[Ancestry Unknown] m. Ecgfrida of Chester ch: *Aldred [Next Generation]
Also Earl of Bernicia. Slew Thurbrand and was then murdered by Thurbrand's son Karl. b. of Northumbria beyond Tyne, Scotland. d. 1038 ch: *Aldgyth [Next Generation]
m. Lulelph son of Kilvert [son of Ligulph] ch: *Osbert de LUMLEY [Next Generation], *Adam [See 818-37 below], William de LUMLEY (1175-)
ch: *Ormunda de [Next Generation]
m. Robert de PESHALL [125-36, 785-37] b. ABT 1160 son of Robert FitzGilbert de CORBEIL [68-42, 125-37, 785-37] and Isabel de AVRANCHES [68-42, 125-37, 224-41, 785-37] ch: *John de Lumley de [See 125-35 above]