[daughter of Fulk I the Red Count of Anjou [308-41, 309-44] and Roscille de Lochar [308-41, 309-44]] REF AR7. Possibly daughter of Fulk I, Count of Anjou. b. ABT 923, of Anjou, France m. Walter I Count of the Vexin Count of Amiens, Valois, Vexin [308-41, 309-44, 363-44] b. ABT 925 d. 992-8 son of Raoul de GOUY Count of Valois [308-42, 363-44] and Eldegarde of Amiens [308-42, 363-44] ch: *Walter II (Gauthier) "the White" [See 308-40 above], Robert the White of Amiens (944-1027)