Old St. George Church Cemetery, South Carolina Tri-County Genealogy
Genealogy information for the genealogical researcher. Research centered in Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester Counties of South Carolina. Research includes census reports, cemetery reports, will abstracts, genealogy helps and more.
Ruins of Old St. George Episcopal Church Cemetery
Berkeley County, SC | Charleston County, SC | Dorchester County, SC |
Copyright � 2002 SCTC. All Rights Reserved
In Association with The Genealogy Attic
These ruins are on a dirt road which leads from the Ashley River road one half mile above Bacons Bridge. The settlement was founded in 1695 by the last colonists of South Carolina to come in a group and was named for their home in Massachusetts.
St. Georges Episcopal Church was built in 1719. The oldest lefible stone is dated 1773, the newest, 1920.
In back of the church, down a narrow lane, are the ruins of Fort Dorchester, built of tabby as a protection from the Indians. It stands upon a high bank of the Ashley River. There are no houses in the immediate vicinity.
(Inside a low brick wall)
- Edward H. Freer 1815-1880, his wife Esther Rivers 1817-1894.
- Joseph Hall Waring Hutchinson 1833-1877, his wife Mary Freer 1841-1883.
- Maj. Edward L. Hutchinson who departed this life at Summerville on the 13th of October 1855 age 58 years, 5 months.
- Elizabeth M. only daughter of P.H. & S.J. Hutchinson died Sept 17th 1870, aged 5 months.
- Belden, only son of P.H. & S.J. Hutchinson, died Oct 1st. 1870, aged 2 years 1 mo.
- Lu... Hutchinson, consort of Mathias Hutchinson who died on the 14th of May (Stone broken, date missing) In the 43 year of her age.
- Mrs. Louisa Houseal, the amiable parent of Dr. John G. Houseal who departed this life on the 7th January 1814, aged 39 years 2 months & 13 days.
- Dr. Cornelius Dupont who departed this life on the 21st of July 1813 in the 58th year of his age.
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