Cass County Genealogical Society Home Page

Cass County Genealogical Society Home Page
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unofficial site

I am no longer the webmaster for the official CCGS site.  However, some of the items I maintained for them through RootsWeb will remain here.  The official site can be viewed here.


The Genealogy Section of the Atlanta Public Library

See a booklist here (updated April 2002)
or a microfilm list here
.  I'm sure the society has added to both of these lists but there has been no updated list added to the web that I'm aware of so I'll leave this one available.

Search the index to the 8 volumes of Cemeteries With Cass County Connections! A page telling which cemeteries are in which particular volume.

CCGS will respond to requests for information, the Corresponding Secretary will make a reasonable search of CCGS published materials at his/her discretion. This is the sole discretion of the Corresponding Secretary.


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Cass County Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 880 Dept. CCW
Atlanta, TX 75551-0880

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