January 1889 - March 1889

January 1889 - March 1889

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Wilhelm Ahrens Speech
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G. Waldo Dunnington Article

Chambless, Sanderson, Simmons

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Oct. 1, 1887.
Received a telegram from Arthur saying he would be in St. Louis Monday morning and here at night. This is a very unexpected pleasure. Received postal from Ellen Cowan.

Oct. 2, 1887. Sabbath.
The funeral of Rev. Mr. Goebel, pastor of of the German Evangelical Church in the county took place at 1 o'clock p.m. I went out to it, great crowd, he was a very good man.

Oct. 4, 1887.
Arthur came last night, he looks very well. It is a great pleasure to us for our children are so far off that we seldom see them. He has been four years in Texas. He saw President Cleveland today in St. Louis at exchange. St. Louis is giving him a grand ovation. His wife attracts great attention. Arthur went down today at 11 o'clock to see the Veiled Prophet parade tonight, immense crowds of people in the city.

Oct. 6, 1887.
Arthur came on the ten o'clock train last night. He saw a good many of his old friends in the city. He has some cold. He and I called at Mr. Howison's this a.m. His mother, Mrs. Bennett is there. He and Arthur were at Westminster College together.

Oct. 8, 1887.
Arthur still with us. He has a very bad cold. He called on the Martin girls in forenoon. Arthur and I rode down to Marias Croche and out by Mrs. Durfee's farm. I called to see Jim Moore who is sick. Mr. Howison called out to see Arthur and Mrs. Glenday. Professors Gibson and Teal were called an afternoon. Letters from Fred and Dollie.

Oct. 11, 1887.
Arthur left this morning for St. Louis on his way home. His visit has been a great comfort to us. He is a good fellow, honest, energetic and self-reliant -- a good businessman. He has strong filial feelings. His health is not firm. Mrs. Glenday comes downstairs every day now but has no use of her hand and looks badly. I wrote to Fred. Saw Mrs. Sydnor Martin on street. Mrs. Glenday received a letter from Mary Johns, enclosing one from Claude Johns to her. He is certainly a model son, he had done so much and proposes to do so much more for his mother and sister who are dependent. It is a noble essence of filial kindness. He is poor, himself, and has to struggle hard to support himself and them for several and Austin, Texas. He married about a year ago and his wife joins him in all his efforts to help them. Mrs. Ross and Miss Charlotte Shaw called in afternoon. I called on Mrs. Watson in afternoon. Received a letter from Mattie. She is sick, something malarial fever.

Oct. 16, 1887. Sabbath.
Sunday school convention meeting in our church today. Mr. Paxson is here. Received a letter from Mr. Borden about Mattie's sickness, she is quite sick. We had an interesting meeting in the Sunday School Convention in afternoon and at night. Messrs. Sharpe and Paxson made fine talks. Old Brother Vardeman is Chairman. The American Sunday School Union has done a great and blessed work in the destitute parts of our country and is still doing great work. All Evangelical Christian units in the work. Dr. Paxson preached a fine sermon on the importance of religious training of the children in this land. Mr. Sharpe took tea with us.

Oct. 18, 1887.
I wrote to Mrs. Glenday's sister. She received a letter yesterday from her enclosing some money. I wrote Mary Johns. Received a letter from Mr. Borden saying that Mattie was some better but it was a decided case of typhoid fever. We feel very uneasy. May the Lord help us, he is our only refuge in every time of trouble. I rode out to Mrs. Durfee's farm in afternoon. Wheat fields look green, rain needed. The forest trees look beautiful now in their gorgeous colors. Mrs. Glenday suffered a good deal with pain in the paralyzed area last night. I wrote postals to Fred and Mary Pearce. Mrs. Frayser called in forenoon. An afternoon Mrs. Alderson and Mrs. Joice and daughter and Dr. Johnson. I called at Mrs. Frayser's to see Maggie who has just returned from a four-months trip to No. Carolina and Virginia.

Oct. 22, 1887.
Received letter from Mr. Borden in regard to Mattie's condition is favorable, she knows she has typhoid fever. Received a Miami University College paper containing a picture of her old president, Dr. Bishop. Went to sociable at the college tonight.

Oct. 24, 1887. Postal for Mr. Borden, Mattie improving. My wife and I rode down town and then called at Mrs. Ross' and looked for a house for the Martin girls. I went to the depot and met Mr. Howison and Mr. Stonebraker returning from Senate at Palmyra. John Kennedy, colored, our church sexton died this afternoon from protracted illness with dropsy and heart disease. Received the engraving, Christ before Pilate, and letter from Eleanor Martin.

Oct. 27, 1887.
Received letters from Annie Johns and Annie Gauss, all well. I read a very interesting article on the Jews in the Southern Presbyterian Review by Dr. A. W. Miller. He says the Jews are taking the lead in all the nations into wealth, Education and Politics. They are divided into classes, the Orthodox and the Reformed. The latter are rationalistic and altheistic. He thinks according to Scripture, they are to be converted to Christianity and then through their instrumentality, the full of the Gentiles will come in. They are to repossess Judea and Jerusalem and to become a great and blessed people.

Oct. 28, 1887.
Received a postal from Mr. Borden -- Mattie improving. Rode out to Lindenwood with a Miss Maggie Frayser and saw the new addition. Cleaned the kitchen chimney and my Franklin stovepipe.

Oct. 30, 1887. Sabbath.
Mercury 23°. This cold dry weather is very severe on late wheat and Timothy. Mr. Howison preached this a.m. on the duty of a public profession of Christ. Young Edgar Chenoweth joined a church on profession. His mother was a Miss Hatcher of Dardenne.

Nov. 1, 1887.
Shirley and I rode out to Mrs. Durfee's farm. Dierker is clearing out ditches in the prairie field. The wheat is up but the ground is excessively dry. Shirley has to take more medicine for his liver.

Nov. 2, 1887.
This is the 40th anniversary of our wedding. We were married 40 years ago at Mrs. Durfee's house on her farm. Six young person stood up with us at all her dad except James Gallagher and many parts, Mrs. W. G. Clark. There was a large number of friends and acquaintances present. How many events have occurred in our family cents. We embrace a large family of children and they have given us a great deal comfort. We have had sore bereavements. Five of the dear ones have gone as we hope to the better land -- Maggie and Blanche in infancy -- Johnny, dear little boy at 10 years, Annie 16 and Glover, a noble young man. Our children have been a great comfort to us. We have eight now living all but one professing Christians -- only one the youngest, 14 years old, with us. The Lord has been very kind to us. Miss Emma Cornforth came at 10:00 AM and spent today. I took her home in afternoon, called at Mrs. Ross' and got some ice cream. Looked at the Salveter house (late Atkinson). He's building a fine establishment, has a fine stable.

Nov. 4, 1887.
Received a letter from Mr. Borden, Mattie still improving. Shirley Borden goes into business in iron and steelworks in Danville, Pa. Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Wm Parks spent the afternoon. Shirley went back to college today, he has been sick.

Nov. 6, 1887. Sabbath.
Will Morgan came unexpectedly last night at 7 o'clock. He had been to Illinois and came by St. Louis to buy some landed in Oregon County, Missouri. He looks well, though greyer. He expects to sell out in Kansas. He left on the 9:30 train.

Nov. 8, 1887.
Great excitement about the condemned anarchists of Chicago who are to be hung next Friday. Great pressure is brought to bear on governor of Illinois to commute the sentence to imprisonment. My wife and I called at Wm Parks' on Mrs. Clark and Mattie Rood. We called at that McDearmon's and saw Mrs. William McDearmon of Kansas City. Mrs. Howison, Pourie and Kramer called in p.m.

Nov. 10, 1887.
The Democrats carried New York and Virginia in the election on the 8th. That about insures Cleveland's nomination and election next year. I saw Col. Clayburgh of St. Louis this p.m. in town he wants to be Governor of Missouri. Received a card from Mary. Mrs. Theo, J. K. William and older Mrs. McDearmon called on us this p.m. Mrs. Fielding and Madge Martin called. Four of the Chicago Anarchists were hung today. The governor of Illinois sent two to penitentiary for life. Rode out in afternoon to my farm in the Marias Croche. Rhaker is walling his cedar with brick.

Nov. 12, 1887.
George and Minnie came over last night for an hour. Minnie and the children spent the day with us. They have fine health good-looking boys. The papers are full of execution of the four anarchists in Chicago. It is to be hoped that this will be a lesson to the infernal crew, the enemies of mankind and all that is good society.

Nov. 14, 1887.
Received a postal from Mr. Borden saying that Mattie still better and one from Lizzie reports all well. Great crowds at the anarchists funeral yesterday in Chicago, no disturbance but a great deal of wicked diabolical talk and threats from them all over the country -- should go slow now.

Nov. 15, 1887.
Wrote to Mattie. Met Dick Overall from Texas. He thinks the cattle business will improve, great many cattle had died and from the low price for several years, not so many raised. He thinks a process has now been discovered by which dressed beef can be shipped in cars to take place of ice, a great deal cheaper. It is some process of Aqua Monia, by which the temperature of a car or house can be kept a certain point just above freezing. The Star of Bethlehem, very large and brilliant is visible in the East between 4 and 6 o'cl a.m. It is said to be visible only once in 300 years. Received a letter from Fred today. Wrote a postal to Ellen Cowan. My wife and I called to see Minnie and the children at McDearmon this afternoon.

Nov. 17, 1887.
My wife and I, Mr. and Mrs. Howison went down to see William Parks and wife and James Dougherty's folks this morning. It was a cold ride down facing a north wind. The roads very fine, I hadn't been to that part of the prairie for 10 years. It is a continuous lane with a house every half mile. We got back to 5:00 p.m. Received a letter from Mr. Borden, Mattie still improving, a postal from Mary Pearce saying she would come down tomorrow. They have no church or Sunday school in the prairie and they rarely come to town to church -- an unhappy state of things. Mr. Parks has about 10,000 apple trees and almost an entire failure this year of fruit and it is general over the country.

Nov. 18, 1887.
Mary Pearce and Arthur and Katie came today. Minnie and children came over in afternoon. George came on accommodation train and after supper they went over to McDearmon's. We received letters from Fred, little Mary Glenday and and Annie D. Gauss.

Nov. 21, 1887.
Saw older Mrs. Mathews at church and Mrs. Boyd of Jackson, Mississippi. Very smoky, the whole country is covered with smoke from forest fires in Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and Missouri. So smoky that the sun looks like a ball of fire.

Nov. 22, 1887.
This is the day of election St. Louis for Public School Directors to decide whether German shall be taught in the public school any longer. The teaching German or any other foreign language is an outrage. The public system was established to teach our children the common rudimentary branches of an English education. We received a letter from Mattie, the first she has written since she was taken sick with typhoid fever nearly two months ago.

Nov. 23rd, 1887.
Raining. What a blessing! Began raining about 3 o'clock this morning, a good rain. What relief to the country that is burning up and people in many places to have to haul water for miles for themselves and their stock. Mary and children left on evening training.

Nov. 24, 1887.
This is Thanksgiving day throughout the land. The nation and the states recognize God and the Christian religion in this public official way. The two Presbyterian churches and the Methodist united in worshiping in our church (Madison Street). Dr. Irwin preached the sermon. He dwelt on God's dealing with us as people in giving such a broad rich land, free civil and religious institutions, our schools and our Christian homes. Our only safety is in God and our Bibles.

Nov. 27, 1887. Sabbath.
Mr. Howison preached a good sermon -- the Sabbath which was made for man and its observance an absolute essential to preservation of our civil and religious institutions. Robert Pourie called and afternoon. Mrs. Salveter called in afternoon.

Nov. 30, 1887.
Received a letter from Arthur, all well, plenty rain and good grass in Texas. I wrote a letter to Tom Pearce about his idle and wicked life and a few lines to Mary Pierce. Mrs. Durfee wrote a letter to Mattie.

Dec. 1, 1887.
Received a postal from Henry Gauss and a paper containing an article by George B. Johnson on the Agricultural resources of Southwestern Texas, around San Antonio. I wrote to Arthur. Called it Mrs. Ross', Miss Charlotte Shaw sick. Ladies Sewing Society met here today. Good deal of excitement in France, serious charges against Wilon, President Grevy's son-in-law. Grevy talks of resigning and the republic shaky.

Dec. 3, 1887.
Received letters from Lizzie and Mattie, all well -- Mattie is going about house some. Saw Mr. D. K. Pittman today. He is about 80 and very active.

p. 137
Dec. 4, 1887 Sabbath.
Mr. Howison preched on Civil Government -- ordained of God as well as the family and the church and to be obeyed and sustained by all Christian people. The French elected a new President yesterday -- Carnot in place of Grevy resigned. The election of Carnot has restored peace to France.

Dec. 6, 1887.
I called on Mrs. R. H. Parks in afternoon, she has been in bad health for some months. President Cleveland's message in papers today. It is a very able and wise paper -- devoted to the Teriff exclusively. Its reduction absolutely neede to reduce the enormous susplus in the Treasury. Mr. Lamar appointed Supreme Judge. I took Mrs. Glenday out riding in afternoon. I wrote to Lizzie Gauss.

Dec. 8, 1887.
Received letters from George and Ellen Cowan. Mrs. Durfee received a letter from Virginia Gauss, Theodore and Mrs. Gauss had been sick with Typoid Malaria. My wife and I called at Daisy Martin's and Mrs. Ross in afternoon. Mrs. Alderson is sick. Mrs. Durfee received a letter from Bettie (Alderson) Watkins. Had some cracks filled in the walls of the house. Received letters today from Mattie, Annie and a postal from Lizzie, all well. Wrote to Sis Gauss.

Dec. 12, 1887.
The Jefferson Street Church took fire from the furnace yesterday during service but was soon put out. Got a fresh cow and calf today from Mr. Wm Hoffman, a present from Mrs. Durfee to my wife. Killed my hogs today. Received a letter from Mary Pearce, a postal from Arthur and a likeness of Dollie and the three children.

Dec. 16, 1887.
Made sausage and lard. I wrote postal to George, Arthur and Fred. I wrote to Hon. John M. Glover in answer to his. Wrote postal to Mattie, wrote to Mary Pearce and sent her $5.00 for Christmas. We went to an oyster supper given by Methodist at Opera House last night. George and Minnie have gone to the city, boarding at Baumont Flats. Received letter from Mattie with some money for Shirley, Mary Pearce and Ellen Cowan for Christmas. I wrote to Tom Johns and Mattie. Sent some Christmas present to Fred's children by mail. Called on Mrs. Watson.

Dec. 19, 1887.
John Tanner and Miss Mollie Wells called in afternoon and Mrs. Higerson with Mattie Salveter. St. Charles Bible Society meeting tonight in Methodist Church. I called at Mrs. Ross after noon, Miss Charlotte Shaw has been quite unwell for some time.

Dec. 20, 1887.
Last night a young man came and said his name was Ulysses Johns, son of Calvit Johns of Denver, Colorado. He left home two months ago to seek employment, came to Kansas City and then on to St. Louis and finding none, came here.

Dec. 21, 1887.
Received letter from John M. Glover, N.C. and Shirley and letter from Mattie. Went to Lindenwood in afternoon to the dedication of the new chapel. Address by Reverends Nichols, Wilson and Martin. Ulysses Johns left us thismorning for Mississippi. He came here without money or clothes. He seems to be a good young perhaps visionary. I gave him $15.00 and a suit of clothes and an overcoat. Letter from Sis Gauss. Wrote to Lizzie and Nattie and Ellen Cowan.

Dec. 24, 1887.
Eleanor Martin came in unexpectedly after dinner. We are exchanging Christmas presents this evening and everybody is happy. Joy to the World, The Lord is come.

Dec. 25, 1887. Sabbath.
Christmas Day. This day celebrates the most wonderful event that ever occurred in this world and probably in the universe -- the Birth of a Saviour for a lost world. It was announced and celebrated by a convoy of Angels to the Shepherds on the plains of Bethlehem. His birth, his life and his death and resurrection have done more to influence the conduct and destiny of the human race than all other events in human history. It has poured joy and peace into the homes and hearts of millions for eighteen centuries. How our hearts should swell with joy and gratitude.

Dec. 26, 1887.
This day is observed as Christmas holiday. Letters today from George, Minnie and a postal from Arthur. Called at Mrs. Ross', Miss Charlotte Shaw has been confined to the house for many weeks. Received letter from Calvit Johns of Denver, Colorado.

Dec. 29, 1887.
Wrote to Arthur. we expect some friends to supper today. Received letter from Mattie. Governor Marmaduke died last night.

Dec. 30, 1887.
Mr. and Mrs. Howison, Mrs. Ross and Miss C. Shaw, Eleanor, Daisy and Aphra Martin and Mrs. Wm Parks took tea with us lat night. George came up on early train. I got a postal today from Lys Johns on his way south.

Dec. 31, 1887.
Received a letter from Mary Pearce. We are now in the last hours of 1887. As a family we have been greatly favored. We have a happy home where peace and concord reign and while we have many things to lament in our lives as Christians we rejoice in the precious hopes of the gospel throught our Lord Jesus Christ through the influence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. I desire to be deeply thankful to my Heavenly Father for all these blessings and I humbly confess my sins and implore His Blessings upon us in the future. Amen.

More on:
French Politics of the time

François Paul Jules Grévy

Marie François Sadi Carnot

Ulysses Johns (maybe)

Calvit Johns




Source: Location of handwritten original unknown.  Transcription and excerption by Florence Johns.   Transcribed to softcopy by Susan D. Chambless, 2003.

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