1794 Charleston City Directory, South Carolina Tri-County Genealogy Genealogy information for the genealogical researcher. Research centered in Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester Counties of South Carolina. Research includes census reports, cemetery reports, will abstracts, genealogy helps and more.

1794 Charleston City Directory

Berkeley County, SC
Charleston County, SC
Dorchester County, SC
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Note: * in Name Catagory mean that it was hard to read. In 1794, the letter s was written like an f.
In a lot of cases of last names, it is hard to tell whether the f is suppose to represent an s or an f.
The * in the Occupation Catagory means that I couldn't read the occupation.

Abendancne, Joseph Tactor
Abethethie, Thomas Engraver
Abrahams, Emanuel Serivener
Abrahams, Jacob Shop Keeper
Abrahams, Moles  
Adams, Samuel Surveyor
Adams, William Ship Joiner
Additon, Joseph  
Aertion, Guilliam City Sheriff
Akin, Ann Boarding School
Alexander & Price Merchants
Alexander, Abraham  
Alexander, Alexander School Master
Alexander, David & Co Merchants
Alexander, Hector Shop Keeper
Alexander, William Shop Keeper
Allen & Ewing Merchants
Allen, Thomas Sag* Carpenter
Allston, William Planter
Alluon, James Cooper
Ancum, William Merchant
Anderson Stay Maker
Anderson, Ann  
Anderson, John Clergyman
Anderson, Robert Shop Keeper
Andrews & Pendergrass School Masters
Anthony, John ***
Anthony, John Harness Maker
Appelton, John Carpenter
Argutie, Gayion Tinman
Armstrong, Fleetwood Shop Keeper
Armstrong, William Saddler
Arron, Solomon Shop Keeper
Ash, John Senior Planter
Ashton, Catherine  
Atmar, Ralph, Jr. Silver Smith
Atmar, Ralph, Sen. **
Atwell, Selabed** Wood Measurer
Audley, Martha  
Austin, Robert **
Axton, William, Jun. Carpenter
Axton, William, Sen Lumber Measurer
(*)Bonchenfeau, Charles Waiter B. Bank
B****, Catharine Boarding House
B*****, John Ship Master
B****eld, George  
B**er, Mary Shop Keeper
B**r, James Clrk B. Bank
B*uli*at, Peter Ship Master
B*w***, James Painter
Back, John Merchant
Backle, Thomis  
Bacot, Mrs.  
Bacot, Thomas Wright Cashier S. C. B.
Badger, James Painter
Badger, John Painter
Badger, Joseph Painter
Baift, George, Rev P. Presb. Church
Bailey, Henry Attorney
Baill, John Shop Keeper
Baird, Thomas Shop Keeper
Bake, John Grocer
Baker, Ann  
Baker, Francis Brick Layer
Baker, Joseph Carpenter
Baker, Samuel Grocer
Ball, Ann  
Ball, Elizabeth  
Ball, John Planter
Ball, Thomas Factor
Balton, Andrew Barber
Ban, Jacob Waggon-Yard
Bane*, Solomon Shop Keeper
Banks, Charles & Co Merchants
Baron, Alexander Physician
Barrows, Fredrick Pilot
Bass, John Ship Maker
Bass, Thomas Blockmaker
Bay, Elihu Hall Associate Judge
Bayer, J. G. Shop Keeper
Baylis, William Carpenter
Bayly, Benjamin Planter
Beale, John  
Beard, Jonas Powder Reciever
Beard, Robert Tinman
Beatty, Robert Store Keeper
Beaufort, Charles Billiard Table
Bedon, George Carpenter
Bee, Elizabeth  
Bee, Thomas, Jun. Attorney at Law
Bee, Thomas, Sen. F. District Judge
Beedom, William Sail Maker
Beekman, Bernard Surveyor
Beekman, Samuel Block Maker
Bell, David & George Merchants
Bell, William Grocer
Belser, Christian Butcher
Benetheau, Peter City Clerk
Bennett, Aiber* Carpenter
Bennett, John Carpenter
Bennett, Thomas Carpenter
Bennett, William Boarding House
Bennica, Peter Ship-Carpenter
Bentham, James Justice of Peach
Bering, John Silver Smith
Bernes, Christian Shop Keeper
Berney John & Co Merchants
Berry, Francis H. Shop Keeper
Bevin, Francis Carpenter
Bird, Reading Butcher
Bithoufe, John Shop Keeper
Black, Elizabeth  
Black, Nathaniel Inspect Customs
Blackall, Oliver Shop Keeper
Blacklock, William Merchant
Blake, Edward Factor
Blake, John Factor
Blakeley, Samuel Store Keeper
Blanyer, William Librarian SCLS
Bocher & Co F. Coffee House
Bodie, Sarah Boarding House
Boiler, Joseph Butcher
Bold, Rhodes & Co Merchants
Bonfall, Samuel Black Smith
Bonneau, Francis House-Carpenter
Booche, Thomas Carpenter
Booner, C*rillian Shop Keeper
Boslough, Mary  
Bourdeau, Daniel Merchant
Bowd, Elizabeth  
Bowens & Elliott Painters
Bowman, John Planter
Boyerle, Fredrick Shop Keeper
Bradford & Co.  
Bradford, Charls & Co Grocers
Bradford, Thomas Cabinet Maker
Brailsford, John Factor
Brailsford, Samuel Merchant
Brally, Thomas Waggon-Yard
Branford, Elizabeth  
Bremar, Francis Surveyor Gen.
Bricken, Sarah Boarding House
Brindley, Stephen Pilot
Brodie, Robert Carpenter
Brodie, Thomas Factor
Brooke, Charles Shop Keeper
Broughton, Ann  
Brower, Jeremiah  
Brown & Hamilton Printers
Brown, Daniel Mariner
Brown, James Grocer
Brown, Jospeh  
Brown, Mary  
Brown, Mrs. Midwife
Brown, Roger Mariner
Brown, Squire Barber
Brownlee, John Merchant
Bruce, Daniel Store Keeper
Bryan, Arthur Merchant
Bryan, John Planter
Bryne, Patrick Clk. To Supervisor
Bryne, Robert Shop Keeper
Buckham, Jacob Gun Smith
Budd, Abigail Boarding House
Buffet, George Barber
Bulgin, James Merchant
Bull, John Planter
Bulow, Joachim Store Keeper
Burckhart, John Express Rider
Burger, David Gun Smith
Burgess, James & Co. Merchants
Burke, Edanus Associate Judge
Burkmeyer, Charles Butcher
Burkmeyer, John Butcher
Burn, John Shop Keeper
Burns, James Cabinet Maker
Burrel, Ebenezer Shop Keeper
Butler, Charles P. Silver Smith
Butterton, Joseph Pilot
Buvck, Peter Bottle Seller
C*ouer, Joseph Apothecary
Cafey, Benjamin Coach-Maker
Cain, Conrad Carter
Caldwell & Lander Grocers
Calhoun, William Merchant
Callaghan, John Tallow-Chandler
Calvert, Elizabeth Boarding House
Calwell, Henry, Jun Shop Keeper
Calwell, Henry, Sen Grocers
Cam, Widow  
Cambridge, Tobias Vendue-master
Cameron, Alexander Shop Keeper
Cameron, Lewis Merchant
Camnon, David Butcher
Campbell, David Planter
Campbell, Laurence Vendue-master
Cannon, Daniel Carpenter
Canter, Jacob & Eman Shop Keeper
Canter, Joshua Limner
Cantor & Co Brokers
Canty, Henry & Co Merchants
Cape, Brian Factor
Carolan, Philip Apothecary
Carpenter, James Shop Keeper
Carr & Firby Shop Keepers
Carradeaux, General  
Carrell, Daniel Silver Smith
Carson, James Shop Keeper
Carson, William Planter
Cart, John Factor
Cart, Jospeh Silver Smith
Cart, Sarah  
Carter, George Physician
Cartwright, Paul  
Casey, Benjamin Coach-Maker
Caveneau, James Carter
Chalmers, Eliza  
Chambers, Gilbert Carpenter
Champneys, John Planter
Chandler & Marshall Physicians
Charles, Andrew Grocer
Charles, Henry Carpenter
Charles, James Baker
Chasolm, Alexander Planter
Cheves, Alexander Shop Keeper
Chion, Peter G. & Son Merchants
Chitty, Ann Shop Keeper
Chrietzburgh, Michael Taylor
Christian, Elizabeth  
Christie, Alexander Baker
Christie, Edward Inspect Customs
Christie, Edward Store Keeper
Chupien, Lewis Hair-Dresser
Clarke, Benjamin Cutler
Clarke, David Watch Maker
Clarke, James Taylor
Clarke, Jeremiah Clerk of Markets
Clarke, John Shop Keeper
Clarke, John Butcher
Clarke, Mary  
Clarke, William Sail Maker
Clastier, Maxemellian Starch Maker
Cleary, John R. School Master
Clement, John Carpenter
Clitherall, James Physician
Coats, Thomas Tavern Keeper
Cobia, Elizabeth  
Cobia, Margaret  
Cochran, Robert com.rev.cutter
Cochran, Robert Shop Keeper
Cochran, Thomas Factor
Coffin, Ebenezer Merchant
Cohen, Gershon Factor
Cohen, Isaac Vendue-master
Cohen, Jacob Vendue-master
Cohen, Jacob, Junior Shop Keeper
Cohen, Mordecai Shop Keeper
Cohen, Moses Shop Keeper
Coiles, Margaret  
Colcock, Melescent Boarding School
Cole, Thomas Brick Layer
Collins, Mary  
Condy, Jeremiah Merchant
Condy, Jeremiah & Co. Merchants
Connelly, John Ship Maker
Conner, Bryan Butcher
Conyers, John Vendue-master
Cook, Florence  
Cook, Jonathan Shop Keeper
Cook, Thomas Carpenter
Coram, Thomas Engraver
Corbett, Samuel City Marshall
Corbett, Samuel Cty Marshall
Corbett, Thomas Merchant
Corbett, Thomas & Son Merchants
Corre & Schepler Merchants
Courie, John Grocer
Courtney, Edward Shop Keeper
Courtney, Humphrey Merchant
Courtney, James Taylor
Cowin, John Hatter
Cox, John Planter
Cox, Susannah Mantuamaker
Cozins, Mathew Inspect Customs
Crafts, William Merchant
Crafts, Wm. & Ebenezer Merchants
Crawford, Alexander Painter
Crawley, George S. Shop Keeper
Crawley, Michael Shop Keeper
Creighton, Samuel Barber
Cripps, John Splatt Merchant
Crocker & Sturges Merchants
Crofs & Crawley Merchants
Crofs, George Merchant
Crofs, James Surveyor
Cromwell, Elizabeth  
Crookshanks, Daniel Shoe Maker
Crookshanks, Daniel Shoe Maker
Crookshanks, William Starch Maker
Crowe, Edward Custom B. Boat
Cruger, David Frederick Factor
Cudworth, Nathaniel Serivener
Cummings, Janet Midwife
Cunaghar, Thomas Shop Keeper
Cunningham, John Shop Keeper
Curling, Thomas Shop Keeper
Curtis Faddler
Custer, James  
Cyples, Margaret  

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