[Ancestry Unknown] b. ABT 1024, of Basing d. 1096 (A MONK) m. Orenge b. ABT 1028 ch: *Henry de [Next Generation]
b. ABT 1079, of Basing, Southamptonshire, Eng. m. Hawise b. ABT 1089 ch: *John de [Next Generation]
b. ABT 1117, of Basing, Southamptonshire, Eng. d. 1168 m. Maud [906-34] b. ABT 1127 ch: *Adam de [Next Generation]
b. 1151, of Basing, Southamptonshire, Eng. d. ABT 1213 m. Mabel de ORVAL [906-34] b. ABT 1153 daughter of Richard ap William ORVAL [906-35] and Muriel ST.JOHN [906-35] ch: *William ST.JOHN [See 906-33 above], Joan de m. John MARSHALL