No SurnamesM: Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE

Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE


Index of People with Names Beginning with M (No Surnames)

Mabel                        (-1203)     I14404  770-34
Mabel                        (-1162)     I5641   238-38, 413-35, 503-37
Mabel of_Chester             (1172-)     I8625   49-37, 84-32, 143-34, 192-36, 
       193-36, 194-36, 396-33, 642-35
Mabil                        (1150-)     I6990   861-37
Mabilla                      (1340-)     I8431   978-24
MacBrice                                 I4111   779-38
Madach                       (-1152)     I3243   520-37, 521-38
Madog ap Maredudd            (1091-1160) I7678   207-38, 208-36, 209-38, 472-37, 
Maelcorcre of Leinster                   I7701   472-39, 780-39
Maelgwn Fychan               (-1257)     I2599   34-34, 207-36
Maelmynan                                I8948   710-52
Magaret                      (-1703)     I983    992-14, 994-15
Magnus II of Norway Haraldsson
                             (1049-)     I8007   5-41
Magnus of Saxony             (1045-1106) I5460   5-38, 15-39, 261-37, 687-40
Magnus of Saxony             (1045-1106) I13543  261-37
Mahaud de Louvain            (-1112)     I6501   769-37
Mainier                                  I4450   20-48, 718-47
Malahule                     (-912)      I2913   3-45, 4-45, 29-44
Malcolm                      (-1198)     I3237   520-37, 521-37
Malcolm                      (-1094)     I9444   257-39
Malcolm                                  I7583   108-37, 337-37
Malcolm III Canmore          (1031-1093) I9319   2-38, 79-39, 108-37, 238-38, 
       251-38, 257-39, 337-37, 522-38, 523-38
Malcolm_I                                I3212   709-44
Malcolm_II                   (-1034)     I11582  256-41, 709-42
Malcolm_IV the_Maiden        (1141-1165) I3144   320-36, 337-36
Maldred                                  I11571  78-40, 256-40
Maldred                                  I11556  78-40, 256-40, 709-41
Malfreda of Bohemia                      I7663   720-41
Maloucha                                 I5239   58-42
Malusha                                  I7665   720-42
Manasses                     (-1039)     I7849   851-38
Manasses                     (-1037)     I9601   31-40, 129-39, 136-39, 301-40, 
Manasses I de Vergy                      I14137  96-41, 294-42
Manasses_III                 (-1056)     I4525   96-40, 293-40, 806-38
Mandana                                  I4126   711-50
Manfred I                    (-1000)     I6933   259-40, 448-40, 526-41
Manfred of Hohenstaufen      (1232-1266) I8205   71-34
Manfrede                                 I10483  789-39, 790-43
Manfredo                                 I14146  526-42
Manfredo I                               I14026  896-35, 914-35
Manfredo II                  (-1215)     I8315   896-35, 914-35
Manfredo III                 (-1244)     I8196   71-34, 896-33, 914-34
Mangold I                    (-0991)     I7011   724-41
Maolda                                   I3872   1-53
Marared of Powys             (1134-)     I7674   34-34, 207-37, 208-36, 472-37
Maredudd ap Bleddyn          (-1132)     I7709   207-39, 472-37, 836-39
Maredudd ap Owain ap Hywel Dda
                                         I3543   62-41, 650-41
Margaret                     (-1259)     I8225   320-35
Margaret                                 I5592   131-32, 149-34
Margaret                                 I8866   933-33, 954-32
Margaret                                 I3635   51-31
Margaret                     (-1349)     I10651  174-31
Margaret                                 I4933   226-37, 324-31, 493-36, 494-36, 
       495-36, 515-33
Margaret                     (1275-1318) I3292   174-32, 262-31
Margaret                     (1346-1361) I3317   1-27, 3-28
Margaret                     (-1777)     I1946   446-17
Margaret                     (-1777)     I325    446-16
Margaret                     (1240-1275) I3330   44-32, 262-32
Margaret                                 I2625   844-34
Margaret                     (1606-1686) I13715  1064-18
Margaret                                 I6992   891-30
Margaret                     (-1472)     I2385   987-26
Margaret                                 I4852   891-33
Margaret                                 I3236   521-36
Margaret                     (-1514)     I4743   1001-22
Margaret                     (-1223)     I5922   921-32, 948-33
Margaret                     (-1665)     I1900   1006-25
Margaret                     (1567-1629) I1907   998-15
Margaret                     (-1556)     I1917   998-19
Margaret                     (-1147)     I7536   887-37
Margaret                     (-1653)     I2081   1032-13
Margaret                                 I2004   1000-23
Margaret                                 I8512   37-34, 170-36, 344-35
Margaret                                 I1609   971-23
Margaret                     (-1538)     I8878   935-26
Margaret de_Champagne        (-1145)     I4000   4-38, 87-36
Margaret fil Brockwell                   I7707   816-40
Margaret fitz William                    I8220   320-35
Margaret of Buchan                       I15084  78-33, 520-36, 671-35
Margaret of Chester          (1054-)     I4062   68-42, 125-38, 143-37, 226-41, 
       358-37, 392-36
Margaret of Flanders         (1202-1280) I13337  291-34, 317-34
Margaret of Flanders         (-1285)     I9655   2-33, 72-31
Margaret of Gloucester       (1122-1187) I8975   14-37, 63-37, 222-39, 604-35, 
Margaret of Lorraine         (1140-1195) I13434  27-35, 72-36, 90-35, 93-37, 
       124-34, 137-33, 245-35, 292-36
Margaret of Wales            (1230-1268) I7627   34-33, 148-32, 152-32, 207-36, 
Margaret of_Naples                       I3591   1-29, 3-31, 10-30, 25-31, 
Margaret of_Provence         (1221-1295) I3396   2-32, 3-32, 10-31, 90-33, 
Margaret von_Limbourg        (1139-1171) I5036   2-35, 25-36
Margareta of Flanders        (1202-1280) I4671   25-33, 115-33
Margareta of Hungary         (-1223)     I3606   1-34, 9-33, 23-33, 33-34, 
Margery                                  I1555   1062-20
Margery                                  I6265   351-32
Margery                                  I14668  997-26
Margery                      (-1590)     I2322   967-17
Margery                      (-1531)     I2013   995-23
Margery (Eleanor)                        I5558   98-30, 174-30
Margery of_Mar                           I2827   132-29, 521-32
Marguerite de_France         (1279-1317) I3338   2-31, 3-31, 262-31, 538-30
Marguerite of France         (1158-1197) I3377   1-34, 84-34, 135-35, 199-36
Marguerite of Savoy          (-1254)     I8204   71-35, 275-34
Marguerite of Turenne        (1120-1201) I8252   262-34, 498-35, 661-35
Maria                                    I5447   773-39
Maria Alvarez de Castro                  I13983  903-37
Maria de Padilla             (1334-1361) I7716   3-27
Maria Dominico               (1185-)     I9305   908-34
Maria Haraldsdottir                      I10198  5-41, 8-39
Maria of Poitou              (1145-1182) I6453   33-35
Maria of Torres                          I8201   71-34, 914-35
Maria Ordonez                            I14218  178-36, 227-38
Maria Pelayez de Cisneros Cifontes
                                         I14250  795-41
Maria Theodora Monomacha     (1032-1067) I2960   1-37, 8-40, 58-39
Marie                        (1198-1223) I3701   25-35, 90-35
Marie d'Avesnes              (-1241)     I6970   5-32
Marie de Bretagne            (1268-1339) I10951  5-32
Marie de Champagne           (1174-1204) I13398  18-36, 93-37, 135-34, 245-35
Marie de Montpellier         (1182-1218) I4315   3-35, 10-32, 43-34, 288-34
Marie Laskarina                          I3598   1-32
Marie of_France              (1138-1198) I9476   18-36, 68-37, 135-34, 199-36
Marie of_Hungary             (-1323)     I3593   1-30, 10-30, 278-32
Marie of_Ponthieu            (-1250)     I5113   136-35, 174-33, 199-34, 264-35, 
       274-34, 386-34
Marie of_Swabia              (-1240)     I5052   2-34, 5-33, 26-33, 72-31, 
       269-31, 773-34
Marjorie                                 I8492   743-40
Marjory                      (-1244)     I8226   320-35
Maroth von Bihar                         I7289   261-42
Marrio                                   I6259   62-38, 210-37
Martha                       (-1587)     I2005   995-20
Martin Gomez de Sylva                    I14230  39-34
Mary                                     I4528   22-31, 91-31, 112-30, 922-29
Mary                                     I1102   1051-15
Mary                                     I14934  888-31
Mary                         (1344-1361) I3316   1-27, 3-28
Mary                                     I5862   162-31
Mary                         (1685-)     I14539  1031-11
Mary                         (-1313)     I8586   64-32
Mary                         (1606-)     I1580   1024-20, 1060-13
Mary                         (1278-1332) I3294   174-32, 262-31
Mary                                     I5759   7-21
Mary of England                          I14161  16-38
Mary of_Blois                (1136-1182) I2910   2-36, 25-35, 27-34, 86-37
Mary of_Brabant              (-1321)     I3345   2-32, 3-31, 72-31, 262-31
Mary of_Lancaster            (1320-1362) I3692   44-30, 71-29, 108-28, 184-29, 
       343-27, 408-27
Mary of_Scotland             (-1116)     I3048   2-38, 79-38, 86-37, 257-39
Matfred de Narbonne          (933-)      I4876   729-40, 736-43, 742-42
Matfried                                 I6081   92-44
Mathilda                     (-1152)     I8098   320-36, 337-36
Mathilda                     (-1033)     I10050  858-40
Mathilda de la Roche                     I4675   23-35, 115-35, 279-38, 802-35
Mathilda de Turenne                      I5678   274-38, 288-37, 743-36
Mathilda of Bar                          I5185   82-38, 290-38
Mathilda of Dugha Egisheim               I14062  286-37
Mathilda of Normandy         (-1017)     I9379   3-41, 18-40
Mathilda verch John BRAMPTON             I14209  64-35
Mathilde                     (-1178)     I6670   23-34, 801-37, 802-36
Mathilde                     (-1039)     I3535   21-41, 97-40
Mathilde de Bourgogne        (1130-1172) I7290   288-36, 743-36
Mathilde de_Perche           (1105-1143) I4659   498-36, 568-36, 661-35
Mathilde of Ganelon                      I9185   589-38
Mathilde of Limburg          (1095-)     I4677   23-36, 91-39, 115-35, 279-38
Mathilde of_Swabia           (-1043)     I5205   75-39, 82-40, 311-41, 772-40
Mathilde von Luxembourg                  I14077  833-39
Matilda                                  I5118   274-35
Matilda                                  I2426   843-35
Matilda                                  I5039   25-36
Matilda                      (-1173)     I7236   31-35, 31-34
Matilda                                  I10040  136-34, 387-33, 649-35
Matilda                      (-1112)     I2593   144-38, 238-39
Matilda                      (0820-)     I10930  248-45, 766-46
Matilda                                  I5943   48-38, 189-37, 600-35
Matilda                                  I2568   869-37
Matilda                      (-1487)     I2386   987-26
Matilda                                  I10218  24-36, 105-35
Matilda (Agnes) de Poitou                I13481  151-37, 632-35, 792-37
Matilda (Edith) of_Scotland  (1079-1118) I3046   79-39, 84-35, 238-38, 257-39, 
       502-37, 522-38
Matilda (Maud)               (1102-1167) I9465   27-36, 84-35, 135-35, 238-38, 
       259-38, 443-35, 502-37, 522-38, 530-38
Matilda (Maud)               (1156-1189) I3362   84-34, 135-35
Matilda Billung of Saxony    (915-1008)  I7440   2-42, 15-43, 71-42, 146-41, 
       258-41, 525-42, 674-41, 687-43, 706-42
Matilda de Aquitaine         (1101-1157) I11487  3-36, 135-37, 223-39, 302-36, 
Matilda de Bethune                       I13366  247-34, 751-35
Matilda de Bourgogne         (1065-1103) I7320   92-39, 178-38, 274-38, 288-38, 
       453-37, 553-37
Matilda of Brabant           (1224-1288) I3688   2-34, 5-32, 18-33, 26-33, 
       44-31, 90-34, 269-31
Matilda of Burgundy          (-980)      I6870   18-42, 82-42, 262-41, 730-40
Matilda of Burgundy          (-1005)     I6712   96-41, 131-40, 178-40, 297-40, 
       450-39, 563-40, 579-40
Matilda of Carinthia         (-1160)     I6348   18-37, 89-36, 90-36, 135-34, 
       199-36, 291-36, 781-37, 782-38
Matilda of Chalons           (-1016)     I10012  796-41
Matilda of England           (-1144)     I9448   79-40, 366-36
Matilda of England           (-1189)     I13394  576-40
Matilda of France            (-981)      I10059  2-43, 18-42, 31-40, 81-43, 
       82-42, 248-44, 262-41, 311-41, 583-41
Matilda of Northumbria       (1072-1131) I7099   4-40, 22-38, 36-37, 79-39, 
       108-37, 253-37, 257-39, 320-36, 336-37, 337-37, 436-34
Matilda of_Anjou             (1107-1154) I7763   27-36, 84-36, 238-38, 522-38
Matilda of_Boulogne          (1105-1152) I2909   2-37, 18-38, 27-34, 79-38, 
       86-37, 319-35
Matilda of_Clermont, Ponthieu & Dammartin
                             (1138-1200) I5677   24-34, 136-35, 199-34, 264-35, 
       385-34, 386-34, 387-34, 545-34, 570-35
Matilda of_Flanders          (1032-1083) I2585   18-38, 62-38, 72-40, 96-34, 
       134-39, 144-38, 238-39, 378-38, 401-37, 496-41, 522-38
Matilda of_Germany           (-1044)     I3728   129-38
Matilda of_Oldenburg         (878-968)   I10853  2-43, 16-44, 20-43, 81-42, 
       97-42, 248-45, 505-44, 506-44, 766-45
Matilda of_Savoy             (1125-1157) I4558   39-36, 42-35, 289-37, 496-39
Matilda of_Saxony            (-1024)     I5482   81-40
Matilda van Dendermonde      (-1225)     I13400  751-36
Matilda von Achalm                       I13659  781-40
Matthew of Downham           (-1161)     I8025   919-38, 920-37
Matthew of Flanders                      I14160  16-38
Matthias I                               I3868   89-35, 783-34
Matthias of Lorraine         (-1173)     I13375  2-36, 25-35, 27-34, 93-38
Matuedo_I de Poher                       I6278   546-43
Mauberon or Dangerose                    I13547  151-37, 792-38
Maud                                     I1616   1020-23
Maud                                     I5590   131-32, 149-34
Maud                                     I3224   521-33, 918-34
Maud                                     I5912   189-33
Maud                                     I8075   148-31
Maud                         (-1217)     I8056   929-33
Maud                         (-1168)     I8641   143-34, 413-37, 642-36
Maud                         (1127-)     I7521   906-34, 926-35
Maud                         (-1219)     I8039   927-34, 928-33
Maud (Matilda) of Brittany               I7922   34-38, 69-37, 150-37
Maud (Philippe) of Toulouse  (1073-1117) I5108   33-35, 135-37, 223-40, 302-36, 
       382-36, 411-36, 660-41, 747-39
Maud de Bourgogne            (1062-1103) I9615   92-39, 178-38, 274-38, 291-38, 
       375-35, 456-37, 552-37
Maud de Valoignes                        I14022  900-33, 901-34
Maud FitzJohn                (1244-1301) I11724  22-30, 98-32, 108-30, 112-30, 
       160-30, 328-31, 340-29, 915-29
Maud FitzThomas                          I5401   262-31, 467-34, 478-32, 539-30, 
Maud FitzWalter                          I14034  84-34, 170-37, 200-37, 344-36
Maud FitzWalter              (1161-1196) I5405   36-36, 166-35
Maud of England                          I3386   34-37, 122-35, 238-38, 501-37
Maud of Germany              (-1060)     I6768   16-41, 75-37, 296-38, 506-39
Maud of Gloucester           (1120-1189) I8638   143-35, 499-36, 642-35, 692-36
Maud of_Chester              (1171-1233) I3350   78-35, 143-33, 320-36, 337-35, 
       360-32, 398-32, 642-35
Maud of_Flanders             (-1211)     I5050   2-35, 5-33, 25-35, 27-34
Maud of_Lancaster            (1335-1362) I3666   78-30, 108-27, 157-28, 168-28
Maud of_Lancaster                        I3500   1-26, 24-29, 44-30, 108-28, 
       182-29, 341-27
Maudlin                      (1533-)     I2191   1023-24
Mauger of Normandy                       I9382   3-41
Mauger the Younger                       I9730   33-40, 147-40
Maurice FitzGerald           (1100-1177) I5162   62-38, 210-38, 211-37, 473-37
Maurice FitzMaurice FitzGerald
                             (1238-1286) I3962   62-34, 211-34, 212-33, 439-30, 
Maurice II de Craon          (-1196)     I10261  131-33, 590-35
Megingoz                     (-939)      I6922   263-42
Meginhard_I                  (-843)      I5372   249-47
Meiler FitzHenry                         I5153   62-37
Meingaud                                 I5490   719-47
Meirchion Gul ap Gwrst                   I5227   472-56
Melen Perez                              I13974  908-38
Melendo Goncales             (-1028)     I10165  787-43
Melisende de_Rethel          (-1161)     I9510   27-36, 293-38
Melisende of Chateaudun                  I13940  568-41
Melisinde of Rotrou                      I10079  568-40
Melmare                                  I3070   257-40, 521-39
Mercy                                    I504    971-18
Mereddon Verch Cadwr         (887-)      I10901  472-43, 651-42
Merfyn Ap Rhodri             (859-)      I8973   472-45, 713-45
Merfyn the Freckled                      I3547   472-46, 710-46, 713-45
Meuric ap Dyfnwal                        I8970   472-45, 713-46
Meurig                                   I3557   472-42
Meurig Ap Idwal              (917-)      I6789   472-43
Michael of Hungary           (-978)      I7305   261-40
Michael_III or Basil_I                   I4477   748-45
Mieceslas_I of_Obotrites                 I4119   711-47
Mieceslas_II of_Obotrites                I4116   711-44
Mieceslas_III                            I4113   8-41, 711-42
Mieczislaw (Burislaf) I of Poland
                                         I7578   6-41
Mieszko II of Poland         (-1034)     I13667  81-39, 261-38
Miles FitzWalter             (1097-1143) I8307   14-37, 63-38, 64-36, 88-35, 
       148-35, 215-38, 216-37, 803-37
Millicent                    (-1361)     I8602   648-28
Millicent                                I5707   83-37, 265-36
Millicent                                I5745   155-35, 417-33, 848-32
Milo de Chatillon-sur-Marne  (-1044)     I13611  769-39
Milo I                                   I14338  789-47
Milo II                      (-880)      I10480  789-46
Milo III                     (-987)      I10206  789-44, 790-44, 791-43
Milo IV                      (950-998)   I10029  789-41, 797-41
Milon                        (-1126)     I10274  789-39, 790-42
Milon III de Bar-sur-Seine   (-1047)     I10031  789-40, 790-42, 797-41
Miron II de Besalu           (-927)      I761    732-45, 735-43, 737-44
Mistui_I of_Obotrites                    I4117   711-45
Mistui_II                                I4115   711-43
Morcar                                   I14238  79-41
Morfydd                      (1048-)     I7692   209-39, 472-38, 651-38
Morgen Gwernwy                           I7719   836-41
Morough O'Brien                          I14215  779-37
Morphia of Melitene          (-1161)     I6460   27-36, 33-36, 293-38
Mtsislav                                 I7753   720-41
Munderic of Vitry-en-Perthois(500-)      I4894   97-56
Murcertac O'Moore                        I14213  779-36
Murchad                                  I4112   779-42, 780-41
Murchad                      (-1070)     I3577   779-38
Muriel (Amy)                 (-1275)     I5391   121-34, 351-33, 822-33
Muriella of Normandy         (-1020)     I9927   3-41, 39-40
