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Summons for Timothy C. in VT in 1807
Marriage Record for Timothy & Ann Horton
Timothy Chase listed in Rev. War books
Timothy C. land transaction 1797
Timothy C. land transaction 1803
Enoch Sr. Land transaction 1867
Enoch Jr. Military Record Mexican War
Enoch Sr. March Meeting 1798

Business Directory of Crawford Co. PA 1874

On page 241, in Spring Township:
    Sargent, C.M., (Spring), r 3, farmer, works farm of heirs of Anson,

On page 305, in the City of Titusville:
    Sargent, F.W., lumberman and prop. wood yard, head of Franklin.

Note:  the "r" stands for the # of the road the person resides on and the
"145" on C.M. Sargent, means he owns 145 acres.

Those are the only 2 references to that surname in this source. 

Kathy Brubaker
Volunteer Genealogist
Linesville Historical Society