[son of Eberhard_IV Count of Alsatian Nordgau [249-43] and Luitgard of_Tier [249-43]] Count in Lower Alsace Count in the Nordgau. b. ABT 928, of Egisheim, Haut-Rhin, France ev. Living 951 d. BEF 986 d. BEF 986 m. Berlinda of Ortenburg [75-41, 92-41, 249-43] ABT 949 ch: *Gisela of Lower Lorraine [Next Generation], *Hugh_VI (960-1049) m. Heilwig of Dagsburg (970-1046) [See 665-41 below], Eberhard V
m. Gerhard III Count of Alsace [19-40, 92-41, 92-38, 284-40, 285-40] d. 1045 son of Adalbert II Count of Metz, Saargau, Duke of Lower Lorraine [92-42] and Jutta of Luxembourg? Countess Oeningen [92-42] ch: *Adalbert III de Longwy [See 92-40 above], *Gerhard IV [See 284-40 above], *Beatrice of Upper Lorraine [See 285-40 above]