Going To Palmyra: Sherman Deeds
by Margaret Sherman Lutzvick
This is a brief "snapshot" of the book, Going to Palmyra; Sherman Deeds,
a Sherman family history that provides brief glimpses into important historical events that occurred during
each Sherman family generation beginning in about the year 1000. Of
particular interest is the Rhode Island line of Honorable Phillip Sherman and
his family. Many "lost" Sherman ancestors and
new facts were found in research. According to John H. Sherman, author of The
Sherman Directory, "The book is easily read . . . exceptionally well
documented, and . . . includes genealogical material that has probably never
before been published." Another wrote, "Your
work adds a whole new level of understanding to the "what/where/why's" of not
just the family's history, but of the nation's."
The book tells about early Sherman family life in England, New England,
and in Wayne and Washington Counties, New York. It also includes speculations of
what may have influenced the Shermans and others to emigrate from place to place
over the centuries. Some events are sad, others are funny, and all are part of our heritage. Historical milestones, such as early religious differences, the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, tell of the price that
some families paid for freedom and democracy. Other items included are somewhat humorous.
For example, old newspaper accounts such as the following are included.
in Penfield on the 20th ault [this month] Mr. Rueben Briley aged 42 to Miss Huldah Barritt
aged 29 after a long and tedious courtship." (c1820, Palmyra Register,
Palmyra, NY)
It may be said that this is not just a Sherman family history, but one of all families who traveled the same paths as the Shermans, emigrating first from Germany to England, then from England to America, and finally from the New England to the west coast. The book is enhanced with approximately 60 photographs taken in Germany, England, and the US, an appendix with maps, charts, and early New England census information, a complete and detailed family tree dating from 1281 to the present time, and an index with over 800 names including other surnames such as Clark, Ferris, Stanton, Pratt, Durfee, Eddy, and Cogswell (Coggeshall, Cogsdill), of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Missouri, and Washington State. Each chapter is about a new Sherman generation, and is easily read. This book should appeal to all readers who appreciate family history stories, and who enjoy brief historical moments that help bring their ancestors to life.
Author, Margaret
Sherman Lutzvick
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 96-79315
ISBN 0-9655764-0-X
Copyright ©1997
Published by Gateway Press, INC, Baltimore, MD
Printed in the United States of America
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