
The Goldendale Sentinel, Goldendale, WA., February 15, 1940, page 1


     Dedicatory services were held in Klickitat's attractive the new Grace Lutheran church last Sunday morning. Reverend George, of Portland, delivered the dedicatory sermon. Following the services a pot luck dinner was served in the club room.
     Special music was furnished by the choir and a clarinet and violin duet was rendered by Louise Schmidt and Barbara Neils. Professor Brandt spoke at the afternoon service.
     Following a 6:00 supper served in the club room Reverend George gave an informal lecture on his experiences in Alaska. The Portland minister served as the first pastor of a Lutheran church in Matunuska valley. In his talk Reverend George termed the federal government colonization project there a definite success.

The Goldendale Sentinel, Goldendale, WA., February 22, 1940, page 1
Includes photograph


     Friends and members of Klickitat's Lutheran congregation joined Sunday, Feb. 11, in dedicating this new $8,000 church building. Officiating at the services was the pastor, Eugene R. Schramm. The building, of Cape Cod colonial design, was planned by an outstanding church architect, F.R. Webber of Cleveland, Ohio, and was constructed by Peter Westlund and son of The Dalles.
     The interior of the church is finished in plaster and knotty pine stained dark brown, with an open ceiling and exposed trusses. There is a full basement with a kitchen and Sunday school rooms, and oil-burning heating plant. A choir room and entrance porch open up to the 51x22 foot auditorium.

©  Jeffrey L. Elmer