1800 Federal Census
Beaufort County, NC
In the United States, a general census has been taken every tenth year, beginning the 1790. This 1800 Census was reported by Head of Family and is broken down in the following manner:
* Head of Household
* Free white males under 10 years of age
* Free white males of 10 and under 16
* Free white males of 16 and under 26, including heads of families
* Free white males of 26 and under 45, including heads of families
* Free white males of 45 and upwards, including heads of families
* Free white females under 10 years of age
* Free white females of 10 and under 16
* Free white females of 16 and under 26, including heads of families
* Free white females of 26 and under 45, including heads of families
* Free white females of 45 and upwards, including heads of families
* All other free persons except Indians not taxed
* Slaves
Every attempt has been made to enter this data as exactly as recorded by the census taker. Even obvious spelling errors are not corrected. For purposes of readability, zeros have been substituted for blanks in numeric columns. There were a few cases where it was difficult to decipher a name. As a result, there may be some mistakes. Most questionable names are flagged with a "?". There was some difficulty distinguishing between "e" and "i", and between "o" and "a ". If you find a discrepency between the original document and this data, please let me know so this data can be corrected.
Go to Page:
. Part 1 | . Pages 1 - 4 |
. Part 2 | . Pages 5 - 8 |
. Part 3 | . Pages 9 - 12 |
. Part 4 | . Pages 13 - 16. |
. Part 5 | . Pages 17 - 20 |
. Part 6 | . Pages 21 - 24 |
A Ackling - 1 |
B Ball - 2 |
C Caila - 6, 24 |
D Daniel - 6, 7 |
E Easter -
7 |
F Farris - 8 |
G Gallaway - 8 |
H Hagen - 9 |
I . |
J Jackson - 11
James - 10 |
K Keais - 23 |
L Lacy - 12 |
M Macky - 14 |
N Neale - 23 |
O Oden - 15 |
P Palmer - 16 |
Q . |
R Raney - 23 |
S Salter
- 18 |
T Tankard - 19 |
V Vail - 19 |
W Waide - 23 |
X-Y-Z Xavia - 23 |
Source: Microfilm M32; Roll #30, pp. 1-24 (National Archives, Washington, DC)
Transcribed and Prepared by John McGowan
Copyright 2004
Beaufort Census Project, All Rights Reserved
This document may be freely redistributed in its entirety without modification provided that this copyright notice is not removed. It may not be sold for profit or incorporated in commercial documents or on other web sites without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.
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