[Ancestry Unknown] m. Adelaide ch: *Giselbert (Gilbert) [Next Generation]
m. Agnes von Mels ch: *Gilbert [Next Generation]
d. BEF 1071 m. Nobilia de Lodeve [368-36] ABT 1020 d. AFT 1098 daughter of Odo Vicomte de Lodeve [son of Hildin Vicomte de Lodeve and Archimbert] and Chimberge ch: *Adela of Carlat [Next Generation]
d. ABT 1071 m. Berenger II de Milhaud Vicomte de Gievaudun, Milhaud [298-38, 368-36] BEF 1050 b. BEF 1052 d. AFT 12 Apr 1080 son of Richard II de Milhaud Vicomte de Milhaud, Gievaudun [368-37] and Rixinde of Narbonne [368-37, 729-38] ch: *Gilbert di Gievaudun [See 368-35 above], Richard (-1135)