Register for Lunenburg County Surnames
Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada

To Register for One or More Surnames:
1. Click here to send an Email to [email protected]

2. The subject of the Email should be "Register"

3. The body should include the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Your Email address
  • Each surname you wish to register for (please use all caps)
NOTE: It is up to you whether or not you want to register for variant spellings.  I will not "normalize" the spellings of the surnames, and will simply list them as you give them to me.


To Make Any Other Changes (change Email, unregister for a surname, etc):
1. Click here to send an Email to [email protected]

2. The subject of the Email should be "Update"

3. In the body, describe what needs to be changed.

30 October 2004  Barney Kaufman