Duncan research files of |
1878 "History of Morgan Co. IL" by Donnelley, Loyd & Co. Publ. (FHL book 977.346 H2h; and part from Sue Monaghan)
Pg.654: Samuel Wood attended school after 1826 in Madison County near Silver Creek. The school was taught by Rice Duncan. "The schoolhouse was a log structure where no floor was laid down, and no window pains interfered, but the ventilation was abundant; here the scholars were instructed in Webster's spelling book and the New Testament; when these were thoroughly understood the education was completed."
1882 "History of Madison Co. IL" by W.R. Brink & Co. (FHL book 977.386 H2m; FHL film 908,676)
Pg.123: The first term of this new court of the county of Madison was held on the 6th day of March 1815, .... The sheriff took credit for ... compensation paid to ... Matthew Duncan for printing $8.00.
Pg.123 footnote: 1816, May 6 ... received each a bounty of 75 cents for killing wolves. There were a large number of wolves killed in the said year. The wolf-scalp certificates of 1816, have remained on file in the courthouse, and the writer gathered therefrom the names of the following Nimrods: W.B. Whiteside heads the list with 14 scalps; William Howard 9; ... Joseph Duncan ... 5.
Pg.426-8: Helvetia: The first arrival of white settlers may have been in 1804, when Joseph Duncan with a few others made the extreme southeast corner of the county their home. ... The Howards settled in the southwest corner of township 4-5, in the year 1809, but it is not certain whether they then knew anything of the existence of the Duncan settlements, six miles south of them.
Liable to surprise by a merciless foe (War of 1812) at any hour of the day or night, the few scattered families huddled together in block-houses enclosed by a row of strong posts ... Cox's fort, near Old Aviston, afforded shelter to the settlers on Sugar creek. It was never attacked, but a Mrs. Jesse Bailes, daughter of one Bradsby, then living on Silver creek, was shot in 1814, by Indians on Sugar creek. She fled across the prairie to her father's house, where she died of her wounds. Mrs. Bailes was a relative of Joseph Duncan, probably a sister-in-law.
Peace was concluded in 1814, and the Illinois settlements were generally restored to tranquility. Joseph Duncan, James Good, Gilbert Watson and Jonathan L. Harris made their settlements on Sugar creek now permanent. Duncan had been a ranger during the war, and on his return located on the east side of the creek, on section 15. Duncan was a man of fair education for that day. He was appointed justice of the peace in 1817, and when the office became elective in 1827, his neighbors chose him and continued to elect him their justice term after term. Duncan filled that office for nearly forty years. In later years he had a post office established at the place and was for many years postmaster. He died in 1852. His wife was a Cuddy, aunt of George Cuddy, so well and favorably known by the present generation of the township. The Duncans raised a family of five children, four daughters and a son, Hugh M., who became the father of a large family, and was looked upon as one of the best and most respected men of his time. He lost his life by accident; being thrown out of his carriage while on his way to attend a funeral. The daughters, none of whom survive, were: Linnie, who married John S. Carrigan; Sarah, Alexander Forrester; Rebecca, B.C. Plant, and Mary, married James A. Berry.
Mr. Duncan and many others lived for years on their lands as squatters. ... Gilbert Watson, the friend and companion of Joseph Duncan, entered the southeast quarter of section 22, directly south of where Duncan had squatted, and James Gingles (Jingles), the southeast quarter of section 26, on the 14th of November, 1816. .... Duncan and Good, who had been squatters since their arrival, entered their tracts on the 27th of October, 1817. J. Duncan's farm, which has remained in possession of the family to this day, is the oldest farm in the township. Jonathan L. Harris settled in the edge of the timber on the old trail from Duncan's to Carlyle. He had a horse-mill there, which he continued to operate until 1834. He left the county in 1840, and now resides in Clinton county, only a short distance from his old place.
.... Lee Cuddy, brother-in-law of Joseph Duncan, brought his family, consisting of George, John (still living), Shelby, Ephraim, Anna, and Elizabeth, his children, to Madison county in 1823, settling in the immediate vicinity of Joseph Duncan. The Cuddys had resided for many years in Union Co. IL. Lee Cuddy cultivated a farm on the west side of Sugar creek, now known as the Bellm place. Subsequently he moved to Deck's prairie, where he died.
Alexander Forrester says he came to the township in 1829. ... He had come in company with Thomas Carr from Sumner Co. TN, ... Carr returned south after sojourning three years in the township. But Forrester remained, enlisted in the service during the Black Hawk war, and then joined a ranging company, on an expedition west, where the company had to act as guards to traders freighting across the plains. This ranging company was enlisted out of Bond, Madison and Fayette counties, 100 strong, commanded by Captain Matthew Duncan of Vandalia. After having served eleven months the men were discharged and sent home. In 1833, Forrester bought Joseph Gracey's improvement, and married Sarah H. Duncan, daughter of Joseph. He now went to work in earnest to improve his place. ... He has been married three times and raised a family of ten children. Mr. Forrester is 80 years of age, hale and hardy enough to be taken for a man of 65 or 70 years; a trip to Edwardsville and return (nearly 50 miles) on horseback in one day is but sport to the old gentlemen.
Up to this time immigration was scarcely perceptible, and the increase of population very slow. The first white child born in the township was H.M. Duncan. His older sisters, born in 1806 and 1809, saw the light of the sun first in Clinton county, where their father's first cabin had been erected. Altogether, up to 1830, not more than 25 families inhabited the township, ....
About this time (1829-1830) townships 3-4 and 4-5 formed an election precinct, and the elections were held at Joseph Duncan's residence, called Pleasant Hill.
Pg.537: Saline: This is a pleasant little vilage of about one hundred and fifty inhabitants, lying on the township line, partly in Leef and partly in Saline townships. It was first called Fitz James, and was laid out in 1840 by ... on the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter section thirty-three. John Duncan opened a store in 1840. His house stood on the north side of the road that runs on the township line. He kept a public house, and put up a large sign inscribed in prominent letters "Fitz James Hotel by John Duncan." He continued here in a fair paying business, until his death, after which the buildings were burned. ....
1912 "Centennial History of Madison Co. IL and Its People 1812 to 1912" by W.T. Norton; Vol.1 pg.1-618, Vol.2 pg.622 to end (pg.175, 499, 525, 526, 605, 724 from Sue Monaghan; copy of pgs.98, 449, 483, 601 from Jack Callahan 5/2002; also FHL book 977.386 H2n and films 1,036,291 item 7 and 1,036,292 item 1)
Pg.98: Early & Late Railroad Building. The general offices of the Illinois Terminal railroad are located in Alton ... The officers are ... H.S. Baker and James Duncan, directors.
The Litchfield & Madison railroad ... James Duncan, of Alton, is president and a director.
Pg.175: Helvetia Twp., First Settlers of Township. Joseph Duncan settled in the extreme southeast part of this township in 1804, and was soon followed by the Higgins, Hobbs & Howard families.
Pg.449: Banking & Finance. Banking in Alton ... In 1835, Joseph Duncan being governor, a new state bank was created and the charter of the Shawneetown bank revived. Branches of both these banks were located at Alton. ...
Pg.483: Alhambra Twp. The Duncan Bros. Foundry and Machine Shop is another notable enterprise of vast dimensions, of which the three brothers, James, William M. and George D. Duncan, are the proprietors. They operate the American Coal Washer Co., with James Duncan, president; Geo. D. Duncan, vice president; W.M. Duncan, secretary and treasurer. Also the Illinois Stoker Company, with James Duncan, president; W.M. Duncan, vice president; and Geo. D. Duncan, treasurer. ...
Pg.499: Edwardsville Twp., Famous Residents. Eight persons who filled the office of governor of Illinois, at various periods were residents of Edwardsville. ... Four others, John Reynolds, Joseph Duncan, Thomas Carlin and John M. Palmer, lived here during part of their eventful careers.
Pg.525: Helvetia Twp. It is claimed that the first settlers came from Kentucky and North Carolina in 1804 locating in the southeast corner of the township, among them Joseph Duncan with his wife and first child (born during their trip to Illinois). At about the same time the Higgins and Hobbs families settled in Clinton county, about one-half mile south of the Madison county line. The old lady Mrs. Hobbs, however, contradicted the 1804 date by having declared that the settlement only began in 1808, so that there appears to be an uncertainty regarding the year of first settlement. Like Jos. Duncan, James Good, Gilbert Watson, and Jonathan L. Harris also settled permanently on Sugar Creek. Duncan had been a ranger during the war, and at the conclusion of peace in 1814 located on Section 15, on the east side of the Creek. He was appointed Justice of the Peace in 1817, and when in 1827 the office became elective, he was chosen by the citizens from term to term for almost 40 years. For many years he also had a post office at his place, acting as post master. He died in 1852. He raised a family of 5 children, and his grandson, Joseph Duncan, is the present owner of the place, the fine Pleasant Hill Farm, one of the best in that section. It has been in possession of the family to this day, and is the oldest farm in the township. Other settlers, who located in the east side before the foreign settlers began to come in the thirties, were: Herbert and John Hobbs, ....
Pg.526: Helvetia Twp. The first white child born in the township was H.M. Duncan, Dec. 16, 1816.
Pg.601: Saline Twp. Educational and Political. ... For many years up to 1856 Saline and Helvetia townships formed one election precinct, elections being held at Justice Joseph Duncan's on Sugar creek up to 1838, and from thereon up to and including the presidential election of 1856 at the school house in Highland.
Pg.605: Town of Saline (Grantfork P.O.). Saline is a little village of about seventy-five inhabitants, though at one time it may have had at least one hundred and fifty. The main street divides the two townships, Saline and Leef. It was laid out in 1840. .... Previous to that time it was known as a crossroad place called Fitz James. .... John Duncan opened a store on the north side in 1840, and in addition kept a sort of tavern, calling it the Fitz James Hotel. After his death his buildings burned down.
Pg.724-5: JAMES DUNCAN, a leader in Alton's manufacturing affairs, is proprietor of the Duncan Foundry & Machine Works, and it is safe to say has no peer in his particular field. ... He is of Scotch descent, his father, the late Gilbert B. Duncan, having been a Scotchman who settled here in the '50s. He was an iron moulder by trade and a member of the old firm of Bruner & Duncan, so that his son, James Duncan, the immediate subject, is following in the paternal footsteps. The widow of Gilbert B. Duncan is still living, an admirable and justly honored lady who makes her home with her children at their handsome residence on Liberty street. There are four sons and two daughters, the former being as follows: James, of this review; John, who married Helen W. Wade, daughter of E.P. Wade, a resident of Pittsburg; George, who married a daughter of Albert Wade; and William.
Mr. Duncan has paid Madison county the highest compliment within his power by electing to remain permanently within its delightful borders. He was born in Alton and began his business career ... His two brothers are associated with him in the business. ....
1894 "Portrait and Biographical Record of Madison Co. IL : containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county ..." Chicago, Biographical Publishing Company (from Jack Callahan 3/2001; FHL film 1,000,502 item 2)
Pg.478-9: Wesley W. Duncan, M.D., physician of New Douglas, born near Mt. Olive, Macoupin Co., this state, December 4, 1840; son of Andrew T. and Sarah J. (Strickland) Duncan, natives respectively of NC and GA. The paternal grandfather of our subject was John Duncan, also a native of NC, while his father, William Duncan, was probably a native of VA and of Scotch descent. His wife, Uly Kilyan, was born in NC of German parents. (MAD: John Duncan mar. Youley Killon 1 Oct. 1807 in Lincoln Co. NC)
The mother of our subject was born April 25, 1822, and departed this life Sept. 12, 1877. She was the dau. of James and Elizabeth (Hampton) Strickland, natives of GA. John Duncan and his brother Nathan came to Macoupin Co. in 1823, when Andrew T. was a lad of five years. He was born Nov. 2, 1818, and the event is celebrated each year at his home in Litchfield.
Our subject attended the district school, and until attaining his twentieth year remained on the home farm. August 12, 1861, he enlisted in the Union army as a member of Co. L, 3rd IL Cavalry, under Capt. D.R. Sparks of Alton, serving his country faithfully and well for over three years. ... transferred to another command ... discharged and mustered out at Springfield, September 5, 1864.
Our subject's father, Andrew T. Duncan, also served in the war as Captain of Co. I, 122nd IL Inf., together with his brothers, Absalom R. and Allen Y. Mr. Duncan resided upon the farm for a year after his term of service expired at the end of which time, Nov. 2, 1865, he was married to Miss Mary A., dau. of Zebulon and Mary (Hale) Garrison, natives respectively of GA and East TN.
To Mr. and Mrs. Duncan were born seven children, of whom six survive, namely: Francis E., Ida A., Lulu J., Jay Mac, Myrtle Ethel and William Z. Charles Edgar died Dec. 12, 1893.
Dr. Duncan and his wife are members of the Methodist Church, with which they have been connected for a quarter of a century. The Doctor is connected with the Masonic fraternity, holding membership with the lodge in Winfield, Iowa. The five years succeeding his marriage he operated a farm, ... attended American Medical College at St.Louis, opened office 9 miles south of Nokomis, Montgomery Co. In 1877 he returned to college, graduated May 16, 1878, year later removed to Mt. Union, Henry Co. IA, where he remained only a twelvemonth. Returning from that state in 1880, Dr. Duncan located in New Douglas [Madison Co. IL] ...
1918-1919 "A standard history of Kansas and Kansans" by William E. Connelley, pub. by Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, IL, Vol.1 to 5 (CA State Library, Sutro Branch; FHL book 978.1 H2c and film 1,000,029)
Pg.1437-8: JOHN E. DUNCAN, town of Shannon [Atchison Co.] for 30 years. Born Madison Co. IL, March 24, 1862; his father John Duncan b. in County Tipperary, Ireland, in 1817; to America 1850; married in New York State; soon after to farm in Macoupin Co. IL; d. there 1890; Democrat, Catholic. Wife was Mary Hooley, born County Tipperary in 1818, to US 1851; d. Macoupin Co. 1907. Her children were: Patrick, farmer in Macoupin Co.; John E.; Margaret m. John Moran, a Macoupin Co. farmer; Nellie lives Girard, IL, widow of Owen O'Neil who was real estate man at Girard; William, foreman of Brown-Hamilton Shoe Factory in St. Louis MO.
John E. to KS April 11, 1887, to Shannon Sept. 1887; Democrat, Catholic. Married in Shannon in 1890 to Miss Margaret Clark, dau. of Matthew and Catherine (O'Grady) Clark; both parents now deceased. Mr. & Mrs. Duncan have 5 children: John Matthew, who grad. from College 1911; Catherine, in Academy at Atchison; Margaret in same; Bernardette in public school; and Dorothy.
1916 "History of Atchison Co. KS" by Sheffield Ingalls, pub. by Standard Pub. Co., Lawrence, KS (CA State Library, Sutro Branch; FHL film 873,938 item 1 and 1,000,033 item 3)
Pg.620-2: JOHN E. DUNCAN, of Shannon, KS; born March 21, 1863, in Moro, Madison Co. IL; son of John & Mary (Hooley) Duncan, who had 8 children, 3 of whom are now dead. Father was born Dec. 1818 in Ireland; left IRE 1846 for NY; farmed in NY State; married two years later. In 1851 to IL until 1891. Mother of John Duncan born in IRE in 1827; in 1848 left with brother William to America; she died 1907; both parents Catholic. John E. to Shannon 1887; also owns land Macoupin Co. IL; married 1890 to Margaret V. Clark, following children: John, with father in business; Kathrine age 16; Margaret age 11; Bernadette age 9; Dorothy age 4. Mrs. Duncan is dau. of Mathias and Katherine (O'Grady) Clark, both from Ireland to America. Mr. Duncan a Democrat, family is Catholic.
1887 "History of Gallatin, Saline, Hamilton, Franklin and Williamson counties, Illinois : from the earliest time to the present; together with sundry and interesting biographical sketches, notes, reminiscences, etc., etc." by Goodspeed (CA State Library, Sutro Branch, book F547 G3Hs; FHL book 977.39 H2 and film 934,984 item 3)
Pg,879, Williamson Co. Biographical Appendix: JOHN H. DUNCAN, county superintendent of schools, born in Marshall Co. KY on June 27, 1858, son of Samuel and Ruhamah (Frizzell) Duncan, natives of TN. Father to IL in 1864, locating in Franklin Co., a year later to this county, farmed until death which occurred while he was away from home in Johnson Co., Sept. 14, 1867. Politically prominent in Marshall Co. KY, where held various county offices ... commanded Co. A, 15th KY Cavalry in war. Our subject was reared on farm, attended Shurtleff College, Madison Co. IL, 2 years, then taught ... 1882 elected to present position, re-elected in 1886; Republican. ... Newspaper. Aug. 26, 1883, he married Mary M., dau. of W.J. Spiller of this county; they have a son and daughter. He is a Mason, an Odd Fellow, member of the Christian Church.
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"Territorial Papers, Illinois Territory, 1814-1818" Vol.XVII (CA State University Sacramento Library)
Pg.645+: Long list of appointments by Governor of Illinois Territory of men to various positions, listed by date.
Pg.650: Sept. 30, 1814, Joseph Duncan, Lieutenant, 2nd Regiment (Militia).
Pg.671: Aug. 7, 1817, Joseph Duncan, Justice of Peace, Madison County.
"The [Illinois] governors' letter-books, 1818-1834" by Elias K. Kane, Shadrach Bond; pub. Springfield, Ill.: Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library, 1909, 353 pgs. (LH6189, HeritageQuest images 4/2007 and 7/2007)
Pg.131: Governors' Letter-Books, October 25, 1827. Letter mentions Jos. Duncan at board of directors meetings of 22 October 1822 and 20 August 1823.
Footnote 3. Joseph Duncan : born February 22, 1794, at Paris, Kentucky; (in the Territorial Records of Illinois, a Joseph Duncan was appointed September 30, 1814, lieutenant of the Second Regiment of St. Clair County; August 7, 1818, a justice of the peace of Madison County); 1818, settled at Fountain Bluff, Jackson County; 1823, commissioned major-general of the Illinois militia; 1824-26, state senator from Jackson County; 1827-34, congressional representative; 1828, married Elizabeth Caldwell Smith and moved to Jacksonville; 1831, appointed brigadier-general by Governor Reynolds; 1834-38, governor of Illinois; 1842, unsuccessful Whig candidate for governor; January 15, 1844, died at Jacksonville; in politics Duncan was first a Jacksonian Democrat and then a Whig. --Reynolds, John My Own Times, Illinois, 1855.
Pg.133: Copy of a letter to the Cashier: Executive Department, Dec. 11th, 1827. Sir-- You will please furnish to this Department, a statement of the amount of Auditors Warrant other than those belonging to the school fund which are now in your possession as Cashier of the Bank of Illinois. Very respectfully, Your most obt. Servt, Ninian Edwards.
(to) James M. Duncan (1) Cashier of the State Bank of Illinois.
Footnote (1): James M. Duncan; served as clerk of the Supreme Court from 1819-41.
"Marriage and Death Notices from the National Intelligencer, Washington D.C. 1800-1850" (Vol.1, FHL film 929,472; Vol.2, FHL film 929,473; from Charles A. Duncan 7/1989; typed by Evelyn Sigler)
Duncan, General Joseph, Ex-Governor of Illinois, and formerly a Representative in Congress, died Jan. 15, 1844. He was in the late war at Stephenson. (Jan. 29, 1844)
"The Alton Telegraph" [weekly], Alton [Madison Co.], Illinois, Saturday, February 20, 1841 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 1/2004)
AFFRAY. We learned from Springfield that a certain JAMES DUNCAN, of this county, said to be a gambler, was shot through the body, at the American House, by G.W. WHITESIDE, on Monday the 22d inst. His case was considered dangerous. It is said that DUNCAN was the assailant. [KDC note: caps were used by newspaper]
"The Alton Telegraph and Democratic Review" "United, we stand --- Divided, we fall" Alton, Illinois, Saturday, March 23, 1844; J. Balhache - Proprietor (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 1/2004) (MAD: see Hopkins Co. KY and St.Louis Co. MO)
Madison county, }
Madison Circuit Court -- May term, 1844
IN CHANCERY. William N. Wickliffe; VS James Duncan, William Duncan, John Duncan, Benjamin Duncan, and Jane Duncan his wife, Mary Metcalf, heirs at law of Coleman Duncan, deceased, and George R. Stocker.
Amended Bill for Conveyance of Real Estate, ?c.
It appearing by affidavit on file in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of Madison county aforesaid, in the entitled cause, that the said James Duncan, William Duncan, John Duncan, Benjamin Duncan, and Jane Duncan his wife, Mary Metcalf, and George Stocker, six of the above named defendants, are non-residents of the State of Illinois, and without the reach of process of this court; and the said complainant having filed his amended bill herein, for the conveyance of certain real estate, therein described; and a subpoena in chaucery having been issued herein according to law:
Now you, the said defendants, whose non-residence appears as above, are hereby notified, that unless you shall be and appear before the Circuit Court aforesaid, on or before the first day of the next term thereof, to be holden at the court-house, in the town of Edwardsville, on the fourth Monday in the next month of May next, A.D. 1844, and plead, demur, except to, or answer to the complainant's bill of complaint, according to the rules and practice of said court, the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the complainant's bill of complaint.
Dated at Edwardsville, March 21, A.D. 1844. Attest -- WM. T. BROWN, Clerk, GEO. T.M. DAVIS, sol'r for compl't. March 23, 1844-12-4w
"The Edwardsville Intelligencer" Edwardsville [Madison Co.], Illinois, Thursday, February 27, 1873 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 2/2004)
In Madison Circuit Court -- In Chancery.
Orlean Starkey, Nancy Duncan and George Duncan, her husband; Monroe Starkey, Elias Starkey and George Starkey, said Elias and George, minors, by Orlean Starkey, their next friend,
Amanda Caroline Starkey, Jesse L. Starkey, and the posthumous infant child of Edward Starkey, deceased, unnamed.
By virtue of decree of said court, made in this case at May term, 1870, the undersigned, master in chancery, will sell, at public sale, at the late residence of Edward Starkey, on the premises to be sold, on SATURDAY, THE TWENTY-SECOND DAY OF MARCH, A.D. 1873, at 2 o'clock P.M. the following described tract of land, lying in said county of Madison and state of Illinois, viz: The east half of the northeast quarter of section No. one, in the township five north, range nine west of the third principal meridian, containing eighty acres, more or less.
TERMS: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in hand at time of sale, the balance in six and twelve months thereafter in equal payments, secured by note with approved personal security and mortgage of the premises purchased.
DAVID GILLESPIE, Master in Chancery, Dale & Burnett, Sol'rs.
"Edwardsville Intelligencer" Edwardsville [Madison Co.], Illinois, Wednesday, July 17, 1889 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 2/2004)
MARSH DUNCAN and three of his children are known to have drowned by cloud-burst on Soldier creek, near Fort Robinson, Neb., on the night of the 13th and is feared that many other lives were lost.
"Edwardsville Intelligencer" Edwardsville [Madison Co.], Illinois, Wednesday, November 18, 1891 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 2/2004)
Laura Compton, of Sorento, is a guest at Dr. W. Duncan's.
Frank Duncan, who has been convalescing the past week, took a sudden change for the worse, Wednesday night. Hemorrage of the bowles (sp) set in, and he is in a very serious condition. Drs. Bucknell, Sharp and McKinney have been called in.
"Edwardsville Intelligencer" Edwardsville [Madison Co.], Illinois, Wednesday, December 16, 1891 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 2/2004)
Frank Duncan is up and able to be about.
"Edwardsville Intelligencer" Edwardsville [Madison Co.], Illinois, Wednesday, December 23, 1891 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 2/2004)
Frank Duncan, of New Douglas, who has been sick with typhoid fever,
is again back at work.
"Edwardsville Intelligencer" Edwardsville [Madison Co.], Illinois, Wednesday, January 6, 1892 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 2/2004)
Dr. A.T. Duncan and wife, of Litchfield [Montgomery Co.], spent New Year's day with his son, Dr. W.W. Duncan.
"Edwardsville Intelligencer" Edwardsville [Madison Co.], Illinois, Wednesday, May 25, 1892 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 2/2004)
Frank Duncan and Miss Laura Compton, of Sorento, were married Sunday morning, at the home of Dr. Matnee (?). Miss Ida Duncan was bridesmaid and Wm. Sutton groomsman. An elegant dinner was served at Mrs. Compton's. They will make their home here.
"Edwardsville Intelligencer" Twice-a-week; Edwardsville [Madison Co.], Illinois, Tuesday, February 25, 1896 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 2/2004)
Events and Incidents Chronicled by Live Correspondants.
Tom Duncan, age 11 years, was arrested Saturday charged with attempting to poison his mother and aunt by pouring rat poison in the coffee. Luckily no one drank of it before it was discovered. He was tried before 'Squire Terry and bound over to the grand jury in the sum of $200 and in default was taken to Edwardsville and lodged in jail. Several months ago Tommy was arrested with four other boys for burglarizing the store of J.H. Kuhlenbeck, but was released.
"Edwardsville Intelligencer" Twice-a-week; Edwardsville [Madison Co.], Illinois, Tuesday, March 3, 1896 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 2/2004)
--- Moses Duncan, of Collingsville, father of Tom Duncan, the 11-year-old boy in jail charged with attempting to poison his mother and aunt, an account of which was published some days ago, was in the city Friday and stated that his son was not connected with the burglary of the store of J.H. Kuhlenbeck, at Collingsville, as was charged.
"Edwardsville Intelligencer" Twice-a-week; Edwardsville [Madison Co.], Illinois, Friday, July 16, 1897 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 2/2004)
John H. Duncan, of Cape Town, Africa, and Miss Emma Schlebuhr, of Carlinville, were married at St. Louis, Saturday. Mr. Duncan journeyed all the distance from South Africa to claim his bride. He was reared in Carlinville, and they were schoolmates. They fell in love and became engaged. Then there was a quarrel, and on the day he was 21 years old he left home. He went to Africa and entered the customs service of the British Government. He prospered and is now reputed to be wealthy. After acquiring this wealth he set about to win his lost love back. The couple have sailed back for Cape Town.
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