace: Sharon Miller AREHART. !Source:Evelyn MacDonald BIEBL, her grandniece.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source: Gladys Philbrick NISEN, his niece.
!Source:Evelyn MacDonald BIEBL, his niece.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Gladys NISEN, his daughter.
!Source: his marriage certificate. !Source: his death certificate. !Source: Charlotte Nisen KIBBIE, granddaughter.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source:Gladys Nisen, her daughter.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source: Char Nisen KIBBIE.
!Source:Death certificate in possesion of Char Nisen KIBBIE. .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Frances Andrus of Kinder,LA, a daughter, via Evelyn Biebl of New Ulm, MN, a grandniece.
!Source:Descendants of Robert Fylbrigg from Sandy MacNair. !Source:Descendants of Franklin(George W.F.) Philbrick from Sandy Mac Nair. .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Descendants of Robert Fylbrigg from Sandy MacNair.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Frances Andrus of Kinder,LA, a niece, via Evelyn Biebl of Ne w Ulm,
MN, a grandniece. James and Bertha had three children. .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Frances Andrus of Kinder,LA, a niece, via Evelyn Biebl of Ne w Ulm,
MN, a grandniece. !Source:Descendants of Franklin(W.F.) Philbrick from Sandy MacNair. .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Descendants of Franklin(W.F.) Philbrick from Sandy MacNair.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Evelyn MacDonald BIEBL.
!Source: Descendants of Robert Fylbrigg from Sandy MacNair. Nickname: Nettie.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Evelyn MacDonald BIEBL. He was a newspaperman.
- Calculated from census., Age 19 in 1880.
- Census Image, 1900 census said Aug 1861.
- Calculated from census., Age 7 months in 1880 (born Nov).
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Judy Dicks (e-mail [email protected]) via Paul M. Noyes, 4528 Robie Road, Lilburn, GA 30047 e-mail: [email protected] 7-2-99.
- Calculated from census., Age 4 on 1910 census.
- Doris Moore Carnahan, compiler, The Sutherlands of Upper Canada, Jefferson Maine and San Luis Obispo County, California (: Doris Moore Carnahan,), Quoted to me by David Moore, 2 Nov 2004.
- Calculated from census., Age 36 in 1930.
- Census Image, Age 1 in 1870.
- San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages, Book D, Page 1.
- CALIFORNIA DEATH INDEX 1940-1997, ( Inc., 1998-2003).
- Census Image, Married 8 years on the 1910 census.
- Census Image, Age 43 on 1910 census.
- Census Image, Age 6 on the 1910 census.
- Census Image, Age 4 on the 1910 census.
- Jean Percival Willis <[email protected]>, Cousins Directory 25 Mar 2001.
- Jean Percival Willis <[email protected]>, Email: 9 Nov 2002.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email Report: 30 Jul 2003. From death record.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email Report: 30 Jul 2003. Maine VR.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email Report: 30 Jul 2003. from her marriage record.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email Report: 30 Jul 2003. based on age of 1st child.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email Report: 30 Jul 2003. from marriage record.
- Census Image, 1900 Portland, Cerro Gordo, Iowa.
- Census Image, 1910 Portland, Cerro Gordo, Iowa.
- Census Image, 1920 Portland, Cerro Gordo, Iowa.
- Census Image, Age 19 on 1870 census and 30 on the 1880 census.
- Census Image, Born Feb, age 5 months on 1870 census.
- Census Image, Age 7 in 1870.
- Census Image, Age 2 in 1870.
- Census Image, 1900 Portland, Cerro Gordo, Iowa. It said they had been married 24 years.
- Census Image, 1920 Portland, Cerro Gordo, Iowa, William was listed as a Widower.
- Tom Putnam, From an untitled manuscript sent via snail mail in 2003.
- Jacob Chapman, Philbrick & Philbrook Families (Published 1886), pg. 145.
- National Archives - Military Pension Records for Alvah Philbrook (1830-1864).
- William DeLoss Love, Wisconsin in the War of the Rebellion (1866), pg. 808.
- National Archives - Military Pension Records for Alvah Philbrook (1830-1864).
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 337.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 3 mos. 5 days.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 464.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 418.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 425.
- Vital Records: Hampton, NH, p. 440.
- Michelle Sheridan <[email protected]>, Philbrick Message Board, 11 Oct 2001.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 9 Jan 2009.
- William B. Philbrick <[email protected]>, 10 Oct 2001; Philbrick Message Board.
- "Maine Cemetery Inscriptions, York County", Vol. 3 pg 1657.
- Chuck Philbrick [[email protected]], PPRG Member Request & Email: 21 Sep 2008.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, NH Vital Records.
- Michael Heuser, Email: 20 Apr 2008. He cited the Capt. Silas Knowles Genealogy book.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 29 Dec 2004.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 29 Dec 2004. Gleaned from his death record and the ME VR of his children.
- Census Image, The 1900 census said they had been married 11 years.
- Kevin Johnson <[email protected]>, PPFA Application - 22 June 2005.
-, His wife was a widow on the 1910 census.
- P. L. "Chris" Christian, Jr. <[email protected]>, PPFA Membership Application - 16 Apr 2003.
-, Cook County Death Index.
-, Illinois Death Index.
- Census Image, Age 38 in 1910.
- International Genealogical Index at FamilySearch, Film #2078070.
- Linda Fahrenbacher, Email: 9 Feb 2005.
- Illinois Marriage Records Index [Online] <>, Lic. # 3208, Vol. B, Page 53.
- Linda Fahrenbacher, 26 Jan 1998.
- Obituary, Elwood L. Philbrook.
- Illinois Marriage Records Index [Online] <>, Lic. # 3538, Vol. B, pg. 80.
-, SSDI.
- Obituary, Anna L. Philbrook.
- Hazlett, Charles A., "History of Rockingham County, New Hampshire and Representative Citizens", pgs 1093, 1094.
- Census Image, 1919.
- Obituary, Eunice Philbrick.
- Kimberly Chumley Curda <[email protected]>, Philbrick Message Board: 27 July 2006.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Clyde L. Pray Jr., [email protected]. Created on 14 AUG 2006. Imported on 14 Aug 2006.
-, Maine Marriages - record of his son George Sampson.
-, Maine Marriages.
- Terri Brogdon <[email protected]>, 24 Aug 1999.
- Census Image, 1900 Woodland, ME.
- Census Image, 1900 Woodland, ME [marrried 3 years].
- [email protected], 23 Sep 1999.
- Obituary, Harry Clifford Philbrick Jr.
- U.S. Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index.
- Census Image, ED 208, page 2.
- Internet,
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 147.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg 148.
- Internet,
-, Bonnie Orris Family Tree.
- Eloise Knapp <[email protected]>, 11 Oct 2000 She cited Bible records, etc.
- Eloise Knapp <[email protected]>, 11 Oct 2000.
- Ginny Ginn, Email: 18 Feb 2005.
- Census Image, 1910.
- Census Image, 1920.
-, Philbrick Message Board.
- Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index.
- Census Image, 1920 - He was 5 on 10 Jan.
- Allen J. "Bruce" Thornton <[email protected]>, PPFA Application - 29 Dec 2002.
- Susan F. Hall <[email protected]>, Email: 7 July 2001.
- Ronald K. Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 25 Feb 2001.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 83.
- Ronald K. Philbrick <[email protected]>. Sept 2001. He cited NH death certificate in his possession.
- Ronald K. Philbrick <[email protected]>, April 2001. He cited Plymouth town records.
- Newspaper Article: Ellsworth American (Ellsworth, Maine, Jan. 6, 1876),
- Ronald K. Philbrick <[email protected]>, April 2001. Plymouth town records.
- Obituary, Phoebe Page.
- Shelby County Republican (Newspaper).
- Obituary. of Mary Stanton Philbrick posted on GenConnect Philbrick/Philbrook Obituary Board 26 Feb 2000 by Connie Philbrick <[email protected]>.
- Connie Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: cited tombstone and 1885 census.
- 1885 census, Valley Co., NE.
- Connie Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: cited tombstone.
- Connie Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: cited 1885 census.
- Connie Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: cited 1885 census and funeral card.
- Connie Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: cited funeral card.
- Based on census records, Age 43 in 1920.
- Connie Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: cited 1885.
- Connie Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 28 Feb 2000.
- Cutter, New England Families Genealogical and Memorial (:, 1919), pg. 482.
- Calculated from census., Married 24 years on 1910 census.
- Julie Server <[email protected]>, GenForum posting, 2 Apr 1999.
- , Progressive Men of the State of Montana, Page 366.
- Tombstone Inscription, b. 1862 d. 1939.
- Montana History and Biography, pg. 1191.
- Montana History and Biography, pg 1191.
- Ancestry World Tree, Submitted by Delores Reynolds.
- Calculated from census., Age 7 in 1910.
- Montana Death Index.
- Gravestone, Freeman Philbrick tombstone. "Rienza W. Zabel 1877 1948".
- Gravestone, Freeman Philbrick tombstone: "Fern Blakesley Zabel 1902 1919".
- Calculated from census., Age 1 in 1910.
- Calculated from census., Age 7 in 1920.
- Marge Rice <[email protected]>, Philbrick/Philbrook Message Board: 25 Mar 2005 [based on census records].
- Marge Rice, Philbrick/Philbrook Message Board: 25 Mar 2005.
- Elaine Lundberg <[email protected]>
A researcher at the Guthrie County (IA) Genealogical Society, She cited death record of Floyd Philbrick.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, MDWASHIN-L: Posted by [email protected] 14 Feb 2006.
- Calculated from census., Age 16 in 1870.
- Maureen Moulden <[email protected]>, Email: 22 Sep 2003.
- Census Image, 1900 & 1910.
- Maureen Moulden, Email: 22 Sep 2003 - from Sarah Philbrick obit.
- Calculated from census., Age 10 in 1870.
- Census Image, 1900 Missouri.
- Maureen Moulden, Email 22 Sep 2003.
- Census Image, He was 6 on the 1880 census.
- Census Image, His wife Arminta was listed as widow on the 1930 census.
- Census Image, 1870, Amanda, OH.
- Census Image, Married 20 years on 1900 census.
- Census Image, 1900 .
- Census Image, Her husband Charles was listed as a widower in the 1910 census.
- Census Image, They were married 14 years in 1910.
- Calculated from census., Age 33 in 1910.
- Calculated from census., Age 12 in 1910.
- Calculated from age at marriage., Frank was age 29 according to 1930 census.
- Calculated from census., Age 26 in 1910.
- Census Image, They had been married 2 years according to the 1910 census.
- Obituary, Florence L. Gilmore.
- Census Image, 1900 census says Aug 1874.
- Census Image, Married 8 years on 1910 census.
- Donna Mallory [[email protected]], Email: 21 Jul 2007.
- Census Image, Age 5 in 1910.
- Gerald Philbrick
31 Wall Street Portland, Maine 04103, Genealogy Report - 25 Jun 1985.
- Census Image, They had been married 10 years on the 1900 census.
- San Luis Obispo County Book of Marriages, BK C PG 3.
- Calculated from census., Married 20 years on the 1900 census.
- Carroll H. Bessey <[email protected]>, Email Update: 1 Oct 2004.
- Carroll H. Bessey <[email protected]>, Email: 1 Aug 2003.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Emailed report: 26 Sep 2008.
- Based on census records, Age 1 on 1880 census.
- John Whitney Philbrick, Email correspondence: 2005.
- Susan Pennington Yeager <[email protected]>, PPFA Membership Application - 2 Feb 2005.
- Obituary, Annie F. Van Wyck.
- Hazlett, Charles A., "History of Rockingham County, New Hampshire and Representative Citizens", pg. 1098.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, PHILBRICK-L 17 Jun 2003.
- Calculated from age at marriage., Age 26.
- Calculated from age at marriage., Age 17.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 19 Dec 2004. From Freedom Town Reports, published by Heritage Books.
- Calculated from age at death., 57y 4m 7d.
- Census Image, The 1900 census said 2 of her mother's children had died.
- Calculated from census., Age 9 on the 1880 census which would make the year 1871.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 72y 9m 7d.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 28 Dec 2004. NH VR and the Town Report Collections of Richard P. Roberts
Ossipee Record.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email:4 April 2007. He used the NH VR, the books of Richard P. Roberts, and census records.
Margaret's death record gives her age as 72y 9m 7d and lists her name as Margaret Shaw.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email:4 April 2007. He used the NH VR, the books of Richard P. Roberts, and census records.
- Calculated from census., Age 57 in 1920.
- International Genealogical Index at FamilySearch, [name listed as CHARLES N. FILBRICK].
- William "Bill" Philbrick, Email: 12 Dec 2002.
- William "Bill" Philbrick, Email: 23 Nov 2004.
- WFT Vol 27 Tree 1487 GEDCOM file imported on 3 Jan 2003.
- Locke, Arthur H., "Genealogy of Captain John Locke of New Hampshire", pg 380.
- Marilyn Vitalie <[email protected]>, 26 Nov 2001.
- Census Image, His wife Addie was a widow on the 1900 census.
- Peter T. Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Sep 2001.
- Obituary, Harlan W. Philbrick.
- Obituary, Clifton E. Philbrick.
- GEDCOM from Carl Cardey imported on 13 Apr 2001.
- GEDCOM file from Carl Cardey imported on 8 Apr 2001.
- GEDCOM from Carl Cardey imported on 13 Apr 2001. !Sources:
1. Carl Cardey-1 family notes. It has been passed down that Effie was born in Bull Creek, Van, Boone Co, W.Va. The marriage license shows Madison, which is the Co seat of Boone Co. 2.Marriage License, (See Husband Elmer). Father, Chas. Philbrick, Mother, Sarah Smith. (1) 3. SDA Arcihives, Silver Springs, Md. E.L. Sustentation folder. Appl. Date 14 Dec. 1920. 1005 E. 6th St, Pomona, Ca. Public labors began in "IL in 1905". Capacity "As Sabbath School Secy for short time". Other institutions "Was in Central America 2 years". 4. Los Angeles Co. Death Cert. 5274, 9 Oct. 1929. Pulmonary tuberculosis, Epilepsy, Effie G. Cardy. Father, Chas. R. Philbrick (bp. MA); Mother, Sarah A. Smith (bp.Ohio); (1) 5. Carl Cardey-1. No Head stone at Pomona Cem. Mother and Brother are also buried there.
- GEDCOM from Carl Cardey imported on 13 Apr 2001. 6. I. Winifred Sypher. handwritten document showes Effie born in Bull Creek, Boone Co, W. Va. 20 Jun, 1887..(1)
7. Conv. w/ Audrey Lea (Cardey) in Jan 1993. Norman had autopsy done, and found a small brain tumor, which caused the epilepsi. E. L. claimed he had brought Effie to Ca. and left her with her mother. She met E.L. in SDA School(Possibly Berrien Springs, Mi.) 8. Conv. w/ Helene Martin in Jan. 1993. While in Berrien Springs, Mi. she had a high fever and the seizures began there. While sick in N.Y., Effie was locked in her room. She could hear the talking a laughing down the hall by the rest of the family( E.L.,Paul, Norman, and the housekeeper Ethel Boyle who E.L. married later after divorcing Effie.
- GEDCOM from Carl Cardey imported on 13 Apr 2001. 9. Conv. w/Donna Murphy 1-93. Effie wrote to Artelle from N.Y. and said the nurse and E.L. were saying she was crazy. She said she was losing her mind. Artelle sent her a one way ticket to Ca. and told her to leave the boys and come home. Her father advised Effie not to marry E. L. Cardey as he was unreliable(Can't be father. He was dead)
10. Conv. with Laurel Lavonne (Cardey)Bliss (& Carl) on 3 May 1993: Effie wanted children, E. L. didn't. Effie's Mother, Sarah (Smith) Philbrick said E. L. was married to his work. (1) means Carl Cardey-1 has a copy of the certificate.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 12 Aug 2001. (Ralph Philbrick Marriage Records states Jos. Levi b. Bingham.).
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 15 Aug 2001 (Marriage Certificate).
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 17 Aug 2001. Death record from Old Town, ME.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 12 Aug 2001. Marriage Record from Monson, Piscataquis Co., ME.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 13 Aug 2001. Death Record, Augusta, Kennebec Co., ME.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 18 Aug 2001.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 5 Oct 2009.
- Charles W. Bailey [[email protected]], PPFA Membership Application: 1 Jul 2006.
- Calculated from census., 1910 Norfolk, VA - age 44.
- Calculated from census., Age 43.
- Calculated from census., 1910 - age 8.
- Calculated from census., Age 5.
- Calculated from census., 1910 - age 28.
- Alfred G. Philbrick. Email: 28 Aug 2001. Citation: MA vital statistics, BMD records, year 1986, death cert. #024793.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 28 Aug 2001.
- Sue Creed <[email protected]>, Email: 15 July 2002.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email 10 Feb 2006.
- Website,
- Edward Finigan <[email protected]>, 13 Jul 2001.
- Rodman Philbrick [[email protected]], Email: 11 Feb 2006.
- Email: Michael Philbrook <[email protected]>, 27 Oct 1999.
- Brad Hadley, PDF Report received 22 Mar 2011 via Lesley Philbrick Draper.
- Website.
- Obituary, John L. Wentzell.
- Census Image, 1900 - Jun 1890.
- Census Image, 1930 - first married at age 27.
- RootsWeb Message Board, BATCHELDER Board 18 Aug 2007 submitted by DeborahCross31.
- "History of Hampton New Hampshire 1638-1988", pgs 111 and 112.
- Pam Haberl <[email protected]>, Email: 21 Dec 2000.
- Pam Haberl <[email protected]>, Email: 25 Jul 2001.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- Iowa Cemetery Records, Pg. 120. Old Penn Center Cemetery Earlham, Iowa.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 29 Dec 2004. VT VR.
- Census Image, Age 22 on 1880 census.
- Ancestry World Tree, Submitted by Wallace R. Baldwin - 9 Jun 2003.
- William Harden, A History of Savannah and South Georgia, Volume I, Illustrated (Chicago and New York: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1913), p. 608-610.
- Jacob Chapman, Philbrick & Philbrook Families, pg. 59.
- Edward Lovering Philbrick {Jr.} ( (February 1999 - Family Tree Maker file).
- Obituary, Richard B. Philbrick.
- Massachusetts Death Index 1970-2003 Record.
- Illinois Marriage Records Index [Online] <>, Lic. # 1441.
- RootsWeb Message Board,
- Cemetry transcriptions, Sunset Memorial Park.
- Census Image, 1880 Kansas.
- Rev. Jacob Chapman, "A Genealogy of the Philbrick and Philbrook Families, Descended from the Emigrant, Thomas Philbrick, 1583-1667", pg. 131.
- Susan Canney, Email: 25 Apr 2010.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Genealogy Report sent 19 Oct 2007.
- Census Image, Her husband Anthony was listed as widower on the 1900 census and daughter Elsie was born Apr 1890.
- Calculated from census., Age 50 in 1910.
- Calculated from census., They had been married 14 years in 1910.
- Calculated from census., Age 30 in 1910.
- Census Image, 1881 Census of England: Westminster St. James, London PRO RG 11/piece 0128/folio 75/p38.
- Patricia A. Ewing, Email - 24 June 2004.
- Massachusetts Civil War Soldiers and Sailors, 1861-1865, pg. 696.
- John Philbrook <[email protected]>, Email: 12 Apr 2008.
- DAR Records, #14636.
-, Minnesota Death Index.
- Marilyn Ponchak <[email protected]>, Email: 26 July 2001.
- Edna Warren Mason, DESCENDANTS OF CAPT. HUGH MASON IN AMERICA (New Haven, CT: The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Company, 1937), 270.
- GILEAD (ME) TOWN RECORDS, "A Record of the Births and Deaths of the Inhabitants of the Town of Gilead," Book 1, 40.
- Artemus Mason Death Notice, "Norway Advertiser," Norway, Maine, 5 September 1924, page 4, column 2.
- Mrs. John P. Mason Death Notice, "Oxford County Advertiser," Norway and South Paris, Maine, 16 December 1887, page 3, column 5.
- John P. Mason Death Notice, "Oxford County Advertiser," Norway and South Paris, Maine, 20 July 1900, page 5, column 5.
-, Maine Birth Records.
- Census Image, 1885 Iowa.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, [email protected]. Submitted by Lynde Randall: 30 May 2008
Her source was: "Early Pleasant River Families, Washington Co., ME", pg 223.
- John Bailey, Email Report: 13 Sep 2004. Family Bible.
- John Bailey, Email Report: 13 Sep 2004. Family Bible, Cemetery Records.
- John Bailey, Email Report: 13 Sep 2004. 1880 Census.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, ECKERT-L 10 Jul 2004 - Posted by John Bailey.
- John Bailey, Philbrick Message Board - 3 Sep 2003.
- John Bailey, Email Report: 13 Sep 2004. Info from Stephen H. Philbrook, Waverly, Minnesota.
- Census Image, Age 24 in 1870.
- Census Image, Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Jackson Brook, Washington, Maine; Roll T9_489; Family History Film: 1254489; Page: 14.1000; Enumeration District: 162; Image: 0473.
- Rita Christine Fortier [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 16 July 2009.
- Carol Philbrook Richwine, Email: 12 Oct 2005. This source says he was born about 1856.
- Census Image, Age 40 on 6 jun 1900 census.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Genealogy Report: 4 Feb 2008.
- Ancestry World Tree, Submitted by Paul Hines.
- Terry Gary <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request: 2 Sep 2010.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Flora Abbie was born in 1880.
- OneWorldTree @, This source says she was born 1859 but it conflicts with the 1880 census.
- Calculated from census., She was 18 in 1880.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Lucy was born in Jul 1885.
- Census Image, 1900 Mattawamkeag, Penobscot, Maine.
- FamilyTreeMaker Online,
- Census Image, They had been married for 2 years on the 1900 census.
- Calculated from census., Age 8 in 1910.
- Calculated from census., Age 3 in 1910.
- Rebecca Walch <[email protected]>, Email: 8 July 2006.
- Lory Wilcox [[email protected]], Email: 21 Oct 2011.
- Calculated from census., Age 18 in 1880.
- Email: Keith A. Philbrook <[email protected]>, 17 Dec 1999.
- Email: Keith A. Philbrook <[email protected]>, 22 Dec 1999.
- Email: Keith A. Philbrook <[email protected]>, 9 Dec 1999.
- Census Image, 1900 Woodland, ME - They had been married 13 years.
- Calculated from census., Age 11 in 1880.
- Calculated from census., Age 10 months on 1880 census.
- Lois Shope, Email: 20 Oct 2004. Mariaville Town Records.
- Lois Shope, Email: 20 Oct 2004. Maine State Archives.
- Census Image, 1900 Winterport.
- Lois Shope, Email: 18 Oct 2004. Bar Harbor T. R. and Mariaville TR.
- Lois Shope, Email: 18 Oct 2004. Clifton, ME, "old book of intentions dated 1861 to 1885" by DW Leonard, town clerck for the town of Clifton.
- Lois Shope, Email: 18 Oct 2004. Mariaville TR.
- Lois Shope, Email: 29 Oct 2004.
- Lois Shope, Email: 18 Oct 2004 [1900 Mariaville census]. Ledgelawn Cemetery.
- Lois Shope, Email: 18 Oct 2004. VRs: Ledgelawn Cem. Bar Harbor, ME.
- Lois Shope, Email: 18 Oct 2004 [1900 census].
- Lois Shope, Email: 18 Oct 2004. ME state archives.
- Lois Shope, Email: 20 Oct 2004 [ Message Boards].
- Lois Shope, Email: 29 Oct 2004 [ Message Board].
- Census Image, 1870 Holden, ME, 3 years old.
- Calculated from age at death., 7 months 2 days.
- 1880 Census - Cache Co., Utah, Page 167B. Paradise.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Sherida Childers, [email protected]. Created on 15 Sep 2003. Imported on 19 Sep 2003.
- 1880 Census - Weber Co., Utah, Page 520D. Hooper. Occupation: Carpenter.
- 1880 Census - Weber Co., Utah, Page 519B. Hooper. Listed as Elijah Hardy.
- 1880 Census - Weber Co., Utah, Page 525A. Hooper.
- 1880 Census - Weber Co., Utah, Page 525B. Hooper. Gives birthplace as Illinois.
- Email: Todd V. Graves, a descendant of Riley J. Philbrook., 27 Sep 1997.
- Edwin R. Philbrook <[email protected]>, Email: 28 April 2001.
- Frank L. Rose <[email protected]>, Email: 11 Oct 2008.
- Frank L. Rose <[email protected]>, Email: 17 Oct 2004.
- Frank L. Rose <[email protected]>, Email: 17 Oct 2004 - from information he received from Norman Ulmer.
- Janet Weymouth [[email protected]], Email: 12 Jul 2007.
- Melvin Ray Philbrook [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request.
- Maine State Archives, Found on
- David E. Cummins <[email protected]>
4936 Windflower Cr Sarasota, FL 34241-6260, Email: 13 Jun 2001.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 25 Dec 2004. ME VR.
- Calculated from age at marriage., He was 28 when he married in 1869. .
- Marriage Record, Charles was a widower when he filed marriage intentions to Alvina.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 25 Dec 2004. Newburgh Town Records.
- World Family Tree @
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 8 Feb 2005.
- International Genealogical Index at FamilySearch, This says he was 22 when he married in jan 1880.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 17 Feb 2005 - from ME VR.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Bangor Vital Records.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 11 Feb 2005 - From ME VR.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 15 Feb 2005 - from VR.
- Helen Dotts. Email: 12 Jun 2001
She cited Parkman, ME Vital Records FHL #11,745; Piscataquis Co. Probate Records Book 44; Greenleaf PHILBRICK Probate File, Piscataquis Co. Probate Records Book 44.
- Maine State Archives, Roll 5, vol 1, p. 171.
- Bill Principe, CG <[email protected]>. Stanislaus County Marriages, 5:111.
Letter of 23 Aug 2002.
- Calculated from census., Age 48 on 12 Jan 1920.
- Based on census records, Age 20 on 1920 census.
- tombstone, Seaview, Rockland, Maine (); FLR/15 Aug 2005. Tombstone gives year only.
- tombstone, Seaview, Rockland, Maine (); FLR/15 Aug 2005. Tombstone gives year only.
- tombstone, Seaview, Rockland, Maine (); FLR/15 Aug 2005. Tombstone gives year only.
- tombstone, Seaview, Rockland, Maine (); FLR/15 Aug 2005. Tombstone gives year only.
- Based on census records, 1880 census South Thomaston, Maine.
- Calculated from census., Age 5, born ME.
- Patricia Zizileuskas <[email protected]>, Email: 4 Nov 2002.
-, Maine Marriage Records.
- Sheila Hunter <[email protected]>, Philbrick Message Board, 5 Sep 2002.
- International Genealogical Index at FamilySearch, [Lists her name as Melissa H.].
- Sheila Hunter <[email protected]>, Email: Sept 2002 - newspaper article.
- Sheila Hunter <[email protected]>, Email: Sept 2002.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Boojee Stone, RootsWeb WorldConnect Project. Created on 27 JUL 2004. Imported on 9 Oct 2004.
- Robbin E. Elsman <[email protected]>, PPFA Membership Application: 4 Dec 2005.
- Beverly Philbrook Warren <[email protected]>, 16 Apr 2000.
-, Maine Death Index.
- Ames, Leadbetter Records, This source says 5 Feb 1857.
- Marion Whitney Martin, 1 Sep 1998.
- Marion Whitney Martin, Email: 1 Mar 2007.
- RootsWeb Message Board, Posted by Tamara Johnson - 14 Feb 2006.
- Calculated from census., 1900 census said Nov 1871.
- Tamara Johnston [[email protected]], Email: 21 Feb 2006.
- Calculated from census., 1900 Boston.
- Calculated from census., Age 19 in 1920.
- Calculated from census., 6 in 1910.
- Calculated from census., 11/12 in Apr. 1910.
- Calculated from census., Age 68 in 1930.
- Ancestry Family Tree,
- Ancestry Family Tree,
- Ancestry Family Tree,
- Census Image, 1900 Rockport, MA.
- Robert Fernald Jr. <[email protected]>. Email: 28 Apr 2002 - his source was the SS death index.
- OBIT: Rockland Maine Courier Gazette, 12 Apr 2002.
- Craig Leonard <[email protected]>, 13 Jan 2001.
- Based on census records, Married at age 29 on 1930 census.
- David William Jenkins <[email protected]>, Cousins Directory Request- 26 Dec 2004.
- Dave Jenkins <[email protected]>, Email: 11 Jan 2005.
- Evelyn Diane Dabelko Cruze <[email protected]>, Email: 3 Aug 2001.
- Everett Hall Pendleton, Brian Pendleton and His Descendants. Date of Import: Dec 29, 2001.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Nancy Lesh, [email protected]. Created on 1 FEB 2002. Imported on 27 Feb 2003.
- Nancy Baldwin Lesh <[email protected]>, 26 Dec 2001.
- Karen Wills, e-mail message from <[email protected]>, 23 Feb 2003.
- Michael Philbrook of Bucyrus, Ohio
Past Historian of the Philbrick-Philbrook Family Association [now defunct], He has 13 Nov 1856 in Lincolnville, ME.
- Calculated from census., Age 66 in 1920.
- Census Image, Age 30 in 1880.
- , Denison (Iowa) Review - 13 Sep 1893.
- Chere Negaard, Posted to Philbrook Message Board - 13 May 2004.
- Census Image, 61 years old in 1930.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, CRAM-L, submitted by Sylvia Cates - 23 Jul 2004.
- Bruce P. Shields, Email: 20 Oct 2004.
- Census Image. Enos was single on the 1900 census, married to Kate on the 1910 census, and a widower on the 1920 census.
- Census Image. Her husband Enos was listed as a widower on the 6 Jan 1920 census.
- Illinois State Archives, Marriage Record Index, Lic. #496.
- Betty O'Nele ( (August 14, 2000).
- GEDCOM from Mickey Baldwin <[email protected]>
Unless otherwise noted, all data regarding Cyrus and his descendants came from this GEDCOM.
- Zerox copy/original funeral home obitary handed to attendees.
- Zerox copy/original funeral home obitary handed to attendees. Published by the Horner-Lieske-Horner Mortuary in Kearney, Nebraska.
- Michael Philbroook (Photographer), Gravestone of John Claire Philbrook (1861-1893).
- Illinois State Archives, Marriage Record Index, Lic. # 15222.
- Connie Loftus <[email protected]>, Email: 6 Feb 2001.
- Connie R. Loftus (, Email: 7 Jan 2003.
- Connie Loftus <[email protected]>, Email: 7 Jan 2003.
- Calculated from age at death., [age 13].
- Judith Peterson <[email protected]>. Message posted on Philbrook Message Board on 18 July 2002.
- Paul Thomas Gentle, Email Report: 26 Jan 2010.
-, Icelina Nelson ancestors.
- Census Image, 1900 - married 11 years.
- Evelyn Morgan <[email protected]>, Email: 2 Mar 2002 [info from USGENWEB].
-, California Death Index.
-, Census.
-, WWI Draft Records.
- Census Image, 1910 Bisbee, AZ.
- Census Image, Married 17 years in 1910.
- Jacob Chapman, Philbrick & Philbrook Families, pg. 143.
- Evelyn Morgan <[email protected]>.
- Evelyn Morgan <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Nov 2002.
- RootsWeb Message Board, SURNAMES > PHILBRICK > 3 Feb 2007.
- RootsWeb Message Board, SURNAMES > PHILBRICK > 17 Mar 2002.
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>, They had the birth year as 1875.
- Census Image, 1930 .
- Calculated from census., He was married at age 25 and she at 17.
- Newton, NH Death records.
- Raymond, NH Marriage records.
- Merrimac, MA Death records.
- Shelley Brown Parish <[email protected]>, Email: 11 Feb 2007.
- 1880 Census, National Archives Film T9-1213, pg 341A (Providence, Rhode Island).
- GEDCOM File Knowles.GED from W. J. Knowles dated 7 /11/ 01.
- Decendents of Daniel Knowles by William J. Knowles, Watertown, WI.
- From Vital Records of Abington, Massachusetts to the Year 1850. Volume I--Births. Published by the New England Historic Genealogical Society at the charge of The Eddy Town-Record Fund, Boston, Mass. 1912. Page captioned Abington Births: Knowles, Elias, s. Daniel and Susan, Nov. 10, 1833. Susan Sears, d. Daniel and Susan, Feb. 11, 1831.
- 1880 US Census; National Archives Film T9-1213, pg 259A (Providence, RI).
- Funeral Notice, retyped copy from William J. Knowles. Copy in my possession.
- 73&id=I147.
- Census Image, Age 2 in 1870, Mar 1867 on 1900.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email Report: 28 Nov 2004.
- Calculated from census., Age 33 in 1900, 43 in 1910, 52 in 1920.
- ,,4335682.
- Perley M. Leighton (comp.), A LEIGHTON GENEALOGY, DESCENDANTS OF THOMAS LEIGHTON OF DOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE, 2 vols. (Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1989), 574.
- Corliss Philbrick Hunter [[email protected]], PPFA Application: 18 Apr 2004.
- Calculated from census., 1870.
- Last Will and Testament, Her father's, dated 12 Mar 1887.
- 1880 census, Guthrie Co, Iowa, ED 72, S 20, L 37, Richland Twp.
- From a page in the Philbrick family bible, according to Phyllis Ericson, Aug 20 1992.
- 1880 census, Guthrie Co, Iowa, ED 72, sheet 20, line 37, Richland Township.
- Letter from Tom Philbrook, April 16 1996.
- Illinois Marriages (CD), License 1298, Vol. B.
- Marriage certificate.
- 1880 census, Guthrie Co, Iowa.
- Death Record.
- Census Image, 1930 Akron, Iowa.
- A letter from Phyllis Ericson on April 26, 1996.
- Guthrie County Vedette Newspaper, Panora, Iowa, Dec. 25, 1884 edition.
- Guthrie County Vedette Newspaper, Panora, Iowa.
- 1880 census, Poweshiek Co, Iowa, ED 182 sheet 9 line 1.
- Calculated from census., Married 35 years on 1910 census.
- Family Tree Maker's World Family Tree, Vol. 4, Pedigree 3944.
- Robert Saunders <[email protected]>, Email: 13 Dec 2000.
- Janet DeLancey <[email protected]>, Email: 22 Dec 2000.
-, His wife was a widow on the 1900 census.
- Mark McCarthy <[email protected]>, 8 Sep 1998.
- Calculated from age at death., 1y 5m 10d.
- Calculated from age at death., 71y 11m 29d.
- Evelyn Beals Johnson <[email protected]>
695 Foxes Ridge Road Acton, Maine 04001, PPFA Application: 22 Jan 2004.
- "Hudson's History of Lexington, MA", [from David Rust].
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Report: 15 Jul 2006.
- Shawn Salo <[email protected]>, Email: 6 Jan 2003.
- Illinois Marriage Records Index [Online] <>, Lic. # 64622.
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>, From Robert Philbrook: 22 Jan 2004.
- Calculated from census., 1870 & 1880.
- Email: Lesley Jorgensen, Barre, VT <[email protected]>, 13 Nov 1999.
- James Alan McGinnis <[email protected]>, Email report: 18 July 2012.
- Census Image, Married 7 years on the 1900 census.
- Obituary, Kenneth Franklin Philbrick.
- Grave visited 5/16/98.
- Email: Susan Raimy <[email protected]>, 10 Sep 1999.
- Carrie Elizabeth Philbrick II <[email protected]>, Directory Request: 27 Dec 2011.
-, New Hampshire, Death and Burial Records Index, 1654-1949 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. "New Hampshire Death Records, 1654–1947." Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2010. New Hampshire Bureau of Vital Records. "Death Records, 1654–1947." Bureau of Vital Records, Concord, New Hampshire. "New Hampshire Deaths and Burials, 1784–1949." Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2009, 2010. Index entries derived from digital copies of original and compiled records.
- Census Image, 1920 NH.
- Obituary, Arthur C. Philbrook.
-, New Hampshire Birth Records.
-, OneWorldTree.
- Obituary, Logan I. Drown.
- Website, unknown (found via search engine).
- Email: Melissa Zucker <[email protected]>, 16 Feb 1999.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, Email: 14 Sep 2004.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, 17 Feb 1999.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, Msg. to [email protected] on 25 Feb 2000.
- Cheryl Creeger <[email protected]>. 1 Jan 1998 - she quoted INDEX OF MARRIAGES, NOBLES CO.
- Index to Marriages, Nobles Co., MN, Book A, page 197.
- Karen R. Brooks <[email protected]>, Genealogy Report: 18 Feb 2005. Her sources include:
Family History/Personal Research. Abrahamse, Allan F., The Huntoon Family in Colonial America, (Long Beach, Califonia 2002). James Lyford, History of Canterbury, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. Canterbury, Merrimack County, New Hampshire. p. 198. Whitmore, W. H., The Ayres and Ayer Families. George Marshall Fellows web site. Epsom Early Settlers website. Marston, Nathan W., The Marston Genealogy (1888), pg. 424. William Haslet Jones, Vital Statistics of Epsom, Merrimack County, New Hampshire 1727-1927. William Hazlet Jones, Vital Statistics of Chichester, Merrimack County, New Hampshire 1727-1927.
- Pine Ground Cemetary, Chichester, Merrimack County, New Hampshire.
- Murphy, Mable Fellows, The Fellows Family in America, (1940), pgs. 427 and 431.
- Pittsfield Town Records.
- Marston, Nathan W., The Marston Genealogy (1888), pg. 427.
- Descendants of William Israel Fellows.
- Obituary, Portsmouth Herald: Raymond C. Philbrook.
-, His death record says his parents were John Philbrook and Love Blaisdell.
- Calculated from census., Age 13 in 1960.
- Calculated from census., Age 11 in 1960.
- Sue K. Gurk <[email protected]>, Philbrick-L Roll Call: 24 Dec 2006.
- Calculated from census., Age 6 in 1870.
- Census Image, Age 5 on 1860 census.
- Census Image, She was married on the 1880 census.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 24 Dec 2004. Town Records and Maine pre 1892 VR collection.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 22 dec 2004. ME Online Death Index.
- Obituary, Charles W. Philbrick Sr.
- Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index, Number: 399-05-5044;Issue State: Wisconsin;Issue Date: Before 1951.
-, WWI Draft Card.
-, WWI Draft Registration Card.
- Jeanette Wilson <[email protected]>, Email: 25 Jul 2006.
-, Census record, WWII Army Enlistment Record.
-, Army Enlistment Records.
- Christine Mae "Tina" (Philbrick) Lassek <[email protected]>, PPFA Application, 5 Oct 2001 [birth cert].
- Christine Mae "Tina" (Philbrick) Lassek <[email protected]>. PPFA Application, 5 Oct 2001 [death cert, funeral card, obit].
- Christine Mae "Tina" (Philbrick) Lassek <[email protected]>, PPFA Application, 5 Oct 2001 [photo of gravestone].
- Christine Mae "Tina" (Philbrick) Lassek <[email protected]>, PPFA Application, 5 Oct 2001 [marriage cert].
- Christine Mae "Tina" (Philbrick) Lassek <[email protected]>, PPFA Application, 5 Oct 2001 [baptismal cert].
- Christine Mae "Tina" (Philbrick) Lassek <[email protected]>, PPFA Application, 5 Oct 2001 [death cert].
- Obituary, Mary Philbrick Willis.
- Randy Benjamin ( (May 11, 2001).
- Obituary, Sidney Philbrick.
- Obituary, Urfred J. (Philbrick) Tucker.
- Census Image, 1930 census says married at age 29.
- Calculated from census., age 39 in 1910, 48 in 1920, 59 in 1930.
- Calculated from census., 1 year 4 mo. in 1910.
- Calculated from census., Age 7 in 1920, 17 in 1930.
- Calculated from census., Age 4 yr 8 mo in 1920, 15 in 1930.
- Calculated from census., Age 3 yr 4 mo in 1920, 13 in 1930.
- Census Image, 1930 census said he married at age 29 and she at age 23.
- Calculated from census., 1920.
- Calculated from census., Age 38 in 1920.
- Sandra Carter Fienhold, Email: 6 Aug 2008.
- Sandra Carter Fienhold, Email: 8 Aug 2008.
- Sandra Carter Fienhold, Email: 1 Aug 2008.
- Jeff Carmean [[email protected]], Email report: 24 Dec 2008.
- Jeff Carmean, Email: 6 Jan 2009.
- Calculated from census., Age 4 in 1870.
-, His wife was a widow on the 1920 census.
-, George was a widower on the 1920 census.
- Obituary, Clyde George Clough.
- Internet, This source says his name was Carl Heinrich.
- Bob Forrest <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Jan 2005. He has his name as Henry.
- Internet, This source says he died in Vail Township, Redwood, Minnesota.
- Bob Forrest <[email protected]>, Email: 10 Jan 2005. He has death place listed as Wabasso, Minnesota.
- Bob Forrest <[email protected]>, Email Report: 18 Aug 2008. His many sources are available upon request.
-, Wisconsin Marriages.
-, Based on census record.
-, His wife was a widow on the 1930 census.
- MAINE VITAL RECORDS. State's Copy of Town Records of Births, Marriages, Deaths, 1923-1936. Alphabetized. Maine State Archives.
- BLAISDELL PAPERS, Vol. 11, No. 2, Supplement, May 1987 (Somersworth, NH: The Blaisdell Family National Association), 79.
- 1900 Census of Belgrade, ME (NARA Microcopy T623, Roll 593, Vol. 10, E.D. 110, Page 144B).
- Estimated date, based on Celinda's age reported on her death record (55 years, 3 months, 28 days).
- 1900 Census of Belgrade, ME (NARA Microcopy T623, Roll 593, Vol. 10, E.D 110, Page 144B).
- BRIDES INDEX, Maine Marriages 1892-1966, Maine State Archives.
- Estimated date, based on age (47 years) given in the 1920 Census of Kennebec County.
- 1870 Census of Rome, ME (NARA Microcopy M593, Roll 547, Page 460).
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Daughter Louise was born March 1913.
-, California, Death Index, 1940-1997.
-, Washington Death Index.
-, Washington Marriage Records.
- Obituary, Lula Jane Peterie.
- Obituary, Eva C. Schaefer.
- Based on census records, Her husband was a widower on the 1940 census.
- Obituary, Christina Swett Smith.
- Holly Philbrick-Carter [[email protected]], PPRG Members Directory Request - 2 Mar 2007.
- Based on age at marriage., Married 20 years on 1930 census.
- Ancestry Public Tree <>, This source says 15 Nov 1890 in Maine yet two different census records say Canada.
- Obituary, Elizabeth "Betty" Philbrick.
- Obituary, June Davenport Plummer.
- Obituary, Roland R. Wilcox.
- Obituary, Margaret F. Hayward.
- Obituary, Virgil W. Mitchell.
- Obituary, Angie Marion Ivers.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Maura Dey, [email protected]. Created on 9 MAR 2009. Imported on 9 Mar 2009.
- Obituary, Harvey M. Philbrick.
- Obituary, Orland W. Philbrick Sr.
- Obituary, Margaret Philbrick.
- Archie L. Ackley [[email protected]], Email: 21 Jul 2007. He cited the gravestone.
- Archie L. Ackley, Email: 21 Jul 2007.
- Archie L. Ackley, Email: 11 Apr 2008.
- Archie L. Ackley, Email: 21 Jul 2007. He cited her gravestone.
- Census Image, 1880 New York.
- Census Image, 1900 New York.
- California Death Records 1940-1997.
- Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index, SSN: 541-26-9422.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, p. 1536.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1752.
- Find a Grave, Plot: K BLK, 8068-A.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1753.
- Tom Howe, Memories of VideoDisc - Who's Who in RCA VideoDisc ( whos-who/folsom-frank.html
Tom Howe P.O. Box 5604 Portland, Oregon 97228 U.S.A.).
- Francis Marion Folsom, Frank M. Folsom Papers 1923-1970 (
University of Notre Dame).
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1537; no ch.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1757.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1758;.
- Elizabeth Knowles Folsom, Genealogy of the Folsom Family- Vol. I
A Revised and Extended Edition Including English Records 1638-1938, p. 519, 531.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1758.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, pg. 519.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1759.
- Tanya Olsen, Edith Folsom m. Allen Putman (Tanya Olsen
T. Olsen [[email protected]] 27 Feb 2002).
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1539;.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, pg. 502.
- Bob Stallman [[email protected]], Fall City Cemetery
Fall City, King Co., WA (Bob Stallman [[email protected]] 21 Jun 2001).
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1760.
- Carolyn Farnum, Gravestone, Fall City Cemetery (Carolyn Farnum
[email protected]
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1760;.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, p. 519.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1393; res. Los Angeles, CA.
- Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index, SSN: 543-01-7859.
- Oregon State Archives and Records Center., Oregon Death Index, 1903-98 [database on-line] (
Provo, UT 2000), Certificate: 72-17180.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1762.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1762:.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, pg. 258.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1762;.
- Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index, SSN: 568-16-2923.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, pg. 259.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1763.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1763;.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, pg. 160, 259.
- California Death Records 1940-1997, Social Security #: 556031677.
- Lorna Hadlock <[email protected]>, Email: 3 Aug 2006.
- Cheryl Creeger <[email protected]>, 7 Dec 1997.
- Obituary. She was not listed as a survivor on her mother's obituary.
- Obituary. He was not listed as a survivor on her mother's obituary.
- Obituary, His mother's obituary.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 1 Dec 2001 [1880 census].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 1 Dec 2001 [cemetery records].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 1 Dec 2001 [Mount Vernon Town Records].
- David Rust <[email protected]>. 1 Dec 2001 [Mount Vernon town records & 1880 census].
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 14 Dec 2004. Cemetery Records.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 18 Dec 2001 (VR Mount Vernon, ME).
- Calculated from census., Age 31 in 1920.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Helen was born in 1917.
- Based on census records, Divorced on 1930 census.
- Obituary, Richard L. Littlefield.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 18 Dec 2001 (NH VR).
- Census Image, They had been married 4 years on the 1900 census.
- Census Image, 1850 Kansas.
- Census Image, According to the 1930 census, he married at age 24 and she at age 28.
- Census Image, 1930 Oklahoma.
- Census Image, 1900 Edgecomb, Maine.
- Obituary, Gordon E. Kimball - 23 Jan 2004.
- Obituary, Thomas R. McKay.
- Darlene Gilliam <[email protected]>, Email: 9 Jul 2006.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 5 Apr 2006 - Maine VR.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, ME VR. He found the date 27 Nov 1899 in Pittston, Kennebec, Maine. It differs from the SSDI.
- James S. Blackwell [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 10 Dec 2008. LINEAGE: James S. Blackwell 1960- Massachusetts Clarence M. Blackwell 1922-1984 Massachusetts Bernice Philbrick 1898-2004 Maine George M. Philbrick 1867-1921 Maine Thomas B. Philbrick 1826-1892 Maine John Philbrick 1783-1865 Maine John Philbrick 1749-? Maine Ebenezer Philbrick 1721-1800 Maine Ebenezer Philbrick 1683-1760 Maine James Philbrick 1651-1722 James Philbrick 1619-1674 Thomas Philbrick 1584-1674.
- James Blackwell <[email protected]>, Email: 24 Mar 2009.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Alan Campbell, [email protected]. Created on 25 Jul 2008. Imported on 5 Aug 2008.
- Census Image, He was 23 and she was 29 when they married.
- Alan Campbell <[email protected]>, PPFA Membership Request - 23 Aug 2004.
- Alan Campbell, Email: 24 Jul 2008.
- Obituary, Emily H. Philbrick.
- Obituary, Lena M. Philbrick.
- Richard Burton Philbrick, Email: 29 Jun 2008.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source: Helen MacNair PARKER, her sister-in-law.
!Source:Hugh Alexander Wilson MacNair, her son, for bd, bp,dd and place. For dp "Crosslands, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania" was what he wrote so clarification is needed. .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Lloyd, himself.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source:Lloyd PHILBRICK,husband; also Gordon HOLSINGER,older brother.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Gladys Philbrick NISEN, his sister.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source: Gladys Philbrick NISEN.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source: Gladys, herself.
!BIRTH:Birth Certificate. !MARRIAGE: Marriage Certificate.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Birth:Birth Certificate: Swanti Elmer Nisen
!Chr:Chr Certificate: Swanti Elmer Leonard Nisen !Marriage:Marriage Certificate !Death:Death Certificate .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source: Gladys Philbrick NISEN, his sister.
Source: LaVerne Myer PHILBRICK, his wife. !Source:Death certificate in possesion of Char Nisen KIBBIE. .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source: LaVerne, herself.
!Source:Death info from Neal Philbrick, her son.Also obit and funera l program. .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source: LaVerne Myer PHILBRICK, his mother.
- Obituary, John Ray Philbrick.
- Census Image, 1900 said May 1881.
- Census Image, The 1930 census said "George" was 27 and Leona was 15 when they married.
- Calculated from census., Age 21 in 1920.
- Calculated from census., Age 2 and some months in 1920.
- Calculated from census., Age 9 in 1930.
- Calculated from census., Age 7 in 1930.
- Calculated from census., Age 3 5/12 in 1930.
- Calculated from census., Age 6 months in 1930.
- Dr. Robert E. Philbrick, Philbrick-Philbrook Families - Sheepscot, Maine to California, This source says the marriage date was 25 Mar 1964.
-, Mass. Town Vital Records Collection.
- Dr. Robert E. Philbrick, Philbrick-Philbrook Families - Sheepscot, Maine to California, This book says 5 July 1889.
- Tombstone Inscription, This says 2 July 1889.
- Tombstone.
- Philip John Williams [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 2 Nov 2011.
- Calculated from census., Age 13 in 1930.
- Calculated from census., Age 10 in 1930.
- Website,
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email Report: 30 Jul 2003. Maine online marriage index.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email Report: 30 Jul 2003. census information.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email Report: 30 Jul 2003. 1930 census.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email Report: 30 Jul 2003. obituary Portland Press Herald.
- Frank L. Rose <[email protected]>, PHILBRICK-L.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email Report: 30 Jul 2003. NH VR.
- Jacob Chapman, Philbrick & Philbrook Families (Published 1886), pg. 145.
- National Archives - Military Pension Records for Alvah Philbrook (1830-1864).
- Compiled by Olive C. Cadbury, Alvah Philbrook Collection - The State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
- Wayne Holznagel [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 18 Apr 2008.
-, Public Family Tree.
- Obituary, Mary Alice Wright Philbrick.
- Leslie Susan Barteaux <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request: 7 Aug 2011.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 2 Jan 2005. ME VR.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 2 Jan 2005. Maine Death Index Online.
- DAR Lineage Books, Vol. 14, pg. 141.
-, The 1915 City Directory for Exeter, NH lists Jennie as a widow.
-, Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2001. Hartford, CT, USA: Connecticut Department of Health.
- RootsWeb WorldConnect.
-, Ontario Canada Births.
-, Missouri Marriage Records.
-, Cook County Births.
- Lawrence Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 4 July 2001.
-, Cansus Record.
- Lawrence Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 4 Jul 2001.
- Obituary, Jean A. Sherman (nee Philbrook).
-, Veterans Gravesites.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 26 July 2009.
- Obituary, Agnes R. Philbrook.
- Draft Registration Card.
- Draft Registration Card,
- Draft Registration Card, WWII Roll MIUSA1939B_092574.
- Draft Registration Card, found at
- Census Image, 1930 census says married at age 27.
- Calculated from census., Age 3 in 1920 and 13 in 1930.
-, Vermont Death Index, 1989-1998.
- Census Image, Age 3 in 1930.
- Obituary, Elsa (Stier) "Dixie" Philbrook.
- Obituary, George H. Philbrook.
- Obituary, Geraldine Philbrook.
- Douglas P. Philbrook <[email protected]>, PPRG Cousins Directory Request - 5 Oct 2003.
-, 1994 Phone & Address Directory.
-, Indiana Marriages, 1845-1920. Tippecanoe County Indiana
Index to Marriage Record 1921-1941 Jan. 1, 1921 to Dec. 31, 1941, Inclusive Volume 5, Pt 2 L to Z Inclusive W. P. A. Original Record Located: County Clerk's Office Lafayette Compiled by Indiana Works Progress Administration 1941.
-, Indiana Marriages, 1845-1920.
-, 1994 Address and Phone Directory.
- Obituary, Joan L. Philbrick.
- Calculated from age at marriage., Age 15.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Genealogy Report: 22 Nov 2006.
- Sherri Barry <[email protected]>, 18 Apr 2000.
- Valerie Philbrick <[email protected]>, 27 Sep 2001: Application for PPFA membership.
- Obituary, Mildred (Philbrick) Thomas.
- Obituary, Bangor Daily News, 12 July 2001.
- Obituary, Arline Francis Philbrick.
- Harriet T. Upton, History of the Western Reserve (Chicage, IL: Lewis Publishing Company, 1910), pg 1238.
- R. W. Musgrove, History of the town of Bristol, Grafton County, New Hampshire (Bristol, NH: R. W. Musgrove, 1904), Page 32.
- Obituary, Moses Worthen Beede.
- DAR Lineage Books, Vol. 123, pg. 255.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children." (Dorothy BEEDE Berry - Summer of 1995), pg. 25-33.
- Alan D. Beede <[email protected]>, Email: 30 Sep 2003.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg. 25-33. Mrs. Berry has date of birth as 25 Feb 1896.
- Internet,
- Internet,
- SCRIBNER FAMILIES [note 1], 36.
- NEW HAMPSHIRE MARRIAGE RECORDS PRIOR TO 1901. Alphabetized. N.H. Bureau of Vital Records.
- NEW HAMPSHIRE RECORD OF BIRTHS PRIOR TO 1901. Alphabetized. N.H. Bureau of Vital Records.
- Family Archives CD #110, Volume 2, L-Z, Social Security Death Index, 1937-1999 (, LLC, 2000).
- Death Index, California Death Index.
- California Death Records 1940-1997.
- Ancestry Family Tree,
- Maisie Chase <[email protected]>, Email: 23 Jul 2003.
- Ronald K. Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 6 Jan 2001.
- Ronald K. Philbrick <[email protected]>, 1 Jan 2001.
- Funeral card.
- Ancestry Family Tree,
- Mary Ekman <[email protected]>, Email: 27 Aug 2000.
- Stoker Family Bible.
- Iowa Cemetery Records, Pg. 47. Cemetery Records of Shelby County.
- Civil War Pension Records.
- World Family Tree (WFT Vol 4 Tree 1914).
- Obituary, Dorothy A. (Philbrick) Horner.
- Connie Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 23 Nov 2004.
- Calculated from census., Age 13 in 1920.
- Calculated from census., Age 9 in 1920.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Daughter Grace is 8 on the 1920 census.
- Calculated from census., Age 25 in 1920.
- Calculated from census., Age 5 in 1920.
- Obituary, Robert Philbrick 1919-2003. Grand Island (NE) Independent
16 Sept 2003.
- Obituary, Warren Wayne Philbrick.
- Calculated from census., Age 27 in 1920.
- Gravestone, Sent by Al Philbrick, 17 Jun 2003.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Genealogy Report: 8 Feb 2008.
- Obituary, George Maines Philbrick.
- George Maines Philbrick 3rd <[email protected]>, PPFA Membership Application - 6 July 2005.
- Montana History and Biography.
- Calculated from census., Age 1 in 1920.
- Social Security Death Index, Genie Fulmer d. Dec 1979 Forsyth, Rosebud, Montana, b. 8 Dec 1889 - Last benefit paid in Forsyth.
- Census Image, 1930 census said he was married at age 33.
- Obituary, Frances Dowlin Kluver.
- Obituary, Frances Dowlin Kluver and Mary Dowlin.
- Obituary, Mary J. Dowlin.
- Obituary, Genie May Garfield.
- Tombstone Inscription, Edith May (Cox) Philbrick, b. 12/5/1909 [no death date].
- Obituary, Genie May (Philbrick) Garfield.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 26 July 2004.
- Ancestral File @, AFN: 1CDC-MNX.
- Obituary, [Gertrude's].
- Obituary, [His wife Gertrude's].
- Obituary, Gertrude Philbrick.
- Calculated from census., 1930 Fort Fairfield Twp, Aroostook, Maine.
- Obituary, [Dorothy's].
- Obituary, Edward E. McNeal.
- Elaine Lundberg <[email protected]>
A researcher at the Guthrie County (IA) Genealogical Society, She cited death record of Ann Philbrick.
-, California Death Index, 1940-1997. This source says his year of birth was 1901.
- Census Image, 1920 St. Joseph, MO.
- Calculated from census., Age 16 in 1920.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Daughter Patricia age 7 on 1930 census.
- Census Image, 1930 Des Moines, Iowa.
- Calculated from census., Age 29 in 1930.
-, World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-18.
-, Ohio Deaths, 1958-2000.
- Census Image, Married 4 years on 1910 census.
- Census Image, 1900 census said April 1876.
- Census Image, Cora was listed as having been married 1 years on the 1900 census.
- Wendy Kreider [[email protected]], Email: 7 Sep 2011.
- Census Image, 1930 census said he married at age 32 and she at 26.
- Census Image, Age 53 on 1930 census.
- Census Image, Age 18 in 1930.
- Census Image, Age 9 on 1930 census.
- Census Image, 1900 census said Dec 1885.
- Calculated from census., Married 3 years on 1910 census.
- Census Image, 1900 census says Jun 1877.
- Calculated from census., Daughter Margaret was born about 1912 and husband Albert was a widower on the 1920 census.
- Census Image, Age 2 on 1910 census.
- Census Image, Age 7 months on 1910 census.
- Census Image, Age 7 on 1920 census.
- Obituary, Leonard E. Philbrick Sr.
- Obituary, Donald E. Philbrick.
- Obituary, Raymond H. Philbrick.
- Census Image, Married 3 years on the 1910 census.
- Calculated from census., Age 22 in 1910.
- Census Image, Age 2 in 1910.
- Census Image, 3 months old on the 1910 census enumerated in April 1910.
- Carroll H. Bessey <[email protected]>, GEDCOM: 10 May 2003.
- Sarah Ann Philbrick of Boston <[email protected]>, PPRG Cousins Directory - 23 Jul 2003.
- Source Citation: Registration Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts; Roll: 1684687; Draft Board: 31.
-, Roll: WWII_2251734; Local board: Norfolk , Massachusetts. U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: United States, Selective Service System. Selective Service Registration Cards, World War II: Fourth Registration. National Archives and Records Administration Branch locations: National Archives and Records Administration Region Branches.
- Internet. The Political Graveyard
- Coe, Harriet B., Maine & New Hampshire Settlers, 1600s-1900s
Maine Biographies, Vol. I, Records (New York: Clearfield Company, Inc., 1928), pg. 64-65.
-, Maine Military Men, 1917-18.
- Census Image, ED #65.
- Internet.
- U.S. Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index,
-, Passport Applications, Jan. 2, 1906 - Mar. 31, 1925 (M1490).
- Thomas D. Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 9 Jan 2008.
- Thomas D. Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 20 Jan 2008.
- Census Image, 1930 Maine.
- Deborah Peiser [[email protected]], Email: 27 Jul 2008.
- Deborah Peiser, Email: 25 Jul 2008.
- John Whitney Philbrick, Email: 19 Jan 2007.
- Obituary, Frances E. Philbrick.
- Gerard B. Philbrick <[email protected]>, PPFA Application, 16 Jul 2001.
- Michael E. Philbrick <[email protected]>, PPFA Application 19 Aug 2002.
-, US Public Records.
- Obituary, Robert L. Philbrick, 16 Jan 2003.
- Draft Registration Card, WWII.
- Calculated from census., Age 36 in 1920.
- World War I Draft Registration Card.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Barbara was born about 1910.
- Calculated from census., Age 37 in 1920.
- Calculated from census., Age 10 on 1920 census.
- Calculated from age at marriage., Age 20.
- Census Image, His ex-wife was listed as widow on the 1920 census.
- Gregg Thomas Philbrick <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request: 23 Feb 2009.
- William "Bill" Philbrick, PPFA Application 18 Nov 2002.
- William "Bill" Philbrick, Family Tree.
- Ancestry Public Tree <>,
- Sheila Kreutner [[email protected]], Email: 24 Mar 2007.
- William "Bill" Philbrick, Email: 28 Mar 2007.
- William "Bill" Philbrick, Email: 29 Dec 2010.
- Pamela Reitz, Email: 1 Feb 2006.
- Pamela Reitz, Email: 17 Feb 2006.
- Census Image, Married 10 years on 1910 census.
- Census Image, The 1930 census said he married at age 18 and she married at age 16.
- Christopher Hunter Philbrick [[email protected]>, PPFA Application: 6 Feb 2006.
- World War I Draft Registration Card,
- Obituary, Nona Haynes Philbrick.
- Obituary, Stephen D. Philbrick.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 18 Aug 2001 [she has place as Natick, MA].
- Lisha Holt <[email protected]>, Email message: 15 Mar 2003 Source: Marriage Certificate of Gerrald & Maud.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 22 Aug 2001.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 11 Aug 2008.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 12 Aug 2001. Marriage Record, Augusta, ME.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 24 Aug 2003 - info from City Directory.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 12 Aug 2001. Death Certificate, Westborough, MA.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 20 Mar 2008.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 12 Aug 2001. Marriage Certificate, Augusta, ME.
- Patricia Anne Wetjen Reeves <[email protected]>, Cousins Directory Request - 28 Jul 2003.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 15 Aug 2001 (Marriage Certificate). Lisa has abt. 1882.
- Patricia Anne Wetjen Reeves, Cousins Directory Request - 28 Jul 2003. Patricia has 12/25/1884?.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 12 Aug 2001 (Marriage Certificate).
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 21 Aug 2001.
- George Henry Philbrick Jr. <[email protected]>, PPRG Cousins Directory Request - 16 Feb 2003.
- Ronald Lee Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 13 Jul 2005.
- Ronald Lee Philbrick, Email: 18 Oct 2004.
- Nicole Chase [[email protected]], Hight Message Board - 11 April 2004.
- Obituary, Robert A. Hardy.
- Obituary, Crystal A. Philbrick.
- Obituary, Lois Philbrick.
- Kenneth R. Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 4 Aug 2005.
- Website, American National Biograpphy Online:
- Internet.
- PHILBRICK, Herbert A., "I Led Three Lives
Citizen - Communist - Counterspy" (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc, 1952), pg. 8.
- Herb Philbrick Jr., via snail mail., Nov. 2001.
- Website,
- Website.
- Website.
- Obituary, Ruth Philbrick (Hadley) Donnelly.
- Brad Hadley, Family Group Sheet: 30 March 2011.
- Deborah Cross, Email: 24 Aug 2007.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, Posted on BICKFORD-L by Patricia Fuentes on 21 Feb 2006.
- Obituary, Ruth Philbrick Jenkins.
- Obituary, Shirley Seavey Philbrick Jr.
-, California Marriage Index, 1960-1985.
- Obituary, Helen Porter Philbrick.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- Richard Staigg Philbrick <[email protected]>, PPFA application for membership, 4 July 2001.
- Edward L. Philbrick, Email: 23 Jan 2005.
- Helen Philbrick-Dunham ( (Aug. 14, 2001).
- Susan Virgina Philbrick [[email protected]], PPRG Member Directory Request: 28 May 2007.
- Census Image, 1800 Kansas & 1900 Washington.
- Census Image, They were married 12 years in 1910.
- Census Image, Born Oct 1875 on 1900 census. Age 34 on 1910 census. .
- Census Image, Age 10 on 1910 census.
- Census Image, Age 8 in 1910.
- Census Image, Age 6 in 1910.
- Census Image, Age 4 in 1910.
- Census Image, 1920 Hoquiam, WA.
- Calculated from census., First married at age 23.
- Calculated from census., Age 46 in 1930.
- Calculated from census., Age 19 in 1930.
- Based on census records, Ben had a 7 year old daughter on the 1900 census.
- Cemetry transcriptions.
- Calculated from census., He married at age 23 and she at age 21.
- Calculated from census., Age 54 in 1930.
- Calculated from census., Age 24 in 1930.
- Calculated from census., Age 18 in 1930.
- Anne Wood Kilkenny <[email protected]>, 2 May 1999.
- Calculated from census., Married at age 26.
- Calculated from census., Age 42 in 1930.
- Obituary, Herbert J. Philbrick.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Emailed Report: 28 Nov 2005. *His* sources are on file and I will be transcribing them into this database as soon as possible.
- Obituary, Leonard W. Philbrick.
- Brad Hadley, website:
- Pat Casey [[email protected]], Email: 10 Oct 2006.
- Joanne Miller <[email protected]>, Email: 1 Mar 2009.
- Coleen Kirkendall [[email protected]], Email: 29 Jun 2006.
- Coleen Kirkendall, PPFA Application: 18 June 2006.
- Obituary, Donald James Philbrick Sr.
- OHIO DEATHS, 1970-1988, Vol. 25221, Certificate 028845 (,.
- Obituary, Forrest W. Philbrick.
- Census Image, 1930 Ohio.
- Website,
- Patricia A. Ewing, Genealogy Report - 15 July 2004.
- Email: John Philbrook <[email protected]>, 25 Jan 1998.
- John Philbrook, Email: 17 Jan 2006.
- DAR Records, #33742.
-, Massachusetts, Town Vital Collections.
- Based on census records, Married 6 years in 1910.
- Connie Miller [[email protected]], Email: 26 Apr 2010.
- Connie Miller, Email: 23 Apr 2010.
- Obituary, Clement Earle Philbrook.
- Obituary, Constance Leger.
- Obituary, Nancy C. Philbrook.
- John Bailey, Email: 18 Jan 2006.
- Obituary, Lee R. Philbrook.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 83 in 1966.
- Maine Online Death Index.
- Obituary, Charles R. Philbrook.
- OneWorldTree @, This source says born 1880.
- Calculated from census., Age 10 months in 1880.
- Census Image, 1920 Chester, ME.
- Census Image, 1920 Chester, ME - age 8.
- Census Image, 1920 Chester, ME - age 11 months.
- Census Image, 1910 census shows her name as Eleanor G.
- Obituary, Glenn E. Philbrook.
- Social Security Death Index, Railroad Board Index.
- Death Certificate, Certificate #7110418, Geographic code 21140.
- Based on census records, The 1930 census said he married at age 24.
- Calculated from census., Age 5 in 1930.
- Gravestone Inscripton Transcription, Mattawamkeag Cemetery, ME.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 27 Oct 2004.
- Cemetry transcriptions, Mattawamkeag Cemetery.
- Calculated from census., Age 5 in 1910.
- Calculated from census., Age 1 1/12 in 1910.
- Obituary, Harriett J. (Dwyer) Philbrook.
- Email: Keith A. Philbrook <[email protected]>, 11 Dec 1999.
- Census, 1900 Aroostook Co., ME, 4 Jun 1900.
- Census, 1900 Aroostook Co., ME.
- Obituary, John R. Philbrook.
- Kempton Philbrook [[email protected]], Email: 10 Dec 2007.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 65.
-, Acadia, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1670-1946 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2007.
- Lois Shope, Email: 20 Oct 2004. State Archives.
- Census Image, Age 35 in 1930.
- Census Image, Age 13 in 1930.
- Census Image, Age 12 on census date [6 Apr 1930].
- Social Security Death Index, States birth date of 12 Aug 1916.
- Obituary, Harold Keezer.
- Census Image, Age 5 in 1930.
- Lois Shope, Email: 20 Oct 2004 [Maine State Archives]. Maine State Archives.
- Based on age at marriage., Age 17 in 1900.
- Lois Shope, Email: 29 Oct 2004 [death certificate Ellsworth VR].
- Lois Shope, Email: 22 Oct 2004.
- Lois Shope, Email: 18 Oct 2004. Obituary.
- Lois Shope, Email: 18 Oct 2004. Town Records
State Archives.
- Western States Marriage Record Index, Volume 1, Page 13.
- Edwin R. Philbrook <[email protected]>.
- Lavonne Philbrook Graham <[email protected]>, March 2001.
- Edwin R. Philbrook <[email protected]>, Email: 6 Dec 2004.
- Source Information: Maine Military Men, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2000. Original data: Roster of Maine in the Military Service of the U.S. and Allies in World War 1917-1919. Vol. I-II. Augusta, ME, USA: n.p., 1929.
Listing of men (and some women) who served in the U.S. military during World War One. .
-, Maine Military Men, 1917-1918 .
-, Jessica Iler's Family Tree.
- Jessica Iler [[email protected]], Email: 22 Oct 2009.
- Obituary, Robert B. "Bob" Philbrook.
- Birth Certificate.
- Marriage License.
- Pension Papers of James Knox Clark.
- David E. Cummins <[email protected]>
4936 Windflower Cr Sarasota, FL 34241-6260, Philbrook Message Board...4 Feb 2003.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, Email: 25 Dec 2004.
- Obituary, Albert Irven Philbrick.
- David Pierce [[email protected]], Email: 17 Jan 2010.
- Based on census records, Age 22 on 1920 census.
- Gravestone photos, Robert G. Philbrook 1897-1968.
- Census Image, Source Citation: Year: 1930; Census Place: Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts; Roll 931; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 512; Image: 134.0.
- David Pierce, Email: Jan 2010.
- Calculated from census., Married at age 28 on 1930 census.
- Calculated from census., Age 34 in 1930.
- Gravestone photos, Elsie C. Philbrook 1895-1975.
- Morgan Hewitt Stafford, Descendants of John Thorndike of Essex County, Massachusetts (: Edwards Brothers, Inc., 1960).
- tombstone, Seaview, Rockland, Maine (); FLR/15 Aug 2005. Tombstone gives year only.
- Jennie Richards, death certifcate no. 7410648 (1974), Maine State Archives, Augusta ME. Death Archives
Single Record DisplayCertificate Number: 7410648 Last Name: RICHARDS First Name: JENNIE Middle Name: -0- Date of Death: Friday, August 2, 1974 Town of Death: THOMASTON Age at Death: 91 Years.
- Calculated from census., Age 1, born ME.
- Sheila Hunter <[email protected]>, Cousins Directory Request - 12 Nov 2002.
- Julie Hunter Praught <[email protected]>, Philbrick Directory Request - 7 Sep 2010.
- Patricia Zizileuskas <[email protected]>, Email: 12 Dec 2002. She has 1890.
- Patricia Zizileuskas <[email protected]>, Email: 12 Dec 2002. She has 1892.
- Obituary, Jeanne E. (Spear) Wilcox.
- Maine State Archives, Her name was listed as "Rita A.".
- Calculated from age at death., Age 91.
- Patricia Zizileuskas <[email protected]>, Email: 12 Dec 2002.
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>, 10 Dec 2002.
- Obituary, Lillian M. Farrand (Philbrook) Hall.
- tombstone, Achorn Cemetery, Rockland ME (); FLR/15 Aug 2005. The tombstone gives year only.
- Everett L. Philbrook, death certifcate no. 6904815 (1969), Maine State Archives, augusta ME. Death Archives
Single Record DisplayCertificate Number: 6904815 Last Name: PHILBROOK First Name: EVERETT Middle Name: L Date of Death: Wednesday, June 11, 1969 Town of Death: ROCKLAND Age at Death: 76 Years.
- Philbrook-Lunt marriage, 7 Aug 1926,, Rockland ME. Held by Maine State Archives (Augusta ME). Marriage Archives
Single Record DisplayCertificate Number: Bride Name: LUNT FRANCES Bride Town/State: ROCKLAND, ME Groom Name: PHILBROOK EVERETT L Groom Town/State: ROCKLAND, ME Date of Marriage: Saturday August 7, 1926.
- Brenda Levasseur <[email protected]>, PPFA Application 28 Jul 2002.
- Ames, Leadbetter Records, This source says he was born in 1879.
- Calculated from census., Age 62 in 1920.
-, Maine Marriage Record.
-, Marriage Record.
- Calculated from census., 1900 census says May 1890. Age 19 in 1910.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Report: 2 Feb 2008. He cited Maine State Marriage Archives, online sources, and several census records.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Report: 2 Feb 2008.
-, WWII Draft Registration Card.
- Calculated from census., 15 in 1910.
-, WWII Draft Registration Cards.
- Obituary, Grace Gullickson.
- Michele (Harvey) Wood [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 30 Apr 2007.
- Maine State Archives; Cultural Building, 84 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0084; 1892-1907 Vital Records; Roll # 26.
- Ancestry Family Tree,
- Census Image, Age 6 on 1930 census.
- Census Image, Age 5 on 1920 census.
- Census Image, Age 1 year 5 month on 1930 census.
- OBIT: Rockland Maine Courier Gazette, 12 Apr 2002 - Randall W. Philbrook.
- Linda Philbrook Rhoades [[email protected]], Email: 4 Jan 2008.
- Obituary, Robert C. Philbrook.
- Obituary, Carl R. Prescott.
- Census Image, 1910 Eagle, OH.
- Website, Wikipedia:
- Philbrick-Philbrook Research Group <[email protected]>, PPFA Membership Application - 5 Aug 2003.
- Obituary, Blanche Leona "Bunny" Bunnell.
- Larry Clatt, Jr. <[email protected]>, PPFA Application - 13 Mar 2003.
- Virginia Sue Philbrook-Eade (Fort Dodge, Iowa).
- Obituary, Helen Joan Dommermuth.
- Spanish American War Memorial stone in the Oregon Trail Memorial Cemetery in Bridgeport, Nebraska.
- Local newspaper/reporter, Zerox copy of a newspaper obiturary.
- Local newspaper/reporter, Zerox copy of a newspaper obiturary., Chapman/Central City, Nebraska local newspaper.
- Local newspaper/reporter, Zerox copy of a newspaper obiturary. Newspaper obit stated Mary was married to William Tyler at Chapman in 1898.
- Zerox copy/original funeral home obitary handed to attendees. published by the Anderson-Johnson-Horner Mortuary /Morgan Funeral Home in Kearney/Pleasanton, Nebraska.
- Zerox copy/original funeral home obitary handed to attendees. published by the Anderson-Johnson-Horner Mortuary and Morgan Funeral Home of Kearney/Pleasanton, Nebraska.
- CALIFORNIA DEATH INDEX 1940-1997, Source Citation: Place: Los Angeles; Date: 16 Oct 1975; Social Security: 564523432.
- Draft Registration Card, Source Citation: Registration Location: Callaway County, Missouri; Roll: 1683155; Draft Board: 0. Source Information: World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005. Original data: United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. M1509, 4,582 rolls. .
- Robbin E. Elsman, Email: 7 Dec 2008.
- Ann Cullen <[email protected]>, Email: 30 Jul 2008.
-, WWI Draft Registration Cards.
-, California Birth Index.
- Kambra L. Philbrook Gallagher [[email protected]], Email: 25 Jul 2008.
- RootsWeb Mailing List, [email protected]. Subject: "Married: PHILBROOK-NORDQUIST.
- Obituary, Washington County News.
- Evelyn Morgan <[email protected]>. Email: 10 Nov 2002 - Genealogy Report (Source: Soc Security Death index; Obituary from Washington County News..).
- Obituary, Harold J. Philbrook.
- Obituary, Burton Wellesley Lockhart.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 81 in 2006.
- Obituary, Margaret Philbrook.
- Obituary, Eugene Arthur Philbrook.
- Ancestry Public Tree <>,
- Obituary, Edith M. Mahoney.
- Merrimac, MA VR.
- Decendents of Daniel Knowles by William J. Knowles, Watertown, WI, Vol 1, Pg 37, Lic # 570.
- E-mail from Saundra Holloway, May 2, 2003. [email protected].
- 73&id=I2.
- E-mail Correspondence with Kevin Knowles, Oct 21, 2003.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email Report: 28 Nov 2004. Richard Bucknam, "Descendants of Massachusetts Bucknam and Buckman family group sheet", compiled 18 Sep 2004 from RootsWeb ,the [email protected]>.
- Obituary, Lawrence L. "Larry" Sturtevant.
- Census Image, Age 20 in 1910 and 30 in 1920.
- Census Image, Age 5 in 1920.
- Census Image, Age 2 in 1920.
- Census Image, Age 4 in 1930.
- Census Image, Age 46 in 1930.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Report: 14 Jan 2009. He cited census records.
- Obituary, Marion Philbrick.
- Obituary, John Alden Philbrick III.
- Obituary, John E. Philbrick 1926-2003.
- Jack Philbrick <[email protected]>.
- Obituary, Doris E. (Gallop) Philbrick.
- Obituary, Marshall Philbrick.
- Obituary, Muriel Philbrick Downs.
- Obituary, Flora A. Landry.
- Ancestry World Tree, Family file of Merrilee Kock <[email protected]>.
- Census Image, Iowa State Census.
- Obit of Hattie Philbrick, 1949.
- Letter from Tom Philbrook, April 16 1996, 1947.
- Obituary, Olive (Philbrick) Searl Wedding.
- Obituary, Olive (Philbrick) Searl Wedding. Found by Scott Musil at the Nebraska State Historical Society in Oct. 2005.
- Census Image, 1877 Voters & Taxpayers of Bureau County, Illinois.
- Gravestone. His gravestone reads:
W. W. Searle Born Apr. 18, 1852 Died Mar. 3, 1905.
- Obituary, Stephen Wedding.
- OBIT: Akron Register Tribune, Aug 11 1949, pg 1.
- , July 1996.
- Letter from Tom Philbrook, April 16 1996, He visited him in 1947.
- A letter from Eka Parkison on May 6, 1996. She is an amatuer genealogist living in Rapid City, SD. She obtained this information from Rapid City directories., Rapid City directories.
- A letter from Eka Parkison on May 6, 1996. She is an amatuer genealogist living in Rapid City, SD. She obtained this information from Rapid City directories., Followup letter of May 13, 1996.
- Birth Certificate of Oscar D. Davenport.
- John Scott "Doc" Davenport <[email protected]>, 14 Jun 1998.
- Death Certificate, Informant: William Mueller.
- Obit of Hattie Philbrick.
- John F. Baker <[email protected]>, Email: 25 July 2001.
- Calculated from census., Age 30 in 1920.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., William 9 in 1920.
- Website,
- "Hudson's History of Lexington, MA", pp 441-442 [from David Rust].
- Evelyn Janet (Beals) Johnson <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request: 28 Oct 2008.
- Nancy Jane Philbrick [[email protected]], Cousins Directory Request - 15 Apr 2004.
- Email: Lynne Woodward <[email protected]>, Email of 27 Dec 1999.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Jacqueline was born in 1925.
- Census Image, He married at age 25 and she at age 34.
- Census Image, He was married at age 28 and she at 26.
- Census Image, He married at age 31 and she at 30.
- Obituary, Thelma W. Philbrick.
- Cemetery stone.
- Shirley Pierce 6/9/98.
- Eileen Ferrance [[email protected]], Genealogy Report via email: 10 Apr 2007.
- Obituary, Payge Lee Philbrick.
- Obituary, Raymond A. Philbrick Jr.
- Census Image, He married at age 19, she at 16.
- Carrie Elizabeth Philbrick II, PPRG Directory Request: 28 Mar 2008.
- , The Salem Observer - 22 May 2004.
- Obituary, Richard P. Philbrook.
- Obituary, Beorgianna Julia (Philbrook) Luba.
- Obituary, Robert F. Philbrook (1930-2003).
- Robert Wagner Philbrook <[email protected]>, Email: 9 Jan 2007.
- Internet,
- Obituary, Shirley J. Cady.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, Email: 13 Feb 2006.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, Email: 12 Feb 2006.
- Obituary, Barbara (Savary) Philbrook.
- Jeffrey Allen Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 26 Nov 2005.
- Barbara Jane Lasell Rose Combs, Email: 19 & 22 Apr 2008.
- Obituary, Mary L. (Leach) Philbrick.
- Census Image, Age 23 in 1930.
- David Russ Linke, Email: 6 Sep 2006.
-, Census Record, SSDI.
-, Census Record, SSDI, VA Death Index.
-, Wife Bertha was a widow on 1940 census.
- Website,
- Obituary, Peter T. Hetzler.
-, Her husband was a widower on the 1910 census.
-, Her husband was a widower on the 1940 census.
-, Minnesota Marriage Index.
-, One source says 2 June 1918.
- Obituary, Iva Martin Pickett.
-, Iowa Birth Index.
-, Washington Death Records.
- Birthdate reported by Jay on his World War I Draft Registration Card (NARA Microcopy M1509, Roll 1297, Kennebec County. Alphabetized).
- Birthdate as reported by Herbert on his World War I Draft Registration Card (NARA Microcopy M1509, Roll 1297, Kennebec County. Alphabetized).
- BRIDES INDEX, Maine Marriages 1892-1996, Maine State Archives.
- Estimated date, based on age (82 years) at time of death.
- DEATHS INDEX, Maine Deaths 1960-1996, Maine State Archives, Certificate 6001303.
- Obituary, Edward T. Ward.
- Obituary, Kathleen Bartimus.
- Obituary, William Bryon Johnson.
- Obituary, Naomi Ruth Schaefer Turner.
- Obituary, Elwood H. Orndorf.
- Obituary, Charles A. Fields.
-, West Virginia Marriage Index.
- Obituary, John L. Taylor.
- Obituary, Carl O. Wilbur.
- Obituary, Margaret T. Stevens.
- Obituary, Ozro Scott Swett Sr.
- Obituary, Jack J. R. Smith.
- Obituary, Lynwood D. Gile.
- Obituary, Merlene G. Wilkerson.
- Obituary, Mildred Robash Sawyer.
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
- Obituary, Murray W. Thurston.
- Holly Philbrick-Carter, PPRG Member Directory Request - 2 Mar 2007.
- Website,
- Obituary, Thale E. Smith.
- Obituary, Merrilee Ann Smith.
- Obituary, Norma Smith Hinds.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 79.
- Obituary, June Davenort Plummer.
- Obituary, Lester L. Campbell.
- Sue Philbrick Hand <[email protected]>, Email of 10 Jan 2000.
-, World War I Draft Registration Cards.
- Heather Nagel <[email protected]> & <[email protected]>, 8 Jun 2001.
- Sue Philbrick Hand <[email protected]>, Email: 30 Nov 2004.
- Stephen John Grisanti <[email protected]>, PPFA Application: 7 Feb 2006.
- Obituary, Bernard R. Philbrick Sr.
- Obituary, Eva M. Dixson.
- Calculated from census., Age 25 in 1930.
- Obituary, Wilbur C. Dixson Sr.
- Obituary, Myrtle E. Westling.
- Obituary, Carl R. Westling Sr.
- Archie L. Ackley, PPRG Membership Application - 1 Sep 2006.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., First child born Nov. 1911.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1913.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1754.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1755.
- Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index, SSN: 322-16-2329.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1914.
- Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index, SSN: 555-20-7032.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1915.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1539; of Miles City, MT.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, p. 1540;.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, p. 502;.
- Steve Jones, Irene B. Jones (steve jones [[email protected]]).
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1540;.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1916.
- RootsWeb, TX Death Records (
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1916;.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, pg. 531.
-, Washington Death Index, 1940-96 (, 2002. Original data: Index created by: Washington State Department of Health. Microfilmed copy of index obtained from: Washington State Archives.), Certificate: 029894.
- Peter Douglas Dingwell, Jr., Genealogy of the Folsom Family - Vol. III, pg. 1761.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, pg. 258, 333.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, pg. 258; 333.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, pg. 259; 333.
- Frederick R. Boyle, Certified Genealogist, Genealogy of the Folsom Family-Vol. IV, pg. 333.
- Obituary, Her mother's obituary.
- David Rust <[email protected]>. 1 Dec 2001 [Mount Vernon Town Records &1900 census].
- Cindy Holden <[email protected]>, Report dated 4 May 2002.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 1 Dec 2001 [Maine Marriage Index].
- Obituary, Roberta (MacKenzie) Philbrick.
- Census Image, US Public Records.
- Massachusetts Death Index 1970-2003 Record, Certificate 022706.
- Obituary, Barbara P. (Dearden) Philbrick.
- Calculated from census., Age 6 on 1930 census.
-, WWII Army Enlistment Records.
- Obituary, Cristina Tina Philbrick.
- Obituary, Loren C. Philbrick.
- Obituary, [Clarence J. Philbrick].
- Deborah J. Lee [[email protected]], PPRG Member Directory Request: 3 Sep 2008.
- Obituary, Harry Byron Philbrick.
- Obituary, Eulalia G. Philbrick French.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 18 Dec 2001 (ME VT).
- Darlene Gilliam, Email: 10 Jul 2006.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 2 Apr 2006.
- Gary P. Philbrick ( (May 20, 2001).
- Obituary, Elner Philbrick.
- Obituary, Rebecca M. (Bowen) Dakin.
- MAINE DEATH INDEX, 1960-1996, Maine State Archives.
- Obituary, Phyllis Adel Philbrick.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 28 Aug 2005.
-, Old newspaper articles.
-, Old newspaper images.
- Obituary, Charlotte E. Philbrick.
- Obituary, Brian M. Philbrick.
- Death Index, Massachusetts 1970-2001.
- Original US Army form DD-214, Honorable discharge from the service, Military form DD214.
- Richard Burton Philbrick, Email: 25 Jun 2008.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source: Evelyn MacDonald BIEBL, his widow.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Hugh Alexander Wilson MacNair, her husband. Nickname: Winnie
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Hugh Alexander Wilson MacNair, his father. A twin.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Hugh Alexander Wilson MacNair, her father. A twin.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Hugh Alexander Wilson MacNair, his father.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Helen MacNair PARKER, her aunt. Referred to her as Mina. Has b p being Great Neck, New York.
!Source: Hugh Alexander Wilson MacNair, her brother. .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Hugh Alexander Wilson MacNair, his brother-in-law. From personal records.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:letter from Candace PHILBRICK to her brother George PHILBRICK , dated 19 April 1952.
!Source:Helen MacNair PARKER, her aunt. .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source: letter from Candace PHILBRICK to her brother George Philbrick , dated 19 April 1952.
!Source: Hugh Alexander Wilson MacNair (20 April 1997) personal records .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. Source: Helen MacNair PARKER, his mother.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source: Helen MacNair PARKER, her mother.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Helen MacNair PARKER, mother-in-law.
!Source:Hugh Alexander Wilson MacNair (20 April 1997) for middle name , bd, bp, md and mp. .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source: Helen MacNair PARKER, his mother. Nickname:Phil. 1987-lived close by Kalamazoo,Michigan.
!Source:Hugh Alexander Wilson MacNair for md and mp. .
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Neal Philbrick, her brother-in-law.
- Sue <[email protected]>, Email: 25 Mar 2009.
- David Moore, Email: 25 Oct 2004.
-, Roger William Philbrook Obit.
- Amy Thompson Wolff <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request: 28 Oct 2012.
- Stanley Walter Philbrick [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 7 Jan 2009.
- Stanley Walter Philbrick, Email: 15 Jan 2009.
-, Massachusetts VR.
-, He was not on the 1920 census with his parents or siblings.
- Obituary, Irma B. Bucknell.
- Obituary, Jane Snyder Philbrook.
- Donald H. Lee [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request - 24 Jan 2009.
- Obituary, Lois Evelyn Philbrook Fahrenbacher.
- Obituary, Felice DiGeronimo.
- Email: Deana Philbrook Henry <[email protected]>, 25 Jan 1998.
- Lawrence Philbrick <[email protected]>, PPFA application, 4 July 2001.
- Website,
- Stacy Lynn Philbrook Paradis [[email protected]], Email: 22 April 2009.
- Stacy Lynn Philbrook Paradis, PPRG Member Directory Request: 13 Oct 2007.
- Social Security Death Index, Number: 025-26-8882;Issue State: Massachusetts;Issue Date: 1951-1952.
- Stacy Lynn Philbrook Paradis, Email: 16 Oct 2007.
- Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 7, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Jun 23, 2000, Internal Ref. #
- Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 7, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Jun 23, 2000, Internal Ref. #
- Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 7, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Jun 23, 2000, Internal Ref. #
- Dorothy Muirhead, Email: 19 April 2012.
- Obituary, Victor P. Murray.
- Obituary, Frank S. Murray.
- Obituary, Mildred E. Holland.
-, Florida Death Index.
-, Florida Death Index; Social Security Death Index.
- Ronald Allen Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 11 Mar 2001.
- Ronald Allen Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 8 Mar 2001.
- Ronald Allen Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 8 & 11 Mar 2001.
- Social Security Death Index, His last residence was Largo, Pinellas, Florida.
-, Connecticut Death Index.
- FamilyTreeMaker Online,
- Obituary, Mamie M. BOUCHARD Albert.
- Email from another researcher., Michelle Daley <[email protected]> 06 May 2012.
- Shelly PHILBRICK Hewitt <[email protected]>, PPFA Membership Request, 1 Sep 2001.
- Janice Anne Philbrick [[email protected]], Email: 15 May 2011.
- Obituary, John A. Anderson.
- Obituary, Flora Philbrick.
- Obituary, Arthur F. Potter.
- GEDCOM from John Worthing BEEDE <[email protected]>. He is a High Priest with the LDS Church and lives in Donnelly, ID. In 1997 he was going to SLC to work in the Family History Dept. of the Church. 13 Oct 1997 - He says: "Source: Dorothy Berry Beede's records, the Reiter History exists because of the records of Bessie "Betty" Louise Holzwarth's faithful work.".
- Katrinka Blunt <[email protected]>, Email: 26 Sep 2003.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg. 240.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg. 254.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg. 264.
- WorldConnect Project at RootsWeb, Webster Family Tree, Janice Brown, compiler.
- Alan D. Beede, Email: 29 Sep 2003.
- Obituary, Frank E. Beede.
-, Calif. Birth Index.
-, Obituary Pages.
- Marilyn Philbrick [[email protected]], Cousins Directory Request: 1 Aug 2004.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 85.
- Marilyn Philbrick, Email: 12 Jan 2006.
- Obituary, Kathy Philbrick Bleau.
- Mary Ekman <[email protected]>, Email: 26 Aug 2000.
- Obituary, Violet Rohrig 1922-1998. Grand Island (NE) Independent
27 May 1998.
- Connie Philbrick <[email protected]>, Application for PPFA Membership, 18 Nov 2001.
- Connie Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 2 Jan 2005.
- Tombstone, Photo sent to me by Connie Philbrick of Ord, Nebraska on 2 Jan 2005.
- Obituary, Dale Allen Philbrick 1917-1998. Grand Island (NE) Independent
9 May 1998.
- Lori Nelson <[email protected]>, Email: 30 Jul 2005.
- Obituary, Blaine W. Mower.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 9 Jan 2005.
- Obituary, Harlow E. Powers.
- Obituary, Beatrice Shorey Philbrick.
- Obituary, Joan (Philbrick) Thornton LeTarte.
- Colleen Kluver Johnson <[email protected]>, Email: 27 Mar 2008.
- Obituary, Frances P. Dowlin Kluver.
- Gravestone, Info on the Freeman Philbrick tombstone.
- Jean Philbrick, Email: 24 Jan 2005.
- Census Image, The 1930 census said he married at age 21.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 92 in Jan 2010.
- Obituary, Bangor Daily News: 19 Jan 2010.
- Obituary, [Edith Mae Bragdon Philbrick].
- Obituary, Bangor Daily News: 16 Jan 2010.
- Connie Philbrick [[email protected]], Email: 17 Dec 2003.
- Melanie Philbrick Thomsen, Email: 7 Apr 2008.
- Website,
- Gerald Philbrick, Genealogy Report - 25 Jun 1985. This source says 14 April 1928.
- Website,
- Website, Philbrick Archive Memorial Tribute
-, : 1929; Microfilm serial: T715; Microfilm roll: T715_4587; Line: 3; . Source Information: New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data: .
- Obituary, Frederick N. Philbrick.
- Obituary, Constance Lambert Philbrick.
- Obituary, Anne Philbrick Hall: 11 May 2009.
- Otis Philbrick, Email: 22 Nov 2004.
- New England Historic Genealogical Register, Volumes 116-121.
- Obituary, Donald Lockey Philbrick.
- Benjamin Lockey Philbrick <[email protected]>, Cousins Directory Request & Email reply: 23 Sep 2004.
- Obituary, Janet M. Philbrick.
- Internet.
- Deborah Peiser, Email: 13 Aug 2008.
- John Winthrop Philbrick Sr., Email: 9 Oct 2005.
- John Winthrop Philbrick Sr., Email: 12 Oct 2005.
- Thomas D. Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 21 Jan 2008.
- Obituary, Claire L. Philbrick (Lipski).
- Marcia Horspool, Email: 18 Feb 2007.
- Obituary, George O. Philbrick [1927-2005].
-, Massachusetts Death Index.
- Obituary, The obituary of Dorothy Philbrick Buck.
- Ancestry World Tree, Anne Gault Family Tree .
- Obituary, Edward D. Philbrick.
- Obituary, Eleanor D. (Densmore) Philbrick.
- Calculated from census., Age 2 in 1910.
- Calculated from age at marriage., Age 50.
- William "Bill" Philbrick, Email: 22 Nov 2004.
- John A. Shilling <[email protected]>, Email: 3 Feb 2003.
- William "Bill" Philbrick, Email: 3 Feb 2003.
- William "Bill" Philbrick, Philbrick Message Board: 29 Nov 2004.
- Obituary, Lyle Joseph Philbrick.
- Jack Michael Laskey <[email protected]>, Cousins Directory Request: 3 Jan 2005.
- Marilyn Vitalie <[email protected]>, Email Report: 12 Jan 2005.
- FLORIDA DEATH INDEX, 1877-1998, ( Inc., 1998-2003).
- Peter T. Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 24 Nov 2001.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 12 Aug 2001. Birth Certificate, Natick, MA.
- Obituary, Joseph L. Philbrick Sr.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>, Email: 15 Aug 2001.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 13 Aug 2001. Birth Certificate, Natick, MA.
- Lisa Chase Clark <[email protected]>. Email: 13 Aug 2001. Death Certificate State of Hawaii Dept. of Health.
- Sue Creed <[email protected]>, Email: 16 July 2002.
- Obituary, Russell A. Philbrick.
- Mark Philbrick [[email protected]], Email: 30 Jan 2007.
- Obituary, Pamela S. Vittorioso.
- Obituary, Alvaro G. Morales.
- PHILBRICK, Herbert A., "I Led Three Lives
Citizen - Communist - Counterspy", op. pg. 135, picture caption.
- Obituary, Constance Anne Smith.
- Ancestry Family Tree,
- Arlene Kennet <[email protected]>, 25 Oct 2001.
- Website.
- Website.
- Website.
- Brad Hadley, Email: 28 Mar 2011.
- Obituary. Ronald H. Philbrick: Battle Creek, MI Enquirer News.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).
- Texas Death Index, 1903-2000.
- Pat Casey, Email: 16 Oct 2006.
- Obituary, Lillie Philbrick 1929-1999. Grand Island (NE) Independent
12 Jun 1999.
- Joanne Miller, Email: 23 Feb 2009.
- Based on census records, 1930 Kansas City.
- Calculated from census., Age 30 on 1930 census.
- Obituary, Garth Philbrook.
- Calculated from census., Age 2 in 1930.
- Jeffery Philbrook <[email protected]>, 26 Nov 2002 - PPRG Cousins Directory Request.
- Jeffery Philbrook <[email protected]>, Email: 13 Feb 2002.
- Obituary, Roma Philbrook Rentz.
- Jeffery Philbrook <[email protected]>, 10 Feb 2003 - PPRG Cousins Directory Request.
- Obituary, Hubert K. Bunnell.
- Obituary, Donald S. Mayberry.
-, Massachusetts, Town Vital Records.
-, Census Record; Maine Birth Records.
- Obituary, Marion (Philbrook) Alden.
- Obituary, Herbert M. Philbrook Jr.
- Name: Philbrook, Herbert M
Serial Number: 36000863 Residence: Cook, Illinois Enlistment Place: Chicago, Illinois Enlistment Date: 7 January 1941 Grade Alpha: Private Grade Code: Private Branch Alpha: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA Branch Code: Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA Enlistment Term: 0 Longevity: Source: Civil Life Nativity: Illinois Birth Year: 1917 Race and Citizenship: White, citizen Education: 3 years of high school Civil Occupation: Engineering Aide (Designated Field) or Sales Clerk Marital Status: Divorced, without dependents Army Component: + Card Number: 1021 Box Number: 5.83 Reel Number: 6637457 .
- Obituary, Mildred (Moser) Philbrook.
- Email from another researcher., Michelle Kuzniar [[email protected]], 8 May 2009 .
- Obituary, Donald L. Philbrook.
- David Beatham <[email protected]>, Email: 13 Dec 2005.
- Census Image, 1920 Chester, ME - age 16.
- Cemetry transcriptions, On the Internet.
- Calculated from census., Age 12 in 1930.
- Donna Philbrook McGee <[email protected]>, Email: 6 Oct 2007.
- Social Security Death Index, This source says 1925.
- Obituary, Raymond R. Philbrook.
-, Jones/Philbrook Family Tree.
- Obituary, Charles O. Russell.
- Calculated from census., Age 2 4/12 in 1920.
- Obituary, Geraldine M. (Philbrook) Holmeen.
- Obituary, Ryan A. Fox.
- Obituary, Carroll E. Bouchey.
- Janelle Mosey <[email protected]>, Email: 19 Mar 2009.
- Email: Gordon Curtis Philbrook, 24 May 2009.
- Mark Stephen Philbrook <[email protected]>, PPRG Cousins Directory Request 21 Sep 2003.
- Lila E. Philbrook [[email protected]], Email: 7 Aug 2006.
- Lila E. Philbrook, Email: 30 July 2009 - This is based on the obit of Janet's son Scott which said that his mother predeceased him.
- Census Image, Age 15 in 1930.
- Obituary, Arthur R. Keezer.
- Census Image, Age 11 on census taken 6 Apr 1930.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 75 in 1994.
- Census Image, Age 10 in 1930.
- Census Image, Age 8 in 1930.
- Census Image, Age 6 on census of 6 Apr 1930.
- Obituary, Harold Keezer, Bangor Daily News, 5 Dec 2001.
- Census Image, Age 2 in 1930.
- Lois Shope, Email: 22 Oct 2004 [Bar Harbor Town Records].
- Western States Marriage Record Index, Volume 2, Page 253.
- Western States Marriage Record Index, Volume 3, Page 210.
- World War I Civilian Draft Registration. Madison County, Idaho.
- Idaho Death Records, Record #002725.
- Western States Marriage Record Index, Volume 3, Page 312.
- Western States Marriage Record Index, Volume 1, Page 263.
- Debra Duryee <[email protected]>, Cousins Directory Request: 28 Dec 2004.
- Edwin R. Philbrook <[email protected]>, Email: 18 Nov 2002.
- Edwin R. Philbrook <[email protected]>, Email: 17 Nov 2002.
- Obituary, Ivan Austin Philbrook.
- Obituary, Grace W. Philbrook - 25 Sep 2003.
- Obituary, Margery Philbrook.
- Obituary, Catherine G. Craven.
- Obituary, Bernis Philbrick.
- Obituary, Clara Lillian Philbrick.
- Obituary, Fenton A. "Bud" Philbrick Jr.
- Obituary, Louise Pauline Philbrick.
- Obituary, Frances M. Philbrick.
- Obituary, Edna Irene Philbrick.
- Obituary, Doris Barnes.
- Bruce Wayne Philbrick <[email protected]>, 23 Jul 1999 and 18 Nov 2009.
- Bruce Wayne Philbrick, 23 Jul 1999.
- David Pierce, PPRG Directory Request: 17 Jan 2010.
- Nicholas Aaron Philbrook <[email protected]>, Email: 27 Nov 2005.
- Obituary, Vaughan Philbrook.
- Obituary, [Florence P. Young].
- [email protected], Message posted 2 Dec 2002.
- Obituary, Mary F. Mills Philbrook.
- Obituary, Mary F. Mills Philbrook.
- Obituary, Frances V. Philbrook.
- Mark Philbrook <[email protected]>, Email: 19 Nov 2004.
- Obituary, Warren E. Philbrook.
- Obituary, Chadbourne W. Philbrook.
- Obituary, Ruth M. Chandler Philbrook.
-, Mass. Death Index.
- Susan Philbrook <susanthebear@hotmail>.
- Obituary, Lyford B. Philbrook.
- Melissa Ann Philbrook [[email protected]], PPFA Application: 11 Feb 2006.
- Andrew Pepperell Fernald IV [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 15 Oct 2010.
- Robert W. Philbrook (Palm Springs, CA).
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Ivan born14 jun 1897.
-, Vermont Marriage Records.
-, SSDI; Maine Death Records.
- Ann Chapdelaine [[email protected]], Email: 15 Oct 2008.
- Ann Chapdelaine, Email: 15 Oct 2008. Fram marriage certificate.
- Ray Banks, WWI Civilian Draft Registrations, Roll 1674436.
- Obituary, Rita R. (Anastasi) Philbrook.
- Ken Norton <[email protected]>, Cousins Directory Request - 14 Jan 2003.
- Obituary, Elmer L. "Buster" Philbrook.
- Social Security Administration, Social Security Death Index, Number 007-03-0655, issued Maine before 1951. Source Information: Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: Social Security Administration. Social Security Death Index, Master File. Social Security Administration. .
- Obituary, Alva Edison Philbrook Jr.
- National Cemetery Administration. U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data: National Cemetery Administration. Nationwide Gravesite Locator.
- Cathy Ann Philbrook [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 8 Oct 2007.
- Obituary, Alfred W. Waterman Sr.
- Kelly (Philbrook) Thielman <[email protected]>, Email: 22 Sep 2010.
- Obituary, Charlotte J. Philbrook.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Email: 16 Dec 2007.
- Robert Fernald Jr. <[email protected]>, Email: 28 Apr 2002.
- Obituary, Richard Philbrook.
- Census Image, 1930 Mecca, OH.
- Census Image, 1930 census says they were married when he was 21 and she was 19.
- Census Image, 1920 Mecca, OH.
- Ancestry Family Tree, Miller Family Tree
-, Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit, Columbus, OH, USA.
- Obituary, Warren R. Philbrook.
- Erin Kathryn Zahradnik [[email protected]], PPRG Members Directory Request: 2 May 2007.
- Census Image, 1930 Iowa.
- Erin Kathryn Zahradnik, Email: 5 May 2007.
- Obituary, Robert Duane Philbrook.
- Photo of tombstone. James E.
July 23, 1902 Jan 9, 1976.
- Version 1.23.
- Local newspaper/reporter, Zerox copy of a newspaper obiturary. Bridgeport News-Blade, Bridgeport, Nebr 69336, Thursday, June 9, 1988, Page Ten.
- Local newspaper/reporter, Zerox copy of a newspaper obiturary. Bridgeport News-Blade, Bridgeport, Nebraska 69336 Thursday June 9, 1988, page ten.
- Photo of tombstone. Claresa Bell
May 12, 1908 June 5, 1988.
- Version 1.23. Version 1.23 "birth date 12 May 1908 Death Date 5 Jun 1988 Death Residence Locality, Bridgeport, Morrill, Nebraska.".
- Local newspaper/reporter, Zerox copy of a newspaper obiturary. Bridgeport News-Blade, Bridgeport, Nebr 69336 Thursday, June 9, 1988 Page Ten.
- Photo of tombstone. Cecelia Anna Hedglin May 20, 1928 tombstone in Oregon Trail Memorial Cemetery in Bridgeport, Nebraska.
- Birth Date 5 Oct 1906 Death Date, Oct 1985, death residence locality Ransom, LaSalle, Illinois.
- Version 1.23. "Birth Date 5 Oct 1906, Death Date Oct 1985, death residence locality, Ransom, LaSalle, Illinois".
- Birth Date 5 Oct 1906 Death Date, Oct 1985, death residence locality Ransom, LaSalle, Illinois. Social Security Death Index, 1995 Edition, Version 1.23 "Birth date 15 Jul 1908".
- Birth Date 5 Oct 1906 Death Date, Oct 1985, death residence locality Ransom, LaSalle, Illinois. Social Security Death Index, 1995 Edition, Version 1.23 "Death Date Apr 1983, Death residence Locality, Scottsbluff, Scottsbluff, Nebraska.".
- Letter, Bill Hedglin, 8 May 1997. "Mothers name was misspelled. It is Aspden not Aspen.".
- Birth Date 5 Oct 1906 Death Date, Oct 1985, death residence locality Ransom, LaSalle, Illinois. 1995 Edition, Version 1.23 Birth date 18 Aug 1922, Death date Feb 1972.
- Birth Date 5 Oct 1906 Death Date, Oct 1985, death residence locality Ransom, LaSalle, Illinois. 1995 Edition Version 1.23 Birth Date 18 Aug 1922, Death date Feb 1972.
- Obituary, Laura E. Holderman.
- Obituary, Duane Philbrook.
- Obituary, Waldon Emerson Philbrook.
-, California Divorce Index.
-, Public Records.
- Angie Marie Jacobus Richardson [[email protected]], Email: 6 Oct 2008.
- Kambra L. Philbrook Gallagher, Email: 22 Feb 2006.
- Evelyn Morgan <[email protected]>, Email: 16 Mar 2002 [info from a history book].
- Obituary, Patsy Pat Philbrook.
- Evelyn Morgan <[email protected]>. Email: 10 Nov 2002 - Genealogy Report (Source: Interview with Max Townsend, Daughter Toni spoke with Max in 9/98 and received the details of his WWII service as listed here.).
- Obituary, Katharine Snow Philbrook.
- Maine State Archives, Age 77 at death; also age 14 on 1930 census.
- Census Image, Age 3 yrs 7 mo on 6 Jan 1920.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 86 in 2000.
- Obituary, Eugene Arthur Philbrook.
- Haverhill, MA VR.
- Hodgdon, ME Birth records.
- Newburyport, MA VR.
- Mary Anne Hugunin Musgrave [[email protected]], Email: 29 Jun 2004.
- Janice Marston Jassmond [[email protected]], Email: 19 May 2006.
- Webster County Vital Records.
- Newspaper, Fort Dodge Iowa, Sep 17, 1938Obituary (Fort Dodge Messenger).
- From Bible of Anna Mae Cloud.
- From conversation with Cecil Knowles of Sandpoint, ID.
- Newspaper, Fort Dodge Iowa, Feb 20, 1978Obituary (Fort Dodge Messenger).
- Census Image, She and brother Wallace were both 10 on the 1920 census so it is assumed they were twins.
- Dianne Dobson [[email protected]], Email: 22 Nov 2009.
- Obituary, Donald M. Sturtevant.
- Calculated from census., Age 3 in 1930.
- Census Image, Age 7 in 1930.
- Census Image, Age 8 months on 1930 census.
- Obituary, Carolyn Ellen Sack (Sturtavant).
- Obituary, Lloyd Burgess Jr.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Report: 14 Jan 2009. He cited Carroll's obit.
- Michael Dale Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email to the PPFA - 31 Dec 2004.
- Obituary, Clara Philbrick.
- Carl F. Philbrick, Email: 17 Mail 2007.
- Obituary, Peter B. Philbrick 1964-2002.
- Obituary, Barbara Ann (McGowan) Philbrick.
- Obituary, Clyde H. Philbrick.
- Obituary, Ruth L. Philbrick.
- Obituary, Barbara A. Bouchard.
- Obituary, Grace (Searl) Harrington.
- Dorrie Simon <[email protected]>, Email: 2 Nov 2005.
- OBIT: Sioux City Journal, Jun 1, 1966, pg B5.
- OBIT: Sioux City Journal, Jun 1, 1966, pg B5, page B5.
- Don Freeman <[email protected]>, He cited her obit.
- Don Freeman <[email protected]>, Email: 30 Mar 2005.
- Census Image, 1920 Chicago, IL.
- Death certificate. Informant: Chris Nelson, husband.
- Gloria Nelson Ralph's memory.
- Death certificate. Informant: hospital records.
- Certification of Birth, No. 21-99-29.
- Death Certificate, Informant: Phyllis Murchey, daughter.
- , Chicago, Cook Co., IL.
-, Cook County, IL Birth Certificate Index.
-, Illinois Death Index, 1916-1947.
-, U. S. Veterans Gravesites.
- Gloria Granados, Letter of 10 April 2003.
-, US Veteran's Gravesites.
- John F. Baker <[email protected]>, Email: 7 jun 2008.
- Calculated from census., Age 11 in 1920.
- Calculated from census., Age 4 in 1920.
-, Iowa Births.
- Janet DeLancey <[email protected]>, Email: 20 Dec 2000.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Report: 4 Dec 2007.
- Obituary, Bessie R. (Philbrick) Pederson Heald.
- Nancy Jane Philbrick [[email protected]], Facebook Page.
- Nancy Jane Philbrick [[email protected]], Email: 11 Oct 2006.
- Obituary, Lowell E. Philbrick.
- Email: Lynne Woodward <[email protected]>, Email of 5 Jan 2000.
- James Alan McGinnis <[email protected]>, Email: 18 July 2012.
- Delema Grandchamp.
- Delema Grandchamp Smith Mayhew told this to me.
- Shirley Pierce.
- Frank Joseph Hammond letter dated 7/12/98.
- His marriage record.
- Susan Ottley Palmer <[email protected]>, Email: 23 Oct 2011.
- Obituary, Ronald G. Philbrook Sr.
- Obituary, Edgar Bruce Beede.
- Leslie Sharon Beede Quist, Email: 14 Feb 2006.
- Obituary, Rosaline Lee Beede.
- Obituary, Jane P. Kofler.
- Obituary, Dr. Allen Kellogg Philbrick.
- Jeffrey Allen Philbrick, PPRG Member Directory Request - 9 Oct 2005.
- Obituary, Richard S. Philbrick.
- Peter A. Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 31 Jan 2005.
- Obituary, Larry D. Philbrick.
- Linda Philbrick Campbell <[email protected]>, Email Report: 8 Feb 2006.
- Linda Philbrick Campbell <[email protected]>, Email report: 5 Feb 2006.
- Linda Philbrick Campbell <[email protected]>, Email: 1 Feb 2006.
- Ashley Randolph Scott [[email protected]], Email Update: 10 March 2012.
- Obituary, Charlotte Bertha Folsom Mathers.
- Obituary, Elwood G. Raymond.
- Obituary, Helen Adena Barbara Hotchkiss.
- Obituary, Douglas Simning.
- Obituary, Marjorie Eileen Froehler.
- Obituary, Harold Lothert.
- Obituary, Bob Easton.
- Obituary, Alfred L. Winslow.
- Obituary, Bobby Carmody.
- Obituary, John Monroe Carmody.
- Website,
- Obituary, Lola Lois McQueen.
- Obituary, James E. Burch.
- Obituary, Norma L. Dean.
- Obituary, Kendall B. Baker.
- Obituary, Margaret E. Shorey.
- Obituary, Jennie Carey.
- Obituary, Hulda Ruth Franklin.
- Obituary, Olga "Viki" Cohan.
- Obituary, Donald R. Williams.
- Obituary, Walter A. Killius.
- Obituary, Cecelia Clair.
- Obituary, Bertha Shimko Schaefer.
- Obituary, Allan Schaefer.
- Obituary, Lynn Emery Orndorff.
- Obituary, Linda Thompson Orndorff.
- Obituary, William L. Kent.
- Obituary, Ruth Ann Axton.
- Obituary, Gertrude J. Axton.
- Obituary, Alfred James Lammay Jr.
- Obituary, Esther Mae Button Trexel and Richard J. Trexel.
- Obituary, Roy W. Cuthbert Sr.
- Obituary, Edgar E. Brackett.
- Obituary, Reynold O. Ross.
- Obituary, Beverly A. Carlton.
- Obituary, Robert H. Huntoon.
- Obituary, Hilda O. Talbot.
- Obituary, Corinne B. Wallett.
- Obituary, Lawrence W. Gilman.
- Obituary, William B. Wallett.
- Obituary, Ernestine May (Gilman) Milardo.
- Obituary, Stephanie Marie Dario.
- Obituary, Orland W. Philbrick Jr.
- Obituary, Audrey T. Rabe.
- Obituary, Donald D. Miller Sr.
- Lola Mae Philbrick [[email protected]], PPRG Member Request - 30 Aug 2006.
- Sue Philbrick Hand <[email protected]>, Email: 27 May 2006.
- Obituary, Mary J. Philbrick.
- Obituary, Christy Grisanti.
- Obituary, Virginia M. Grisanti Philbrick - 9 Jan 2002.
- Death Notice,
- Judy Gilson [[email protected]], Email: 9 Dec 2008.
- Obituary, Douglas O. Philbrick Sr. Date and newspaper unknown.
- Social Security Death Index, Source Citation: Number: 115-20-4213;Issue State: New York;Issue Date: Before 1951. Source Information: Social Security Death Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2008. Original data: Social Security Administration. Social Security Death Index, Master File. Social Security Administration. .
- and Ohio Department of Health. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006. Original data:
Ohio. Division of Vital Statistics. Death Certificates and index, December 20, 1908-December 31, 1953. State Archives Series 3094. Ohio Historical Society, Ohio. Ohio Department of Health. Index to Annual Deaths, 1958-2002. Ohio Department of Health, State Vital Statistics Unit, Columbus, OH, USA., Source Citation: Certificate: 018419; Volume: 32767. Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002 Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2002 Name: Robert A Gilson Birth Date: 13 Mar 1924 Birth State: New York Birth Country: United States Gender: Male Race: White Hispanic Origin: Not Hispanic (Latino) Residence City: Cleveland Residence County: Cuyahoga Residence State: Ohio Residence Zip Code: 44103 Residence Country: United States Death Date: 25 Feb 2001 Death Time: 1:15 AM City of Death: Warrensville Heights County of Death: Cuyahoga Certificate: 018419 Age at Death: 76 Registrar's Certificate Number: W00732 Certifier: Physician Referred to Coroner: No Autopsy: No Method of Disposition: Cremation Filing Date: 26 Feb 2001 Hospital Status: Hospital/Inpatient Injury in Ohio: Yes Type Place of Injury: Unspecified Place Social Security Number: 115-20-4213 Marital Status: Widowed Education: 12 Armed Forces Indicator: Yes Branch of Service: Navy Industry of Decedent: Trucking service Occupation of Decedent: Truck drivers Primary Registration District: 1835 .
- Obituary, Mary A. Lounsbury.
- Sue Philbrick Hand <[email protected]>, Email: 8 July 2006.
- Sue Philbrick Hand <[email protected]>, Email: 28 May 2006.
- Obituary, Orland W. "Bill" Philbrick Jr.
- Obituary, Charles E. Philbrick.
- Sue Philbrick Hand <[email protected]>, Email: 9 Jul 2006.
- Sue Philbrick Hand <[email protected]>, Email 8 Jul 2006.
- Obituary, Paul B. Dixson.
- Shannon Helms, Frewsburg, NY, Email via Liz McIntyre: 1 Jul 2008.
- Obituary, Donald J. Westling Sr.
- Obituary, Donald Westling Sr.
- Obituary, Ira H. "Red" Philbrick.
- David Rust <[email protected]>, 1 Dec 2001 [1900 census].
- Cindy Holden <[email protected]>.
- Obituary, Harrison C. Philbrick.
- Deborah J. Lee, Email: 8 Sep 2008.
- GEDCOM file imported on 21 Aug 1999 from Charlotte Kibbie <[email protected]>. !Source:Hugh Alexander Wilson MacNair (20 April 1997) personal record s.
- Sarah Hodgson Hall <[email protected]>, Email: 12 Nov 2004.
- Jean Percival Willis <[email protected]>. PPFA Membership Application.
- Jean Percival Willis <[email protected]>. PPFA Application.
- Nancy Ann Garland Dickey <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request - 5 Jun 2012.
- Internet,
- Micah B. Philbrook <[email protected]>, PPFA Member Request: 30 Oct 2004.
- Lawrence Philbrick <[email protected]>, PPFA application, 8 Oct 2005.
- Social Security Death Index, Number: 003-52-7205;Issue State: New Hampshire;Issue Date: 1973.
- Obituary, Kayla Jade Philbrook.
- Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 1, Ed. 7, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Jun 23, 2000, Internal Ref. #
- Dorothy Muirhead, Email: 21 April 2012.
- Paul M. Noyes <[email protected]>, 9 Apr 1997.
- Teresa Turner Pinter <[email protected]>, Email: 30 Dec 2002.
- Don Turner <[email protected]>, Email: 5 Jan 2003.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg. 292.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg.302.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg.307.
- Obituary, Dorothy Berry.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg.322.
- Christian Dale Fox <[email protected]>, Email: 12 Apr 2001.
- Gabriel Jimenez-Beede <[email protected]>, Email: 19 Sep 2000.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg. 249.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg. 253.
-, Dawson Family Tree.
-, Ohio Marriage Index.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg. 263.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg. 267.
- Email: Lexie J. Foster <[email protected]>, 5 Aug 1999.
- Jan Delfs <[email protected]>, Email: 19 Aug 2007.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg. 268.
- Email: Lexie J. Foster <[email protected]>, 9 Aug 1999.
- Email: Lexie J. Foster <[email protected]>.
- Email: Lexie J. Foster <[email protected]>, 5 Aug & 9 Aug 1999.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg. 269.
- OBIT: Salem Statesman Journal 3 Feb 1998.
- Bruce Osgood Ferland [[email protected]], Email: 13 May 2006.
- Obituary, Sondra D. Beede.
- Ancestry Family Tree, WWII Enlistment Records.
- Ancestry Family Tree, New Hampshire Marriage Records.
-, WWII Enlistment Records.
-, Obituary Collection.
- Obituary, Frank Leslie Philbrick.
- GEDCOM file from Ronald K. PHILBRICK, imported on 1 Apr 2001.
- Marilyn Philbrick, Email: 30 Apr 2010.
- Ronald K. Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 9 Mar 2001.
- Mary Ekman <[email protected]>, Email Update: 2 August 2012.
- Mary Ekman <[email protected]>, Email.
- Martha Mitchell, Encyclopedia Brunoniana (Providence, Rhode Island: Brown University Library, 1993),
- Philbrick, Charles, "Nobody Laughs, Nobody Cries" (London: The Smith, by arrangement with Horizon Press, 1976), Inside book cover.
- Website,
- Kathy Stoker Bloomquist <[email protected]>, PPRG Cousins Directory Request: 21 Nov 2003.
- US Census Bureau, 1920 Census Records for Cody Village, Cherry County, Nebraska (Enumeration District #58).
- Lori Nelson, Email: 31 Jul 2005.
- Obituary, Thelma Marion Greene.
- Frank L. Rose <[email protected]>, Email Report: 2 May 2009.
- Sherry Dianne Philbrick <[email protected]>, PPRG Member Request: 21 Feb 2008.
- Calculated from age at death., Age 68.
- Obituary, Penelope Philbrick Feuillan.
- Obituary, Jacques Cartier Feuillan.
- John Winthrop Philbrick Jr. <[email protected]>, Email: 13 Oct 2005.
- Katherine "Katie" Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 17 Oct 2005.
- John Whitney Philbrick, Email Report: 12 Jan 2007.
- Susan Pennington Yeager, Email: 5 Jun 2008.
- Marcia Horspool, Email: 16 Feb 2007.
- Social Security Death Index, This source says 8 April.
- William "Bill" Philbrick, Email: 20 Jan 2006.
- William "Bill" Philbrick, Email: 16 Jan 2006.
- William "Bill" Philbrick, Email: 30 Dec 2010.
- Patricia Anne Wetjen Reeves, Email: 11 Aug 2003.
- Ronald Lee Philbrick, Email: 18 Oct 2004 & 18 Aug 2009.
- Ronald Lee Philbrick, Email: 18 Aug 2009.
- Judy Bishop [[email protected]], Email: 12 Sep 2009. Judy is the mother of Alice Bishop Clark, who married Michael Briton Clark.
- Obituary, Portsmouth Herald - Walter B. Philbrick.
- Channing Philbrick <[email protected]>, Email: 9 Dec 2004.
- Obituary, Richard Philbrick.
- Based on birth date of oldest known child., Benny was born in 1951.
- Obituary, Benny E. Philbrick.
- Obituary, William (Pete) Philbrick.
- John Philbrook, Email 12 Apr 2008.
- National Archives, Military Records. National Archives and Records Administration. U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005. Original data: Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, 1938-1946 [Archival Database]; World War II Army Enlistment Records; Records of the National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 64; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.
-, Census Record; SSDI; Maine Birth Records.
- Carol Philbrook Richwine, Email: 17 Oct 2005. She cited MA Death Index Records.
- Carol Philbrook Richwine, Email: 17 Oct 2005. She cited MA Death Index Record.
- Carol Philbrook Richwine, Email: 17 Oct 2005.
- Rita Christine Fortier, PPRG Directory Request: 6 Jan 2010.
- Obituary, Alan A. Philbrook.
- Kempton Philbrook, Email: 11 Dec 2007.
- Darrell Philbrook [[email protected]], PPRG Members Directory Request: 11 Dec 2007.
- Kempton Philbrook, Email: 6 Jan 2010.
- Michelle Lynn PHILBROOK Benton [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 29 Mar 2010.
- Mari-An Gray Feather <[email protected]>, PPFA Application - 25 Aug 2005.
- Chaffee Co., Colorado cemetery records.
- Western States Marriage Record Index.
- Western States Marriage Record Index, Volume 4, Page 485.
- Obituary - George Robert Riggs (The Spectrum, St. George, Utah). MESQUITE -- George Robert Riggs, age 80, died peacefully on Friday, May 9, 2003 at his home in Mesquite. He was born January 22, 1923 in Teton City, Idaho to Albert Smith and Iris Nancy Simpson Riggs. He was raised in Idaho. He served his country with the U.S. Air Force during World War II. He married Carol Davenport on November 5, 1947 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
George continued to serve in the Air Force for many years, and he and Carol were privileged to live in a variety of places throughout the world. He worked for a number of years for Timet Corp. in Henderson, Nevada. George and Carol had lived in several towns in southern Utah, including Parowan, Toquerville and Hurricane. They moved to Mesquite nine years ago. George was a talented carpenter and handyman. He enjoyed metal detecting and being in the outdoors. He was a member of the L.D.S. Church and the V.F.W. He will be remembered as a devoted husband, father, grandfather, brother and friend. He will be missed very much. Survivors include his wife, Carol, of Mesquite; two daughters, Sherida (Jerry) Childers of Sylvania, Alabama and Susan Veach of Las Vegas, Nevada; one son, Timmy Riggs of Las Vegas; one grandson, Sean of Las Vegas; three sisters, LaPreal (Ernest) Carlson of Idaho Falls, Idaho, Donna York of Boise, Idaho and Mary Christiansen of Meridian, Idaho; one brother, Jack (Joyce) Riggs of Menan, Idaho. He was preceded in death by two sons, Tommy and Terry Riggs. Graveside services with military honors will be held at the Mesquite City Cemetery at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 13, 2003 under the direction of Virgin Valley Mortuary.
- Obituary, Mary Ann (Valenty) Philbrook.
- Obituary, Lavonne Marie Graham.
- Obituary, Louise J. Philbrook.
- Obituary, Ivan A. Philbrook II.
- David E. Cummins <[email protected]>
4936 Windflower Cr Sarasota, FL 34241-6260, 24 May 2009.
- Obituary, Joyce Pinkham.
- Alfred G. Philbrick, Genealogy Report: 7 Dec 2005.
- Timothy John Philbrook [[email protected]], PPRG Directory Request: 18 Mar 2007.
- Timothy John Philbrook, Email 18 Mar 2007.
- Obituary, J. C. "Jack" Elsman.
- Obituary, Ernest H. Warren.
- Obituary, James R. Philbrook.
- Daniel Ralph Gilmore [[email protected]], PPRG Member Directory Request: 26 Sep 2006.
- Obituary, Willard E. Philbrook Jr.
- Marion Whitney Martin, Email: 18 Feb 2007.
- Marion Whitney Martin, Report: 1 Mar 2007.
- Massachusetts Death Index 1970-2003 Record. This source lists her birth date as 19 Feb 1906.
- Ann Chapdelaine, Email 15 Oct 2008.
- Based on census records, Age 11 on 1920 census.
- Obituary, Ronald R. Philbrook.
- Obituary, Berlin Philbrook Jr.
- Obituary, Dorothy Roche Philbrook.
- Obituary, Charles E. Philbrook.
- Roger Clayton Philbrook, PPRG Directory Request: 20 Mar 2008.
- Jeff Philbrook [[email protected]], Email: 17 Dec 2007.
- Nancy Baldwin Lesh [[email protected]], Email Report: 13 Dec 2005.
- Erin Kathryn Zahradnik, Email: 3 May 2007.
- Evelyn Morgan <[email protected]>, Email: 18 Mar 2002.
- Haverhill, MA Birth records.
- Londonderry, NH Death records.
- Hollis Center, ME Marriage records.
- Groveland, Essex, MA Birth records.
- Mary Anne Hugunin Musgrave, Email: 30 Jun 2004.
- From a phone conversation April 25, 2003 with Colleen Moore Prelip.
- Gene Philbrick <[email protected]>, Cousins Directory Request, 10 Sep 2001.
- World Family Tree @, v104t2496.
- Dorrie Simon, Email: 2 Nov 2005. Info from Charles Steck, a Wedding researcher.
- Obituary, Dwight William Philbrick.
- A letter from Dwayne Philbrick on May 20, 1996.
- Obituary, Biglins Mortuary Online
- , Email: 22 Dec 2010.
- Fred Ralph's letters of July 13 and July 30, 1990.
- Death certificate. Informant: Judy Evans, his daughter.
- John F. Baker <[email protected]>, Email: 9 Jun 2008.
- John F. Baker <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request: 6 Jun 2008.
- John F. Baker <[email protected]>, Email: June 2008.
- Interview with individual.
- Cheryl Pierce Clarkin.
- Letter from Theresa Fitzgerald, 8/8/1997.
-, Philbrick Family Tree.
- Obituary, Sandra Maurice Philbrick.
- Obituary, Sandra Maurice Philbrick - Found at the Conway Public Library.
- Jeanette Wilson, Email: 1 Aug 2006.
- Obituary, Francis Froehler.
- Obituary, Caroline (Lichtenbarger) Boyes.
- Obituary, O. Lloyd Friton.
- Obituary, LeRoy H. Sunblad.
- Obituary, Vern Simning.
- Obituary, Lyle Pattison.
- Obituary, Dianne Pikop Aske.
- Obituary, Jerry T. Allshouse.
- Cathy Ann Philbrick Porter <[email protected]>, PPRG Cousins Directory.
- Obituary, Terri Lea Grisanti Smith.
- Carmel Lynn Presse <[email protected]>, PPRG Directory Request: 17 Jul 2010.
- Leroy Philbrook <[email protected]>, Email: 20 Apr 2002.
- Teresa Turner Pinter <[email protected]>, PPFA Application - 28 Dec 2002.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg.305.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg.323.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg.325.
- Obituary, Estella Mae (Wilson) Beede.
- Marilyn Muerth <[email protected] >, Email: 15 Jan 2008.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg. 248.
- Marilyn Muerth, Email: 27 Nov 2005.
- Marilyn Muerth, Email: 18 Jan 2008.
- Website,
- Sylvia Jimenez Beede [[email protected]], Email: 30 Jan 2008.
- Sylvia Jimenez Beede, Email: 31 Jan 2008.
- Sylvia Jimenez Beede, Email: 16 Jan 2008.
- Sylvia Jimenez Beede, Email: 21 Jan 2008.
- Marilyn Philbrick, Email: 16 Jan 2006.
- Website,
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,
- Harry L. Philbrick [[email protected]], Email: 21 Jan 2008.
- Website,
- John Whitney Philbrick, Email Report: 12 Jan 2007. Email from Wendy Philbrick to John Philbrick - 25 Dec 2006.
- Michael Merel Philbrick [[email protected]], PPRG Member Directory Request: 1 Sep 2008.
- Patricia Anne Wetjen Reeves, Cousins Directory Request - 4 Sep 2003.
- Kristylynn Turnbull <[email protected]>, Email: 5 Feb 2009.
- Obituary, Jesse Glenn Philbrook.
- Website,
- Stan Weir <[email protected]>, Email: 19 Jul 2000.
- Obituary, Kimberly Anne Jackson Philbrick.
- Justin Paul Philbrook [[email protected]], Email: 27 Jul 2006.
- Don Freeman <[email protected]>, Email: 9 Dec 2000.
- Don Freeman <[email protected]>, Email: 8 Dec 2002.
- Don Freeman <[email protected]>, Email: 1 Aug 2011.
- Verbally from Judy & Ed Evans.
- Harry A. Thomas <[email protected]>.
- Sandra Taylor Gray <[email protected]>, Email: 24 Feb 2000.
- Chris Bjerke <[email protected]>, Email: 3 Mar 2000.
- Liz Baker <[email protected]>, Email: 13 Jul 2008.
- Jeffrey Allen Philbrick, Email: 1 Jan 2009.
- Jeffrey Allen Philbrick, Email: 1 Jan 2011.
- Sarilyn Steiner <[email protected]>, Email: 18 Nov 2005.
- GEDCOM file submitted by Maura Dey, [email protected]. Created on 9 MAR 2009. Imported on 9 Mar 2009.
- Don Manning <[email protected]>, Email: 7 Jul 2002.
- Dorothy BEEDE Berry (compiler), "The BEEDE Family: a collection.
The First Eli Beede and some descendants of his six children.", pg.324.
- Kim Beede Palmer [[email protected]], Email: 30 May 2007.
- Rafael H. Jimenez Beede <[email protected]>, Email: 11 Nov 2000.
- Sylvia Jimenez Beede, Email: 29 Jan 2008.
- Gabriel Jimenez-Beede <[email protected]>, Email: 28 May 2004.
- Email: Lexie J. Foster <[email protected]>, 11 Aug 1999.
- Daren M. Beede <[email protected]>, Email: 2 Jan 2006.
- Mary Ekman <[email protected]>, Email Update: 5 August 2012.
- Kempton Philbrook, Email: 5 Jan 2010.
- Email: Jerry Osborne <[email protected]>, 19 Oct 1999.
- Carol Liewer Slaymaker <[email protected]>, PPRG Member Directory Request: 1 Feb 2009.
- Email: Troy Johnson <[email protected]>, 2 Sep 1998.
- FamilyTreeMaker Online,
- John F. Baker <[email protected]>, Email: 8 jun 2008.
- John F. Baker <[email protected]>, Email: 31 May 2012.
- Lana Baker Coker <[email protected]>, Email: June 2008.
- Lana Baker Coker, Email: 7 Jun 2008.
- Jacqueline F. <mailto:[email protected]>, Email: 22 Mar 2006.
- Sarilyn Steiner, Email: 15 Sep 2007.
- Sarilyn Steiner, Email: 17 Feb 2009.
- Cindy Holden <[email protected]>, Email: 17 Mar 2008.