[Ancestry Unknown] ch: *Aimery I de [Next Generation]
m. Aremburge ch: *Aimery II de [Next Generation]
d. ABT 956 m. Alienor or Hardouine ch: *Herbert I de [Next Generation]
d. ABT 987 m. Alearde d'Aunay ch: *Savary III de [Next Generation], *Raoul I de (-1014) m. Aremburge (Asceline) [See 410-41 below]
ch: *Geoffroy II de [Next Generation]
d. ABT 1055, St. Michael in Lherm, France m. Aenor d. AFT 1060 ch: *Aimery IV de [Next Generation]
REF AR7. A companion of William the Conqueror at the battle of Hastings, 1066 Companion of William the Conqueror, fought at Hastings on 14 Oct 1066. b. ABT 1024 d. 1093/4 d. 1093 m. Arengarde de Mauleon ch: *Geoffroy III de [Next Generation], *Eleanor de (1050-1093) m. Boso II (1036-1092) [See 411-38 below], *Ildegarde de (-1099) m. Hugh VI "le Diable" de LUSIGNAN (-1102) [See 412-38 below]
b. 1040 d. AFT 1123 d. BEF 1123 m. Ameline ch: *Aimery VI de [Next Generation]
d. 1127 m. Matilda (Agnes) de Poitou BEF 11 Apr 1106 daughter of Guillaume IX of Aquitaine Duc d'Aquitaine and Mauberon or Dangerose ch: *Geoffroy V de [Next Generation]
REF AR7. William de Thouars and Aenor de Leusigne. ev. living 1173 m. Aime de LUSIGNAN [34-35] daughter of Hugh VII de LUSIGNAN and Sarrasine ch: *Guy de [Next Generation]
Count of Brittany d. 13 Apr 1213, Chateau de Chemille, France d. 1218 m(1) Constance (Clementia) of Brittany Countess of Brittany [34-35, 84-34, 135-35] 1199 b. ABT 1162 d. 31 Aug 1201, Nantes, Brittany, France daughter of Conan_IV Duke of Brittany [34-36, 122-34] and Margaret de HUNTINGDON Princess of Scotland [34-36, 35-31, 63-36] ch(1) *Alix de [Next Generation], Catherine de Bretagne (1201-1237) m. Andre III de VITRE m(2) Eustachie d'Argenton de Chemille ABT 1203
b. 1201 d. 21 Oct 1221 d. 1221 m(1) Pierre I de Bretagne Duc de Bretagne [34-35, 72-34] 1212 b. ABT 1191 d. May 1250 son of Robert II de Dreux et de Braine Count of Dreux and Braine [72-34] and Yolande de COUCY [72-34, 129-34] ch(1) Jean I de Bretagne (1217-1286) m. Blanche of Navarre (-1283), *Yolande de DREUX [Next Generation]
b. 1218 d. 10-16 Oct 1272 m. Hugh XI de LUSIGNAN Comte de la Marche et de Angouleme [131-31] b. 1221, Lusignan, Vienne, France d. 1250, Egypt son of Hugh X "le Brun" de LUSIGNAN Lord Lusignan [132-31] and Isabella of Angouleme TAILLEFER [44-32, 132-31] ch: *Hugh XII de [Next Generation], Alice de m. Gilbert "the Red" de CLARE (1243-1295)
d. 1270 m. Jeanne de FOUGERES [131-31, 149-33] 29 Jan 1253-4 daughter of Raoul de FOUGERES Seigneur of Fourgeres in Brittany [131-32, 149-33] and Isabel de CRAON [131-32, 149-33] ch: *Jeanne de [See 131-30 above]