[son of Roger_I de CONCHES [109-40, 157-36, 344-39] and Adelaide of_Barcelona [109-40, 157-36, 344-39]] Europaische Stammtafeln, chart 705, Vol. 3, eliminates his father's generation. d. 1088 (A MONK), Evesham Abbey, Eng. m. Avice de CLARE [35-37, 36-38, 157-36, 164-37, 344-39] daughter of Richard FitzGilbert de CLARE Lord of Clare & Tonbridge [35-37, 36-38, 156-36, 157-36, 158-36, 159-36, 164-37, 165-37, 336-36] and Rohese GIFFARD [35-37, 36-38, 155-38, 156-36, 157-36, 158-36, 159-36, 164-37, 165-37, 336-36] ch: *Nicholas de [See 157-35 above]