(Part 3)
one Hour's space was their impregnable Fort with themselves
utterly Destroyed, to the Number of six or seven Hundred, as some
of themselves confessed. There were only seven taken captive, and
about seven escaped.*
Of the English, there were two Slain outright, and about twenty
Wounded: Some Fainted by reason of the sharpness of the Weather,
it being a cool Morning, and the want of such Comforts and
Necessaries as were needful in such a Case; especially our
Chyrurgeon 8 was much wanting, whom we left with our Barks in
Narragansett Bay, who had Order there to remain until the Night
before our intended Assault.
And thereupon grew many Difficulties: Our Provision and Munition
near spent; we in the enemies Country, who did fax exceed us in
Number, being much enraged: all our Indians, except Onkos,
deserting us; our Pinnaces at a great distance from us, and when
they would come we were uncertain.
But as we were consulting what Course to take, it pleased God to
discover our Vessels to us before a fair Gale of Wind, sailing
into Pequot Harbour, to our great Rejoycing.
We had no sooner discovered our Vessels, but immediately came up
the Enemy from the other Fort; Three Hundred or more as we
conceived. The Captain lead out a file or two of Men to Skirmish
with them, chiefly to try what temper they were of, who put them
to a
* The place of the Fort being called Mistick, this Fight was
called Mistick Fight: And Mr. Increase Mather, from a Manuscript
he met with, tells us; It was on Friday, May 26. 1637, a
memorable Day!
8 This surgeon, whose name was Pell, had been attached to
Saybrook Fort, and was sent on the expedition by Gardener.
stand: we being much encouraged thereat, presently prepared to
March towards our Vessels: Four or Five of our Men were so
wounded that they must be carried with the Arms of twenty more.
We also being faint, were constrained to put four to one Man,
with the Arms of the rest that were wounded to others; so that we
had not above forty Men free: at length we hired several Indians,
who eased us of that Burthen, in carrying of our wounded Men. And
Marching about one quarter of a Mile; the Enemy coming up to the
Place where the Fort was, and beholding what was done, stamped
and tore the Hair from their Heads: And after a little space,
came mounting down the Hill upon us, in a full career, as if they
would over run us; But when they came within Shot, the Rear faced
about, giving Fire upon them: Some of them being Shot, made the
rest more wary: Yet they held on running to and fro, and shooting
their Arrows at Random. There was at the Foot of the Hill a small
Brook, where we rested and refreshed our selves, having by that
time taught them a little more Manners than to disturb us.
We then Marched on towards Pequot Harbour; and falling upon
several Wigwams, burnt them: The Enemy still following us in the
Rear, which was to windward, though to little purpose; yet some
of them lay in Ambush behind Rocks and Trees, often shooting at
us, yet through Mercy touched not one of us; And as we came to
any Swamp or Thicket, we made some Shot to clear the Passage.
Some of them fell with our Shot; and probably more might, but for
want of Munition; But when any of them fell, our Indians would
give a great Shout, and then would they take so much Cour-
age as to fetch their Heads. And thus we continued, until we came
within two Miles of Pequot Harbour; where the Enemy gathered
together and left us; we Marching on to the Top of an Hill
adjoining to the Harbour, with our Colours flying; having left
our Drum at the Place of our Rendezvous the Night before: We
seeing our Vessels there Riding at Anchor, to our great
Rejoycing, and came to the Water-Side, we there sat down in
Captain Patrick being Arrived there with our Vessels, who as we
were informed was sent with Forty Men by the Massachusetts
Colony, upon some Service against the Block Islanders; Who coming
to the Shore in our Shallop with all his Company, as he said to
Rescue us, supposing we were pursued, though there did not appear
any the least sign of Such a Thing.
But we could not prevail with Him by any Means to put his Men
ashore, that so we might carry our Wounded Men a Board; although
it was our own Boat in which he was: We were very much Troubled;
but knew not how to help our selves. At length we were fetched a
Board to the great Rejoycing of our Friends.
Shorty after our coming a Board, there fell out a great Contest
between Captain Underhill and Capt. Patrick: Captain Underhill
claiming an Interest in the Bark where Captain Patrick was, which
indeed was Underhill's Right; The Contest grew to a great
Heighth. At length we propounded, that if Patrick would Ride
there with that Bark in Contention, and secure the Narragansett
Indians, it being also the Place of Rendezvous to those Vessels
that were expected from Massachuset, until we Transported our
Wounded Men to Saybrook five Leagues distant; then we would
immediately return our Pink to convey the Narragansetts home: The
which Captain Patrick seemed very readily to accept.
Capt. Underhill soon after set sail in one of our Barks for
Saybrook: But before he was out of Sight; Captain Patrick
signified by Writing, that he could not attend that Service, but
he must wait for the Bay Vessels at Saybrook, wishing us, having
the Honour of that Service to compleat it, by securing the
Narragansett Indians; which at first seemed very Difficult, if
not Impossible: For our Pink could not receive them, and to march
by Land was very Dangerous; it being near twenty Miles in the
Enemies Country, our Numbers being much weakened, we were then
about twenty Men; the rest we had sent home for fear of the
Pequots Invasion. But absolutely neccesitated to March by Land,
we hasted ashore, with our Indians and small Numbers. Captain
Patrick seeing what we intended, came ashore also with his Men;
although in truth we did not desire or delight in his Company,
and so we plainly told him: However he would and did March a long
with us.
About the midway between that and Saybrook, we fell upon a People
called Nayanticks, belonging to the Pequots, who fled to a Swamp
for Refuge: They hearing or espying of us, fled: we pursued them
a while by the Track as long as they kept together: But being
much spent with former Travel, and the Sabbath drawing on, it
being about Two or Three of the Clock on the Saturday in the
Afternoon; we leaving our Pursuit, hasted towards Saybrook, about
Sun set we
Arrived at Connecticut River Side; being nobly Entertained by
Lieutenant Gardner with many great Guns: But were forced there to
Quarter that Night: On the Morrow we were all fetched over to
Saybrook, receiving many Courtesies from Lieut. Gardner.
And when we had taken Order for the safe Conduct of the
Narragansett Indians, we repaired to the Place of our Abode:
where we were Entertained with great Triumph and Rejoycing and
Praising God for his Goodness to us, in succeeding our weak
Endeavours, in Crowning us with Success, and restoring of us with
so little Loss. Thus was God seen in the Mount, Crushing his
proud Enemies and the Enemies of his People: They who were ere
while a Terror to all that were round about them, who resolved to
Destroy all the English and to Root their very Name out of this
Country, should by such weak Means, even Seventy seven (there
being no more at the Fort) bring the Mischief they plotted, and
the Violence they offered and exercised, upon their own Heads in
a Moment: burning them up in the fire of his Wrath, and dunging
the Ground with their Flesh: It was the Lord's Doings, and it is
marvellous in our Eyes! It is He that hath made his Work
wonderful, and therefore ought to be remembred.
Immediately the whole Body of Pequots repaired to that Fort where
Sessacous the Chief Sachem did reside; charging him that he was
the only Cause of all the Troubles that had befallen them; and
therefore they would Destroy both him and his: But by the
Intreaty of their Counsellors they Spared his Life; and
consulting what Course to take, concluded there was
no abiding any longer in their Country, and so resolved to fly
into several Parts. The greatest Body of them went towards
Manhatance:* And passing over Connecticut, they met with three
English Men in a Shallop going for Saybrook whom they slew: The
English Fought very stoutly, as themselves confessed, Wounding
many of the Enemy.
About a Fortnight after our Return home, which was about one
Mouth after the Fight at Mistick, there Arrived in Pequot River
several Vessels from the Massachusetts, Captain Israel Stoughton
being Commander in Chief; and with him about One hundred and
twenty Men; being sent by that Colony to pursue the War against
the Pequots: The Enemy being all fled before they came, except
some few Straglers, who were surprised by the Moheags and others
of the Indians, and by them delivered to the Massachusetts
Connecticut Colony being informed hereof, sent forthwith forty
Men, Captain Mason being Chief Commander; with some other Gent,
to meet those of the Massachusetts, to consider what was
necessary to be attended respecting the future: Who meeting with
them of the Massachusetts in Pequot Harbour; after some time of
consultation, concluded to pursue those Pequots that were fled
towards Manhatance, and so forthwith Marched after them,
discovering several Places where they Rendezvoused and lodged not
far distant from their several Removes; making but little haste,
by reason of their Children, and want of Provision; being forced
to dig for Clams, and to procure
* I suppose this the same which is sometimes called Manhatan or
Manhatoes; which is since called New York.
such other things as the Wilderness afforded: Our Vessels sailing
along by the Shore. In about the space of three Days we all
Arrived at New Haven Harbour, then called Quinnypiag. And seeing
a great Smoak in the Woods not far distant, we supposing some of
the Pequots our Enemies might be there; we hastened ashore, but
quickly discovered them to be Connecticut Indians. Then we
returned aboard our Vessels, where we stayed some short time,
having sent a Pequot Captive upon discovery, we named him Luz;
who brought us Tydings of the Enemy, which proved true: so
faithful was he to us, though against his own Nation. Such was
the Terror of the English upon them; that a Moheage Indian named
Jack Eatow going ashore at that time, met with three Pequots,
took two of them and brought them aboard.
We then hastened our march towards the Place where the Enemy was:
And coming into a Corn Field, several of the English espyed some
Indians, who fled from them: They pursued them; and coming to the
Top of an Hill, saw several Wigwams just opposite, only a Swamp
intervening, which was almost divided in two Parts. Sergeant
Palmer hastening with about twelve Men who were under his Command
to surround the smaller Part of the Swamp, that so He might
prevent the Indians flying; Ensign Danport,* Sergeant Jeffries
&c, entering the Swamp, intended to have gone to the Wigwams,
were there set upon by several Indians, who in all probability
were deterred by Sergeant Palmer. In this Skirmish the English
slew but few;
* It should be Davenport, who was afterwards Captain of the
Castle in Boston Harbour.
two or three of themselves were Wounded: The rest of the English
coming up, the Swamp was Surrounded.
Our Council being called, and the Question propounded, How we
should proceed, Captain Patrick advised that we should cut down
the Swamp; there being many Indian Hatchets taken, Captain Traske
concurring with him; but was opposed by others: Then we must
pallizado the Swamp; which was also opposed: Then they would have
a Hedge made like those of Gotham; all which was judged by some
almost impossible, and to no purpose, and that for several
Reasons, and therefore strongly opposed. But some others advised
to force the Swamp, having time enough, it being about three of
the Clock in the Afternoon: But that being opposed, it was then
propounded to draw up our Men close to the Swamp, which would
much have lessened the Circumference; and with all to fill up the
open Passages with Bushes, that so we might secure them until the
Morning, and then we might consider further about it. But neither
of these would pass; so different were our Apprehensions; which
was very grievous to some of us, who concluded the Indians would
make an Escape in the Night, as easily they might and did: We
keeping at a great distance, what better could be expected? Yet
Captain Mason took Order that the Narrow in the Swamp should be
cut through; which did much shorten our Leaguer. It was
resolutely performed by Serjeant Davis.
We being loth to destroy Women and Children, as also the Indians
belonging to that Place; whereupon Mr. Tho. Stanton a Man well
acquainted with Indian Language and Manners, offered his Service
to go into
the Swamp and treat with them: To which we were somewhat
backward, by reason of some Hazard and Danger he might be exposed
unto: But his importunity prevailed: Who going to them, did in a
short time return to us, with near Two Hundred old Men, Women and
Children; who delivered themselves, to the Mercy of the English.
And so Night drawing on, we beleaguered them as strongly as we
could. About half an Hour before Day, the Indians that were in
the Swamp attempted to break through Captain Patrick's Quarters;
but were beaten back several times; they making a great Noise, as
their Manner is at such Times, it sounded round about our
Leaguer: Whereupon Captain Mason sent Sergeant Stares to inquire
into the Cause, and also to assist if need required; Capt. Traske
coming also in to their Assistance: But the Tumult growings to a
very great Heighth, we raised our Siege; and Marching up to the
Place, at a Turning of the Swamp the Indiana were forcing out
upon us; but we sent them back by our small Shot.
We waiting a little for a second Attempt; the Indians in the mean
time facing about, pressed violently upon Captain Patrick,
breaking through his Quarters, and so escaped. They were about
sixty or seventy as we were informed. We afterwards searched the
Swamp, and found but few Slain. The Captives we took were about
One Hundred and Eighty; whom we divided, intending to keep them
as Servants, but they could not endure that Yoke; few of them
continuing any considerable time with their masters.
Thus did the Lord scatter his Enemies with his strong Arm! The
Pequots now became a Prey to all
Indians. Happy were they that could bring in their Heads to the
English: Of which there came almost daily to
Winsor, or Hartford. But the Pequots growing weary hereof, sent
some of the Chief that survived to mediate with the
English; offering that If they might but enjoy their Lives, they
would become the English Vassals, to dispose of them
as they pleased. Which was granted them. Whereupon Onkos and
Myantonimo were sent for; who with the Pequots
met at Hartford. The Pequots being demanded, how many of them
were then living? Answered, about One Hundred
and Eighty, or two Hundred. There were then given to Onkos,
Sachem of Monheag, Eighty; to Myantonimo, Sachem
of Narragansett, Eighty; and to Nynigrett,* Twenty, when he
should satisfy for a Mare of Edward Pomroye's killed by
his Men. The Pequots were then bound by Covenant, That none
should inhabit their native Country, nor should any
of them be called Pequots any more, but Moheags and Narragansetts
forever. Shortly after, about Forty of them
went to Moheag; others went to Long Island; the rest settled at
Pawcatuck, a Place in Pequot Country, contrary to
their late Covenant and Agreement with the English.
Which Connecticut taking into Consideration, and well weighing
the several Inconveniences that might ensue; for the Prevention
whereof, they sent out forty Men under the command of Captain
John Mason, to supplant them, by burning their Wigwams and
bringing away their Corn, except they would desert the Place:
Onkos with about One Hundred of his Men in
* He was usually called Ninnicraft.
twenty Canoes, going also to assist in the Service. As we sailed
into Pawcatuck-Bay We met with three of those Indians, whom we
sent to inform the rest with the end of our coming, and also that
we desired to speak with some of them: They promised speedily to
return us an Answer, but never came to us more.
We ran our Vessel up into a small River, and by reason of Flatts
were forced to land on the West Side; their Wigwams being on the
East just opposite, where we could see the Indians running up and
down Jeering of us. But we meeting with a narrow place in the
River between two rocks, drew up our Indians Canoes, and got
suddenly over sooner than we were expected or desired; Marching
immediately up to their Wigwams; the Indians being all fled,
except some old People that could not.
We were so suddenly upon them that they had not time to convey
away their Goods: We viewed their Corn, whereof there was Plenty,
it being their time of Harvest: And coming down to the Water Side
to our Pinnace with half of Onkos's his Men, the rest being
plundering the Wigwams; we looking towards a Hill not far remote,
we espyed about sixty Indians running towards us; we supposing
they were our absent Men, the Moheags that were with us not
speaking one word, nor moving towards them until the other came
within thirty or forty paces of them; then they ran and met them
and fell on pell mell striking and cutting with Bows, Hatchets,
Knives, &c. after their feeble Manner: Indeed it did hardly
deserve the Name of Fighting. We then endeavoured to get between
them and the Woods, that so we might prevent their flying;
which they perceiving, endeavoured speedily to get off under the
beach: we made no Shot at them, nor any hostile Attempt upon
them. Only seven of them who were Nynigrett's Men, were taken.
Some of them growing very outrageous, whom We intended to have
made shorter by the Head; and being about to put it in Execution;
one Otash a Sachem of Narragansett, Brother to Myantonimo
stepping forth, told the Captain, They were his Brother's Men,
and that he was a Friend to the English, and if he would spare
their Lives we should have as many Murtherer's Heads in lieu of
them which should be delivered to the English. We considering
that there was no Blood shed as yet, and that it tended to Peace
and Mercy, granted his Desire; and so delivered them to Onkos to
secure them until his Engagement was performed, because our
Prison had been very much pestered with such Creatures.
We then drew our Bark into a Creek, the better to defend her; for
there were many Hundreds, within five Miles waiting upon us.
There we Quartered that Night: In the Morning as soon as it was
Light there appeared in Arms at least Three Hundred Indians on
the other Side the Creek: Upon which we stood to our Arms; which
they perceiving, some of them fled, others crept behind the Rocks
and Trees, not one of them to be seen. We then called to them,
saying, We desired to speak with them, and that we would down our
Arms for that end: Whereupon they stood up: We then informed
them, That the Pequots had violated their Promise with the
English, in that they were not there to inhabit, and that we were
sent to supplant them:
They answered saying, The Pequots were good Men, their Friends,
and they would Fight for them, and protect them: At which we were
somewhat moved, and told them, It was not far to the Head of the
Creek where we would meet them, and then they might try what they
could do in that Respect.
They then replied, That they would not Fight with English Men,
for they were Spirits, but would Fight with Onkos. We replyed,
That we thought it was too early for them to Fight, but they
might take their opportunity; we should be burning Wigwams, and
carrying Corn aboard all that Day. And presently beating up our
Drum, we Fired the Wigwams in their View: And as we Marched,
there were two Indians standing upon a Hill jeering and reviling
of us: Mr. Thomas Stanton our Interpreter, Marching at Liberty,
desired to make a Shot at them; the Captain demanding of the
Indians. What they were? Who said, They were Murtherers: Then the
said Stanton having leave, let fly, Shot one of them through both
his Thighs; which was to our Wonderment, it being at such a vast
We then loaded our Bark with Corn; and our Indians their Canoes:
And thirty more which we had taken, with Kittles, Trays, Mats,
and other Indian Luggage, That Night we went all aboard, and set
Sail homeward: It pleased God in a short Time to bring us all in
safety to the Place of our Abode; although we strook and stuck
upon a Rock. The Way and Manner how God dealt with us in our
Delivery was very Remarkable; The Story would be somewhat long to
trouble you with at this time; and therefore I shall forbear.
Thus we may see, How the Face of God is set against them that do
Evil, to cut off the Remembrance of them from the Earth. Our
Tongue shall talk of thy Righteousness all the Day long; for they
are confounded, they are brought to Shame that sought our Hurt!
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who only doth wondrous Things;
and blessed be his holy Name for ever: Let the whole Earth be
filled with his Glory! Thus the Lord was pleased to smite our
Enemies in the hinder Parts, and to give us their Land for an
Inheritance: Who remembred us in our low Estate, and redeemed us
out of our Enemies Hands: Let us therefore praise the Lord for
his Goodness and his wonderful Works to the Children of Men!
I shall add a Word or two by way of Coment.
OUR Commons were very short, there being a general scarcity
throughout the Colony of all sorts of Provision, it being upon
our first Arrival at the Place. We had but one Pint of strong
Liquors among us in our whole March, but what the Wilderness
afforded; (the Bottle of Liquor being in my Hand.) and when it
was empty, the very smelling to the Bottle would presently
recover such as Fainted away, which happened by the extremity of
the Heat: And thus we Marched on in an uncoath and unknown Path
to the English, though much frequented by Indians. And was not
the Finger
of God in all this? By his special Providence to lead us along in
the Way we should go: Nay though we knew not where their Forts
were, how far it was to them, nor the Way that led to them, but
by what we had from our Indian Guides; whom we could not confide
in, but looked at them as uncertain: And yet notwithstanding all
our Doubts, we should be brought on the very fittest Season; nay
and which is yet more, that we should be carried in our March
among a treacherous and perfidious People, yea in our allodgment
so near the Enemy, all Night in so populous a Country, and not
the least notice of us; seemeth somewhat strange, and more than
ordinary: Nay that we should come to their very Doors: What shall
I say: God was pleased to hide us in the Hollow of his Hand; I
still remember a Speech of Mr. Hooker at our going aboard; That
they should be Bread for us. And thus when the Lord turned the
Captivity of his People, and turned the Wheel upon their Enemies;
we were like Men in a Dream; then was our Mouth filled with
Laughter, and our Tongues with Singing; thus we may say the Lord
hath done great Things for us among the Heathen, whereof we are
glad. Praise ye the Lord!
I shall mention two or three special Providences that God was
pleased to vouchsafe to Particular Men; viz. two Men, being one
Man's Servants, namely, John Dier and Thomas Stiles, were both of
them Shot in the Knots of their Handkerchiefs, being about their
Necks, and received no Hurt. Lieutenant Seeley was Shot in the
Eyebrow with a flat headed Arrow, the Point turning downwards: I
pulled it out myself.
Lieutenant Bull had an Arrow Shot into a hard piece of Cheese,
having no other Defence: Which may verify the old Saying, A
little Armour would serve if a Man knew where to place it. Many
such Providences happened; some respecting my self; but since
there is none that Witness to them, I shall forbear to mention
The Year ensuing, the Colony being in extream Want of Provision,
many giving twelve Shillings for one Bushel of Indian Corn; the
Court of Connecticut imploying Captain Mason, Mr. William
Wadsworth and Deacon Stebbin, to try what Providence would
afford, for their Relief in this great Straight: Who
notwithstanding some discouragement they met with from some
English, went to a Place called Pocomtuck:* where they procured
so much Corn at reasonable Rates, that the Indians brought down
to Hartford and Windsor, Fifty Canoes laden with Corn at one
time. Never was the like known to this Day! So although the Lord
was pleased to shew his People hard Things; yet did he execute
Judgment for the Oppressed, and gave Food to the Hungry. O let us
meditate on the Great Works of God: Ascribing all Blessing and
Praise to his Great Name, for all his Great Goodness and
Salvation! Amen, Amen.
* Since called Deerfield.
This page last updated August 9, 2000.