Duncan research files of |
1800 Carteret Co. NC Census (Stamped pg.74, handwritten pg.209) Pg.209 Thomas Duncan 21010 - 00111 1810 Carteret Co. NC Census Pg.169 Duncan, Thomas 11010 - 21010 Beaufort 1820 Carteret Co. NC Census Pg.134 Duncan, Thomas 011201 - 12101 Beaufort 1830 Carteret Co. NC Census Pg.103 Thomas Duncan 0000,1100,1 - 0000,0001 1840 Carteret Co. NC Census Pg. 78 Thomas Duncan 1000,01 - 1100,1 79 James Duncan 0110,01 - 1210,01 (MAD: James Duncan mar. Betsey Welch 1/11/1823)
1850 Carteret Co. NC Census
Town of Beaufort
Pg.140, #467, Joseph WEAKS 52 NC "none"
Elizabeth 46 NC
George 20 NC mariner
(MAD: Elizabeth Duncan mar. 1846; ? widow of James Duncan)
Pg.143, #509, John C. MANSON Jr. 27 NC merchant $0
Esther P. 18 NC
Thomas LESTER 45 NC labourer
(MAD: John C. Manson Jr. mar. Esther Duncan 6/14/1846)
Pg.146, #561, Marcus C. THOMAS 49 NC merchant
Elizabeth K. 37 NC
Charles R. 23 NC atty at law
Marcus C. 19 NC clerk
William A. 18 NC mariner
Elizabeth A. 15, Thomas 13, Mary 11 NC
Washington 8, Sarah 6, Rebecca 4 NC
Nancy 51 NC
(MAD: Marcus C. Thomas mar. Elizabeth K. Duncan 9/10/1825)
Pg.147, #586, Thomas DUNCAN 44 NC merchant $5000
Elisha (f) 35 NC
William 14, Elizabeth 12 NC
Ema J. 9, Thomas 7, Evalin 5 NC
Marietta 3, Sarah A. 1 NC
Nancy PIVER 38 NC
Pg.148, #594, William H. PIVER 30 NC tailor $500
Nancy 29 NC
Frederick 7, Jesse 4 NC
Ann M. 1 NC
Elizabeth DUNCAN 13 NC
Pg.150, #624, Nancy DAVIS 59 NC
Hannah GUTHRIE 74 NC deaf
Joseph DUNCAN 22 NC
Pg.151, #634, Wallace DICKINSON 52 NC farmer $400
Mary 60 NC
Joseph 22, Thomas 19 NC
Pg.151, #640, David B. WHORTON 43 NC farmer $1500
Susan 30 NC
Martha DUNCAN 15 NC
Elizabeth WHORTON 8 NC
1860 Carteret Co. NC Census
(page number in parentheses is stamped page number)
(state of birth blank on census, apparently all born NC so not filled in)
Shepardsville P.O.
Pg.486 (242), #305-291, Joseph DUNCAN 33 keeper of poor house $1200-$100
Elizabeth 27
Cicero 4, Melvina 1
Joseph GASKINS 87 pauper
Sally 45 pauper
Jane WELCH 35 pauper (insane)
Benjamin GUTHRY 54 pauper (blind)
Garrison (m) 30 pauper (insane)
Hancy OWENS (f) 27 pauper
Cloe ROGGERS (f) 25 pauper
Jane WILLIS 18 domestic
Beaufort P.O.
Pg.542 (270), #682-653, Hannah STYRM (STYNN?) 48 (blank) $0-$0
John 18 fisherman
Thomas 16 fisherman
Rachael DUNNAN 30 domestic (not "Duncan")
Hadnot Creek, Beaufort P.O.
Pg.578 (288), #948-908, James WHITEHURST 29 Mechanic $0-$0
Frances (f) 26
Edward 1
(MAD: Jas. E. Whitehurst mar. Frances A. Duncan, 11/22/1855)
Pg.579 (289), #966-927, Joseph B. WHITEHURST 25 Fisherman $0-$50
Nancy 22
John 5, Thomas 3, Susan 5/12
(MAD: Joseph B. Whitehurst mar. Nancy E. Duncan, 7/12/1855)
Hadnot Creek P.O.
Pg.597 (297), #1108-1062, W.B. DUNCAN (m) 24 merchant $600-$7000
Sarah 25
Ernest 2, Isaac 9/12
Susan JONES 19 NC
(MAD: W.B. Duncan definitely age 24)
Pg.600 (298), #1127-1080, Joseph WEEKS 62 (blank) $300-$50
Elizabeth 56
Susan DUNCAN 19 domestic
Pg.601 (299), #1134-1087, Thomas DUNCAN 54 merchant $20,000-$50,000
Elisha (f) 46
Emma 18, Thomas 16
Margareta 13, Sarah 11
Ella 9, Laura 7, John 5
Sarah WALDEN 65
1870 Carteret Co. NC Census
Beaufort Twp.
Pg.174, #133-130, DUNCAN, Thomas Jr. 26 NC (white) merchant, dry goods & grocer? $0-$2000
Annie 26 NC keeping house
[DUNCAN,] Tillie (f) 48 NC BLACK domestic servant
Amos 8 NC BLACK at home
Pg.174, #134-131, DUNCAN, Thomas Sr. 64 NC (white) merchant dry goods & grocer $13,000-$1,500
Emma 28 NC keeping house
Laura 17, John A. 14 NC at school
Pg.174, #135-132, DUNCAN, William 34 NC (white) Com. Merchant $2000-$0
William E. 12 NC at school
Thomas 9, Edward E?. 8 NC at school
Grayham W. (m) 6 NC at home
Pg.178, #221-216, DUNCAN, Joseph 45 NC (white) fisherman $0-$0
Elirabeth (sic) (f) 37 NC keeping house
Cicero 14, Elirabeth 8 NC at school
Angeline (f) 6 NC at school
Virginia 3 NC at home
Carteret Co. NC Wills, General Index 1743-1961 (FHL film 18,408; extract also from Roy Hall)
Duncan starts 1878
B-119 to 123: Thomas Duncan of Town of Beaufort, Carteret Co. NC, 14 March 1878; to my son William B. Duncan lot #111 whereon I now reside and part of lot #35 adj., that is to say, the part of lot embraced within a line running 40 feet east on Front St. and then a line 132 feet north and parallel with the east line of #111, then 40 feet to the line, then with the line 132 feet to the northeast corner of lot #111, together with all the water front lots and lands west and south of Front St. and lot #111, that is to say, all waterfront land west of the eastern line of part lot #35 as devised ... and lying on the "Thoroughfare" side (MAD: quotes in orig will book), lying in Old Town, in Beaufort, also 1/3 part of all my steam mill lands and 1/3 of lot #43 contiguous to them, together with 1/3 of the steam mill & fixtures. To son Thomas L. Duncan 1/3 part of my steam mill lands and of lot #43 and 1/3 of the said steam mill and fixtures, also the western half of lot #10, the water lot #251 south of same, part lot #12 formerly known as Custom House lot and the part of water lot #253 south of it, and lot #18. To my son John A. Duncan 1/3 part of my steam mill lands of lot #43 contiguous & of the mill and fixtures & all that lot or part of lot with the dwelling house and improvements in Newburn, Craven Co., corner of Pollock & Hancock Streets known as lot #80 on the plan of that city. To my dau. Esther P. Manson, all that part of lot #33 and the dwelling house and improvements thereon, beg. at southwest corner of lot #32 and running west 57 feet, then north (on) a line parallel with the western line of lot #32, then with the lines and distances of the lot devised, east and south to the beg., being known as part lot O.T. in Beaufort. To my grandchildren Alexander C., Nannie F., Thomas D. & Julius Davis, children of Alexander C. Davis Sr. and my deceased dau. Elizabeth J. Davis, part of lots #35 and #34 O.T. in Beaufort, that is to say, beg. at the corner of part of #35 devised to my son William B. Duncan, running east 46 feet in the line of Front St., then north (on) a line perpendicular thereto 300 feet, then west a line parallel with Front St. to the back or eastern line of lot #108, then south to the northeast corner of lot #111 and southeast corner of lot #110, then 40 feet east a line parallel with Front St., then 132 feet south to Front St. and the southeast corner of the part lot devised to W.B. Duncan. To my dau. Emma J. wife of Alexander C. Davis, all that part of lots 33 and 34 O.T. in Beaufort beg. at the corner southwest on Front St., 57 feet from lot #32, and running 43 feet west on the street, then north, 330 feet, then east 43 feet parallel with Front St., then to the beg. 330 feet to the southwest corner of the part lot devised to my dau. Esther P. Manson, and all that part of water lots #231 and #232 that is embraced in the lines of her part lot as devised, projected south? and lying south of Front Street, that is ... (description not copied here). To my dau. Marietta wife of Benjamin L. Perry, all my estate in and to lot #29 and part lot #31 and to water front lots south of Front Street and south of said lot and part lot, and I direct my execs. to assign or be paid to my daughter the judgement on record in Carteret Superior Court in my favor and against Mrs. Elizabeth V. Perry, ... To my dau. Laura G., wife of James C. Davis, $1000. Residue, subject to payment of my debts, to my children and my grandchildren, the children of my decd. dau. Elizabeth J. Davis, as tenants in common, the grandchildren to take equally as a class (have one share together), and each child one share. Appoint my three sons William B. Duncan, Thomas L. Duncan and John A. Duncan my execs. without bond; my real or personal property may be sold. /s/ Thos. Duncan. Wit. C.R. Thomas, W.H. Hendrick. Proved Jan. 29, 1880 on oath of witnesses; "see book of Orders & Decrees page 92"; W.B. Duncan and John A. Duncan qualify as execs. (FHL film 18,409)
Carteret Co. NC Inventories, guardianship accounts, etc.
1829-1836 - no Duncan (FHL film 18,382)
1836-1839 - no Duncan
1839-1845 - no Duncan (FHL film 18,383)
1845-1852 - no index
Carteret Co. NC Orig. Wills at Dept. of Archives & History, Adams-Gillikin (FHL film 1,548,323 item 2; alphabetic)
Original will of Thomas Duncan, 1880, not copied since we have from will book
Carteret Co. NC Probates 1663-1978; original wills, Smith-Yeates (FHL film 1,548,325 item 1; also from Louis Boone 8/1991)
Will of Susannah Walker, 25 Nov. 1780; of Ocracock, NC; my wearing apparel to my children to be equally divided between them. Besides what Sarah has made this seven years them I freely give and bequeath to her my grand daughter forever; my dwelling house in Ocracock, my negro boy Tom and the rest of my estate etc. personal and mixed ... to my sd. grand child Sarah Duncan now living with me; the sd. Sarah Duncan whole and sole executor. /s/ Susannah (X) Walker; Wit. Valentine Wade, Adam Gaskins, Anne Styron?; proved Dec. 1786. (LB: Styron family here; others on Ocracock "Island")
Carteret Co. NC Misc. original Probate Records in NC State Archives, Raleigh
Wills & Inv. A-Z 1750-1807 (FHL film 18,381 item 1)
No Gibble 1744
Wills, Inv. etc., in NC State Archives, Vol. 5, Fo-Green (FHL film 18,379)
No will of Dederick Gibble
Inventory by Hannah Gibble of estate of Dedderick Gibble, filed Dec. 1755, in accordance with will, taken 13 Jan. 1755. (MAD: see deed H-350)
Land records, North Carolina and Tennessee; indexes, 1600-1959; by NC Secretary of State, Land Grant Office (Placerville FHC on loan 1/4-5/2012)
Land warrants are documents issued at local land offices to purchasers of public lands. When these warrants are surrendered, the buyers are issued conveyances (deeds). The land warrants (and other miscellaneous records) are organized by file numbers in alphabetical sequences of counties. Some of the counties are now Tennessee counties. These records are in packets. On each packet cover are spaces for the following information: file number, county, purchaser's name(s), number of acres, grant number, date issued, entry number, date entered, book number, page number & location. ... The key to finding the related packets are the file numbers.
Land grant index cards, 1693-1959, George Dail (Burke) - Robert Deveney (Rutherford) (FHL Film 1,942,615)
Duncan, C.L., File No.1965, Carteret Co., 2-236/1000 acres, Grant No.17949 issued 1 Aug. 1913, Entry 4482 entered 21 April 1913, Book No.196, page no.384, Location: In Beaufort township & in the waters of Town Creek
Duncan, Thomas, File No.1437, Carteret Co., 215/1087 acres, Grant No.783 issued 29 Sept. 1847, Entry No.2340 entered 4 Jan. 1847, Book No.152, page no.400, Location: Adjoining the town of Beaufort
Duncan, Thomas, File No.1477?, Carteret Co., 3 acres, Grant No.823 issued 24 Sept. 1852, Entry No.2519 entered 19 Aug. 1852, Book No.156, page no.113, Location: Adjoining to and in front of Beaufort
Duncan, Thomas, File No.1542, Carteret Co., 3/8 acres, Grant No.888 issued 5 June 1856, Entry No.2793 entered 14 May 1855, Book No.161, page no.356, Location: Lying and being W. of and adjoining to town of Beaufort
Duncan, Thomas, File No.1543, Carteret Co., 3-3/8 acres, Grant No.889 issued 5 June 1856, Entry No.2794 entered 14 May 1855, Book No.161, page no.356, Location: N.W. of and adjoining to the town of Beaufort
Duncan, Thomas & others, File No.1553, Carteret Co., 45 acres, Grant No.896 issued 12 Nov. 1857, Entry No.2842 entered 12 June 1857, Book No.162, page no.240, Location: Beg. at a stake
Carteret Co. NC Deeds (Indexes, 1720-1904; grantor on FHL film 18,401; grantee p.63 on FHL film 18,404; date is recording date)
Grantor index 1720-1904 (FHL film 18,401)
H-350 5 Dec. 1769, Thomas and Susannah Duncan to David Gordon
H-480 March 1772, Thomas and Susannah Duncan to William Borden
K-47 Dec. 1783, Thomas Duncan to William Harris
O-269 May 1802, Thomas and Esther Duncan to Moses Fuller
P-342 Aug. 1812, Thomas Duncan Sr. to Hannah Duncan, Hetty and Elizabeth Duncan, Thomas and Vale Duncan, Susannah Duncan
P-343 Aug. 1812, Thomas Duncan Sr. to John Peck Jr. and William Peck
Q-11 Feb. 1813, Thomas Duncan to Joseph Borden, mortgage
S-232 Aug. 1820, Thomas Duncan to John Mack
Y-99 Jan. 16, 1841, Thomas Duncan to Mary Morgan
Y-175 Sept. 20, 1841, Thomas Duncan to John Frasieur
Y-477 Dec. 5, 1844, Thomas Duncan to William Bigs
Y-484 Dec. 12, 1844, Thomas Duncan to William Tuicker? et al
Z-26 Feb. 20, 1846, Thomas Duncan to Joseph S/L Merrill
Z-225 Feb. 1849, Thomas Duncan to Samuel L. Howland
Z-363 June 24, 1850, Thomas Duncan to Haywood Harris
AA-15 June 17, 1852, Thomas Duncan et al to John F. Jones
AA-138 April 21, 1853, Thomas Duncan et al to D.H.L. Bell
Grantee index 1720-1904, pg.63 Duncan (FHL film 18,404)
H-420 Apr. 9, 1771, Town of Beaufort to Thomas Duncan
P-32 Mar. 17, 1778, Thomas Innis et ux Fereby warranty deed to Thomas Duncan
P-34 Mar. 16, 1778, Thomas Innis lease to Thomas Duncan
I-381 Sept. 1783, Ebenezar Whorton to Thomas Duncan
L-86 March 1787, John Shepard, Meriam Shepard, et al, to Thomas Duncan et als (may be two deeds)
M-170 May 1795, Fredrick Gibble et ux Mary to Thomas Duncan
N-183 Nov. 1797, Dedrick Gibble to Thomas Duncan
O-268 May 1802, Elijah Bell, Shff, to Thomas Duncan
P-104 Feb. 1807, Town of Beaufort to Thomas Duncan
U-229 Jan. 10, 1828, Joseph Weeks to Thomas Duncan Jr.
U-350 March (no year), Peter and Ferrand Pellettier et al to Thomas Duncan Jr.
W-31 Dec. 4, 1832, B.T. Howland to Thomas Duncan Jr.
W-412 Oct. 15, 1835, H.M. Cooke to Thomas Duncan
X-531 Aug. 23, 1839, Benjamin Tyler bill of sale to Thomas Duncan
X-533 Aug. 27 (no year), Absolom Fulford, Shff, deed to Thomas Duncan Jr.
Y-60 Aug. 27, 1840, Joseph Merrill to Thomas Duncan
Y-102 Jan. 27, 1841, Elijah Canaday, Tr. to Thomas Duncan
Y-104 Jan. 28, Mary Morgan quit claim deed to Thomas Duncan
Many more deeds 1840's to Thomas Duncan; see below
Carteret Co. NC Deeds
G&H-420: 20 June 1769, John Easton, Robt. Read (did not sign), and George Gibbons, commissioners for seaport of Beaufort to Thomas Duncan, for £1.10, 1/2 acre lot #33 in Old town; wit. Ammon Jones. (FHL film 262,370)
H-350: 26 Jan. 1768, Thomas Duncan and wife Susannah late Susannah Gibble, Frederick Gibble, and Dederick Gibble, all of Carteret Co. NC, to David Gordon (Gorgon?) of same, £16 proc. money, lot or 1/2 acre in Town of Beaufort, Carteret Co. NC, Lot #15; lot sold by commissioners to Dederick Gibble who by will 25 Aug. 1744 gave half the lot to said Susannah Duncan late Susannah Gibble, Frederick Gibble, and Dederick Gibble. All signed. Wit. Wm. Thomson, Joseph Bell Jr. (FHL film 262,370)
H-480: 3 Dec. 1770, Thomas Duncan (also /s/ Susannah Duncan) of Carteret Co. NC to William Borden of same, £26 proc. money, lot 33 in Beaufort town. Wit. Joseph Morse, William Robertson. (FHL film 262,370)
H/I-381: 10 Jan. 1783, Ebenezar (E) Whorton of Beaufort town, Carteret Co. NC, to Thomas Duncan of same, £40, 1/2 acre lot #13 of New Town, granted to said Wharton by deed 18 Sept. 1779; wit. Bowen Gorton, John Fuller. (FHL film 262,370)
K-47: 30 Aug. 1783, Thomas Duncan (no wife) of Beaufort Town, Carteret Co., to William Harris, £30, lot 13 of new town, where Harris now lives. Wit. Lewis Welch, John Catly. (FHL film 262,371)
L-86: 25 March 1786, John Shepard (/s/ Jno. Shepard and Meriam Shepard) of Carteret Co. NC to Thomas Duncan and Frederick Gibble, £46, 200 acres on W.side of North? River beg. at David Cooper's corner to Fulford's? line, said Shepard's land; wit. Saml. Foffers, Asa Leffert?. (FHL film 262,371)
M-170: 6 March 1795, Fredrick Gibble and wife Mary (X) of Carteret Co. NC to Thomas Duncan of same, £20, 200 acres on W.side North River above Morses Creek, beg. NE corner Thomas Dudley's land, Fulford's patent, being part of 500 acre grant to John Shepard decd on 9 Aug. 1786, this 200 acres conveyed to said Frederick Gibble & "Thos. Duncan decd" by a deed of sale from Shepard & wife 1786, and the one equal half of the 200 acres is hereby granted; wit. Saml. Leffers, Sally Leffers. (FHL film 262,371)
N-183: 11 Oct. 1797, Dedrick Gibble to Thomas Duncan, £22, 12-1/2 "hires" adj. Fulford's, Chaney's and Leffer's lines; wit. Willm. Thomson jurat. (FHL film 262,372)
O-268: 12 May 1802?, Elijah Bell, Sheriff, to Thomas Duncan, both Carteret Co. NC; attachment against Ichabod Harris on 16 Dec. 1800 who owed George Read £8.10, 1/2 lot (back half) of lot #13 in New Town of Beaufort, sold per order May 1801 to highest bidder, Thomas Duncan; lot had been conveyed by John Pugh to said Ichabod Harris by deed 15 June 1795. (FHL film 262,372)
O-269: 16 Oct. 1801, Thomas Duncan (and Esther (X) Duncan) of Carteret Co. NC to Moses Fuller of same, £130, lot 13 in new town. Wit. Dederick Gibble, Joshua? Longest. (FHL film 262,372)
P-32: Warranty Deed; 17 March 1778, Thomas Innis of Burk Co. GA and wife Fereba, to Thomas Duncan of "county and state afsd", £100 GA money, land now in possession of said Thomas Duncan by virtue of lease for a year, 200 acres originally granted said Thomas Innis on Rockey Creek at Andrew McCones' old (one word) mill, adj. lands of William Hodges and Benjamin Borneyman; wit. Solomon Barfield, Dond. Fraser. (FHL film 262,372)
P-34: 16 March 1777, in 2nd Year of Independence, Thomas Innis of St. Georges Parish now called County of Buk Taylor, to Thomas Duncan, land in Burk Co. GA of 200 acres granted Thomas Innis on Rockey Creek at Andrew McCorrens old grist mill by lands of William Hodgis and Benjamin Borraman, other sides vacant; lease for one year; wit. Solomon Barfield, Dond. Fraser. (FHL film 262,372)
P-104: 20 March 1806, Comrs. John Marshall, Jechovius Pigott and Geo. Read for Town of Beaufort, to Thomas Duncan, 60 sh., two 1/2 acre lots #29 and #85 of New Town. (FHL film 262,372)
P-342: 30 May 1812, Thos. Duncan Sr. of Town of Beaufort, NC, to Hannah (?Hannis? Sr.?), Hetty, Thomas Junr, Elizabeth, Susannah, Vale Duncan, all of same, daughters and son of the said Thos. Duncan Senr, for love and affection, all my real and personal property that I now possess in the town of Beaufort in the County of Carteret. Wit. Wm. Thomson, David? Hardwick?. (FHL film 262,372)
P-343: 16 April 1812, Thomas Duncan of Carteret Co. to John Peek Jr. and William (Peek) of same, agree to sell a half lot in the plan of Newtown, Lot #29, for $20. Wit. Wm. H. Obion, Wm. Thompson. (FHL film 262,372)
Q/R-11: 19 Feb. 1812, Thomas Duncan of Carteret Co. NC to Joseph Borden of same, $352.40, 1/2 lot #19 in New Town of Beaufort, with all the houses, etc.; wit. Briant Hellin, Henry M. Cook. (indexed as mortgage) (FHL film 262,373)
S-232: 20 Sept. 1813, Thomas Duncan of Carteret Co. NC to John Mack of Island of Nantucket, $400, 1/2 acre lot #29 of New Town of Beaufort, to be divided from other or westward half, with all improvements, etc.; wit. Jno. Marshall, Brian Hellen; rec. Aug. 1820. (FHL film 262,373)
U-229: 19 May 1827, Joseph Weeks (/s/ Wekes) to Thomas Duncan Jr., $50, 1/2 of lot #36 (1/4 acre) which my father bought of John White and Sarah White whereon Thomas Duncan Sr. now lives; wit. Isaiah Severn, John H. Forlaw. (FHL film 262,374)
U-350: 18 Sept. 1827, Peter Pellettier and Ferrand Pelletier of Carteret Co. NC to Thomas Duncan the Younger of Beaufort in Carteret Co. NC, $45, 1/2 acre lot #30 in New Town. Wit. Isaiah Swam. (FHL film 262,374)
W-31: 4 June 1832, Benjamin T. Howland of Carteret Co. NC to Thomas Duncan Jr. of Town of Beaufort, $600, part of a lot in Beaufort #111 in Old Town, being the whole lot except 42 feet on the North part, together with dwelling house, store house, etc.; wit. F.L. King, David Rumley. (FHL film 262,375)
W-412: 4 April 1834, Henry W. Cooke to Thomas Duncan of town of Beaufort, $20, 1/2 acre lot #87 "O.T."; wit. Jas. E. Gibble, John E. Ransley?. (FHL film 262,375)
X-531: 12 Nov. 1838, Benjamin Tyler to Thomas Duncan, both Carteret Co. NC, $350, negro girl Nancey; wit. George Dill. (FHL film 262,375)
X-533: 21 June 1838, Absolom Fulford, Sheriff, to Thomas Duncan Jr.; by virtue of writ of Fieri Facis on 3 Monday of March last past, sell lands of Jane Hardesty, wife of Barton Hardesty, Sarah Dickinson wife of Daniel Dickinson, Betsey Dickinson wife of David Dickinson, Prescilla Williams wife of James Williams, and Arthur? (in binding) Merrill Jr., heirs of Arthur Merrill Sr. decd, to pay $48.15 which Nancy Merrill lately recovered against the heirs of said Arthur Merrill Sr.; sold to highest bidder Thomas Duncan Jr. for $50.10, 130 acres on W.side of Cove Creek; wit. Elijah Canaday, Elijah Nelson. (FHL film 262,375)
Y-60: 21 Aug. 1840, Joseph J. Merrill (X) to Thomas Duncan, both Carteret Co., $1, 150 acres on W.side Cove Creek which I purchased of Jesse E. Hoover; mortgage; Merrill owes Duncan for two judgements; wit. John H. Falane. (FHL film 262,376)
Y-99: 23 Dec. 1840, Whereas Thomas Duncan has purchased title, interest etc. of Rufus W. Davis which he acquired to lots in town of Beaufort and 2 slaves, by virtue of 2 mortgage deeds, one of 8 July 1830 and the other of 7 March 1829, made by Mary Morgan to said Rufus W. Davis; that Thomas Duncan purchased from Mary Morgan her estate or equity of redemption to the real estate and slaves; to comply with terms of the purchase, in order to secure said Mary Morgan a life estate to the lots and slaves; Thomas Duncan deed to Mary Morgan for $1 for her life, lots in town of Beaufort (Old Town) conveyed by Mary Morgan in mortgage to Rufus W. Davis on 29 March 1829, and slaves Sarah and Louis on 1 July 1830; wit. George Dill. Rec. Jan. 16, 1841. (FHL film 262,376)
Y-102: 26 Oct. 1840, Elijah Canaday of Beaufort, trustee of Rufus W. Davis, to Thomas Duncan of Carteret Co. NC, $300, lot in town of Beaufort adj. Josiah Bell's lot, Edmond Deubry's land, Turners Street, being N. part of lot in Old Town which was conveyed by Mary Morgan to Rufus W. Davis and by him in trust to said Elijah Canaday, in which said Mary Morgan by law has a life estate; wit. J. Hellen, James E. Howland. Rec. Jan. 27, 1841. (FHL film 262,376)
Y-103: 26 Oct. 1840, Elijah Canaday of Beaufort, trustee of Rufus W. Davis, to Thomas Duncan of Carteret Co. NC, $200, slaves Lewis and Sally conveyed to Rufus W. Davis by Mary Morgan and by Rufus W. Davis in trust to said Elijah Canaday, in which said Mary Morgan by law has a life estate; wit. J. Hellen, James E. Howland. (FHL film 262,376)
Y-104: 29 Dec. 1840, I, Mary Morgan, by mortgage deed of 27 March 1829 transferred to Rufus W. Davis of town of Beaufort (old town), lots on Turner Street purchased by me of Joseph Bell on Aug. 17, 1810, and by deed from Church Bell on 21 Sept. 1813, being parts of lots 16, 17 and 18; another mortgage of 8 July 1830 transferred to Rufus W. Davis 2 negroes Sarah and Louis; that Rufus W. Davis has assigned his right to Elijah Canaday who sold to Thomas Duncan; I am entitled to life estate; the property is mortgaged for more than its actual value; Thomas Duncan will give me a valuable consideration for my release of my life estate; Mary Morgan of town of Beaufort, NC, to Thomas Duncan for $100 my life estate in lots in Beaufort described in mortgage of 27 March 1829 and also my life estate in 2 slaves Sarah and Louis mortgaged 8 July 1830; wit. George Dill. Rec. Jan. 28, 1841. (FHL film 262,376)
Y-175: Sept. 20, 1841, Thomas Duncan to John Frasieur (from index only)
Y-360: 22 March 1843, Malachi B. Robinson and Wm. C. Bell to Thomas Duncan and Benjamin Leecraft (not copied further) (FHL film 262,376)
Y-477: Dec. 5, 1844, Thomas Duncan to William Bigs (from index only)
Y-484: Dec. 12, 1844, Thomas Duncan to William Tuicker? et al (from index only)
Z-26: Feb. 20, 1846, Thomas Duncan to Joseph S/L Merrill (from index only)
Z-225: Feb. 1849, Thomas Duncan to Samuel L. Howland (from index only)
Z-363: June 24, 1850, Thomas Duncan to Haywood Harris (from index only)
AA-15: 20 Feb. 1852, Isaac Ramsey, Thomas Duncan, and David L. Jones of Beaufort town to John F. Jones of New Berne in Craven Co. NC, rec. 17 June 1852. (FHL film 262,377)
AA-138: April 21, 1853, Thomas Duncan, M.B. Roberson, Benjamin Leecraft and Benj. L. Perry of Carteret Co. NC to D.H.L. Bell; Thomas Duncan, M.B. Roberson and Benj. Leecraft, surviving partners of W.C. Bell & Co., upon death of Benj. Leecraft, one of the firm, the firm was sold to Benj. Leecraft Jr. who conveyed 3/4 ownership to the other three. (not copied further) (FHL film 262,377)
(more grantee deeds to Thomas Duncan 1840's)
Go to the Carteret Co. NC Court Records
Case Files of Applications from Former Confederates for Presidential Pardons ("Amnesty Papers") 1865-1867; roll 1, Name Index to Pardon Application Files; Group I, Pardon Applications Submitted by Persons from the South.
Thomas Duncan, Carteret Co. NC, petition for pardon. July 28, 1865, Raleigh, N.C., the petition of Thomas Duncan ... that he is a native born citizen of the State of NC aged 57? years and a resident merchant of the town of Beaufort in NC ... has acted as a member of a committee to distribute funds to the wives & families of Confederate Soldiers, which committee was raised & appointed by the County Court of his County, and acted as a member of another committee raised and appointed by the Commissioners of the town of Beaufort ... Oath of Allegiance, Thomas Duncan, of County of Carteret, NC, 28 July 1865. (Roll 38, North Carolina, Ch-Fr; FHL film 1,758,776; SLC 6/14/2008)
1892 "Cyclopedia of eminent and representative men of the Carolinas of the nineteenth century: with a brief historical introduction of South Carolina by General Edward McCrady, Jr., and on North Carolina by Hon. Samuel A. Ashe" Vol.2, NC, pub. by Brant & Fuller (Memphis Public Library book 920.0756 C995; from Evelyn Sigler 10/1984)
Pg.554: Edward C. Duncan, b. Beaufort NC, March 28, 1862, son of William B. Duncan (b. 13 June 1836 Beaufort). William B. was grandson of Thomas Duncan, b. of Scotch parents and one of early settlers of Beaufort. Thomas Jr., father of William B., was born in Beaufort and was a sea captain. William B. m. Sarah A. Ramsey. (MAD: Carteret Co. NC)
1919 "History of NC" by Lewis Publishing Co., incl. index at back of Vol.1-3 and Vol.6; various authors, Vol.I to VI (FHL fiche 6,052,207)
Vol.I, II, III - no Duncan
Vol.IV, pg.324: SMITH & DUNCAN. One of the rising legal firms of city of Raleigh [Wake Co.] was that of Smith & Duncan, composed of Willis Smith & William Benjamin Duncan, who although members of the younger generation of legists, firmly established a place for themselves ... The firm of Smith & Duncan was dissolved August 18, 1917, at the time Mr. Duncan entered the army, and Mr. Smith continued the practice alone since that time until July, 1918, when he joined the Coast Artillery Corps and is stationed at Fortress Monroe. Willis Smith, senior partner of the firm of Smith & Duncan, was born at Norfolk, VA, Dec. 19, 1887, and is a son of Willis and Mary Shaw (Creecy) Smith ... William Benjamin Duncan, junior member of the firm of Smith & Duncan, was born Jan. 6, 1893, at Beaufort, Carteret Co. NC, a son of E.C. and Carrie (King) Duncan. Mr. Duncan's father is a banker of Raleigh and one of substantial businessmen and citizens of his community. ...
Vol.V, pg.74: EDWARD CARLTON DUNCAN of Raleigh [Wake Co.] ... one of prominent bankers and citizens of NC. He was born at Beaufort [Careret Co.] in this state, March 28, 1862, son of William Benjamin and Sarah (Ramsey) Duncan, both natives of NC and his father a merchant. Edward C. Duncan was educated in the schools of Beaufort, ... In March 1909 Mr. Duncan organized the Merchants National Bank of Raleigh and has since been its president. ... February 26, 1890, he married Carrie Virginia King of Beaufort, NC, daughter of John F. King, a well-known merchant of that city. By this marriage there are three children living, while one son, Edward C., died at the age of 14. William Benjamin, an attorney at law, is now 1st Lt. in the 113th Field Artillery. Elizabeth S. married T.S. Adams of Sevier, NC; Charles L. is a member of the Coast Artillery Corps. Mr. Duncan's first wife died in 1899 and in 1903 he married Alma Speight of Fremont [Wayne Co.], NC, daughter of William H. Speight, a Methodist minister.
Vol.VI, pg.217: CHARLES LUCAS DUNCAN, M.D. Though one of Beaufort's most successful physicians and a specialist in children's diseases, Dr. Duncan is almost equally well known as a factor in business affairs. ... Dr. Duncan was born in Beaufort [Carteret Co.], where his professional career has been passed, on June 22, 1872. He is a son of Thomas Lucas and Anna Perry Duncan. His father was a well known merchant of that city. Dr. Duncan ... and family are members of the Ann Street Methodist Episcopal Church South, and ... He was married Sept. 2, 1900, to Miss Virginia Clyde Mason, of Chapel Hill [Orange Co.] NC; their three children are Ann Virginia, Grace Wilson, and Clyde Mason.
Vol.VI, pg.251: JULIUS FLETCHER DUNCAN is a lawyer at Beaufort [Carteret Co.], his native city. Though one of the younger members of the bar he has attained professional success. ... Mr. Duncan was born at Beaufort Sept. 26, 1881, a son of William Benjamin and Emily Frances (Jones) Duncan. His father has for many years been well known as a merchant and steamship agent at Beaufort. Mr. Duncan ... April 23, 1912, married Miss Fannie Dudley, of Washington [Beaufort Co.], NC; they have a son Julius Fletcher Jr., who was born Jan. 22, 1914.
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