Duncan research files of |
1810-1820 Cambria Co. PA Census No Duncan indexed 1830 Cambria Co. PA Census (semi-alphabetic) Pg.190 Thomas Duncan 2000,1000,01 - 0002,1001 Jackson David Duncan 0001,1 - 0000,1000,1 Joseph Duncan 1000,1 - 2000,1 (next to David) James Duncan 0000,01 - 2000,1 (next to Joseph) 1840 Cambria Co. PA Census Pg. 43 James Duncan 2000,101 - 1110,001 Jackson 44 Thomas Duncan 0000,0000,001 - 0000,1001
1850 Cambria Co. PA Census
Pg.195, #29, James DUNCAN 52 PA miller $7360
Sarah 41 PA
Jane 17, Thomas 13 PA
William 12, Harrison 10 PA
John 8, James C. 6 PA
Sarah E. WILLIAMS 2, James D. 1 PA
Pg.196, #41, Ester DUNCAN (f) 67 PA
Nancy 38 NY idiot
James 20, Thomas 18 PA
Ester A. 11 PA
1860 Cambria Co. PA Census
Blacklick Twp.
Pg.53, #18-19, Thomas DUNCAN 24 PA laborer $0-$40
Esther A. 25 PA
James 25 PA laborer
Pg.59, #64-62, Sarah DUNCAN 50 PA (blank) $6000-$700
Thomas 23 PA farmer
William 21 PA sawyer
John 17 PA farmer
James C. 14 PA
Elizabeth DUNCAN 18 PA servant
Cambria Twp.
Pg.71, #146-145, John R. WILLIAMS 62 Wales farmer $2000-$600
Sarah A. 63 Wales
William S. 22 PA farm laborer
Jane GRIFFITH 14 PA servant
Johnstown Ward 1
Pg.659, #532-532, George DUNCAN 75 PA weigh master $0-$50
Mary 69 PA
Susan 45 PA
(MAD: 1850 Armstrong Co. PA census)
Pg.671, #633-636, Samuel DUNCAN 44 PA rail roller $2000-$150
Grace 35 PA
James 18, George 16 PA
Samuel 14, Washington 11 PA
Nathaniel 9, Jordan (m) 4 PA
Thomas J. 2 PA
Eliza HORY? (HOON?) 20 PA
(MAD: 1850 Armstrong Co. PA census; 1870 Campbell Co. VA census)
1870 Cambria Co. PA Census
Blacklick Twp.
Pg.36, #59-59, DUNCAN, Thos. 34 PA lumberman $5000-$500
Elizabeth 25 PA keeping house
SOLDERS, Caroline 18 PA domestic svt.
Pg.36, #60-60, DUNCAN, William 32 PA lumberman $5000-$500
Emily 28 PA keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Sarah M. 6, William 3 PA at home
DAVIS, Sylvester 19 PA sawyer
DUNCAN, Elizabeth 15 PA domestic servt.
Cambria Twp.
Pg.52, #163-163, WILLIAMS, John J. 73 WALes farmer $2000-$1013, parents of foreign birth
Sarah 73 WALes keeping house, parents of foreign birth
William A. 34 PA farm laborer, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN?, William 17 PA works on farm, parents of foreign birth
TRAVIS, Mary G. 26 PA domestic servt., father of foreign birth
Cambria Co. PA Orphans Court Records (from index cards of Kit Smith 8/1983)
Pg.187-88: 3 April 1844, petition of Alice Bradley, administratrix of the estate of Martha Ann Bradley, late of Allegheny Twp, deceased, by her Attorney in fact, Charles Bradley, duly constituted and appointed by letter dated 2nd April 1844 was presented setting forth that on 2 July 1840 she settled her administration account by which it appeared that there was a balance due her of $211.59-1/2 which account was confirmed by the Court 4 Oct. 1840; that there are no personal assets of the intestate from which the account can be paid; that the said decedent died seized of 83 acres of land in Allegheny Twp, bounded by land of Charles Bradley, on the south by William Bradley and Richard Scanland, on the west by Peter Fleck and on the north by Wm. McAteer; that 28 acres of said land are cleared and thereon erected 2 small cabins and a blacksmith shop being the same land the decedent and your petitioner purchased from the heirs of the late Hon. Thomas Duncan. Your petitioner prays the Court to order sale of the undivided one-half of the 83 acres above mentioned for payment of the balance due your petitioner, with interest accrued thereon. The Court orders and directs the land be exposed to public sale on the premises the 1st Tuesday of May next, due notice to be given. Terms of sale, cash on confirmation.
Armstrong Co. PA Deeds (SLC 9/15/2012)
10-329/330: Letter of attorney. 12 April 1837, Ellen Duncan of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, appoint John Duncan of Shippensburg, twp., county & state afsd, to be my attorney ... tracts of land in Counties of Mifflin, Huntingdon, Cambria, Bedford, Indiana and Armstrong, and make deeds ... /s/ Ellen Duncan. Ack. in Cumberland Co. PA. Recorded April 25, 1837. (FHL film 861,228)
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, George S.; A 54 PA Inf.; 1905 May 19, Invalid Appl. #1335969, Cert. #1113691, Tenn.; remarks C2498229. (MAD: 1890 Hamilton Co. TN, A Co. 62nd PA Inf; George Duncan in 1900 Hamilton Co. TN census, b.1848 PA, ch. b.1882-1888 TN, mother Gracie b.1825 PA, brother Washington b.1856 PA from 1880 Hamilton Co. TN w/Samuel A. & Gracie; Samuel in 1860 Cambria Co. PA, 1870 Campbell Co. VA; George not identified 1870-1880)
"Official history of the Johnstown flood" (Cambria Co. PA) by Frank Connelly; pub. Pittsburg: Journalist Pub. Co., 1889, 273 pgs. (LH11311, HeritageQuest images 6/2007)
Pg.97: In the train was Elvie Duncan, one of the bravest little heroines that ever lived. She was the daughter of John Duncan, a prominent citizen of Johnstown. With her mother and two younger sisters she had fled to the roof of their residence for safety when the flood submerged the lower doors. Here they felt comparatively safe until a heavy telegraph pole struck the roof and severed it, carrying off the little ones into the raging torrent. Without a moment's hesitation Elvie jumped in and by daring swimming managed to rescue her half-drowned sisters. (Summer of 1889)
"History of Indiana County, Penn'a." by Celoron; pub. Newark, Ohio: J.A. Caldwell, 1880, 548 pgs. (LH11364, HeritageQuest images 6/2007; FHL book 974.889 H2h v.1&2 and film 908,661 items 1-2)
Pg.542: WILLIAM DUNCAN was born in Dauphin county, in 1796. He migrated to Indiana county, with his father, William Duncan, 1810 or 1811, and located on the farm now owned by James W. Duncan, in Buffington township. He married Jane Graham in 1817 or 1818. She was a daughter of John and Ann Graham. They settled in Buffington township, where they remained until death took them away. His wife deceased in 1864, and he in June, 1874. His occupation was that of a farmer. They reared a family of six children: Elizabeth, d.; Jno. W.; William, d.; Anna; James W.; Samuel, d.
JOHN W. DUNCAN, a son of William and Jane Duncan, was born in Indiana county, May 9th, 1831, on the farm now owned by James W. Duncan. He married on the 7th of March, 1843, for his first wife, Sarah Weagley, daughter of Samuel and Rebecca Weagley. They settled near Duncan mills, in the edge of Cambria county, Pa. They remained three years, and in 1846, removed to Indiana county, where they are now living, near the same mills. He is the owner of the grist and saw mill, known a the "Red mills," located a few rods from the Indiana county line, in Cambria county, on the old state road. They reared a family of seven children, three sons and four daughters. His wife deceased in 1856. He married March 30, 1858, for his second wife, Miriam Griffith, daughter of Evan and Sarah Griffith. Their children were six sons and three daughters. He owns a farm in Buffington township, and has made farming, lumbering and milling, his occupation.
1891 "Biographical & Historical Cyclopedia of Indiana and Armstrong Cos. PA" by Samuel T. Wiley, pub. by John M. Gresham (Memphis Public Library book 974.889 W676b; from Evelyn Sigler 2/1985)
Pg.190: Wm. Duncan, Blairsville [Indiana Co.] Merchant, son of James and Sarah (Clark) Duncan, b. Cambria Co. PA March 27, 1838. The paternal grandfather, William Duncan, emigrated latter part of 18th century from Scotland to America with two of his brothers, settled in Dauphin Co. Father James Duncan was b. 1800 Dauphin Co., moved to Cambria Co. Sarah (Clark) d. 1889 at age 82.
"The Sterling Genealogy" Vol.2, by Albert Mack Sterling, 1909 (SUTRO book CS71 S838; CA State Library, Sutro Branch)
Joseph Sterling of Derry Township, Penn.
Pg.1170-1: Sarah Jane Graham, b. in Indiana Co., May 11, 1832; m. Joseph J. Duncan, b. Mar. 25, 1830. He enlisted in Co. K, 67th Regt., Penn. Vols., and served three years in the Union army. He has been a farmer and hotel keeper in Westmoreland and Indiana counties. (MAD: see this book for more)
Pg.1172-3: Martha Jane Marshall, b. in Wayne [Delaware Co.], May 19, 1837; m. in 1854 William Duncan, son of William, who d. Nov. 3, 1856; m. 2d, Albert Easley, son of Isaac and Mary Easley of IL; removed to Carroll Co. MO. Children by first marriage:
Samuel Duncan, b. in Cambria Co. PA, m. in MO Dec. 25, 1879, Rhoda A., dau. of Daniel and Mary Harrison; removed to KS. Issue: Bessie, b. Dec. 25, 1880; William, b. Apr. 24, 1882; Jessie, b. Apr. 1884.
Walter Marshall Duncan, b. in Cambria Co., Dec. 31, 1856; m. Mar. 25, 1883, Amy, dau. of Joel and Sarah Bogue; a farmer in MO. Issue: Olive, b. Feb. 4, 1884.
Children by second marriage b.1862 on, surname Easley, not copied.
(MAD: see 1860 Fulton Co. IL census)
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