1873 Diary 1/23 Steve Whealy & Theo. Chapman were here. Lib. Kolyer was staying here and Thed. Lott also. 11 1/2 o'clock. 1/26 I did not go to Church. Johnnie Eldert was here. Lib. Kolyer was staying here. 12 o'clock. 2/4 Johnnie Powell & Erv. Case were here in the evening. 11 1/2 o'clock. 2/6 We went to Mary L.'s. She had a sociable of the Happy Four. 5 o'clock. 2/9 I did not go to Church. In the aft. Will Hulst & Ad. Ditmas were here. 2/17 Ma & I went to Brooklyn. We took my two largest pictures down to be framed. I hired a small chromo from J. M.'s. I went to Grandpa's and Lib. K. & I sat up with him all night as he is very sick. 2/18 We had our china wedding. I came home from Grandpa's. 1 o'clock. 2/20 I went down to Brooklyn alone and brought home my largest picture. Mr. & Mrs. VanSlyke, Jimmy Hendrickson & wife, J. VanSiclen & wife spent spent the evening here. 2/21 Charlie Youngs & F. Nostrand were here in the evening. 2/26 I went to Bushwick and staid until Sat. I stopped at Sarah Schenck's, she was not home, I saw her mother. Mary Libbie came here and staid until Friday. 2/27 I staid at Grandpa's. Frank Nostrand & Dave Henderson were here in the morning. 3/1 I came home from Grandpa's. I called at Sarah Schenck's. I had quite a little chat with her. 3/2 Communion Sunday. I went to Church. We did not go to S.S. as the walking was very bad. 3/3 Mary Lib. & Lib. Kolyer came here Tuesday morning and staid for the party. I went to Uncle Abe's and staid all night with A. Anna. 3/4 We had our Sociable of the Happy Four. There were about 60 here and we had a very nice time. They went home about 5 o'clock. 3/5 Mary Lib., Lib. Kolyer, Etta Lott, Carrie & Mary A. Powell staid from the party and I took them home in the aft. Pa, Ma, Annie & I went to Uncle Abe's to spend the evening. 3/9 I did not go to Church. We went to S.S. All my scholarswere there. Abe Golden was here in the aft. I went to the Anniversary of our Church S.S. 3/11 Annie & I went to a surprise party to Uncle Gabe's. We got home 1/2 past five o'clock in the morning. Had a very nice time. 5 1/2 o'clock. 3/12 Annie & I went to Annie Delia's. They were not at home so Sarah Eldert told us to come there and we staid there to supper until Dip. & Annie came home. 3/13 In the evening, Johnnie Eldert, Mr. Linton, Lizzie & Sarah Eldert were to Dip's. We had a very nice time. 3/14 Sarah Eldert came over to Annie's. 3/15 Annie & I came home from Annie Eldert's. We had a very pleasant visit. 3/16 I did not go to Church. We went to Sunday School. All my scholars were there. 3/17 Pa & Ma spent the day at Uncle John D's. I took Sarah down to school. Uncle Ike called. 3/18 Ma & Annie went to New York. Annie staid to Grandpa's. I took Ma & Annie down to the village and went after Ma in the aft. 3/19 Very pleasant. Pa & Ma went to Mr. Husson's to supper. 3/20 Pa & Elouise went to Grandpa's. It rained in the afternoon, so Elouise stayed until Saturday. I wrote a letter to Aunt Sarah. 3/21 Ma went to the village after Sarah. 3/22 Pa & Ma went to Mr. Gulick's to supper. Annie & Elouise came home from Grandpa's. 3/23 I went to Church in the morning. Mr. Lampman preached for us. I went to S.S. We practiced for the Anniversary. Annie went to Church in the evening. Johnnie Eldert was here. 12 1/2. 3/24 Elouise started for school at Miss Waters. Uncle Charles Lott called here. Pa & Ma went to Mr. Morrell's in the evening. 3/25 Stormy & very icy travelling. George Morrell called. 3/26 Stormy. 3/27 Pa & Ma took Annie & I to Emmie Willaimson's We staid there until Sunday morning. We retired 10 1/2 o'clock. 3/28 Very pleasant. Annie & Addie called at Mr. O'Donnell's. Grandma came home from Bushwick. 10 o'clock. 3/29 Very stormy. We intended to go home, but it was too stormy. In the evening John O'Donnell & T. Rogers were there, we had a very nice time. 11 1/2 o'clock. 3/30 Emmie & Addie, Annie & I went to Church in the morning. I rode home with S. Amberman. Annie came home with Pa & Ma. Pa & Ma went to Church in the evening. We did not go to S.S. as the wind blew very hard. 10 o'clock. 3/31 Very pleasant. Annie took Sarah & Elouise down to school. 10 o'clock. 4/1 Very pleasant. I received a letter from A. Sarah. Had a heavy shower in the night. Pa, Ma & Grandma went to Mr. VanSlyke's. 1 quarter of 10. 4/2 Very warm and pleasant. Ma took Sarah & Elouise to school. Annie & I went after them in the aft. John J. Bergen was here in the evening. half past 11. 4/3 Ma & Sarah went with Grandma to New Utrecht. I went to the village for them. Saw a great many I knew, among them Jennie D. & Sarah Eldert & Johnnie Backus. Pa, Annie, Sarah & I went to Uncle Abe's to practice for the Anniversary. 10 o'clock. 4/4 Ma went after Elouise to school. Sarah walked home with Mary L. from the village and staid there all night. 9 o'clock. 4/5 Sarah came home in the morning. Mr. Gulick walked out here. Pa went to New York. Ma & I went to the village for him and I had a tooth extracted at Dr. Steven's. 10 o'clock. 4/6 I went to Church in the morning. I did not go to Sunday School, being indisposed. The others went. Annie went to Church in the evening with Pa & Ma. It showered. 10 o'clock. 4/7 Ma took Sarah & Elouise to school. Mr. Husson called. Uncle Ike called. I finished my quilt, "round the world". Ma & Pa went to the village in the aft. 4/8 In the afternoon Annie & I went to Uncle Ike's and staid all night. Lottie & Phenie Husson & Noby Lott were there. Sammy Colton came for them in the evening. 11 o'clock. 4/9 Rather stormy. Annie & I walked home in the morning. Alice C. & Jennie Carpenter called in the afternoon. In the evening we went to Mr. Kirby's to practice for the Anniversary. Mr. Powell was there. 10 o'clock. 4/10 Mr. Powell wants Annie & I to sing in the choir at our Church. 4/12 Stormy. We had some snow. I finished my alpaca polonaise, which I commenced Wednesday. I had an introduction to Mr. Cook & Mr. L. Baisely. 10. 4/13 Easter Sunday. Lottie Lott staid home with Sarah and Annie & I went to Church. The sermon was very good and there were a great many there. We all went to S.S. We practiced for the Anniversary. 10 1/2. 4/14 In the aft. Sarah Kirby & Annie, Evie & I went around collecting funds for the Anniversary. Rather windy. 9 1/2 o'clock. 4/15 In the afternoon Ma & I went down to our Church. The Classis met there. We went to Uncle Abie's to supper and went to Church in the evening. George Hulst read an essay. Pa was down there all day. 11 1/2 o'clock. 4/16 Very pleasant. Gertie Gulick walked out here. Evie Kirby came here for me to go for Anniversary. We called at Conrad's, Leek's and went through the woods to Esghenbeer;s. 10 1/2 o'clock. 4/17 Stormy all day. Gertie Gulick was here and we put a quilt up. 9 1/2 . 4/18 Ma went to the village and took Gertie home. We finished the quilt we put up yesterday. 4/19 Ma went to Grandpa's. Pa went to the village for her at night. I wrote a letter to A. Sarah. 4/20 I did not go to Church in the morning. I went to S.S., we practiced for the Anniversary. I went to Church in the evening. Frank Nostrand & A. Golder called in the afternoon. 4/21 Sarah went to Aunt Anna's. Annie & I received an invitation to the Happy Four sociable to-morrow evening at Boyd's. Received it yesterday. 4/22 Not very pleasant. Annie, Sarah & I went to see Jennie Fleury married at Grace Church. We went to Remsen's awhile afterward with Anna VanSiclen. 4/23 Ritie Lott came here to stay. Uncle Abe & Aunt Anna were here. Uncle Abe went down for Anniversary books. Mr. Gulick was here. 4/24 Very pleasant. Evie Kirby called in the morning. Abe Golder called in the afternoon. In the evening Jimmy Nostrand, Emmie & Addie Williamson, Abe Golder & Libbie Hendrickson were here, staid until 11 o'clock. 4/25 Pleasant. In the evening Pa & I went to Mr. Kirby's to help mark the books for the Anniversary. 4/26 Pa & Ma went to Brooklyn. I took Ma down, and Annie went after her. Ritie Lott went home. I received a letter from Louisa Gratz. They are at Boston. 4/27 I went to Church in the morning. We had our Anniversary in the afternoon. Ma & Jimmy went. Judge Armstrong addressed the school. Annie went to the Presbyterian Anniversary in the evening. 4/28 Quite pleasant. Pa went to Brooklyn. Ma went to the village for Sarah & Elouise. I received a letter from A. Sarah.. 4/29 Annie & I were going to New Utrecht, but it rained a little in the morning, so we did not go, although I was sorry afterward. 4/30 Uncle Charles Lott & Aunt Lany brought Grandma home from New Utrecht. Lizzie D.B.V. came here and staid all night. I received a letter from Sarah Schenck. Wrote her an answer right back. 5/1 Grandpa & Grandma were here to dinner. Annie & I were going to Aunt Anna's to stay all night, but Mary L. came here and stayed all night. We went to take a walk and called on Jennie Carpenter. 10 1/2 5/2 Stormy all day. Mary Libbie & I took Sarah & Elouise to school, nearly killed ourselves laughing when we were coming home. 5/3 Mary Libbie went home in the morning. I received a letter from someone. Addie Stevens called here for Grandma to go to U. John's. 5/4 I went to Church in the morning. We all went to Sunday School. Johnnie Eldert & Tom Napier went past S.S. several times, waiting for someone to come out. They passed us on the road and Annie rode home with Johnnie & Tom walked home with me. 5/5 Ma & I went to Brooklyn. We went to Mr. Hulst's first. I hired a picture from J. Meyer's, a Swiss scene. He gave me a small picture. I saw Carrie Bergen, M. Fowler, R. Johnson out riding. 5/6 I did not get my canvass yesterday, so I went after it to-day. Walked down with Sarah & Elouise. Saw T. N. [Tom Napier], J. E. [John Eldert], N. Rapelyea, etc. Went to Ann Louise's to wait for Ma, met Aunt Anna on the road and went back to the village with her. Ma went to U. John's. 5/7 I commenced painting on my large Swiss picture. Annie & I went to Grandpa's with Aunt Anna, they staid all day, and Ma went to the village for Annie at night. Ma went to Dr. Steven's and had four teeth extracted, all she had. "ain't got no more!" 5/8 Stormy. I had an invatation out this morning, but declined. Pa & Ma called at Uncle John's and went to the village. I painted on my picture. 5/9 Stormy. Sewed all day on my Japanese dress. Annie & I were going to Aunt Anna's to stay but the rain prevented. 5/10 We were very much surprised by seeing Aunt Sarah Hulst & Annie pop in on us. We did not know they were coming. Aunt Maria came home with them. Grandma came home from Uncle John's. 5/11 Rather stormy. I did not go to Church. We all went to S.S. but Annie. Ma, A. Sarah & Grandma went to Uncle John's. They called at U. Frank's. Grandma staid all night at Uncle John's. 5/12 Very pleasant. Ma & A. Sarah went to Brooklyn. I went to the village with Pa for them, went to Miss Cornell's, chose my summer hat. Painted all day. Saw quite a number that I knew. 5/13 Ma, A. Sarah & Jimmy spent the day at A. Kate's. Pa went after them and they staid there to supper. I wrote a letter to Louisa Gratz. 5/14 Annie took Aunt Sarah & Annie Hulst to Elias Hendrickson's. They staid there all night. Grandma spent the day there and Ma went after her. 5/15 Aunt Sarah went to Uncle John's all night. Pa called at Mr. Croucher's. Evie Kirby was married. We worked in the garden. Quite a combination of events, yes sir. 5/16 Grandma spent the day at A. Amelia's, Aunt Sarah was there. Ma went after them in the afternoon and they went to Uncle Abe S. to supper. They went to the village also. I painted all day. 5/17 Pa & Ma went to Brooklyn. A. Sarah was going, but she had the rheumatism in her limb [word 'limb' circled]. Annie went to the village for them. Ma brought me a parasol. 5/18 I went to Church in the morning. Mr. VanSlyke is preaching a course of sermons on the Lord's Prayer, they are very interesting. I went to S.S., all my scholars were there. Johnnie Eldert and Henry Nostrand were here in the evening. 12 o'clock. 5/19 Annie & I went to A. Anna's and staid all night. I went to the village with Ma, also called at Gertie S. Harmy & Gertie spent the evening here. Uncle Abe & Aunt Anna were here yesterday. I called on A. G___ at the store. Very polite. 11 o'clock. 5/20 Aunt Anna, Annie & I played croquet. We came home in the aft. and who should be here but the Rev. George Hulst & family. They took A. Sarah & Annie Hulst home with them. 9 o'clock. 5/21 Ma took Grandma to Uncle Jim Lott's to stay all day. Annie went after her in the afternoon. 5/22 Stormy. Uncle Abe Stockholm & Lid. were here in the aft. Aunt Anna brought Gertie here while she went to the village and Annie went with her. 5/24 Pa & Ma went to New York, brought a set of croquet. I got my summer hat from Miss Cornell's. 5/25 I did not go to Church. Gertie was here. I went to S.S., all my scholars were present. Sarah went to Church in the evening. 5/26 Annie & I were going to New Utrecht, but Annie could not get her hat. Uncle Aaron & Aunt Cynthia were here to supper. I called at Huntting's to see Libbie Dayton. She expects to come here next week. Annie went to Bushwick. 5/27 Annie & I started bright & early for New Utrecht. Ma went with us to Brooklyn. We arrived safely at Barney Laralere's about 12 1/2 o'clock. Sarah Lott & Aunt Sarah Hulst came there in the aft. We all staid there to tea, and in the evening we went to singing school at Edgewood. Jim & Phebe were there and Annie & I went to Uncle Charles's with them. Dr. Schenck & Sarah were with us also. We all went home in the big wagon. Barney brought Aunt Sarah over and we staid there all night. 5/28 In the morning Aunt Sarah, Annie & I went over to Phebe's, staid there to dinner, went back to Uncle Charles's in the aft. About three o'clock we all went to Prospect Park to see the Brooklyn Anniversary of the Sunday School. I went to Flatbush first with Dr. Schenck. Annie went with Jim & Phebe. I saw more people than I ever did at one time. I saw Tunis W., Elias H., &c. We went back to Uncle Charlie's to supper and Charlie H. took us to U. Aaron's. All of the Speddings were there, played croquet until dark. 5/29 We were at Uncle Aaron's all day. I helped A. Cynthia make cake in the morning. In the aft. we all went to the New Utrecht Anniversary. Mr. VanSlyke addressed the children, afterward Pa & Ma brought Mr. & Mrs. VanSlyke to Uncle Aaron's. They staid there to supper. They went to Uncle Charlie's to dinner. Nettie came over for us to spend the evening there. We went as soon as Pa & Ma went away. Jerry & Charlie, Annie & I went and staid until 11 o'clock. Had a very nice time, played and sung, &c. 5/30 Pleasant in the morning, but rain in the aft. In the aft. U. Aaron, A. Cynthia, Charlie & Annie went in the carriage and Jerry & I went in the buggy to Greenwood. We saw Jimmy Lott's grave. It was Decoration Day and we saw a great many people. It rained before we got home. Annie & I went over to Spedding's awhile. Mary & Nettie spent the evening at Uncle Aarons's. Annie & I played croquet in the morning. 5/31 We said goodbye to Speddings. Jerry & I, Annie & Abie played two games of croquet. We beat. Had splendid fun. Jerry took us to Uncle Charlie's. We staid there to dinner. 2 o'clock Dr. Schenck took us to Kate's to wait for the dummy. We came home Atlantic Ave., arrived at Jamaica about 5 o'clock. Pa & Ma were there. We went to H. Lott's. They insisted on us staying to supper, so we staid until 8 1/2 o'clock. Mr. & Mrs. Amberman & Theodore were there. Charlie F. gave Annie his picture. Grandma DeBeVoise is very poorly. 6/1 Communion Sunday. I went to Church in the morning. I went to S.S. Pa & Ma went to Grandpa's, as Grandma is very sick. They came up in time for Church. 6/2 Ma & Sarah went to Brooklyn. They bought Sarah a new white dress to wear to the reception. Annie & I played rcoquet. 6/3 Aunt Anna called here and I went with her to Gertie S. and to the village. She expected Addie up, but he did not come. Fannie Morrell called here. I painted on my picture. 6/4 Libbie Dayton cannot come here as Mamie is sick and she must go home. Disappointment on both sides. 6/5 Pa & Ma went to New York and brought Annie & I summer dresses. I wrote a letter to Emmie W. I finished my painting, the Swiss scene. 6/6 We cleaned the sitting room & bed-room. Aunt Anna brought Gertie here as A. Anna is cleaning. We were going to Mary Lib.'s but it rained in the afternoon. 6/7 Sarah & Elouise went to Ritie Lott's. They had a small company. I received a letter from Sarah Schenck. She is coming here Friday to stay. 6/8 Annie & I both went to Church. We all went to S.S. All my scholars were there. Mr. Powell wanted me to change my seat, so I sit in front of Uncle Abe. Pa & Ma went to U. Abe's to tea & from there to Church. Mary & G. were here. 6/9 We commenced our dresses. Mary went to Williamsburg. 6/10 Grandpa was here to dinner. 6/11 Somewhat showery. Sunday School Convention met in the village. Ma & I went down in the aft. We went to Church until six o'clock, when we went to the Town Hall where a collation was served. I helped wait on the tables as I was appionted on the committee. Anna V.S., Ettie D., Sallie Morrell, Amanda Carpenter were at the table with myself. There were quite a number there that I knew. W. Ellis spoke to me. Jim Kolyer brought Sarah, Elouise & I home 8 o'clock as I expected company, but they did not come after all. 6/13 John Bergen brought Sarah Schenck here. She came to stay. John staid in the evening until 11 1/2 o'clock. 1 o'clock. 6/14 In the evening, Pa & Ma, Sarah Schenck & I went to the village. We walked through the village to Degraw's with Johnnie P., met John Bergen & Henry Nostrand, took a walk. Went to Conger's, had ice-cream, went to Remsen's & J. B. brought us home in the buggy 10 1/2 o'clock. Finished my dress. 12 o'clock. 6/15 Went to Church in the morning. Mr. Alliger preached. We went to Sunday School. John Bergen & Johnnie Eldert were there. I rode home with Johnnie Eldert. They staid here to supper and went home one o'clock in the evening. John O'Donnell & Emmie Williamson were here, they went home 12 o'clock. Tom Napier was here in the evening, 1 o'clock. 1 1/2 o'clock. 6/16 Mary was not home. In the aftrenoon Annie, Sarah Schenck & I went to the village. We called at A. Anna's, she was not home. 10 1/2 o'clock. 6/17 We staid at home all day, played croquet. Expected Johnnie P. in the evening, but he did not come. We retired about 11 o'clock. 6/18 In the afternoon Sarah Schenck & I went to South Jamaica for ice. Did not get any. Called at John Duryea's. Annie & Sarah went to the village, got ice at Hirst's. We made ice-cream, we were playing croquet when Foster Burtis drove up with Johnnie Powell. Johnnie staid and Foster went after Mary Lib. They came and staid until 10 o'clock. John Bergen spent the evening here. He staid until two o'clock. Johnnie Powell made his exit at 10 1/2 o'clock. How? Did he have a nice ride? Strawberries & cream. 2 1/2 o'clock. 6/19 Dreadful sleepy, nevertheless, we went to Rockaway all day. Pa drove us there and we had a very nice time. We had ice-cream in the evening. Theresa Conrad's baby was buried. 9 1/2 o'clock. 6/20 In the afternoon Annie, Sarah Schenck & I & Ma went to the village. Annie, Sarah & I were going to have our pictures taken together, but the photographer was not home. We called at Mrs. Lott's and got a drink of water. Sarah Schenck went home on the horse cars. Lizzie D.B.V. & Evie Ham came here and staid all night. Uncle John & Aunt Sarah called here. I wrote a letter to A. Sarah. 6/21 Pa & Ma went to Brooklyn. I received a letter from A. Sarah. Ma bought me a straw hat, 12., also a leather belt, .50. 6/22 I did not go to Church. Annie & I went to Sunday School. Dadie Purdy was not there. The rest of my scholars were. It rained in the aft. Steve offered to bring me home from S.S. if I would walk to his house. 6/23 Stormy. Ma took Sarah down to school. Pa went to Brooklyn. Annie & I went to the village for a ride. Brought Sarah home. 6/24 Annie took Sarah to school. Ma went after her. She called at Mr. VanSlyke's & at A. Anna's. 6/25 I had the neuralgia in my face. Elouise & Jimmie have got the whooping cough. 6/26 Annie & I walked down to the village about two o'clock. Met Sarah Schenck. We all had our picture taken together, we had 5 of them. Sarah took three and Annie & I each had one. We walked down to Remsen's with Sarah, she went home about 5 o'clock and Annie & I went to Mrs. Lott's. We waited there for Ma. She got there about 8 o'clock. 6/27 I drove Sarah down to school & Pa went to Brooklyn. I went to the dentist's and had a Dreadful tooth extracted. I received a letter from Libbie Dayton. 6/29 I went to Church in the morning. We all went to Sunday School. All my scholars were there. Pa & Ma went to Church in the evening. 6/30 Annie & I went to Mary L's & staid all night. 7/1 We walked home in the afternoon. Mary came over in the evening and we all went down to a reception at Mrs. Fleury's school. Sarah was in a german piece. 7/2 Our girl Mary went away yesterday, so we have fine times working again. 7/3 Clear as a piece of glass. I received a letter from A. Sarah.. 7/4 Independence Day. We made a great quuantity of ice-cream, all had sufficient. Had some fire-works. Mary & Gertie were over here, played croquet. 7/5 Very sultry. Picked raspberries. Annie & I each made us a white sailor waist. Charlie D.B.V. called here. Ma & Annie went to the village. Annie got new shoes & corset. 7/6 Pa did not go to Church as he has a bad cold. Ma, Annie & Sarah went. Jerry Lott was at Church, he brought Annie home. He staid here until after 4 o'clock. S. Whealey called here in the afternoon. Invited me to go riding. We went & called at Williamson's and from there went to the Presbyterian Church. Arrived home about 9 1/2 o'clock. 11 o'clock. 7/7 Pa & Ma went to Brooklyn. I wrote half of a letter to Aunt Sarah & Pa wrote the other half. 7/8 Ma & Sarah went to the village. Annie received a letter from Lib. Kolyer. 7/9 Pa, Ma, Sarah, Elouise & Jimmy took a ride to the meadows. Charlie D.B. and Georgie were over here. We played croquet until pitch dark. 7/10 Annie & Sarah went to the village. I received a letter from Louisa Gratz, from Boston. Annie wrote a letter to Lib. Kolyer. 7/11 Had a pleasant little shower in the morning, which cooled the air. 7/12 I went down to Bushwick in the morning to Grandpa's. Went over to Lib's. 7/13 Grandpa, Lib., Annie & I went to Old Bushwick Church in the morning. Had an introduction to W. Conslyea. Went to S.S. with Lib. and to the Episcopal Church at night. Staid with Lib. all night. Saw the fitty man. 7/14 Lib. & I went to Brooklyn in the morning. I took tow small paintings to Myer's. Got a plate of ice-cream & bought drab corsets for myself. We were going to Ann Lib's, but she was not home. 7/15 I went to A. Hattie's in the afternoon. She & Gertie are coming up here Thursday to stay. Annie Delia Eldert has an increase in her family, namely a young son, and heir. 7/16 I went over to Ann Libbie's in the morning. In the afternoon Lib. & Annie Kolyer & myself started for Jamaica. Arrived there safely. Waited at Helen's for Annie, about two hours. 7/17 Got unpacked and settled down home again. MA went down to the depot for Aunt Hattie & Gertie. 7/18 Annie & Lib. went to the village. We played croquet, &c. I received a letter from A. Sarah. 7/19 Pa, Ma, Aunt Hattie, Gertie, Elouise & Jimmy went to Rockaway. All the rest of us staid at home like Good Children. 7/20 In the morning Lib. & I went to Church with S. Amberman. Pa, Ma, A. Hattie & Annie Kolyer went in the carriage. We all went to S.S. F. M. walked home with us. Expected company, but were disappointed. 7/21 Aunt Amelia & Noby called in the morning. Lib., Annie & Annie K. spent the day at A. Anna's. Aunt Hattie & Ma went to A. Amelia's to tea. 7/22 In the morning Annie K., Sarah & I went to the village. Charlie Carpenter called in the morning. In the evening Foster Burtis, Johnnie Powell, Charlie Carpenter, George Morrell & Frank & Charlie DeBeVoise were here. 11 o'clock. 7/23 Lib. Kolyer & I went to Uncle Frank Lott's for turnip seed. Ma took Aunt Hattie & Gertie down to the depot. They went home. Lib. & Annie Kolyer went to U. Ike's to stay. Mary Lib., Lib. & Annie came back here for their baggage. 7/24 Jimmy & I went to the butcher's in the village. Willie Kirby called. I wrote a letter to A. Sarah. 7/25 In the afternoon Annie and & went to Mary Lib's about an hour. Went from there to Noby's. We were invited there with a small company, L. & Phenie Husson, & in the evening Foster Burtis, George & Frank Morrell were there. Foster & Frank brought us home about 10 o'clock. 7/26 Annie, Sarah & Jimmy went to the village in the morning. Uncle Ike called. Steve Whealey called in the evening. I wrote a note to Libbie Dayton. 7/27 Showery all day. Pa, Ma, Annie & Sarah went to Church in the morning. Had a heavy shower when they were coming home. They were nearly struck by lightning. 7/28 Had several calls for cabbage plants, for instance, S. Whealey, H. Hendrickson, Mr. Berry. 7/30 We received a letter from Uncle Peter Hulst, stating that he is coming here Saturday. 7/31 I wrote a letter to Louisa Gratz. 8/1 I received a letter from Emmie W. 8/2 Ma & I went to Brooklyn. I saw a great many that I knew, too numerous to mention. Yes, Sir. Ain't It. Pshaw. Some of Annie's smartness. We were caught in a shower at East New York. Arrived at Jamaica about 5 o'clock. Went to H. Lott's. Thed. A., Richard R., Etta, Carrie & myself had a game of croquet. Johnnie P. came there after me. Saw John Bergen, had a little walk with him, and a big talk. Yes, sir. Uncle Peter Hulst Arrived in Jamaica in the evening, came home with us. 8/3 Ma did not go to Church as she did not feel well. The rest of us went. U. Peter also. We went to Sunday School. Had a shower in the aft. Dr. Hendrickson came to see Ma. Johnnie Eldert was here in the evening. 12 o'clock. 8/4 Ma went to Ellen Gulick's to get a redingote made, as she is going home with Uncle Peter. Uncle Peter went to Elias H's. I received a letter from A. Sarah. Mary was here. 8/5 Ma went to the village. In the afternoon Charlie Carpenter called to invite Annie & I to go out riding. He came for us about 7 o'clock and we went to Hempstead & called on A. & Dena Phraner. Very pleasant. Didn't laugh nor nothing. Arrived home 12 1/2 o'clock. 8/6 Annie took Ma & Sarah to the village. They went to Brooklyn. I went after them and went to the dentist's. 8/7 Ma & Annie started for Rochester. They went alone to Hulst's where they were to meet U. Peter and go with him. Pa, Sarah & I went to the funeral of Jany D.B. Mary L. came home with us and staid all night. Theresa Conrad was here all day ironing. 8/8 Mary Lib. & I wrote a healthy old letter to Annie & Ma. Pa went to market. Mary Lib. went home. Aunt Maria was here all night. 8/9 Theresa was here all day and staid at night. Aunt Maria went home. Grandpa & Grandma came here and staid all night. What we had for dinner; sweet corn, tomatoes, fried ham, potatoes, beets. I baked bread, cake, blackberry pie. Stewed pears, &c. Sarah & Elouise walked to the village in the morning. Sarah went with Pa at night. Aunt Anna has got a young daughter. 8/10 I staid home all day with a swelled face. Grandpa & Grandma, Pa, Sarah & Elouise went to S.S. Uncle Ike called in the morning. Mary & Georgie called. Theresa was here half a day. Pa & Sarah went to Springfield Church at night. 8/11 Ritie Lott came here and staid all night. Georgie was here all day. We received a letter from U. Peter, stating that they are there all right. I wrote to Ann Lib. Kinsey and commenced a letter to Annie. 8/12 Clear & quite cool. Pa went to market. Uncle Ike & Mary Lib. called in the afternoon. We had a game of croquet. I received a letter from Annie. Mary came over here & staid all night, as Pa & U. Ike were going to the Bay. 8/13 As it was stormy, Pa did not go to the Bay. In the afternoon Pa & I went to the village. Ritie went home, she rode with us. I went to the dentist's. He extracted four of my teeth, two wisdom teeth. I posted a letter to go to Annie. Theresa washed here for us. 8/14 Stormy all day. 8/15 Quite pleasant. I expected Mary Lib., but she did not come. Pa went to market. Theresa was here ironing. 8/16 Pleasant. Gertie Gulick came here and staid all night. Pa & Sarah went to the village. I received a letter from Ann Lib. Kinsey at Low Point & two letters from Annie. 8/17 Pleasant all day, but rainy at night. I went to Church in the morning. Gertie Gulick went with us. I did not go to S.S. Thed. Lott & Lottie were here to supper. Pa & Sarah went to Church. 8/18 We had our Sunday School picnic. It was stormy but we went nevertheless. Went to the Sea Side House at Rockaway. We enjoyed ourselves very mush. Pa & Jimmy staid at home & kept house. Peanuts. Peanuts. 8/19 Pa went to market. Sarah & I went to the village in the aft. I went to the dentist. He took the impression of my mouth to fix my teeth. Aunt Maria came here. We called at A. Anna's & saw the baby. Got a letter from Ma. 8/20 Stormy yet. Pa went to market. I wrote a letter to Sarah Schenck. Theresa washed for us. 8/21 I went to the village in the afternoon with Pa. We called at Uncle Jim's. I had an invitation to take a trip to Italy, Europe, to spend the winter. 8/22 I went to the village in the morning. Went to the dentist's. Left my teeth to be fixed. Went to Mrs. Lott's to wait for Ma & Annie. They arrived in their native land, from Rochester about 10 o'clock. Mary Lib. came here & staid all night. In the Afternoon she & I went to the village. Went to the dentist's. We had a very nice ride, plenty of fun. I wrote a letter to A. Sarah stating that Ma & Annie had arrived safely. Uncle Gabe called in the evening. Theresa ironed for us. 8/23 Mary Lib. went home in the morning. I stitched ruffles for her dress. Pa & Uncle Gabe went out crabbing. Sarah went to Grandpa's. Ma called at Aunt Anna's. Pa & Ma went to the village. 8/24 I did not go to Church. I went to S.S. All my scholars were there. Uncle Simon came here. Johnnie Eldert was here in the evening. 12 1/2 o'clock. 8/25 Pa took Mr. VanSlyke to the Flatbush Hospital. Ma & Elouise went to Bushwick. 8/26 Theresa washed for us. 8/27 I went to the village in the morning. Went to the dentist's. In the afternoon Pa & Ma, Annie & I went to the Harvest Home Festival at Rockaway, pavilion. Went in the 2 1/2 train and came back 12 o'clock. I had a splendid time. There were a great many there that I knew. I danced with George Way, J. Eldert, A. Golder, J. Powell, T. Amberman, W. Higbie, Frank Lott & F. Nostrand, &c. I was seen safely home by Frank Lott. He had his horse & carriage at Remsen's and brought me home. Arrived there two o'clock. 2 1/2. 8/28 I felt lazy and tired all day. Annie called at Aunt Anna's. Ma went to the village. I received a letter from Louisa Gratz. 8/29 Annie & I were going to Annie Delia's but Ma had a sick head-ache. 8/30 Annie & I went in the 9 1/2 o'clock train to Annie Delia's, we came back 7 o'clock. Alice & Dena Phraner were there. We had a very nice time. The first time I saw the baby. Pa met us in the village. I received a letter from A. Sarah.. 8/31 I went to Church in the morning. I went to Sunday School. All my scholars were there. Uncle Jim Lott & Theodore called. 9/1 Pa had to go to Hempstead to attend court. Ma & Elouise went with him & staid to U. John Covert all day. Uncle Abie DeBeV. & I. Amberman called to invite us to Mr. Phraner's funeral. 9/2 Pa went to Hempstead. He went with Mr. Everitt & brought Mr. Ring home with him from Newtown. Ma & I called at Aunt Anna's & Gertie S's. We went to the village and took tea at Uncle John D.B's. Davie Youngs & Addie, Mr. & Mrs. Totten were there. 9/3 Very pleasant. Pa had to go to Hempstead again. Mr. Ring went with him. 9/4 Ma, Annie & I went to the funeral of Mr. William Phraner. The Church was crowded. Pa officiated as one of the bearers. 9/5 Uncle Charles Lott & Aunt Lany, Nellie & Minnie Lazalere were here in the aft. Alice Clemison & Jany Carpenter were here and spent the evening. We played croquet. 9/6 I went to Church with Ma. Pa & Ma went to the depot for Uncle Gabe & A. Mary. They staid here all night. Sarah came home from Grandpa's. I received a letter from Libbie Dayton. 9/7 Communion Sunday. Uncle Gabe & Aunt Mary went to Church with us. We went to Sunday School. Alice & Jany C. went with us. Mary Lib. was there. Pa & Ma took U. Gabe & A. Mary to Uncle Abe's. They went to Church. 9/8 I went to the village in the morning. 9/9 Ma took Annie & I to Uncle John Covert's. We staid until Saturday. 9/11 Lizzie Covert, Annie & I went to Sarah Covert's. We staid there to tea. Anna Jacobson & Sarah came home with us. 9/12 I received a letter from Sarah Schenck. 9/13 Frank & Lizzie Covert brought Annie & I home from there. Uncle Abe & Aunt Mary Kolyer came here and staid all night. 9/14 Rather stormy in the morning, but pleasant in the aft. Uncle Abe & Aunt Mary went to Church with Pa & Ma. Uncle Jim, Aunt Kate, Jane Lane & Thedodore were here to tea. We did not go to S. School. Johnnie Eldert was here in the evening. 12 1/2 o'clock. 9/15 Ma & I went to New York. I took my Swiss picture to Myer's in Brooklyn. Took the stage in Broadway, went to Leonard street. Came over in the boat with Lizzie Siney[?]. South Side cars. Called on J. D. A. 9/16 Annie & I called on Nobie Lott, we also called at Aunt Anna's. Grandpa & Grandma staid at A. Anna's. 9/17 Ma took Annie down to the village and she went to Grandpa's to stay. 9/18 Aunt Anna, Gertie & Mamie, Junior spent the day here. Pa brought my picture home from Myer's. 8.00 9/19 Stormy & rain all day. Ma took the children to school and I went after them, went to U. Abie D.B.V.'s for them. Had a sort of a race coming home with F. B. 9/20 I was at home all day. In the afternoon Sarah, Elouise & George Shnurr went to the meadows with the men. Pa, Ma & Jimmy went to the village. 9/21 I went to Church in the morning and rode home with Amberman's as Pa, Ma & Jimmy went to Grandpa's. They brought Annie home with them and they went to Church in the evening. Sarah & Elouise went to S.S. 9/22 Very pleasant. I painted all day on the "Bird's Nest" for Uncle Peter. 9/23 Ma took the children to school. Theresa washed for us. 9/27 Ann Louisa Smith spent the day here and Abe came in the afternoon. Pa & Ma took them home at night. We saw a balloon. 9/28 Jimmy & staid home alone in the morning. All the rest went to Church. I went to Sunday School in the aft. Pa & Ma went to U. John D.B.V.'s to tea & to Queens church in the evening. 9/30 Pa, Ma, Jimmy & I went in the farm-wagon to the Mineola Fair grounds and took four of my paintings & a bbl. of Uncle P. Hulst's potatoes to exhibit. 10/1 Agricultural Fair. Annie, Sarah, Elouise & myself went to the Fair in Uncle Ike's farm-wagon. Mary Lib. and us went around all day together. Had a little chat with Abe Wyckoff, Steve W. &c. 10/2 Agricultural Fair. Pa, MA, Annie, Jimmy & myself went to the Fair in the carriage. I had a very nice time in the afternoon. I was with Liz. Covert & Lib. Kolyer in the former's carriage when Mary Lib. & Frank Hendrickson drove up. Then came John Bergen & Sarah Schenck, so we all had quite a chat together. I rode around the ring, saw every body I knew. Got out of the carriage and met Frank Lott. Had an intro to Mr. VanSiclen, a very pleasant chat with both gentlemen. Met Addie John Peter Remsen, &c. &c. etc. 10/3 Agricultural Fair. Every body went to the Fair and left Jimmy & I & Aunt Maria home all day. I got the first premium for my largest picture. $5.00. I wrote a letter to Luoise Gratz. 10/5 Pleasant. I went to Church in the morning. I went to S.S> Mr. Powell resigned as our Superintendent. Pa & Ma went to U. Jim Lott's and to Church in the evening. 10/6 Pleasant in the morning, but stormy in the aft. I took Elouise to school, called at Ellen Gulick's & went to Mr. VanSlyke's. Mrs. Amberman rode up to the village with me. Annie went for Elouise in the rain in the afternoon. 10/7 I wrote a letter to A. Sarah. 10/9 Ellen Gulick and the children spent the day here. Theresa was here helping clean house. 10/10 Very busy cleaning house. Theresa was here. 10/11 I went down to the dominie's in the morning & brought Mrs. VanSlyke, Mrs. Amerman & Minnie here to spend the day. A. Maria came. 10/12 I did not go to Church in the morning. We all went to S.S. All my scholars were there. Whit. Powell Steve Whealey came here in the afternoon. Went home 6 o'clock, got another wagon, came right back and Annie & I went with them to the Bible Society Anniv. Pres. Church. They staid here until 12 o'clock. Cream &c. Quinces. 10/13 Uncle Frank Lott & A. Amelia called here. I wrote a letter to Sarah Schenck. Theresa washed for us. Uncle Peter DeBeVoise came here yesterday. 10/14 Annie & I went to Mary Lib's and staid all night. Had a grand time. Frank Hendrickson, Foster Burtis, Charlie Young & his cousin spent the evening there. The two latter came here first, & as we were not home, came there. 12 1/2 o'clock. 10/15 We came home from Mary Lib's in the morning. Very pleasant. Aunt Anna sent for one of us to go there as U. Abe was not home. I went and staid all night. Cleaning house. Theresa was here. 10/16 Annie came after me and took U. Peter D.B.V. to Aunt Anna's. Cleaned house. Theresa was here. 10/17 Charlie D.B.V. came here a while. Pa & Ma took the horse as far as E. N.Y. & they went to New York. 10/18 Had company 22 evenings this year, so far. I went to the village in the evening with Pa & Ma. 10/19 I went to Church in the morning. I went to S.S. All my scholars were there. Frank J. Lott was here in the evening. Rained fearful in the night. 12 o'clock. 10/20 Stormy, but clear. 10/22 Annie & I went to Sarah Schenck's to stay. 10/23 Sarah, Annie & I went to Brooklyn. Sarah & I got nightdress yokes alike. John Bergen was there in the evening. 11 o'clock. 10/24 In the morning Sarah, Cornelia, Annie & I went to the engine house & resevoir. In the afternoon we went to Kate Stoothoff's and called. 10/25 Very pleasant. We staid at home all day, expecting Carrie Bergen, but she didn't come. 10/26 Sarah, Annie & I walked to Church. We also walked to Sunday School, stopped for Katie Stoothoff. Charlie Carpenter appeared on the scene and took us home from S.S. John Bergen & John Eldert were there in the evening. Chestnuts. 12 1/2 o'clock. 10/27 Rained all day. We were going to Lizzie Rapelyea's, New Lots, but the rain prevented. 10/28 Annie & I came home from Sarah Schenck's. 10/29 We all went to Sunday S. in the aft. & practiced singing. Mary Lib. came home with us. Charlie young, Lin. Young, Foster Burtis & Charlie D.B.V. spent the evening here. 12 1/2 o'clock. 10/30 Ma went to Bushwick and I went to the village for her. Mary Lib. went home. Rained in the aft. 10/31 Rather stormy. 11/2 I did not go to Church. I went to Sunday School. Pa & Ma went to Church in the evening. Libbie Dayton was at Church. 11/3 I went to the village, brought the children home from school. Annie Hulst came up in the morning with Sarah. I called on Libbie Dayton at Huntting's. Went up in her room. 11/4 Election Day. Ma & I went to the village, brought Libbie Dayton home with us. Whit. Powell was here in the evening and staid until 11 o'clock. Pa played on his violin. We sang, danced, played &c. Had a splendid waltz with Whit. and a grand time generally. 12 o'clock. 11/5 Annie went to singing school in the afternoon. I took Libbie Dayton down to the village. Johnnie Powell and Seymour Orchard spent the evening here. They staid until 11 1/2 o'clock. 11/6 Very pleasant. Annie Hulst staid at home to-day. Mary Shnurr was here. 11/7 Rather cloudy. Ma went to Aunt Anna's and to the village. Theresa was here, finished house cleaning, parlors, hall, &c. 11/8 Uncle Peter Hulst came here. 11/9 I went to Church in the morning with Uncle Abe D.B.V. at Queens. Sat up in the gallery with Mary L. I went to S.S. Johnnie Eldert and David Springsteen came here in the afternoon. 11/10 Ma, A. Sarah & Grandma went to Uncle John D.B.V.'s. 11/11 Ma, A. Sarah & I went to New York. I met Uncle Peter Hulst at the ferry & we went to Hart's & he gave me a very handsome seal ring for a picture which & painted for him. $8 1/2. Whit. Powell & Mr. Cain were here and spent the evening. I expect to go to Mary Lib's with Whit. to the first sociable, next Thursday. Rained a little. 12 o'clock. 11/12 Rather stormy. Grandma & Aunt Sarah spent the day at A. Amelia's. They went to A. Anna's in the evening. 11/13 Annie took A. Sarah to Elias Hendrickson's in the morning. In the evening Pa, Ma, Uncle Peter & A. Sarah went to James Hendrickson's. They staid until 12 o'clock. Gertie was here all day. Snowed a little. 12 o'clock. 11/14 I went to Aunt Anna's in the afternoon and took care of the children while she went to the village. Aunt Sarah & Annie went to Bushwick & staid all night. 11/15 Snowy. Aunt Sarah & Annie went to the American Inst. Fair. 11/16 I did not go to Church. Uncle Peter & A. Sarah were here. They went to Elias H's in the aft. We went to S.S. Frank Nostrand called here. 11/17 I went down to the butcher's in the morning. Had a little chat with John Bergen & Charlie D.B.V. 11/19 Mary Lib. & Charlie called here. Annie & I went to singing school in the afternoon. 11/20 I went to Mary Lib's sociable with Whit. Powell. Had a very nice time. Jerry Lott came here & Annie went with him. Expected Johnnie Eldert, but he didn't come. Came home 4 1/2 o'clock. 11/21 Annie went home with Jerry, expects to stay awhile. Uncle Jim Lott called & Charlie D.B.V. 11/22 I went to the village in the evening with Pa & Ma. 11/23 I went to Church in the morning. Mr. Miller preached for us. Uncle Abe & A. Anna were here to dinner. Uncle Abe took us to S.S. in the carriage. Had an introduction to George Terry. Rain in the evening. 11/24 Stormy all day. Sarah & I went to the village in the aft. 11/25 Annie came home from New Utrecht. Frank Nostrand, David Henderson & George Haviland were here in the evening. Came to see about our party, which is to be the 11th of Dec. Aunt Sarah Hulst came here, she took Grandma down to Bushwick. 11 o'clock. 11/26 30 evenings at home. Ma & I went to A. Anna's to see the baby christened, Mary Isabel. Sarah went to Grandpa's. Whit. Powell spent the evening here. I arrived home 8 1/2 o'clock. Had some New York candy. 11 1/2 o'clock. 11/27 Thanksgiving Day. Pa & Ma went to Grandpa's to dinner. Uncle Abe brought Gertie here, staid all day. 11/28 Mary Lib. came here in the morning & staid all night. Foster Burtis, John Powell, Steve & Charlie D.B.V. spent the evening here. Uncle Peter Hulst called here. 11 o'clock. 11/29 Mary Lib. went home in the morning. Ma went to Bushwick, rode down with Pa. Received a letter from Sarah Schenck with bad news, that she cannot come here New Year's. 11/30 I went to Church in the morning. We went to S.S. Mr. Powell was there. Whit. Powell & Teunis Williamson called here in the afternoon. 12/1 Snow. Pa, Ma & Jimmy went to Uncle Ike's to help kill swine. Charlie D.B.V. was here in the evening. 12/2 Stormy. Annie & I went to a calico apron & neck-tie sociable at Frank Hendrickson's. We went with Charlie D.B.V. & George Hendrickson. Had a very nice time. I danced with G. H., C. D.B.V., F. H., D. H., W. Covert, Mr. Whitmore, stranger. 3 1/2 o'clock. 12/3 Uncle Ike & Uncle Abe were here to help kill swine. I received a letter from Frank Nostrand stating that the sociable is postponed. 12/4 Rather stormy. I went down to Bushwick in the morning to bring Grandma home. Called on Lib. Kolyer. I received a letter from A. Sarah, they arrived home safely. 12/5 Annie & I went to Mary Lib's & staid all night. Oldfield Burtis, Foster, George Hendrickson & Ben Bergen were there. Three violins. 12 o'clock. 12/6 Annie & I came home from Mary L's. We went to Church in the afternoon. Preparatory service. Annie Eldert had the baby christened. Made sausage. Mary was here to help. 11 1/2 o'clock. 12/7 Communion Sunday. I went to Church in the morning. We went to S.S. I was appointed on a committee for a Christmas festival. We met George Way & Will. Mitchell coming here, just as we were going to S.S. They did not come. Frank J. Lott spent the evening here. 12 o'clock. 12/8 Pa & Ma went to Aunt Anna's to help kill pigs. Annie & I went to Jamie Duryea's and staid all night. 11 o'clock. 12/9 Called on Ettie & Annie Duryea. Jennie & Ettie brought us home. I received a letter from Sarah Schenck. 12/10 Annie & I went to singing school in the aft. John Bergen & Sarah Schenck spent the evening here. 11 1/2 o'clock. 12/11 Not very pleasant. Annie & I went to Dip. Eldert's and staid until Saturday. We went down in the 4 o'clock train. 12/12 Dip. went to market. Played, sang & danced in the evening. 12/13 Pa & Ma went to New York. Bought Annie & I brown dresses. They stopped to Dip.'s for us & we came home. 12/14 I did not go to Church. We went to S.S. All my scholars were there. Johnnie Eldert spent the evening here. 12 o'clock. 12/15 Quite a number of calls. Uncle Aaron was here to dinner. Abe Smith, Uncle Frank, Mr. Gulick called. 12/16 Annie went to singing school. Very busy getting ready for the party. 12/17 We had our sociable of the Annulet Social Club. There were about 100 people here. A very nice company & had a very nice time. Went home 5 o'clock. I danced nearly every set. 12/18 Gertie Gulick, Ritie Lott, Lizzie D.B.V. & Hester went home from here. Lib. & Annie Kolyer & myself went to A. Anna's & we staid all night. Mrs. Schoonmaker was there. 12/19 Rained all day. We walked home from A. Anna's in the morning. Lib. & I went to Jamaica for Sarah & Elouise. 12/20 Very pleasant. Ma & Grandma went to Brooklyn. Grandma staid to U. Jim Lott's. 12/21 We all went to Church. Ma staid at home. We all went to S.S. Sarah & Annie K. went to Church at night. Whit. Powell, George Way, Will. Mitchell, Theo. Chapman & George Morrell spent the evening here. 12 o'clock. 12/22 Nobie Lott & I went to New York. Took the 8 1/2 train. Got candies & oranges for S.S. Christmas Tree. I got 5 lbs. candies for New Year's. Met Tom Napier in N.Y. Had a fine time. Annie came for me in the afternoon & we went to Mrs. Napier's. Got our dresses fitted. Johnnie Powell & Erv. Case called here. 12/23 Ma, Annie & I went to Mrs. Napier's. She cut our polonaises. $3.00. Sarah staid all night at Lizzie D's. They went to Mrs. Fleury's in the evening. 12/24 We dressed the Christmas Tree. 12/25 Christmas Day. Annie & I each received a present of a collar & hdf. Sarah got a gold ring. Elouise a nice doll. Candies, nuts &c. Pa, Ma, Grandma spent the day at U. John D's. U. Ike called. 12/26 Mary was here. I wrote a letter to Aunt Sarah. 12/27 Quite a snow storm in the night. 12/28 Pa & Ma went to Church. We did not go to S.S., the snow being too deep. Whit. Powell called in the aft. In the evening Johnnie Eldert, Abe Wyckoff & Frank Lott were here. All came in sleighs. 1 o'clock. 12/29 36... Mr. Gulick was here. 12/30 A. Anna went to the donation and left the baby here. They staid all night. U. Ike called. 12/31 Very busy making cakes for New Years. Lib. Kolyer came here in the evening & staid over New Years. 1/1/1874 New Years Day. We received calls. Had a very nice time. Had 60 calls. 1 1/2 o'clock. 1/2 We all went to Husson's and spent the evening. 11 o'clock. 1/3 Pa & Ma went to Brooklyn. What we had for dinner while Ma & Annie were at Rochester. Friday Soup, Puff Pudding. Saturday Fried ham, boiled potatoes, sweet corn, beets, fried tomatoes. Sunday Muffins for breakfast. Dinner - Roast beef, potatoes, corn, lima beans, black berry pie. Monday Cold beef, corn, tomatoes, lima beans, beets, black berry pudding. Tuesday Bean soup, baked beans. Sunday Egg plant fried for breakfast. Dinner - Roast beef, potatoes, sweet corn, tomatoes, &c. On frontpiece: Miss Lizzie E. Bergen No. 2 Lazy Lane Jamaica Corner of Starvation Alley and Hungry Street County of Queen Elizabeth |