Trinity Church, South Carolina Tri-County Genealogy Genealogy information for the genealogical researcher. Research centered in Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester Counties of South Carolina. Research includes census reports, cemetery reports, will abstracts, genealogy helps and more.

Trinity Church

Berkeley County, SC
Charleston County, SC
Dorchester County, SC
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Location: In Berkeley County near State Highway, No. 6

The Episcopal Church has been demolished for the The Santee Cooper Project. Cemetery will be under water.

To Mr. Henry R. Dwight, of Pinopolis, SC
We are indebted for Hisotry and Inscriptions

In his Sentence of Consecration, dated January 1, 1847, Biship C.E. Gadsden receites the fact that "in or about the year of our Lord, 1806, the late Rene Ravenel, Esq. did give an acre of land for the pious purpose of erecting a church."

There is a plat among parish records showing that four acres and twenty-eight perches of land were given for the church purposes at Black Oak by Rene Ravenel (1762-1822). The plat bears no date, but it was obviously before 1822.

Tere is also a deed for "one acre of land on which the church lately built, near Black Oak stands." This deed was given by Dr. Henry Ravenel (1790-1867) and is dated Nov. 1846.

Dr. Henry Ravenel, on Oct. 5, 1867, gave a deed for "a paralellogram of land containing two acres surrounding the spot where said church now stands."

Dr. Rene Ravenel (1826-1875) by a deed dated March 10, 1874, gave 3.6 acres of land around the church. Plat is by John G. Gaillard, and dated Feb 13, 1874

Martha M. Porcher, by deed dated Aug. 28, 1913, gave to the church six tenths of an acre. Plat by Charles S. Dwight, dated Aug. 27, 1913.

The first church was built at Black Oak in 1808. In 1846, it was replaced by a larger and better building. This was consecrated by Bishop C.E. Gadsden, January 1, 1847, and has been used by the congregation ever since. During recent years, however, services have been help only once a year. Up to 1860 the church was the center of a large prosperious plantation community. The church has recently been taken down on account of the prospective flooding of teh area by the Santee-Cooper Project. It is not likely that it will be rebuilt.

The section around Black Oak was a part of St. John's Parish, established in 1706, with St. John's Church commonly called Biggin, as the parish church, but in 1855, a large section was cut from the old parish and Trinity Parish was formed. The church has commonly been called "BLACK OAK", but its real name is TRINITY. In the diocesan records it is designated as "TRINITY BLACK OAK".

Rectors of Trinity Parish (Black Oak)
From 1844 to 1941

Rev. J. Julig Sams
Rev. P. F. Stevens
Rev. E. T. Walker
Rev. P. D. Hay
Rev. W. O. Prentiss
Rev. H. H. Phelps
Rev. James Simonds
Rev. H. T. Gregory
Rev. A. E. Cornish
Rev. John H. Brown
Rev. C. H. Jordan
Rev. Robert Wilson
Rev. A. W. Taylor
Rev. Walter Mitchell
Rev. Wallace Martin
Rev. Edward B. Guerry
Rev. Nathaniel Peeples
Rev. Tracy F. Walsh
Rev. L. A. Taylor

Rectors or Ministers Officiating at Black Oak from 1808
This list is by no means complete

Rev. Mr. Brown
Rev. Mr. Snowden
Rev. William R. Dehon
Rev. Mr. Reynolds
Rev. David Campbell
Rev. C. P. Gadsden

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