Richmond Daily Dispatch - 1860-1865
Richmond Dispatch
by Cowardin & Hammersley.
the Daily Dispatch is served to subscribers at six and A Quarter cents per week, payable to the Carrier weekly. Price for mailing, $4 a year, or $2.50 for six months, in advance.
the Semi-Weekly Dispatch is issued every Tuesday and Friday at $2.00, in advance.
the Weekly Dispatch is issued every Friday, and mailed to subscribers at $1 per annum.
Over-worked women.
--An over — worked woman is always a sad sight; sadder a great deal than an over-worked man, because she is so much more fertile in capacities of suffering than a man. She has so many varieties of headache, sometimes as if Joel were driving the nail that killed Sisera into her temples, sometimes letting her work fall with half her brain, while the other half throbs as if it would go to pieces; sometimes tightening round the brows as if her cap bands were Luke's iron crown; and then her neuralgias, and her back aches, and her fits of depression, in which she thinks she is nothing, and less than nothing, and those paroxysms which men speak slightingly of as hysterical convulsions, that is all, only not commonly fatal ones; so many trials which belong to her fine and mobile structure, that she is always entitled to pity when she is placed in conditions which develops her nervous tendencies.-- Dr. O. W. Helmes.
--The most famous thing now in America is "Dixie." The forests of Arostook and the gulches of California are equally familiar with its jingle; by the shores of the Chesapeake, and by the pictured rocks of Lake Superior it soundeth. An amusing anecdote is told, which happened lately at a St. Louis theatre:
The orchestra played "Dixie," when the curtain rose and the play began. But the audience would not listen. The cry of "Dixie" ran through the house from pit to gallery, completely drowning the voice of the actor.--He made several ineffectual attempts to be heard, and left the stage. The old manager appeared, flushed with anger, and, in an excited voice, exclaimed: "Gentlemen, what means all this ill-mannered confusion !-- What do you want?" Immediately a hundred voices cried out "Dixie." "Well, you can't have it. "You've had 'Dixie' once tonight, and you'll have 'Dixie' no more." He retired to the green-room, and the actor again appeared. But it was no use. A deafening shout for "Dixie" met him from the audience, and, after stammering and stuttering for a few moments, he left the stage. The curtain dropped, the orchestra played "Dixie," and the play progressed without further interruption.
Southern Female Institute,
The 11th session of this Institution will commence on the 1st of October next, and close on the last day of June, 1861.
The Principal will be aided by eleven thoroughly qualified instructors, and every effort will be made to maintain the high reputation and select character of the School.
The advantages offered in the departments of Music and the Modern Languages are unsurpassed, while especial attention is given to the study of History. English Literature, Rhetoric and Reading.
For further information, or for catalogue giving course of study, terms, regulations and full list of patrons, to which attention is invited, address the Principal. D. Lee Powell.
se 17--ts Box 31, Richmond, Va.
Sewing Machines.
The Willcox & Gibbs' Sewing Machine
received the highest premium at the State Agricultural Fair, October 27th, 1860, and is well worthy the attention of those in want of a good Family Sewing Machine Price $35 to $80. John A. Belvin.
Belvin's Block, on 12th and Governor sts.
oc 31--1m
The Singer Sewing Machines.
--The marked and ever extended popularity of Singer's Sewing Machines, both in America and Europe, is such as best to establish their superiority over all others in the market. Sewing Machines, so called, may be bought, it is true, for a smaller amount of dollars, but it is mistaken economy to invest anything in a worthless or unreliable article, and those who will do so must abide the consequences.
Singer's New Family Machines.
In order to place the very best Family Machines in the world within the reach of all, we have reduced our Letter A, or transverse Shuttle Machines, beautifully ornamented, to fifty Dollars.
Singer's No. 1 and 2 Standard Shuttle
Both of very general application and capacity, and popular both in the family and the manufactory. Prices reduced respectively from $135 and $150 to $90 and $100.
Singer's No. 3 Standard Shuttle Machine,
For carriage-maker and heavy leather work. Price, complete, $125.
Also, to complete the list, an entirely new article, unequaled for manufacturing purposes, noiseless, rapid, and capable of any kind of work. Price, including iron stand and drawers, $110, cheaper at that, in view of its value, than the machines of any other maker as a gift.
All of Singer's Machine make the interlocked stitch with two threads, which is the best stitch known. Every person desiring to procure full and reliable information about Sewing Machines, their sizes, prices, working capacities, and the best method of purchasing, can obtain it by sending for a copy of "L. M. Singer & Co.'s Gazette," which is a beautiful pictorial paper, entirely devoted to the subject. It will be supplied gratis.
Needles, Thread, Cottons, Silk, and all necessary articles used with Sewing Machines, kept constantly on hand for sale. Also, a practical machinist, who is ever ready to attend on our customers. if required.
Messrs. Singer & Co.'S office being conducted on the most thorough business principles, by an entirely new set of hands, we feel confident of doing our share of the business, as we have always done heretofore. I. M. Singer & Co.,
240 Main street, Richmond.
For sale and Rent.
A rare opportunity.--for Rent
--A most desirable House on West 17th streets near Main, opposite the Old Market. The House has nine rooms besides store and cellar. Gas all through the premiers. A first rate location for any business, particularly a restaurant and boarding-house. Rent reasonable, and terms for possession moderate, and can be had immediately. Apply to
oc 31--ts Jacob Ezekiel, 41 Main st.
Rooms for Rent
--Four desirable Rooms over my store, on Broad street, between 2d and 3d streets.
oc31 — 2t* A. Hardingham.
For sale or Rent.
--The new brick Dwelling now occupied by Daniel Hunt, Esq., on 6th, between Cary and Canal streets, containing eleven rooms, a large bathing room and coal cellar, and all the modern improvements; also a kitchen with four rooms, and a double stable, fronting on a private alley 14 feet wide. The yard is large and convenient. This is one of the most desirable dwellings in the city, situated in a very healthy and excellent neighborhood. Would suite either a medical man or merchant, being in ten minutes walk of the business portion of the city. Any person wishing to purchase, can do so much below cost. Information maybe had of Mr. Hunt, on the premises, or at my office.
E. A. J. Clopton,
Corner Wall and Franklin streets,
oc 30--eod2 Opp. Dickinson, Hill & Co's.
The valuable property at the Corner of Broad and Ninth streets, known as the "Broad street Hotel," for sale.
--The above property is for sale, and will, if required, be divided. It is fully regarded as among the most valuable real estate on Broad street. Liberal credits will be given, or, if preferred, City or State, or Bank Stocks will be taken in payment, at par.--The lot has a front of 131 feet on Broad st, and a depth on 9th st, of 130 feet to a wide paved alley.--The property, in its present condition, pays a more than nett interest on $15,000. Apply to
oc 30--6t Goddin -- Apperson.
A beautiful Market Farm for Rent.
--On the 1st day of January next, that beautiful market farm "Sherwood" will be for rent. It lies between the Brooke turnpike and new road by the Fair Grounds by each of which it is bounded; one mile and a quarter from the city, contains seventy three acres. The accommodations upon it are sufficient for a small family. It may be rented for one year or more.
R. B. Haxall,
oc 29--ts Jas. Lyons.
For Rent.
--On the first day of January next the Central Hotel will be for rent for one or more years, with all the Furniture in it. Apply to
oc 29--ts James Lyons.
For Rent — and possession given immediately
--The large Room formerly used as a Pistol Gallery, on the corner of 14th and Main streets, Rent $300. Apply on the premises. [oc 26--6t] M. G. Whitman.
Room for Rent
--A large comfortable Room over my store, suitable for a doctor's office or lodging-room
J. W. Frayser. Druggist, 17th st.,
oc 23--ts Near corner of Broad.
Room for Rent.
--The large and comfortable Room, lately occupied by the York River Railroad Company, over the store of the subscribers is now for rent.
P. Johnston & Brother.
an 16--ts 115 Main street.
Real estate for sale
Desirable Tract of Land for sale containing 480 Acres. Excellent improvements and superior orchards
--We will sell, to the highest bidder, upon the premises, on Thursday, the 15th day of November next, at Jennings' Ordinary, in Nottoway county, a valuable Tract of Land, belonging to the estate of Nathan Ward, dec'd, situated on the Richmond and Danville Railroadone mile from Jennings' Ordinary Depot. The improvements are very fine; the orchards of apple peach, pear and plum, are large, and as well selected as any in the State of Virginia. The crop of wheat seeded will be charged to the purchaser.
Terms--$250 in cash; the balance on a credit of one, two and three years interest added, bonds and approved security, and title withheld until the payment of the purchase money. Mr. Levisee who resides on the land, will show the premises to any desiring to view them.
Address, Petersburg,
Campbell & Pegram,
Com'rs of the Circuit Court of Nottoway.
oc 30--d6t & cwtds.
Small Farm for sale.
--Intending to remove from where I now reside. I will offer for sale, privately, my little Farm, on the Brooke Turnpike, 3 ½ miles distant from the city, containing 17 ½ Acres of highly improved land. This place is admirably situated for a Market Garden, having at this time a good many Fruit Trees in full bearing — The neighborhood is very good, and in a very short distance of two churches. The Buildings are full sufficient for the place, having a very good Dwelling-House with seven or eight rooms, with Kitchen. Barn, Stables, &c. besides a Blacksmith's Shop and Smith House, with a good run of custom to the shop, and two Wells and a Spring of good water on the place. If not disposed of by the 31st of the present month, of which due notice will be given, I will on that day sell it at public auction, to the highest bidder, with all my Farming Implements, crops of Corn, Fodder, Shucks, and Straw; also, all the growing crops of Vegetables. Horse. Wagon and Carts, &c.; also, all my Household and Kitchen Furniture. Persons disposed to purchase, will please call on me, on the place, or to Mr. J. W. Bevridge, Richmond, Va.
oc 9--1aw4w R. G. Walton.
For sale, most valuable property in the county of Elizabeth City--"little Scotland."
--The subscriber having recently purchased a large farm in another county, with a view of devoting his entire attention to agriculture, offers for sale his most valuable estate in the county of Elizabeth City, known as "Little Scotland.""Little Scotland" is most beautifully situated at the mouth of Hampton river; its health unsurpassed; the soil high and rich; scenery the most beautiful in tide-water Virginia, commanding a view of Hampton River, Old Point Comfort, the town of Hampton, and the splendid roadstead.--The town of Hampton is most rapidly extending in this direction, and the locality of "Little Scotland" presents every facility for building purposes. From the demand or building lots, the subscriber has seriously contemplated the division of his Farm into lots, confident the scheme would prove most profitable. Should be not dispose of "Little Scotland" before the 1st of January next, he will then offer it in small and suitable parcels. Chesapeake College adjoins "Little Scotland" on the one side, and handsome residences connect it on the other with the rapidly growing town of Hampton --The improvements are all new — new Barn and out — Houses, a large and commodious Brick Residence, with all the necessary conveniences, one--fourth of a mile from Hampton and two from Old Point. This place offers rare inducements — all the luxuries of the salt water, health, good society, fine schools and churches "Little Scotland" contains about 185 Acres, excepting "Mill Point" of six acres, on which there is a new and valuable Brick Steam Mill, capable of grinding twenty barrels of flour, or one hundred bushels of meal per day, for all of which there is an active demand. Experience has demonstrated "Mill Point" to be an excellent location for a ship"yard, and the purchaser of the Mill could easily attach a Saw Mill and Railway. The Mill will be sold separately or with the Farm, as the purchaser may desire — the subscriber reserving two acres for a summer residence, upon "Mill Point," which he would not dispose of on scarcely any consideration. He would most respectfully invite all who may wish to purchase to visit the premises, as he cannot pretend to give the many advantages possessed by "Little Scotland." Its inducements are many and rare, either to the capitalist or to one who may desire a beautiful home, combining all that is necessary for pleasure and comfort.
The subscriber would also offer for sale, another valuable Farm, containing one hundred and fifty acres, situated opposite the town of Hampton, on Hampton river, and known as "Oakland," with most superior facilities to the best markets. The soil is highly productive. There is an active demand for everything capable of being produced on a farm. It is one fourth of a mile from Hampton, and three from Old-Point.--The beauty of location, its health, the productiveness of the soil, together with its proximity to good schools and churches, render it a most desirable place.
If not sold privately before, the subscribers will offer at public auction, the Mill Property and Oakland, in Hampton, on Thursday, the 22d November, 1860.
For further information, address,
William E. Wood,
oc 26--d1m Hampton; Va.
Land and Slaves in the county of Amelia, for sale privately.
--The devisees of John H. Steger, decide, offer for sale privately a valuable Tract of Land, lying on the Appomattox river, in the county of Amelia, five miles from Mattoax Depot, on the Richmond and Danville Railroad, containing, by estimation, 1,000 acres. The land is admirably adapted to the production of Corn, Wheat and Tobacco, and the tract is regarded as one of the best in the county. If desired, it will be divided into two tracts. The neighborhood is most excellent. Possession will be delivered at once; the devisees reserving the right to cultivate and gather the growing crops, if a satisfactory arrangement cannot be made with the purchaser to take them. The purchaser of the land, if he desires them for his own use, can also purchase a large number of valuable Slaves. The terms will be made accommodating. Apply to William E. Meade or John S. Hardaway, Chula Depot, Amelia; or to R. W. Steger, Mattoax Depot, Amelia. an 29--tf
Horses, &c., for sale
For sale
--A stylish dark bay Horse, nine years old, gentle and sound; has been used in harness, but is specially recommended for the saddle — would suit cavalry service. Also, a United States Saddle, with Equipments, Bridle, &c. Enquire of
oc 31--4t* Peyton Johnston, Main st.
Fine Harness and Saddle Horse for sale.
--For sale, a full size Bay Horse, very handsome, well broke to double or single harness, and rides well under the saddle. As the owner has no use for him, he will be sold for less than his value. Apply at the office of
oc 30--3t Goddin & Apperson.
For sale
-- A fine, thoroughbred, Grey Horse, raised by Major Doswell, who will give his pedigree to any one wishing to purchase. He was 5 years old last June, and is about 16 hands high; is a remarkably fine harness horse, and goes well under the saddle; can easily walk five miles an hour, and sound in every particular. T. B. Grundy,
Auction Sales
future days.
by Goddin & Apperson, Auct's.
Commissioner's sale of the beautiful country Seat called "Mount comfort," half mile Northeast of Richmond.
--As Commissioner appointed by the decrees of the Circuit Court of Henrico, rendered on the 20th October, 1860 in the case of Moncure, &c., against Daniel's Ext, &c., I shall, as special Commissioner thereby appointed, proceed to sell, at public auction, on the premises, on Monday, the 12th November, 1860, at 11 o'clock A. M., (If fair; if not, the next fair day,) the beautiful Country Seat of which Judge Peter V. Daniel died seized called "Mount Comfort," containing about 90 acres, more or less. A plat and survey of the land will be exhibited at the time of sale, showing the sizes of the different subdivisions. There is on the place a comfortable Brick Dwelling, and the usual out-buildings, together with an excellent Orchard, and many handsome Shade Trees, and several excellent Springs. The lots will vary in size from 10 to 20 acres, each according to their relative position. Taking into consideration its beautiful and elevated position, its noted healthfulness, and nearness to the city of Richmond, it is believed that few if any more desirable places have been brought into market for a long time past.
Terms--One-fourth cash; balance at 6, 12 and 18 months, for negotiable notes, interest added, and title retained till all the purchase money is fully paid, and a conveyance ordered by the Court.
Peter V. Daniel, Jr.
no 1 Special Commissioner.
Auction sale of eighteen valuable Slaves, at Ashland, Hanover county, Va.
--At the request of the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad Company, we shall sell at public auction, at Ashland, Hanover county, on the said Railroad, 16 miles north of Richmond, 18 valuable Slaves, conveyed to said Company by Mr. Edwin Robinson. These Slaves are in families and are not only likely, but are of excellent character. They are all young, embracing Cooks House Servants, Washers, &c. Farmers and other persons disposed to purchase Servants for their own use, would do well to attend the sale : and to accommodate such, and to enable the Servants, as far as practicable, to obtain owners in this State, they will be sold on a credit of 4 months, for approved, endorsed negotiable paper, interest added. The sale will take place at Ashland, on Wednesday, the 14th November, 1860, at 10 o'clock A. M. Persons leaving Richmond in the morning cars can attend the sale, and return the same day by 2½ o'clock P. M.
no 1 Goddin & Apperson, Auct'rs.
Two valuable Tenements on the East side of Valley, between Richard and Balding streets, for sale at Auction.
--Will be sold at auction, on the premises, on Wednesday, the 7th November, 1860, at 4 o'clock P. M., a very excellent Brick Tenement, now in the occupancy of Mr. Adams, and a new Framed Cottage Dwelling on the north occupied by --. The lot has a front of 100 feet, and a depth of 165 feet. The property is in good repair, and rents to good tenants at fair rents.
Terms.--One-third cash; balance at 4 and 8 months, for negotiable notes, interest added and title retained till last note is paid.
no 1 Goddin & Apperson, Aucts.
By E. B. Cook, Auct'r.
Genteel Household Furniture at Auction.--On Monday, Nov. 5th at 10 o'clock, I will sell at the residence of P. W. Dudley, Esq., on Leigh, between 6th and 7th sts., all his Household Furniture, consisting in part of--
Sofas, Divans, Mahogany and Rosewood Chairs.
Marble-top Tables, Brussels Carpets.
Hat Backs, Floor Oil Cloth.
Wardrobes, Bedsteads,
Feather Beds, Mattresses.
Looking-Glasses, Washstands.
Cane and Wood seat Chairs.
Dining and other Tables.
Refrigerator, safe.
The usual variety of China, Glass and Crockery Ware, together with many other housekeeping articles too numerous to mention, all of which is in good condition. E. B. Cook,
no 1 Auctioneer.
Valuable Farm and ten likely Slaves, for sale, in the county of Hanover.
--As Commissioner appointed by the Circuit Court of Hanover county, by a decree rendered on the 6th of October, 1860, in the suit of Talley, &c. vs. Talley, &c, I will sell on the 29th of November next (if fair; if not, the next fair day,) on the premises, the Tract of Land on which John Talley, dec'd. lately resided, containing 252 acres, within 13 miles of Richmond, and 3 miles of the Old Church, and adjoining the lands of R. R. Horn. B. W. Talley and others. It has upon it a Dwelling with six rooms, and all necessary outhouses. It lies well for improvement, and is well suited for marketing, as well as farming purposes; is in a good neighborhood and convenient to churches, schools and mills. Mr. Loving, on the premises, will take pleasure in showing it. Also, on the same day, on the premises, ten likely Slaves, most of which are good field hands, and a No. 1 Cook, Washer and Ironer.
Terms--For the Slaves, cash. For the Land, one-third cash; one third in one year, and the remaining one third in two years, the deferred payments carrying interest from day of sale, and the purchaser executing his bonds with good and sufficient security, and the title retained until the whole of the purchase money is paid, and a conveyance directed by the Court.
T. W. Talley, Commissioner.
At the same time and place, will be sold all the Household and Kitchen Furniture, crops, stock and Farming Implements of every description, belonging to the estate of John Talley, dec'd.
Terms--On day of sale. B. W. Talley,
no 1--1m* Administrator.
By Richard Cauthorn, Auct'r.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, &c. On Friday, 2d day of November, at 10 o'clock, at my store, I will sell at auction, a lot of Goods, consisting in part of Ready made Coats and Pantaloons, Woollen Hose, Beached and Unbleached Cotton Hose and Half-Hose. Shoe Laces, Umbrellas, Blankets, Shoes, Slippers, &c
no 1 R. Cauthorn, Auct.
ThursdayMorning......nov. 1, 1860.
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.
Greenville--census returns--educational institutions --Theological Seminary--Virginia Students--Court --political Speaking--"minute men"--curious Relic --Sunday School--Governor's Proclamation, &c.,&c.
Greenville, S. C.,Oct. 29, 1860.
This beautiful town, as many of your readers are aware, is, in point of population, the third place of importance in South Carolina. It is situated in the North western part of the State, in sight of the Blue Ridge mountains, and has long been a place of summer resort for the inhabitants of the sea — board. The States of North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia, are but a few miles distant. It is accessible by railroad, via Columbia, to all portions of country East of the Blue Ridge, and will shortly be brought into an intimate section with the West, by the Rabun Gap Railroad, now in process of construction.-- There is already a daily stage line to Greenville. Tennessee, on the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, a distance of one hundred miles.
The census returns, which are being completed, show that the population of the town proper, is between 2,900 and 3,000, leaving out a few families whose census has not yet been taken. The value of real estate and personal property is $5,400,000; church property $64, Within the corporation limits there are dwellings. During the past year there have been but 43 deaths.
Greenville is highly favored for its educational privileges. Some 100 students are in attendance on the lectures at Furman University, one of the first literary institutions of the South. The flourishing Female Institute has about 80 pupils.
Here, too, is located the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The second session of the Seminary opened on the first of this month. Though so recently established, there still matriculates, 9 of whom are from Virginia, as follows: J. R. Bagby, of Powhatan; J. F. Deans, of Norfolk county; J. S. Brown, of Ambers; P. H. Cowherd, of Louisa; J. B. Taylor, Jr., of Richmond city; J. F. Hardwicke of Pennsylvania; C. H. Ryland, of King & Queen; H. E. Hatcher, of Bedford, and W. D. Harkes, of Buckingham. Two of the Professors are widely known and loved in Virginia, viz; Rev. Messrs. B. Manly, Jr., D. D., of Richmond, and J. A. Broadus, D. D., formerly of Charlottesville. The first named gentleman is Professor of "Biblical Introduction and Interpretation of the Old Testament."Dr. Broadus is Professor of "Interpretation of the New Testament, and Preparation and Delivery of Sermons." The chair of "Systematic Theology, Polemic Theology and A Apologetics," is ably filled by Rev. J. P. Boyce, D. D.Rev. Dr. Wm. Williams, formerly of Georgia, is Professor of "Church History, Church Government and Pastoral ." Besides the Library of the Seminary, the private libraries of the Professors amount to over 10,000 volumes.
The regular term of the Court of Common Pleas for this District is now in session, his Honor D. L. Wardlaw presiding. The only case of much interest on the issue docket, is that involving the validity of the will of Lawrence Brock, deceased. Last Tuesday, during the morning recess of Court, Hons. Messrs. Orr and Ashmore addressed the people of the District on the great political questions of the day.
C. L. Orr said that he had no hope of the defeat of Lincoln for the Presidency; that, in the event of his election, the South could not consistently with honor and safety remain in the Union. He would counsel no hasty action on the part of the State. South Carolina should not withdraw alone. His opinion was that Commissioners should be appointed to go to and consult with other States, and ascertain the course they intended to pursue under the circumstances, so that there might be convert of action.
Col. Ashmore traced Lincoln's political character for the last twenty years, and showed conclusively that Lincoln recognized and practiced the "higher law" doctrine of the Abolition party. The prime object of the Republican party was nothing less than the entire extinction of the peculiar institution of the Southern States. The South should put herself into position for resistance, and when the time for resistance comes, she should resist even unto death.
Steps are being taken here, as, indeed, in many portions of the State, for the organization of a company of "minute men."
A rare curiosity was shown to me on yesterday, by Mr. Lanneau, an artist, of Greenville. It was an original portrait of General Washington, taken in the General's camp by a German artist, on the back of his knapsack. The painting, though of course a rude and somewhat imperfect one, is very much like Sterling's celebrated painting of Washington.
Your religious readers will be interested to know that one of the largest Sabbath schools in the State flourishes here, in connection with the Baptist Church. It numbers between two and three hundred scholars, and is under the superintendence of C. J. Elford, a prominent lawyer of this section.
Richmond Dispatch.
Thursday Morning......Nov. 1 1860.
European Inconsistency.
The people of America, in that natural sympathy which they feel with the people of all countries, who are struggling to shake off alleged oppression, should not permit their enthusiasm to blind them to certain developments of the Italian contest, which afford a striking illustration of the real respect attached to principles of international law and national rights and independence by those who are most loudly prating of them, and who are eternally denouncing this country as a nest of filibusters and land pirates.
The fact that adventurous and roving spirits have gone occasionally from the United States to embark in such enterprises as those of Lopez and Walker, have been made the groundwork of the most sweeping abuse and denunciation of our whole country by the European press, and an English naval commander has played the part of policeman and handed Walker over to the executioner for his filibustering forays in Central America.
Whilst this abusive and bloody measure is meted out to our countrymen, Garibaldi is cheered on to the echo in his filibustering descent upon Italy, supplied by Sardinia, a Power at peace with Naples, with arms and soldiers, and backed up by English volunteers, who, no doubt, have done the hardest part of his fighting. And all this has been enthusiastically applauded by the same public sentiment which denounces as pirates worthy of the gallows, and hands over to the executioner, such men as William Walker, who, what ever his faults, was a man of as much courage and talent, and engaged in quite as fair and practicable an enterprise as Garibaldi.
But this is not all. Here is a significant item by the Canadian's advices: The Patriot says that ":Garibaldi has thanked the seamen of the English ship Renown, who served theGaribaldianguns on the 1st of October! The men were that day on leave of absence." Observe the fact that whilst one English man-of-war is delivering one filibuster 10 death in the West, another is landing her men to fight the battles of a filibuster in the East. Whether Garibaldi be a filibuster or not, makes no difference in this outrage upon national right and justice. England is at peace with Naples, and the landing of trained artillerists from a British ship-of-war, to work the batteries of an enemy of Naples, is a flagrant act of treachery and injustice, which it will be idle to evade by the pitiful and unworthy pretext already prepared for the occasion, that the men were on leave of absence and acting for themselves!
Every one knows that they never could have obtained that leave of absence, under the circumstances of the times and place, without a design that they should take part in the contest, and that they would never have dared to take that part except with the assurance that it was agreeable to the wishes of their officers. What would be said of a United States ship-of-war in Mexico, or Central or South America, if her officers should permit her men to land and work the guns in the battles of a faction in those countries endeavoring to overthrow the government Certainly, we should never hear the last of it, and would probably be threatened with European intervention to make us respect the rights of others.
We have no sympathy with European despotism; we should rejoice to see all Italy capable of being free; we loathe and detest oppression in all its varying forms; but even if the King of Naples be as great a tyrant as he is represented, does England pretend that oppression and despotism in one country justifies the interference of another? This would be a new principle of international law, and one which, if well founded, she should hasten to apply to Turkey, Russia, Austria and Prussia, her faithful friends and allies. Nay, more; if she should presume, as she dare not, to set up any such nonsensical apology as a vindication at the bar of public opinion, how would she relish its application to herself in the case of Ireland.--Suppose that impoverished and oppressed people, who have suffered at the hands of England a thousand fold more than the people of Italy have suffered from any of their rulers, should again revolt, as they have often revolted what would she think of an Irish Garibaldi? Let the gallows on which Robert Emmett and other patriots suffered answer!
And how would she regard the volunteering of Frenchmen, Italians and Americans under this Irish Garibaldi's banner; and what would she think of a French or American national vessel which should land its men, under pretence of a day's leave of absence, to work the guns of the rebels and batter down her strongest fortifications? Yet this is precisely her own course towards the friendly power of Naples. Let our countrymen remember these facts, and avail themselves of them for future reference, when we receive our periodical lectures from the London press on the forays which a few adventurers and misguided men, whom there is no power in our government or people to restrain, sometimes make from our shores.
There is also another fact which we wish our countrymen to bear in mind, that they may know how to appreciate the justice of the abuse which Europeans so persistently and audaciously heap upon the United States, in connexion with an alleged disposition of our Government as well as people to intervene in the affairs of neighboring and friendly States. The accusation is equally groundless and malignant; but what is the example they set us? The intervention by Sardinia in Naples, Sicily, and the States of the Church, is one of the most flagrant acts of national wrong and injustice recorded in the annals of history. The Constitutional justly says that between the invasion of Garibaldi and of Sardinia there is a great difference; the one, himself a Roman, comes to lead the disaffected of his countrymen in their struggle against an unpopular government; but Sardinian invasion constitutes a direct intervention of one regularly constituted State in the affairs of another independent State.
Strange to say, Sardinian invasion took place without any declaration of war, the representative of the King of Naples still being at Turin! Count Cavour gave it to be understood that the invasion by the Sardinian troops was principally directed against the influence of Garibaldi; now it has become evident that they go to aid him.-- We repeat, let Americans bear these facts in mind, and they will understand that when Europe calumniates the United States on account of its alleged contempt of the principles of international right and justice, it is not because Europe respects these principles, but because she hates our country, and is as malignant as she is corrupt, hypocritical and false.
The times are changed.
In the course of conversation a few days since, a gentleman observed to us that he had been overhauling an old file of newspapers, in one of which he found the arrival of the Duke of Kent, father of the present Queen Victoria, at Boston, announced without the flourish of a single trumpet. It was while he was Governor General of Canada, (we believe that was the office he held while in America,) and must therefore have been somewhere about the cross of the last century. The royal visitor quietly took up his quarters with the British Consul, and attracted no sort of attention and remark, beyond a short newspaper paragraph or two. Our friend entered into a train of reflections suggested by the contest between this species of reception and the series of ovations which sprung up as if by magic in the footsteps of his descendant, when he lately visited our shores. It was very great, it must be owned, and yet it was not at all strange.
The Duke of Kent was but a King's son — the fourth in point of birth, and therefore a very distant expectant of the crown. Between him and the throne, lay three others, big, burly, life-like, in the flower of life, the oldest not being forty years of age. Who could expect that young man to outlive all those sons of Anak, the gigantic George, the gigantic Frederick, and the gigantic William? In point of fact, though the youngest, he was the first of the four to die. But who could have guessed, that a child of his, even, would ever succeed to the throne of his ancestors? All these young giants might marry according to law--one of them actually was married, and the Princess Charlotte was already born.--The chance of Kent, and his posterity, therefore, was beautifully small — like the small end of nothing whittled down, to use a phrase said to have originated with old Ben Hardin--so small that it was scarcely visible, and might be said, almost, not to have existed at all. Now, Lord Brougham tells us, that while the Prince Regent was carrying on his prosecution of his wife — endeavoring to get her decapitated by his Parliament — the people were stirred against him to such a degree of intensity, that had a tolerably popular Prince of the blood offered himself as an aspirant for the crown, he would infallibly have overset the older brother. For many years before that trial — ever since he had been Regent indeed — he had passed along the same street every day, in his carriage, and had scarcely been noticed. Yet no sooner had he been crowned, than the poor Queen and all her wrongs were forgotten, and the same people who had scarcely raised their eyes to look at the chariot and livery of the Regent, could scarcely be kept off the chariot and livery of the King. Yet it was the same chariot, the same equipage, and the same man. So great is the difference between him who is merely a King's son, and him who is King in his own person.
Now, it is probable that the Prince of Wales in a very few years will pass through London without attracting more notice than his granduncle did when he was Regent, and that he will stir up the loyalty of John Bull afresh when be becomes King. John has seen so many Kings and Queens that he cares not to look upon royalty in prospect. But Brother Jonathan, while he cares nothing for a man who is only a King's son, with no prospect of being King himself, satiates his curiosity by gazing upon the undoubted heir of royalty. He never saw before a man who was certain to be King, if he only fulfilled the condition of outliving his mother. This is the nearest approach he can make to seeing a King, and he makes the most of his opportunity.
The relative situation of the two countries (England and America,) was at the time (1799,) very different from their present relations. We had then hardly recovered from the heartburning which the war of independence had produced. But a few years before, the English had come from Canada, built forts within our borders, and instigated the Indians to make war upon us. So we thought, at least, and there seems to be little cause for distrusting our suspicions. That war-loving Minister, the younger Pitt, was at the head of affairs, and it seems to have been a principle with him never to ask for anything in a civil manner, but to knock the man down first, and take what he wanted. "Britannia ruled the waves" at that time, with a vengeance. "Nelson was then Britannia's God of War," and he ruled the waves with a will. He, and the Minister, and all their subordinates and understrappers, naval, military and judicial, firmly believed that no other nation upon the face of the earth had any rights of their own, and that all the privileges they enjoyed were so many grants from Great Britain, to be resumed at her own good pleasure. Innumerable causes of quarrel necessarily sprung up with our neighbors across the Canadian line, as well as with John Bullon the ocean. We looked upon them as they have always looked upon the French since the wars of Edward III., five centuries ago; that is to say, we regarded them as our natural enemies; and forty-five years of peace have not entirely eradicated that impression. It is hardly wonderful, then, that the arrival of the Duke of Kent created no extraordinary sensation in Boston. A few old Tory families, of pre-revolutionary times, were still in existence.--Doubtless these paid their duty to him, whom they considered the son of their lawful sovereign. But the body of the people would have considered it, no doubt, unpatriotic, anti-republican, and derogatory to their character, for independent opinion and manly bearing.
This page last updated August 1, 2008.