Sanborn Family Genealogy Book

Victor Channing Sanborn

Genealogy of the Family of Samborne or Sanborn
in England and America 1194 - 1898

Privately Printed for the Author 1899

In 1899 the most complete book on the Sanborn family in North America was privately printed for the author, V.C. Sanborn. It remains today as one of the best family genealogies in existence, although it needs additions and some corrections. Thousands of Sanborns and related families are included in the book. It was the result of at least three attempts at publishing Sanborn genealogy research.

The research and eventual publication of this book makes an interesting story. The effort was begun in 1853 by a group who called themselves the Sanborn Genealogical Association. These people formed the Association for the purpose of compiling a family history. The Recording Secretary, Dr. Nathan Sanborn, first published some of the results of his research in 1856 in the New England Historic Genealogical Register. This article, also republished in pamphlet form, was “one of the earliest American genealogies printed" [V.C. Sanborn. page x]. Dr. Sanborn died in 1858 and his records were given to the SGA's President, Dyer H. Sanborn. He continued the research and extensive correspondence for the next thirteen years, up to his death in 1871.

For the next several years, extensive research for publication was at a virtual standstill. The records were kept but little was done with them until V.C. Sanborn became interested in them. He had begun Sanborn research, especially in the English origins, about 1887. By the middle 1890s he became interested in taking up the cause of publishing a full book of Sanborn genealogy. He was given access to the records collected earlier and was helped by a number of other family members. The result was Genealogy of the Family of Samborne or Sanborn in England and America, 1194 - 1898.