Duncan research files of |
1850 San Joaquin Co. CA Census
Pg.324, #841, William DAVIS 32 Maryland merchant
James HUNT 27 Maryland merchant
R. DUNCAN (m) 23 IL trader
1860 San Joaquin Co. CA Census
Douglass Twp.
Pg.919, #372-386, Hiram DUNCAN 61 SC farmer
Nancy 57 KY
James H. 27 IL farmer
Thomas J. 24 IL
Andrew S. 13 MO
Henry TURNER 25 AR BLACK farm laborer
Lucy 23 VA BLACK
Elvira 7, Henry 5 CA BLACK
(MAD: 1850 Lawrence Co. MO census; Hiram and family buried Lindon Cem., 13 miles E. of Stockton, San Joaquin Co. CA)
Elkhorn Twp.
Pg.972, #740-754, Charles C. SPERRY 27 NH farmer
Angeline 24 MA ("Mass")
Charles H. 5 NH
Aaron T?. JONES 35 IN farm laborer
Jacob LIGHTFOOT 25 IN farm laborer
Harry DUNCAN 28 DE ("Delew.") farm laborer
Hugh THOMAS 44 ENG farm laborer
John DAVIS 33 IRE farm laborer
Cyrus MILLER 39 ME ("Maine") farm laborer
Pg.995, #907-917, James STURGILL 31 NC blacksmith
Mary 31 MO
Sarah E. 7 MO, Louis (m) 1 CA
L.C. DUNCAN (m) 22 TN apprentice
Stockton City
Pg.1082, #1665-1669, George DUNCAN 40 MD BLACK laborer
Emily 33 VA BLACK
Oscar 14 NY BLACK
Louis (m) 2 CA BLACK
1870 San Joaquin Co. CA Census (Pgs.40-41 also from Georgia Blomgren 9/2000)
Douglass Twp., 7/15/1870 (page in parenthesis is township page)
Pg.40 (22), #146-#146, DUNCAN, Jas. 38 TN farmer $5000-$1000
Sallie 33 MO Keeps house
Willie (m) 12, Eudora (f) 10 CA
Nancy 8, Chas. 6 CA
Geo. 2, Baby (f) 1/12 CA b.May
MORE, Isabella? 65 KY Dress Maker
LOWRIE, Maratha 18 MO dom. servt.
(GB: James Duncan is son of Hiram and Nancy Duncan; William and Eudora were children of Sarah "Sallie" Moore by her first husband William Blythe)
Pg.41 (24), #159-#159, DUNCAN, Hiram 71 "KY" (SC) Farmer $5000-$1500
Nancy 67 "Ireland" (KY) Keeps house
(GB: The "place of birth" is one line off on the original document; Hiram was born SC, Nancy in KY)
Oneal Twp.
Pg.100, #40-40, BALKWELL, John ... hotel keeper, includes
DUNCAN, Jim 40 IRE laborer, parents of foreign birth
2nd Ward Stockton
Pg.161, #61-59, DUNCAN, Thos. 27 MA shoe maker $0-$0
WILLSON, Mary 40 IRE domestic, parents of foreign birth
Pg.162, #66-63, (many people, "insane", prevented from voting)
DUNCAN, C.S. (m) 57 VA insane (blank occupation)
1880 Census, Stockton (Insane Asylum), San Joaquin County, California (from Kathy Cawley 4/2007)
S.D.# 2, E.D.# 98, Page# 71D, Image# 16 of 37
DUNCAN, Jane O or C., w/f, age 42, insane, single, Pennsylvania
(KDC: *all of parents birthplaces are blank; 1870 Dubuque Co. IA with Samuel Duncan)
1900 Census, Stockton Township, Stockton City, San Joaquin County, California (from Kathy Cawley 4/2007)
Stockton State Hospital
S.D.# 4, E.D.# 116, Page # B, Image# 6 of 35
DUNCAN, Jane O., Patient, w/f, age 62, single, IA./UNK./UNK.
1910 Census, Oneal Township, Stockton City, San Joaquin County, California (from Kathy Cawley 4/2007)
Stockton State Hospital
S.D.# 6, E.D.#146, Page# 123B, Image# 38 of 44
DUNCAN, Jennie, f/w, age 36, US/US/US
KDC: age is as stated. Though age is really off, Jennie is in the same place as Jane and through an earlier census record (1860), she was also called "Jennie."
CA Death Indexes, 1905-1929 and 1930-1939 (1905-1929 from CA State Library, Sacramento, and FHL microfilm 1,686,044, A to Emerson, Geo.; 1930-1939 from FHL microfilm 1,686,048, A to Hetterman)
MAD Note: An index to California Birth Records, 1905-1995, and California Death Records, 1940-1997, has been posted at Rootsweb:
Decedent name (8 characters maximum in first name); Spouse initials; Age, Place, Date of death; Year registered - State file number (MAD: added birth year)
Duncan, Arthur; 50 years, San Joaquin Co., died 4/1/26; 26-21380
Duncan, Charles M.; spouse E.; 60 years, San Joaquin Co., died 11/4/26; 26-54740
Duncan, Edward; 50 years, San Joaquin Co., died 2/28/06; 06-7366
Duncan, George; 65 years, San Joaquin Co., died 5/12/22; 22-24578
Duncan, Henry; 74 years, San Joaquin Co., died 4/28/15; 15-13153 (b.1841)
Duncan, Herbert A.; spouse M.E.; 56 years, San Joaquin Co., died 5/21/27; 27-27311
Duncan, J. H. Mrs.; 48 years, San Joaquin Co., died 12/18/09; 09-31811; Cross Reference Entry; Duncan, Mrs. J.H.; 48 years, San Joaquin Co., died 12/18/09; 09-31811
Duncan, Jane O.; 74 years, San Joaquin Co., died 11/25/12; 12-37614
Duncan, John; 54 years, San Joaquin Co., died 6/28/35; 35-36958
Duncan, Jordan; 83 years, San Joaquin Co., died 5/9/22; 22-24546 (b.1839)
Duncan, Katie; 63 years, San Joaquin Co., died 12/19/29; 29-66928
Duncan, L. J.; 75 years, San Joaquin Co., died 1/17/29; 29-5794
Duncan, Mary L.; 43 years, San Joaquin Co., died 8/31/07; 07-21081
Duncan, Mary M.; spouse F.E.; 60 years, San Joaquin Co., died 3/23/30; 30-17293
Duncan, Sarah; 83 years, San Joaquin Co., died 5/25/20; 20-22666
Duncan, T. W.; 55 years, San Joaquin Co., died 11/6/12; 12-37603
Duncan, William; 58 years, San Joaquin Co., died 10/14/21; 21-40416
Duncan, Winnie; spouse C.F.; 52 years, San Joaquin Co., died 1/28/39; 39-6343
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, James H.; H 6 Calif. Inf.; 1892 Jan. 14, Invalid Appl. #1084883, Cert. #1085231, Calif; remarks C2514928. (MAD: ? 1860 San Joaquin Co. CA; enlisted 13 March 1863 at Columbia (Tuolumne Co.), CA; Union Army, 1st Sergt, Co.H 6th Inf. Reg. CA)
"Report of the Selective Service Administration of California" 1922, pages 372-373 (Placerville FHC book)
Name, City and County (MAD: have added county in parenthesis if different from city)
Duncan, Harry R., Stockton (San Joaquin Co.)
Duncan, Orvil Dean, San Joaquin Co.
Dunkum, William Edward, San Joaquin Co.
"History of San Joaquin County, California : with biographical sketches of leading men and women of the county who have been identified with its growth and development from the early days to the present" by George H. Tinkham; pub. Los Angeles, Calif.: Historic Record Co., 1923, 1627 pgs. (LH13458, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL book 979.455 H2t and film 1,000,126 item 2)
Pg.847-848: MRS. MARY CECELIA JACOBSEN. born on the Selby ranch near Redwood City, San Mateo County, a daughter of Edmund and Sarah (McSorley) Elligott, ... Mary Cecelia, to Stockton in 1880. She was married in St.Mary's Church, October 3, 1893, to Jacob Jacobsen, a native of Denmark, born December 18, 1860, whose father, Louis, was a farmer .. when 18 years of age he came to New York State, later removing to Kansas, whence he came to California. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobsen's union has been blessed with two children: Louis E., graduate of St.Mary's College .... Edmund D. entered service in the World War, June 3, 1918, ... He was married September 17, 1919, to Miss Blanche Duncan, a daughter of Chas. H. and Ethel (Tupper) Duncan, of Linden, and they have a lovely daughter, Meredith. ...
"The History of Contra Costa County, California" by Wm L Todd, Jos W Revere, William B Ide, Jose Castro, et al; edited by F.J. Hulaniski; pub. Berkeley, Calif.: Elms Pub. Co., 1917, 706 pgs. (LH11192, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL film 1,035,913 item 1)
Pg.559-560: PAUL F. BUCHOLTZ. ... native of Contra Costa Co., born in Byron, September 30, 1886, son of Rudolph F., who was born in Berlin, Germany, and died in 1895. Father to this country when Mr. Bucholtz was a mere lad ... mother was Martha (Shafer) Bucholtz, ... three sons and one daughter. William who is connected with Paul F. in the meat market at Brentwood, married Elva Pamberton, of Brentwood. Paul F., the second son and subject of this sketch, ... Rudolph F., a partner in the meat business, was born February 7, 1882, and married Miss Maud Elizabeth Duncan, of Manteca, in 1909. They have two children, Violet and Frank R., Jr. The sister, Annie, is now the wife of Robert Duncan, and was married in 1910. Their daughter is Annie. Paul F. and Rudolph F. are members of the I.O.O.F. ... The mother passed away April 1, 1916, at the age of 61 years. .... (MAD: Manteca, San Joaquin Co. CA)
Name Index in California Room, CA State Library, Sacramento; Books could not be photocopied because they were old, but most are available on microfilm and then through interlibrary loan. Newspapers are also on microfilm.
DUNKUM, ROLAN - Death, legal notice (d. Stockton Nov. 6, 1950, aged 63), Sacramento Bee Nov. 9, 1950, pg.45, col.3. (San Joaquin Co.; see also El Dorado Co.)
"Fresno Weekly Republican" Fresno, California, January 6, 1883 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 1/2004)
CALIFORNIA NEWS - Sebastian Duncan died at Stockton [San Joaquin Co.] Dec. 27, while sitting in his chair. Cause, heart disease.
"Fresno Weekly Republican" Fresno, California, January 18, 1889 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 1/2004)
J.H. Duncan of Stockton [San Joaquin Co.] arrived in this city last evening on a visit to his brother, T.J. Duncan.
1923 "History of San Joaquin County, California : with biographical sketches of the leading men and women" by George H. Tinkham, pub. by Historic Record Co. (Placerville, CA, Library; also FHL film 1,000,126 item 2)
No Duncan biography indexed
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