Giovanni II Guaimar III (-1031) Sikelgaita of Salerno Waimar IV (1010-1052) [previous] Pandulf III the Old Gaitelgrima of Benevento (-1027)
Alfano Laidolfo Porpora of Amalfi Porpora of Tabellaria (-1036) [previous] Truppualdo Aldara of San Massimo
Sancho I Garces of Navarre Garcia III Sanchez of Navarre *Toda Aznarez [more] Sancho II Abarca of Navarre Garcia_IV Sanchez of Navarre (964-999) Urraca Fernandez Sancho Garcie_III "the Great" of Navarre (990-1035) Fernando Vermudez Ximena of_Asturias (-1032) Elvira Diaz de Saldana Fernando_I the_Great (1016-1065) [previous] Garcia Fernandez Sancho Garcia (965-1017) Aba of Ribagorza Nuna (Munia Mayor) of Castile (-1066) Pedro Fernandez Urraca Perez (-1025)
Ordono III of Leon (926-955) Vermudo II "el Gotoso" of Leon (953-999) Aragonta Pelaez Alfonso_V of Leon (994-1028) *Garcia Fernandez [more] Elvira Garcia (970-1017) *Aba of Ribagorza [more] Sancha of_Leon (1013-1067) [previous] Gonzalo Menendez Melendo Goncales (-1028) Ilduara Pelaez Elvira Melendez of Gallicia (996-1022) Nuno Gutierrez de Celanova Tutadonna Nunez de Celanova (-1025) Velasquita
*Robert_II the_Pious (970-1031) [more] Robert I "the Old" of Burgundy (1011-1076) [previous] *Constance of_Provence (-1032) [more]