Eleventh Generation13222. Evelyn Roselia BIRMINGHAM2052 was born on 13 January 1913 in Houston, Harris, Texas.2052 She died on 11 May 1998 at the age of 85 in Houston, Harris, Texas.2052 She was buried in Houston, Harris, Texas.2052 Evelyn Roselia BIRMINGHAM and Calvin Lawrence ADAIR were married on 26 July 1927 in Houston, Harris, Texas.2052 Calvin Lawrence ADAIR2052 was born on 7 August 1903 in Houston, Harris, Texas.2052,3297 He died on 9 July 1993 at the age of 89 in Houston, Harris, Texas.2052,3298 He was buried at Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery in Houston, Harris, Texas.2052 Evelyn Roselia BIRMINGHAM-52103 and Calvin Lawrence ADAIR-52140 had the following children:
Evelyn Roselia BIRMINGHAM-52103 and Jimmy STEVENS-52139 had the following children:
Kent ROTON (private).2052 |