On-line Resources

On-line Resources

Ellis Island Records

Genealogy Resource Index for Denmark
DIS Danmark (Computers in Genealogy Society of Denmark)
Hvem Forsker Hvad (Who is Working on What)
Degulesider (a Danish telephone/yellowpages/mapbook)
909 (another Danish telephone book)
KRAK (yet another Danish telephone book)

Lists of Danish place names
Lists of the most common Danish names (first and last)
General Denmark Queries on RootsWeb
Hamburg -- Link to your Roots
DMOZ -- A directory
My Danish Roots.com

Find genealogists with common research. The purpose of GEDCOMP is to help you to get more information about your ancestors and to get in contact with genealogists doing research on the same persons.

Ellis Island Records
Between 1892 and 1924 over 22 million passengers and members of ships' crews came through Ellis Island and the Port of New York. Now you can research passenger records from ships that brought the immigrants -- even see the original manifests with passengers' names.

Genealogy Resource Index for Denmark
This page is a clearing house for online links to Danish genealogical research. The site uses frames and is very easy to use. The site includes links to databases, archives, discussion forums, journals, personal home pages, research tools, societies, software, and vendors. Beginning researchers would do well to explore this site.

DIS Danmark (Computers in Genealogy Society of Denmark)
"Our aim here is to tell you about our Society and to promote contact with others having an interest in family history."

Hvem Forsker Hvad (Who is Working on What)
In cooperation with the local genealogical societies (which at the moment number 22) and DIS Danmark it publishes, every year in September, the book Hvem Forsker Hvad (The Danish Genealogical Research Guide), that contains a list of individuals engaged in genealogical research indicating the topics in which they are engaged, and which problems they have as yet been unable to solve. The book costs roughly $25 and is written in Danish.

This page is in Danish but not too hard to figure out. The green Kortbogen is like an English version of MapQuest. The boxes are: Gade/vej - street, Husnr. - House number, Postnr. is like a zip code, and By is the town. The Navnebogen is the white pages of a phonebook and of course the yellow Fagbogen is (what else is left?) the yellow pages! S�geord means searchword. Have fun exploring and watch out for the lions.

Besides the usual telephone book fare, KRAK also lists the owners of "Hemmelig" (unlisted numbers) without the numbers. Krak also includes street directories and routeplanners.

Another "telephone book" type database.

Index of Counties (Amter), Districts (Herreder) and Parishes (Sogne) in Denmark
This page sorts out the counties (amter), districts (herreder), and parishes (sogne). It is a quick reference list that cross references the parishes with the counties and districts. There are maps of the counties with the districts identified so you can get an idea of where your parish is located.. A nice quick page that you can pop into to make a quick lookup.

Danmarks Statistik
Folks on the Denmark list have often talked about the most common names in Denmark, or somebody has asked how common a certain name is. The national bureau for statistics has announced a new site where you can find out yourself.

General Denmark queries at GenConnect at Rootsweb
General Denmark Queries. Thousands of queries from people looking for Danish ancestors. You can use keywords to narrow your search and use a time span anywhere from one day to several eons.

Hamburg — Link to your Roots
DO YOU THINK HAMBURG MIGHT HAVE BEEN YOUR ANCESTOR'S EMIGRATION PORT? The Hamburg Emigration Lists are a data bank which includes the personal data of 5 million people who emigrated via Hamburg from 1850 to 1934. It is now available for your personal use, starting with the years 1890-1893. A Denmark lister says about this site: "My grandfather emigrated to the United States from Copenhagen. I continually looked under Danish Emigration information. I finally found a website for people who emigrated out of Hamburg, Germany. I couldn't believe my eyes when I found him in that data base. There were many, many people who emigrated from Denmark through Hamburg."

This is a directory that contains MANY links concerning genealogy. Well worth a look, especially under the "Immigration" link.

My Danish Roots.com
MyDanishRoots.com is a new website dedicated our Danish ancestors, and it is our goal to help you with genealogical research in Denmark. On this site you will find both general information on how to research your Danish ancestors as well as usefull links to genealogical resources. Remember to bookmark our site so you can check back for updates or stay posted about changes by signing up for our FREE newsletter.