![]() The Gore Family Newsletter Supporting all spellings! Now in our 11th year - 2003 A quarterly publication since 1993 dedicated to the serious Gore researcher. Each issue contains a minimum of one hundred pages, often more, plus a name index. All subscriptions are for the calendar year. All past issues are now available. Please contact the editor/publisher, Jerry Goar for complete information. Email her at: [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name: __________________________________ Street: __________________________________ City __________________ State _______ Zip+4 (required)________-_______ Phone # (in case of questions regarding your order) (________) ____________ Email address: _________________@__________________ Please send me the following, within the Continental United States only: 1993 - 2002 issues _______ [Please email me to check for availability] 2003 subscription @ $25.00 each _____ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Gore Family Newsletter is supported by contributions and we offer the lowest subscription price possible to cover copy and postage costs. Copies are placed in larger library genealogical departments as well as with the LDS Family History Center. Permission has been granted to LDS to microfilm and distribute to Family History Centers worldwide. Our intent is to aid all Gore researchers and as such is a labor of love, not a business endeavour for profit. Due to the large size of the newsletter and the high cost of mailing, we regret that we can only accept subscriptions within the United States of America. However, please feel free to submit your query for any Gore, any spelling, for any country for the queries and researchers pages.
Questions? Information to share? Want me to check our database? Need additional newsletter information? Joyce Gore Locke - P.O. Box 474 - Portales, NM 88130 |