Surnames H: Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE

Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE


Index of People with Surnames Beginning with H

Haarfarer, Rognold (or Rogerwald) of
                                         I8173   774-47
Habsburg, Lanzelin von       (-981)      I7002   724-40, 726-39
Habsburg, Luitgard von                   I6996   75-38, 724-39, 726-39
Haburne, Anna                (1542-1622) I14579  1030-16
Haburne, Jane                (1602-1696) I14563  1018-14, 1029-13, 1030-14
Haburne, John                (1538-1597) I14578  1030-16
Haburne, John Or William     (1505-)     I14583  1030-17
Haburne, Ralph               (1569-1630) I14574  1018-14, 1030-15
Hainault, Alice de           (-1153)     I9828   21-37, 72-38, 99-37, 118-38, 
       241-36, 242-37, 350-37
Hainault, Arnulph de                     I9829   72-38, 118-37, 240-37, 304-35
Hainault, Ida de             (1085-1101) I8909   72-38, 118-38, 230-36, 241-37, 
Hainault, Richilde de                    I9824   72-37, 115-36, 244-36, 556-37, 
       827-36, 828-37
Hainaut, Rainer II Count of  (0892-0892) I10838  20-44
Haines, Margaret                         I627    176-17
Hales, Alice                 (-1326)     I3793   2-31, 262-31, 538-30, 824-29
Hales, Roger de                          I3792   538-30, 824-29
Halghton, John de                        I6011   957-31
Halghton, Robert de                      I6012   957-32
HALL, Katherine                          I7574   1004-21
HALL, William                            I7571   1004-21
Hallett, Andrew Sr.                      I1890   1026-16
Hallett, Bathsheba           (-1677)     I1341   1026-15
Hallett, William             (-1567)     I4320   1026-17
Ham,                                     I623    176-18
Ham, Benjamin                (1693-1781) I653    1028-18
Ham, Elizabeth                           I652    1028-18
Ham, Elizabeth               (-1678)     I1726   1040-20
Ham, John                    (1649-1727) I645    1028-18, 1062-17
Ham, John                    (-1754)     I647    1028-18
Ham, Joseph                  (1678-1723) I650    1028-18
Ham, Mary                    (1668-1740) I644    177-19, 1028-18
Ham, Mercy                               I648    1028-18
Ham, Samuel                              I651    1028-18
Ham, Sarah                               I373    176-17, 1028-17, 1062-17
Ham, Tryphena                            I649    1028-18
Ham, William                 (-1673)     I1727   1040-21
Hamalant, Geva of                        I9788   69-43, 70-42
Hamerton, _____                          I2837   64-26, 981-27
Hameslepe, Maud de           (1092-)     I9006   108-35, 895-36
Hameslepe, Michael de        (-1101)     I9009   895-37
Hankin, Ann                  (1566-)     I15254  1031-15
Hannum, Alice                (1542-1592) I2061   1011-24
Hanson, Tobias                           I1552   1062-19
Hanson, Wybra                            I1497   1022-20, 1052-19
Harcourt, Agnes                          I3435   2-23, 21-19, 76-26
Harcourt, Agnes de           (1049-1090) I8202   588-39
Harcourt, Alexander de                   I8149   360-29, 493-35
Harcourt, Alice                          I8192   121-25
Harcourt, Alice de           (-1212)     I8996   108-32, 222-39, 588-34, 934-35
Harcourt, Alice de           (1181-)     I8807   691-35, 934-35
Harcourt, Anchetil de        (991-1027)  I8246   315-40, 588-39, 691-38, 775-40
Harcourt, Anne                           I8193   121-25
Harcourt, Anne                           I8148   121-27, 167-30
Harcourt, Arabella de                    I8300   513-33
Harcourt, Arnoul de          (1041-1093) I8215   588-39
Harcourt, Aubreye de                     I8443   66-36
Harcourt, Beatrice de                    I8155   691-37
Harcourt, Beatrice de                    I8152   513-34, 691-33
Harcourt, Catherine                      I8130   121-27, 167-30
Harcourt, Christopher        (1445-1474) I9627   76-28, 121-24
Harcourt, Edward             (-1471)     I8143   121-25
Harcourt, Elizabeth                      I8127   121-27, 167-30
Harcourt, Elizabeth de       (1241-)     I8309   513-34, 691-33
Harcourt, Enguerrand (Errand) de
                             (1035-1085) I8243   588-39
Harcourt, Gervais de         (1043-)     I8212   588-39
Harcourt, Helen de           (1210-1266) I8325   691-34, 884-34
Harcourt, Henry de           (1206-1270) I8329   691-34, 884-34
Harcourt, Henry de                       I8136   360-30, 873-30
Harcourt, Henry de                       I8139   360-31, 513-33
Harcourt, Ivo de             (1130-1185) I9010   588-36, 934-35
Harcourt, Ivo de             (1125-)     I8159   691-36, 934-35
Harcourt, Jane                           I8189   121-25
Harcourt, Jane                           I8144   121-27, 167-30
Harcourt, Jean (John) de     (1039-)     I8197   588-39, 691-38
Harcourt, John               (-1565)     I3436   2-23, 21-20, 76-26
Harcourt, John               (1415-1496) I8191   121-25
Harcourt, John               (-1406)     I8135   121-27, 167-30
Harcourt, John                           I8125   121-26
Harcourt, John (Robert) de   (-1202)     I9000   222-39, 588-35, 934-35
Harcourt, John de            (1180-)     I8702   691-35, 934-35
Harcourt, John de            (1277-1330) I8280   121-28, 324-31, 360-29, 493-35, 
Harcourt, John de            (1319-)     I8119   360-29, 493-35
Harcourt, Lezieline (Alice) de
                             (-1037)     I8216   315-40, 775-40
Harcourt, Margaret de                    I8302   513-33
Harcourt, Nicholas de                    I8137   360-30, 873-30
Harcourt, Oliver de          (1177-)     I8701   691-35, 934-35
Harcourt, Peretta de                     I8153   691-37
Harcourt, Renaud (Renard) de (1047-)     I8210   588-39
Harcourt, Richard            (1416-1486) I7616   76-28, 121-25, 985-29
Harcourt, Richard            (-1450)     I8134   121-27, 167-30
Harcourt, Richard de         (1100-1165) I8163   691-37
Harcourt, Richard de         (1328-1347) I8272   121-28, 360-28
Harcourt, Richard de         (1205-1257) I8333   253-35, 316-34, 360-31, 513-34, 
       691-33, 884-34
Harcourt, Richard de         (1256-1292) I8296   360-30, 493-35, 513-33, 873-30
Harcourt, Robert                         I8190   121-25
Harcourt, Robert             (1410-1470) I8259   121-26
Harcourt, Robert "the Strong" de
                             (1037-1129) I9020   588-38
Harcourt, Robert de          (1152-1202) I2304   691-35, 884-34, 934-35
Harcourt, Robert de          (1179-)     I8706   691-35, 934-35
Harcourt, Rollo de           (1091-)     I7100   66-36
Harcourt, Sayer de           (1239-)     I8310   513-34, 691-33
Harcourt, Simon              (-1547)     I6302   21-20, 76-27, 121-24
Harcourt, Simon de                       I8156   691-37
Harcourt, Simon de                       I8138   360-31, 513-33
Harcourt, Thomas I           (1330-1417) I8270   121-27, 167-30, 360-28
Harcourt, Thomas II          (1377-1461) I8265   121-26, 167-30, 985-29
Harcourt, Turchetil de       (-1027)     I8242   38-40, 315-40, 588-39, 774-43, 
Harcourt, Vautier de                     I8171   315-40, 775-40
Harcourt, William            (-1532)     I8194   121-25
Harcourt, William            (-1482)     I8145   121-26
Harcourt, William            (-1532)     I8120   121-25, 985-29
Harcourt, William de         (1300-1349) I8274   121-28, 167-30, 360-28, 493-35
Harcourt, William de         (1175-1223) I4910   513-34, 691-34, 884-34, 934-35
Harcourt, William de         (1237-1278) I8313   360-31, 513-33, 691-33, 873-30
Harcourt, William de         (-1228)     I9002   588-35, 934-35
Harcourt, William de         (1100-1141) I9013   588-37
Harcourt, Yves (Ivo) de      (1045-)     I8211   588-39
Hardin, John                             I1142   990-13, 1034-14
Hardin, Margaret             (1647-1705) I948    990-13, 1034-14
Hare, Audrea or Audrey       (1541-)     I8698   874-17, 959-18
Hare, William                (1515-)     I8693   874-17, 959-18
Harevill, Felicia                        I8594   64-29, 648-26
Hariot, Rose                             I2039   1010-21
Harman, Olive                (1548-1603) I1607   971-22
Harnhull, (Miss)                         I6652   49-31
Harnhull, John                           I6671   49-31
Haro, Lope Diaz              (1191-1236) I9232   39-34, 41-34, 175-33, 903-35
Haro, Lope Ruiz de           (1210-)     I9228   41-33, 175-33, 909-32
Haro, Pedro Lopez de         (1231-1253) I9226   41-32, 909-32
Harrington, Alice                        I2868   974-19
Harrington, James                        I3844   47-23
Harrington, John                         I2869   974-19
Harris, Sarah                (-1694)     I1190   1005-15, 1017-14
Harris, Walter               (1605-1654) I1289   1005-16
Harsick, Roger               (1264-1275) I8352   874-28
Harsik, Alexander            (1238-)     I8347   874-29
Harsyck, John de             (1290-1308) I8381   874-27
Harsyck, John de             (1342-1389) I8412   874-25
Harsyke, John                (1368-1401) I8439   874-24
Harsyke, John                (1316-1339) I8398   874-26
Harsyke, Margaret (Arsick)   (1420-)     I8634   874-22, 930-22, 978-21
Harsyke, Roger               (1394-1453) I8604   874-23, 930-22
Hart, Joan                   (-1398)     I5892   162-27, 189-29
Hart, Robert                             I5896   162-27, 189-29
Hartford, Patience                       I1670   1028-18
Hartley, Adam de                         I6663   953-33
Hartley, Claricia de         (-1283)     I6662   953-32
Hartley, John                (1392-)     I14701  41-25, 977-24
Hartwell, Margaret                       I14656  997-24
Hasala, Princess of the Holstein Saxons
                                         I8184   315-44
Hastang, Atrop               (-1204)     I6005   923-33
Hastang, Atrop                           I6007   923-34
Hastang, Humphrey                        I6008   923-35
Hastang, Humphrey            (-1216)     I6003   923-32
Hastang, Joan                (-1298)     I5997   125-30, 923-30, 957-29
Hastang, Robert              (-1265)     I6000   125-30, 923-31
Hastang, Robert de           (-1273)     I6002   923-31
Hastings, Alice de                       I5389   25-36, 121-35, 210-35
Hastings, Allice de          (1340-)     I4950   933-31
Hastings, David                          I3233   521-35
Hastings, Eleanor (Hillaria) (1235-1295) I8298   337-34, 360-31, 513-33, 619-33, 
Hastings, Elizabeth de                   I4263   48-30, 84-26, 136-29, 535-31
Hastings, Henry de           (1194-1250) I4271   136-31, 143-33, 337-34, 360-32, 
       513-33, 619-33, 859-33
Hastings, Henry de           (1235-1268) I4266   136-31, 337-33, 360-32, 535-31
Hastings, Hugh               (1098-1152) I14370  859-35
Hastings, John de            (1262-1313) I4264   48-30, 108-29, 132-31, 136-30, 
       337-33, 535-31
Hastings, John de            (1315-)     I4973   933-31
Hastings, Richard                        I2458   66-30, 98-26
Hastings, Robert             (1037-1100) I14376  859-37
Hastings, Robert de                      I6257   121-35, 210-36
Hastings, Walter             (1068-1100) I14373  859-36
Hastings, William            (1130-1165) I14368  360-33, 859-34
Hastings, William de         (1163-1226) I4272   128-34, 337-34, 360-33, 859-33
Hatch, George                            I477    176-14
Haughton, Margaret           (-1357)     I4940   62-30, 125-29, 957-29
Haughton, Thomas             (-1313)     I5998   125-29, 957-30
Hauteville, Godfrey de       (-1057)     I10115  39-40
Hauteville, Robert "Guiscard"(1015-1085) I6463   3-39, 33-38, 39-40, 40-38, 
       41-38, 59-37, 736-38, 798-39
Hauteville, Sybille (Matilde)(-1090)     I9646   3-39, 304-37, 798-39
Hautville, Mathilda (Maud) D'Apulia &
                             (1055-1083) I10745  178-38, 749-39, 749-39
Hawkridge, Anthony           (1575-)     I3425   38-23, 999-22
Hawkridge, Sarah             (1601-1676) I1355   38-23, 999-22
Hawkwood, Antiocha           (1351-)     I8440   930-24, 931-23
Hawkwood, Gilbert            (1295-1340) I8399   930-24
Hawkwood, John               (1325-1394) I8418   930-24
Hawley, Agnes                (1432-1462) I3461   41-25, 977-24
Hay, Agnes                               I1782   1013-20
Hay, Cecilia de la                       I7293   906-36
Hay, Julia (Lucy) de la                  I6059   421-33, 852-34
Hay, Richard de la           (-1185)     I6073   852-35
Hay, Robert de la                        I9066   852-35
Hay, Robert de la                        I7291   906-37
Haydock, Maud                            I2663   727-34
Haydock, Thomas                          I2664   727-34
Haye, Aubreye de             (-1045)     I9402   222-42, 316-39
Haye, Geoffrey de la                     I5946   190-35, 945-34
Haye, Margaret de la                     I3780   190-35, 945-34
Haye, Ralph de la                        I13966  906-38
Hayes,                                   I674    446-16
Hayes, Abner Bailey          (1874-1881) I24     1-7, 56-11
Hayes, Abner Bailey          (1834-1910) I49     1-8, 41-13
Hayes, Alice                 (1874-)     I25     1-7, 56-11
Hayes, Charles Wesley        (1840-1880) I51     41-13
Hayes, Dora Lizzie           (1886-1977) I8      1-5, 7-11, 176-11, 1018-6
Hayes, Eddie                             I26     1-7, 56-11
Hayes, Frederic              (1865-)     I21     1-7, 56-11
Hayes, George Edwin          (1862-1934) I16     1-6, 7-11, 56-11, 1018-6
Hayes, George Nathaniel      (1836-1913) I18     1-7, 41-13, 56-11, 1018-6
Hayes, Gideon Fredrick       (1843-1922) I53     41-13
Hayes, Grace B.              (1872-1918) I23     1-7, 56-11
Hayes, Henry Harrison        (1841-1899) I52     41-13
Hayes, John                              I27     1-7, 56-11
Hayes, John                  (1686-1759) I1701   41-17, 177-17, 447-17, 1027-16, 
Hayes, John                  (-1708)     I1704   41-17, 177-18
Hayes, John Albia            (1863-1934) I20     1-7, 56-11
Hayes, John Ayre             (1829-1850) I46     1-8, 41-13
Hayes, May (Molly,Polly,Mary) L.
                             (1868-)     I22     1-7, 56-11
Hayes, Nathaniel             (1770-1833) I465    1-8, 41-14, 177-15, 986-15
Hayes, Paul                  (1800-1872) I44     1-8, 41-13, 56-11, 177-15
Hayes, Paul                  (1713-1776) I1700   41-16, 177-17, 447-17, 986-15, 
Hayes, Paul Jr.              (1744-1821) I1681   41-15, 177-15, 447-17, 986-15
Hayes, Samuel                (1729-1776) I1692   41-17, 41-14, 177-16, 1039-16
Hayes, Sarah                 (1770-1833) I466    1-8, 41-14, 177-15, 1039-16
Hayes, Sarah Ann             (1832-1922) I48     1-8, 41-13
Hayes, Thomas Otis           (1830-1914) I47     1-8, 41-13
Heard, Abigail               (1651-)     I1591   1028-19
Heard, Benjamin              (1643-)     I1589   1028-19
Heard, Dorcas                            I1598   1028-19
Heard, Elizabeth             (1653-)     I1592   1028-19
Heard, Hannah                (1655-)     I1593   1028-19
Heard, John                  (-1688)     I1587   1027-20, 1028-19
Heard, John                  (1658-)     I1594   1028-19
Heard, Joseph                (1660-)     I1595   1028-19
Heard, Katherine             (1647-)     I1590   1028-19
Heard, Kezia                             I619    176-18
Heard, Mary                  (1649-1706) I646    1028-18, 1062-17
Heard, Nathaniel             (1668-)     I1597   1028-19
Heard, Samuel                (1663-)     I1596   1028-19
Heard, Tristram              (1666-)     I620    1028-19
Hearle, Sarah                (-1714)     I1723   1039-18, 1040-19
Hearle, William              (1614-1691) I1724   1039-18, 1040-19
Hebden, Elizabeth de         (1380-1453) I8581   64-28, 196-27
Hebden, Richard              (1315-)     I8591   64-28, 196-27
Hederset, John de            (1245-)     I14937  888-30
Hedersett, Katherine de      (1282-1340) I13824  888-30
Hedwige), Hawise (                       I14411  770-36
Helme, William                           I614    41-21, 862-24
Hemmingway, Ellen E.         (-1913)     I153    7-12, 1067-13
Henchman, Edmund                         I4488   1061-24
Henchman, Elizabeth                      I4487   1061-23
Hengrave, Beatrix de         (-1336)     I5906   189-31
Hengrave, Edmund de                      I5910   189-31
Herbert, Joan                (1342-)     I14727  937-28
Herbert, Vincent             (1309-1327) I14737  937-28
Hersey, Deborah              (1665-1706) I830    874-13, 1005-12, 1008-13, 1033-14
Hersey, Deborah              (-1723)     I1003   874-12
Hersey, Elizabeth                        I1048   1033-15
Hersey, Elizabeth                        I1032   874-14, 1033-14
Hersey, Frances                          I1047   1033-15
Hersey, Hannah                           I1031   874-14, 1033-14
Hersey, James                            I1029   874-14, 1033-14
Hersey, James                            I1051   1033-15
Hersey, John                             I1050   1033-15
Hersey, John                             I1028   874-14, 1033-14
Hersey, Joshua                           I1035   874-14, 1033-14
Hersey, Judith                           I1036   874-14, 1033-14
Hersey, Judith                           I1049   1033-15
Hersey, Mary                             I1034   874-14, 1033-14
Hersey, Nathaniel            (-1629)     I8809   874-14, 1033-15
Hersey, Rebecca                          I1030   874-14, 1033-14
Hersey, Ruth                             I1033   874-14, 1033-14
Hersey, William              (1596-1657) I1045   874-14, 1033-15
Hersey, William                          I1027   874-14, 1033-14
Hersey, William              (1632-1691) I1025   874-14, 1008-13, 1033-14
Hesdin, Arnulf de            (1038-)     I4696   898-37, 915-35
Hesdin, Sibyl (Matilda) de   (1057-)     I8927   898-37, 915-35, 916-34
Heslerton, Agnes                         I6131   415-28
Heslerton, John                          I6135   415-28
Heytesbury, John de                      I7499   958-32
Heytesbury, Maud de                      I7497   958-32
Hicks, Baptist               (1524-1565) I9545   1006-27
Hicks, James                 (1550-)     I9551   1006-26
Hicks, John                  (1455-1492) I9528   1006-28
Hicks, Lydia                 (1612-)     I9556   1006-25
Hicks, Phebe                 (1614-1663) I1680   1006-24, 1007-23
Hicks, Robert                (1578-1647) I1899   1006-25
Hicks, Thomas                (1487-1525) I9534   1006-28
Hilditonn, Harald                        I8181   315-46
Hill, Elizabeth              (1560-)     I2263   1042-21
Hill, Henry                  (1530-)     I2266   1042-21
Hill, James of Lyme          (1545-1621) I9474   1005-18
Hill, Sarah                  (1572-)     I9491   1005-17
Hill, William                (1519-)     I9472   1005-18
Hillary, Maude de            (1132-1195) I7598   4-39, 49-38, 132-33, 160-32, 
       168-33, 393-35, 396-33, 420-34, 647-33
Hilliard, Esther             (1642-1709) I226    990-14, 1034-13
Hilliard, William                        I1111   990-14
Hillum, _____                            I2949   950-32
Hinckley, Samuel             (1595-1662) I1397   980-20
Hinckley, Sarah                          I1388   980-20
Hitchings, Sarah             (1804-)     I14429  1019-9
Hobart, Alice                (1606-1674) I1038   874-15, 1033-14
Hobart, Edmund               (1573-1645) I1317   874-16, 959-17
Hobart, Edmund               (1604-)     I1319   874-16
Hobart, Henry                (1563-1625) I8705   874-17, 959-17
Hobart, James                (1436-1517) I8688   959-20
Hobart, Jeffrey or Godfrew   (1324-1409) I8436   959-25
Hobart, John                 (1300-)     I8407   959-26
Hobart, John                 (1349-)     I8461   959-24
Hobart, Joshua               (1614-)     I1323   874-16
Hobart, Miles                (1479-)     I8695   959-19
Hobart, Nazareth             (1600-1658) I1179   874-16
Hobart, Peter                (1604-)     I1320   874-16
Hobart, Rebecca              (1611-1651) I1321   874-16
Hobart, Sarah                            I1322   874-16
Hobart, Thomas               (1409-1494) I8677   959-21
Hobart, Thomas               (1537-1600) I8699   874-17, 959-18
Hobart, Thomas               (1370-1458) I8628   959-23
Hobart, William              (1388-1479) I8664   959-22
Hobbs, Benjamin              (-1736)     I1742   891-15
Hobrugg, Joan de             (-1297)     I3783   190-33, 865-34
Hobrugg, William de                      I3785   865-34
Hodgdon, Esther                          I656    446-18
Hodgdon, Jonathan                        I668    446-18
Hodgdon, Mary                            I685    176-15
Hodges, Mary                 (1616-1661) I1144   1059-13
Hodsdon, Ann                             I1824   986-17, 1057-18
Hodsdon, Israel              (1646-1675) I1831   1057-18
Hodsdon, Nicholas            (-1679)     I1832   1057-18
Hohenwart, (Miss) von                    I6186   830-38
Holand, Constance de         (1387-1437) I3753   2-27, 3-26, 31-23, 48-27
Holand, Edmund de            (1382-1408) I13926  21-24
Holand, John de              (1350-1399) I4255   2-28, 3-26, 48-27, 214-30
Holand, Mathew de                        I11106  214-35
Holand, Maud de              (1310-1361) I3472   62-30, 125-28, 148-27, 214-31
Holand, Robert de            (1253-1304) I4937   62-31, 214-32
Holand, Robert de            (1197-)     I11102  214-34
Holand, Thomas de            (-1397)     I10659  2-29, 44-29, 61-31, 214-30
Holand, Thomas de            (1314-1360) I11750  2-29, 3-26, 62-31, 214-30
Holand, Thurstan de          (1220-1275) I11098  214-33
Holbeach, Joan               (1327-1392) I8458   932-24
Holbeach, Richard            (1301-)     I8433   932-24
Holbrook, Adam de                        I8852   933-36
Holbrook, John               (-1306)     I8864   933-34
Holbrook, Richard            (-1290)     I8855   933-35
Holbrook, William            (-1250)     I8853   933-36
Holbrooke, Ann               (1305-)     I4970   933-32, 954-32
Holbrooke, Thomas            (1275-1360) I4972   933-33, 954-32
Holdich, Margaret            (1381-1404) I8611   932-23
Holdich, Richard             (1355-)     I8457   932-23
Holland, Dietrich I of       (-0929)     I4154   69-43, 70-42
Holland, Dietrich II of      (-0988)     I7575   15-44, 69-43, 70-42
Holland, Eleanor             (-1405)     I7122   1-25, 16-31
Holland, Hildegarde of                   I7611   69-42, 70-42, 249-41
Holland, John                (1550-)     I2267   1044-23
Holland, Lydia               (1574-)     I1622   1044-22
Holland, Margaret            (-1439)     I3827   2-29, 3-27, 214-30
Holland, Reginald de Sadington
                                         I640    177-22
Holland, Robert              (1283-1328) I11092  2-29, 62-31, 125-28, 214-31
Holmes, Francis              (1744-1812) I495    971-16, 997-16
Hommet, Agnes du             (1160-1224) I6050   421-33, 852-33
Hommet, William du                       I6058   421-33, 852-34
Honor, Ambrose                           I2330   994-16
Honour, Alice                (-1668)     I1286   994-16
Hoo, Thomas                  (-1420)     I15120  61-29
Hooton, Isabel                           I604    861-31
Hooton, Robert                           I606    861-31
Hopkins, Damaris             (1627-1669) I1531   1023-19, 1038-20
Hopkins, Damaris             (1618-1627) I1530   1038-21
Hopkins, Stephen             (1580-1644) I1527   1038-21
Hopkins, Stephen                         I1674   1038-22
Horbery, Isabella                        I6968   861-32
Horbery, Ralph                           I6967   861-32
Horne, Abigail                           I334    446-16
Horne, Abigail               (1725-)     I660    446-18
Horne, Alanson                           I298    176-15
Horne, Alecie                (1505-)     I370    177-22
Horne, Andrew                (1789-)     I303    176-16, 446-14
Horne, Andrew                (-1766)     I316    176-16, 446-15
Horne, Andrew                            I290    176-15
Horne, Andrew Jr.            (1755-1821) I299    176-16, 446-14
Horne, Anna                              I360    177-21
Horne, Benjamin              (1758-)     I319    446-15
Horne, Drusilla              (1727-)     I661    446-18
Horne, Ebenezer                          I326    446-16
Horne, Edwin                 (-1876)     I295    176-15
Horne, Eleanor               (1726-)     I1947   446-17
Horne, Elizabeth             (1794-1867) I305    176-16, 446-14
Horne, Elizabeth             (1661-1672) I347    177-19
Horne, Elizabeth                         I663    446-18
Horne, Elizabeth                         I9417   177-19
Horne, Ephraim               (1762-)     I321    446-15
Horne, Esther                (1729-)     I662    446-18
Horne, Franciscus                        I363    177-21
Horne, George                (1712-)     I342    446-18, 1053-18
Horne, Gershom                           I323    446-15
Horne, Hannah                (1753-)     I318    446-15
Horne, Hanricus                          I361    177-21
Horne, Harriet S.            (1850-1909) I69     176-14
Horne, Herbert Melvin        (1852-1926) I70     176-14
Horne, Ichabod               (1710-)     I341    446-18, 1053-18
Horne, Jacob                 (-1808)     I320    446-15
Horne, James                             I294    176-15
Horne, James                 (-1777)     I1948   446-17
Horne, Joan                              I2169   935-23
Horne, Johannes                          I354    177-20
Horne, Johannes, John        (1480-)     I366    177-22
Horne, John                  (1663-1696) I348    177-19, 1028-18
Horne, John II               (1608-)     I356    177-20
Horne, Joseph                (1666-1717) I349    177-19
Horne, Judith                (1720-)     I657    446-18
Horne, Lydia                             I332    446-16
Horne, Margaret              (1679-1697) I352    177-19
Horne, Margaret              (1501-)     I368    177-22
Horne, Margaret              (1722-)     I658    446-18
Horne, Margaret              (1786-1880) I302    176-16, 446-14
Horne, Martha                            I335    446-16
Horne, Mary                              I331    446-16
Horne, Mary                  (1792-1873) I304    176-16, 446-14
Horne, Mary                  (1670-)     I350    41-17, 177-18
Horne, Mary                              I291    176-15
Horne, Melissa Cora          (1858-1875) I71     176-14
Horne, Mercy                             I333    446-16
Horne, Mercy                 (1681-)     I353    41-16, 177-19, 447-18
Horne, Moses                 (-1800)     I329    446-16
Horne, Nathan                            I664    446-18
Horne, Patience              (1782-1859) I301    176-16, 446-14
Horne, Paul                              I665    446-18
Horne, Peter                 (-1800)     I328    446-16
Horne, Reginald                          I2394   177-23
Horne, Reginald de Stoke, Coventry
                             (1515-)     I358    177-21
Horne, Reginaldus                        I362    177-21
Horne, Richard               (1764-)     I322    446-15
Horne, Ruth                              I289    176-15
Horne, Ruth Emma             (1848-1932) I68     176-14
Horne, Samuel                (1724-)     I659    446-18
Horne, Sarah                             I330    446-16
Horne, Sarah                 (1699-)     I338    446-18, 1053-18
Horne, Sarah Frances         (1846-1919) I65     176-13, 1068-12
Horne, Seth                              I296    176-15
Horne, Sylvina               (1839-)     I297    176-15
Horne, Thayas                            I293    176-15
Horne, Thomas                (1503-)     I369    177-22
Horne, Thomas                (1676-1753) I336    177-19, 446-18, 1053-18
Horne, Thomas II             (1705-)     I340    446-18, 1053-18
Horne, Thomas Ricker         (1824-1868) I66     176-14
Horne, Veranus                           I292    176-15
Horne, Wentworth             (1787-)     I287    176-15, 446-14
Horne, William                           I364    177-21
Horne, William               (-1783)     I324    446-16
Horne, William               (1702-1747) I339    446-17, 1053-18
Horne, William               (1674-1697) I351    177-19
Horne, William               (1609-1689) I345    177-19, 446-18, 447-18, 1053-18
Horne, William                           I9768   935-23
Horne, William                           I327    446-16
Hornes, Irmengard von        (-1078)     I6182   832-37, 833-36
Hornsby, John                            I14567  1029-15
Hornsey, Jennett             (-1612)     I14565  1029-15
Horrocks, Elizabeth          (1585-1631) I4948   38-23
Horton, Mabel                (1243-)     I5801   760-32
Horton, William              (1217-)     I5805   760-32
Hotham, John                             I6136   157-31, 415-30, 421-30, 867-31
Hotham, John                 (-1370)     I2523   56-28, 415-25
Hotham, John                 (-1229)     I6138   415-30, 421-31, 867-31
Hotham, John                 (-1296)     I6130   415-28
Hotham, Maud                 (1365-1433) I2525   22-28, 56-28, 415-24
Hotham, Peter                (-1283)     I6133   415-29, 421-30
Hotham, Robert               (-1333)     I6122   415-26
Hotham, Thomas               (-1318)     I6127   415-27
Howard, Edmund               (-1513)     I3058   83-26
Howard, Elizabeth            (-1538)     I10628  83-26
Howard, John                 (-1485)     I3441   4-27, 9-25, 83-26, 142-26
Howard, John                 (1276-1331) I14920  962-30
Howard, John                 (1365-1438) I3900   4-28, 31-27, 142-26, 166-26, 
Howard, John                 (1310-1388) I14916  31-28, 962-29
Howard, Katherine            (-1535)     I3440   2-24, 4-26, 9-25
Howard, Katherine                        I7247   4-28, 47-26, 142-26, 187-26
Howard, Margaret             (-1433)     I3894   31-26, 166-26, 190-27
Howard, Robert               (1336-1388) I14912  31-28, 962-28
Howard, Robert               (1383-1437) I3807   4-28, 31-27, 142-26
Howard, Thomas                           I3383   83-26
Howard, Thomas               (1443-1524) I5658   4-27, 83-26
Howard, William              (1242-1309) I14924  962-31
Howe, Deborah                (1688-1718) I1063   1045-13, 1051-13
Howe, Mary                   (-1879)     I814    1-6, 1018-7
Howland, Desire              (1623-1683) I1312   998-15
Howland, Henry               (1538-)     I4799   998-15
Howland, Henry               (1565-1634) I1906   998-15
Howland, Hope                (1629-1683) I1309   998-14, 1026-13
Howland, John                (1593-1672) I1310   998-15
Hoyt, Alonzo                             I691    176-13
Hoyvill, Joan de                         I8506   823-32
Hoz, Antozina de             (1228-)     I9312   979-32
Hrolleger, half brother of Rollo
                                         I8174   774-46
Hubba, John                  (1274-)     I8391   959-27
Hubbard, Anna                            I1287   994-16
Hubbard, Elinor                          I4771   1047-25
Hubert, Count of Senlis                  I8188   315-43
Hugleville, Ada                          I9197   32-39
Hugleville, Ada de                       I4869   14-38, 32-38
Hull, Benjamin               (1639-)     I10192  1027-20
Hull, Dodavah                            I10171  1027-20
Hull, Elizabeth              (1628-1706) I1588   1027-20, 1028-19
Hull, Griselda               (1630-)     I10211  1027-20
Hull, Hopewell                           I10200  1027-20
Hull, Joanna                 (1620-)     I10460  1027-20
Hull, Joseph                 (1622-)     I10459  1027-20
Hull, Joseph                 (1596-1665) I1599   1027-20, 1028-19
Hull, Naomi                  (1639-)     I10191  1027-20
Hull, Phineas                (1647-)     I10157  1027-20
Hull, Richard                (1515-1588) I14693  1027-21
Hull, Ruth                   (1641-)     I10173  1027-20
Hull, Samuel                             I10158  1027-20
Hull, Sarah                  (1636-1647) I10130  1027-20
Hull, Temperance             (1626-1696) I8632   1027-19, 1055-18
Hull, Thomas                 (1552-1636) I1602   1027-21
Hull, Tristram               (1624-)     I10451  1027-20
Humes, Lucia de                          I5888   56-33, 231-31, 945-35, 946-34, 
Humet, Richard de            (-1181)     I6071   852-34
Hummet, William du           (-1180)     I5595   149-35
Hungerford, Edmund           (1409-1484) I5612   134-28, 141-27
Hungerford, Elizabeth        (-1476)     I5611   134-28, 141-27
Hungerford, Everard de                   I7515   958-34
Hungerford, Katherine        (1442-1493) I5072   38-27, 134-27, 933-26
Hungerford, Robert           (1409-1459) I5075   38-28, 134-27, 141-27
Hungerford, Thomas           (1330-1397) I7474   134-29, 141-27, 958-29
Hungerford, Thomas                       I12106  1-22, 324-26
Hungerford, Walter                       I7498   958-33
Hungerford, Walter           (1378-1449) I5609   38-28, 134-28, 141-27, 958-29
Hungerford, Walter de        (-1308)     I7494   958-31
Hungerford, Walter de        (1286-1355) I7472   134-29, 958-30
Hungerford, Walter de                    I7496   958-32
Hunstanton, Maud de                      I9466   786-36
Hunt, Isabella                           I2338   994-21
Hunt, Mary                   (1690-1733) I14470  1031-12, 1049-12
Hunt, Robert                 (1565-)     I14557  1049-16
Hunt, Samuel                 (1635-)     I14550  1049-14
Hunt, William                (1663-1747) I14544  1031-12, 1049-13
Hunt, William                (1604-1667) I14555  1049-15
Huntingdon, David de         (1144-1219) I3139   78-35, 143-33, 320-36, 337-35, 
       360-32, 398-32, 603-35
Huntingdon, Henry de         (1117-1152) I3078   34-36, 63-36, 98-37, 108-37, 
       143-33, 318-37, 320-36, 337-36, 603-35, 604-35, 618-35
Huntingdon, Margaret de      (-1228)     I3347   78-35, 143-32, 252-34, 337-35, 
Huntingdon, Margaret de      (1144-1201) I3146   34-36, 35-31, 63-36, 151-35, 
       180-33, 320-36, 337-36, 604-35, 618-35
Huntingfield, Joan de                    I3764   190-31, 810-32
Huntingfield, Roger de                   I3790   865-35
Huntingfield, Roger de       (-1257)     I3782   190-33, 865-34
Huntingfield, Roger de       (-1302)     I3766   190-32, 810-32, 865-33
Huntingfield, William de     (1237-1290) I3784   190-33, 810-32, 865-33
Huntingfield, William de     (1165-1220) I3787   865-35
Hurepel, Philip                          I3718   90-35
Hurlbert, Mary               (1560-)     I4944   38-24
Hurst, James                 (-1657)     I1386   980-20
Hurst, Joan                  (1567-1620) I1314   998-16
Hurst, Patience              (-1648)     I1378   980-20
Hurst, William               (1530-1571) I1895   998-16
Huse, Godfrie                (-1217)     I7506   134-35
Huse, Henry                              I7505   134-34
Huse, Hubert                 (-1066)     I7509   134-38
Huse, Ralph                  (-1283)     I7504   134-33
Huse, Reginald               (-1337)     I7487   134-31
Huse, William                            I7508   134-37
Huse, William                (-1313)     I7503   134-32
Huse, William                            I7507   134-36
Hussey,                                  I673    446-16
Hussey, Christopher          (1595-1686) I1945   1015-20
Hussey, Edmund                           I5613   134-30, 958-29
Hussey, Joan                 (-1411)     I5615   134-29, 141-27, 958-29
Hussey, Mary                 (1638-1733) I1944   995-19, 1000-19
Hussey, Mary                             I2027   1009-18
Hussey, Maud                             I5616   134-30
Hutchinson, Elen                         I2042   986-20
Hydon, Margaret              (-1357)     I9210   14-35, 202-34
Hydon, Richard de                        I9212   14-35
