White and Lee Family Welcome


White and Lee Family  History


Site Map

Welcome to the White and Lee Family Web-site!

Welcome to the White and Lee (Varlie/Warlie) family history web-site at RootsWeb. Despite the two surnames listed here, the majority of my ancestors were of Norwegian descent. The Surnames page lists all known ancestral surnames as well as many of the surnames of those who have married into the family. Family groupings are currently limited to direct ancestors and their families, who are deceased.

Please contact me if you have questions, comments or more information. I always welcome new information and am glad to provide info as I am able.

Thank you

Scott White
Lawrence, KS

Recent Changes
15 February 2007 Updated the Thoreson family page. Added a page for Sven Thoreson's Civil War records, as well as scanned and added original documents.
13-14 February 2007 Added a new page on the Civil War pension application of French B. White, including scanned PDF's of the original documents. Also added an information page on the F.B. White pension files, and updated the Hill family page.
9 June 2005 Added three new obits to Granum News pages.
7 June 2005 Added a page for the Petra (Granum) Evenson family and updated the Granum and Granum News pages.
16 October 2003 Added obituaries for members of Granum, Sacia and a Thoreson families.
26 September 2003 Updated data on Granum family web-pages.
31 March 2003 Updated data on White, Mellem, and Lee family web-pages.
21 May 2002 Added photographs to Sandman family and Thoreson family news pages.
2 May 2002 Added two Norway data links to Links page.
22 April 2002 Added two obituaries to Sandman family page.
3 April 2002 Changed Hillestad and Mellem family pages to Style-Sheets format.

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Last updated 14 February 2007.
Comments to scottwwhite@sbcglobal.net